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UNDP and Pegasus Capital Partner to Unleash Public and Private Finances for Sustainable


The association intends to open in excess of USD $1 billion in joined grants and hypotheses by
2025 for climate, energy, and nature-positive groundwork across emerging economies, Least
Made Countries, and Little Island Making States.

New York - UNDP and Pegasus Capital Experts (PCA) denoted an Update of Getting a handle
on (MoU) today, for a remarkable association dedicated to planning basic theory for climate,
energy, and nature-positive groundwork across emerging economies, Least Made Countries,
and Little Island Making States.

UNDP, at this point supporting 140 countries with USD $5 billion in grants from the Overall
Environment Office (GEF), Green Climate Resource (GCF) as well as various accessories
(Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and various others), will join with PCA to catalyze extended
public and secret interests in fundamental areas like food structures, water, clean energy,
plastics, and waste.

"Our association with Pegasus Capital Experts features the meaning of joining public and
private powers to increment viable improvement that will in general provoke hardships as well
as lays out the basis for a solid and fair overall scene. Together, we try to open innovative plans,
catalyze adventures, and create a custom of useful improvement that transcends lines and
benefits ages to come," communicated Marcos Neto, Teammate Secretary-General and
Supervisor of UNDP's Branch of Methodology and Program Sponsorship.

UNDP will utilize its on-the-ground presence to begin projects, provide de-betting with
procedure guidance, offer specific assistance, and sponsorship project execution, checking, and
impact affirmation. PCA's capital endeavors will enhance UNDP's undertakings. The affiliation
intends to open in excess of USD $1 billion in joined grants and adventures by 2025.

"Public-private associations with different social events will be basic to meeting the scale and
speed of our overall climate crisis, especially as we intend to zero in on acceptable
improvement in emerging economies," said Craig Cogut, trailblazer, leader, and Boss at
Pegasus Capital Aides. "By synchronizing our undertakings, UNDP and Pegasus Capital
Specialists can catalyze positive change, understanding our normal dedication to building a
flexible and prudent future. Together we can accelerate, scale, and copy required improvement

Under the course of action, the two affiliations will utilize their different sponsoring portfolios and
association of progress accessories to layer and gathering different sources and sorts of
supporting, including guarantees, credits, and concessional finance from Worldwide, Common,
and Public Headway Financial Foundations, as well as other public and private region
The affiliation will underline interest in plans that build up human and money related new
development, manufacture people's adaptability to natural change, and address the basic
drivers of ozone exhausting substance surges and biodiversity mishap. UNDP and Pegasus will
operationalize their association across various areas and countries.

For additional information:

UNDP: Sangita Khadka, Particular Well-informed authority, UNDP Organization for Methodology
and Program Support, New York, email:

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