Rigid Body Equilibrium

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Theme 2° Rigid Body Equilibrinm Tomes: Concureent forces > forces that intersect > Newton's jaw! Tneme 2: non-(oncurvent forces > rotational ctfects (moment) 21 moment ot a force § 7 The moment M vf force ¥F: 4 magnitude: - Fa ul tine ot ALtION Of TA : @ diverion: f (moment axis) @ rotational yonse: method: 4 / que be any point on xne fine of action t / - Place the tail’ of PR ond F together vA + WSU right-hond rule’ (uri all your Fingers trom FR towards F through the smallest S Gngle (o). The thumb les on ¢. \7 ‘ Te Curl of dhe fingers indicate the i rotational yonse ‘ CNS! Ja (LPa A ‘ (Lt rotational {Unie (0-planay moment! - the moment atis () is perpendicular +0 the plane > A liu on fhe moment axis (Ct 2 forces , fe and 5° S< ) a A By te force on the yam plane yidla gre game yotarional Hel (Uometric CrOssS-prodncd \AXBI= (ANY) vin we perpendicular to plane uf fi and B Lo A {AiB, Axe} formy a right-handed-vystem 2 WOYs 16 interpret @ vight-handed yyston: Noe: grder 0 tH veluvs ore NB Propertial of (yosy - product @ fre --ByA 3 is @ a (axe) (ah) xB = Ax (0B) @ Ax (Btl)+ Axes Are @ MB-0 if ANB since yineco, 186) -0 Special (yoss- products: (axb) AgClraic iV o)J-producce: Axe- | 1) Rye Rey )1 (Ax Bem Pex) jt (de By ty Bo) k f Ay Ae br Ry Re (YOSI-ProdMcds weet Moments: DAWWDYLIpr YYW J—&—- to qopict Moments: MT XE — (Cross-praduce] fi | J | "1 T DK: (yee- be fy )T -C te fe - re fa) ta ty Fal + ety - Wy F2)¥ fal Cay te Principle of maments - Vorignon's dheorem: TNE MOMeNt OF @ Force about Q pot is the yum of the Moments oF the Components Ot Awe force dlout the vame point 22 The Moment oF 4 FOYLE ghour an axis / line Juppose F has a moment m dhewt poine spaponed (Mn) m= fn t Mo Cale yating MH ahour © vik OC 1k the (ale > Mu (M-a)T > where fH. = (WsT + Wy) + Ue) © STN OMe A. Mm ana A lie on the Moment axis Which if perpendicular {he plane containiny A and F M about & is the projection « in Ve) an boy fe faltylite d he oe = SL / i Mx - PAXF, 4 Poy Fz fi Cs 23 The moment oF 2 a Couple paralel forces a Jame magnitudes co direction if ferent limes of actiong ha Only feet on A (Couple acting on a tO yotdle xno ody. The detine point resultant Q Mex where F iy any vector with Ane tail OF action -} ond fhe tip on that Types ok Vecord : © palition vectors fixed vectors) @® force vectors (sliding vectors) ace m rigid bodies (ouptes EE F J ropation. hody tends moment ot the force! that Couple, if independent oF the dhout Which 4no moment! ace ave th he line oF @ Comple moment yoctovs Croc veciors) act oy yigid §—podies in gquililarinm RAL CUCL Magnitude gt the Moment «* a comple sf MFL=1-F1 +d: perpendicmar dutance between ¢he line! of actien Mata perween F ana =F svonse: vight- hand rule +M OCs perpendicular fo plane Of onal oe Equivalent Coupled ® nie im vame plane mut have Awe vame moment pavanel planer Kovultant (oMple moments comple Moment) are tree pectors and thus (an pe Moved ¢0 fhe yume point yo be COMcurvent => find posultant sing yoctor addition >F and -F form ag Couple > AX of rorarion if halfway between fr and B Pox © perpendicular eo plane of F and -F > Wing right-nanded rule, find yense of 7 AY Equivalemt forcer and COMPID JYJtDM| > NON-CONCWREM 4OrLE_yystOrae: Nd (OMEN point oF invertedion =a all forces Ve poyulant cany pe (Alculated Haw 40 change fo Wneurrend ¢ Equivalent yyiremd 2 JysUms ave qquivalene it Abney (Uuye fro game gxrornal gtfactl roruyonal gvanjlatinal (hanging 4helin@ pp action: E Gwe Wom 4o Yoplae F a A wHh FM 6 @ adding ¥ and -F a 6 yield 2 cquivalent Systems e G G aa " define q (omple with “Fr 6) Ad moment m-Bave ies ‘8 lk ‘a GM y 1 40 plane f7and-F} and — ling 4 Halfway peween A and 6 = Hein equilibrium, Comple can be placed anywhere 25 Equilibrium in 20 >inly extermale-forcey and couples moments ceep a rigid ody in equiliorium, internal forces cancel owt (wewton ar ) > NOn-concurrert —syHoms must pe replaced with ConCurvent — advivalent force Jydeny Couples With moments must be added (M+ Mg ---) Moments can just be moved (mi¢me .. ) = The equivalent force vytem will have 2 resultant fore = -FRo=feaky... > fosultant Couple moment Mae (Mn+ Me) + (Wiam => fore system will be in dquilibrimm Mi fa: 2F:t MasPm=o Note: Qvery forced . Moved must be 2417 + fyJ Compensated bY Calculating its e ment a Now Couple Mamen > Zty =o Calculating 4he moment: (ai+k))y (4yT+4y7) = (afy-btx)K but zm-o => =eMs=0 Equilibrium equations: ZieC) | tyro | smo) Alternative equiliprimm — quations: AAA AAA AAA, only it ( Zfxe0 any if [ef =0 inty tae, c ( 2Ma-e Re notte } sma-o We not L }2Ma=0 do net leon ay ZMe=0 Y-aail 3 Mp-0 to y-axil )2meg <0 sIAigh4 fine emcees ‘Types of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns o W, aw One unknown. The reaction is a tension force which acts Ye Ss eS eee a ® bw ‘\ A PR Ao atenteeret ares Facer ee Naa Aare : a _ 7 / eucrepernerepros , Seo nee Das AS roller r One unknovn, The reaction isa force which acts perpendicular tothe slot. (One unknown. The reaction isa force which acts perpendicular tothe surface at the point of contact. ‘One unknown, The reaction isa force which acts perpendicular tothe surface a the point of contac. (One unknown. The reaction is force which acts perpendicular tothe ri ‘Types of Connection Reaction ‘Number of Unknowns 6 , F i ‘Two unknowns. The reactions are two components of 4 of force, oF the magnitude and direction «of the resultant f force. Note that and are not necessarily equal [usually 5 ‘not, unless the rod shown isa link as in (2)). smooth in or hinge o ‘Two unknowns. The reactions are the couple moment a andthe fore which ats perpendicular othe rod. ¥ Peer eeeee rscalaron soscm ed ow 5 a e {, Three mkoowns. Te reactions are the comple moment = ¢ ee (? and the two force components, or the couple moment and as a the magitode and direction 4 othe resltant force. xed suppor momend in Clockwise direction => wall will react im dnti-Clocewie nv direction weight 2b TWo- and fwree-force memmert a pavt or a kody on Which two -force member Ynree- faerie member the forces ace at 2/3 disterent pointy = only | 7. —. _— i Qquilibrinm: Ra+Re+d and {em Therefore, oa it 2Ma=5 <> fGXRe-o <> Peli fe i = a : {he line of altion of Re gnd the a =~ line through 7G are fhe yame Ra+Re =O <5 fa--Re {vine oe nitude peeee eae ae cai 2Me =o Opposite vense . Equilibrium conditions for 4hree- force membourt Not concurrent Concurrent [ete-t Rake rBe =o What if hve forces gre parallel: Not concurrent Cquilibrivm: Ree + Re +d 2M =o => momen equations are yedundant ony Rates <6 [Ra+Be ke =O if applicable No comple moments act on two-force and dthvee-force member! Properties of two- force mempert : LOD OOmrOwOC«*-. s members dé pot have to be divaight * Member May be gO, but fore yystem will bee 20) + Okactly 2 pointe where forces can act with more than ome fore acting por point sresuitant will add wp te 2 forces , equal in mag. Opposite im divectioMs same ine gt action Properties gt thvee-force members *momberr May be 30, force yystem will be z0 +s axattly 3 poner, with more han one force acting ong point + fuultant will add up +o ¢ forces thar are gither — parallel, hal zero resultant and moment about any point it dual to 6 —> woplanay , ConCwrvent force syytem With z2e0 youn 27 Equilibrium in 3D _TABLES-2 suppons for Rigid Soules Subjected to Thee Dimensional Force Systems ‘Types of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns ‘One unknown. The reaction is a force which acts away from the member in the known direction of the cable. One unknown, The reaction is a force which acts perpendicular to the surface at the point of contact. sooth surface support 8) One unknown. The reaction is a force which acts perpendicular tothe surface atthe point of contact. te roller a ‘ @ “fe / Three unknowns. The reactions are three rectangular c force components ‘FY mn tall and socket 6 - round 2 2s wn Four unknowns. The reactions are couple-moment components which the shaft. Note: The couple moments are generally not applied if the body is supported elsewhere. See the examples, Sn jp eros bai counter p ‘continued ‘Types of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns % Eve unknowns The rexcons ato fan tre couple-moment components. Nove The couple moments 5 nt in pon couple © : are generally not applied it the body is supported clsewhere.See the examples. (i. fr) ct iv") Journal bearing: CAN move in y single journal bea ‘aie aS . can'4 dur =>-there—i}0-_ronm ert o . S i} as Ste Five unknowns The reactions sf ihree foreeand two couple-moment components. Note: The couple moments eZ are generally not applied it the body is supported aquieeee elsewhere. See the examples. “(riction) round => con _sorate around _y abrast bearing Can't move in y = ne og Five unknowns. The reactions are three force and two ae : tae couple-moment components. Note: The couple moments ne moment are generally not applied if the body is supported oes elsewhere. See the examples. single smooth pin O} = RE Five unknowns. The reactions are three force and two "a couple-moment components, Note: The couple moments are generally not applied if the body is supported * elsewhere. See the examples. Single hinge (10) Six unknowns The reactions are three force and three couple-moment components. fixed support It should be noted that the single bearing supports in items (5) and (7), the single pin (8), and the single hinge (9) are shown to resist both force and couple-moment components. If, however, these supports are used in conjunction with other bearings, pins, or hinges to hold a rigid body in equilibrium and the supports are properly aligned when connected to the body, then the force reactions at these supports alone are adequate for supporting the body. In other words, the couple moments become redundant and are not shown on the free-body diagram. — Sa Consider the two rods and plate, along with their associated free-body diagrams, shown in Fig. 5-23. The x, y, z axes are established on the diagram and the unknown reaction components are indicated in the : | positive sense.'The weight is neglected. - | 4sN:m 4sNim SOLUTION aN z os 4 % ARS aes SOON ihe 500N aco Ti fore vewtlas cbpod by beanngsat A,B,C.) the bearings are sufficient for ‘equilibrium since they prevent the Shift from rotating abont each ofthe moments (an [be I0tt —— Scordinate ses No couple moments tuk pinee atl bearing at each bearing ee developed Will prohibit any rotation cable goeyn't counter - AL pin enough to Z campieiely prehibit 2008 -m foratiow => include mome P ma 3 (able can stil Pinata andcable BC. - Jurpres Moment components are developed by the pin on the rod to prevent rotation about the wand xe, 400 a ca “IS a . A 2 G ak ~~ ¥ y 2 Only force reactions are developed by = the bearing and binge onthe pate to Propty ignedjouralbeing > preven rin aout ach cornea ttAandhingeot@-Rotlerat —) —_Nomomentave developed atthe hing, la > no moments ce ae S22 anly free} hs needed If the sense of an unknown reaction is not known, any direction may be chosen. It is common practise to dipict such a sense as positive. "Properly aligned" must be given in th question to be able to omit moments. R rigid ody Wo in equilibrium aout a point A ite a Zfn-6 2f-0 2 fy <0 2 f2:0 {em ZM=6 2 My <0 zMe-0 constraints gn a vigid pody: WDD DDDIOmomnOMOlE'NLYYI for yigid bodies in equilibrivm, one ot the folowing vituations hold © Foe-manygupperes than nocevary to reer the body in Pe vilibrine d —> sratically indtterm inate —> more imo is peoded © Too tow-vuppores to carry a goneval loading — ungeable system — Jyviem improperly constrained @ Adeqnare-uwppore te Koop pody jn Cquillbrium — siatically deteyminate

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