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Language Learning Materials Development

Activity # 2
Needs analysis in materials development is not just about understanding what
our learners need. It's about translating those needs into effective learning

Objective: "Understanding and Applying Needs Analysis in

Materials Development"

In Sibuyan Island, Romblon, a local school has just received
a grant to develop new educational materials for their English
language program. The school wants to create materials that are
culturally relevant and engaging for their students. The school's
English teachers have been tasked with the project, but they are
unsure where to start. They decide to conduct a needs analysis to
determine what types of materials would be most beneficial for
their students. They survey the students about their interests and
learning preferences, and they also consult with the local
community to incorporate elements of the local culture and
environment into the materials.

1. What is the purpose of the needs analysis conducted by the
English teachers in the scenario?
2. How are the local community and students involved in the
material development process in the scenario?

Instructions: Please write your answers on a sheet of yellow

pad paper. Complete your assignment and submit it by
Wednesday, January 24, 2024. Thank you.

Understanding of Needs Analysis (30 points):

● Excellent (25-30 points): The student demonstrates a thorough
understanding of needs analysis.
● Needs Improvement (0-24 points): The student's needs analysis
understanding is incomplete or unclear.
Application to Scenario (30 points):
● Excellent (25-30 points): The student effectively applies the concept of a
needs analysis to the given scenario.
● Needs Improvement (0-24 points): The student's application of needs
analysis to the scenario needs to be completed or clarified.
Writing Quality (20 points):
● Excellent (15-20 points): The student's responses are clear and free of
grammar and spelling errors.
● Needs Improvement (0-14 points): The student's responses could be
clearer or contain grammar or spelling errors.
Completion and Timeliness (20 points):
● Excellent (15-20 points): The student completes and submits the
assignment on time.
● Needs Improvement (0-14 points): The assignment needs to be completed
or submitted late.
Total: 100 points

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