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Culdcept FAQ by ExMortis

with support from The Culdscience Institute
version 1.5

~ Chapter 0.0: Intro ~
The goal of this FAQ isn't to provide basic information on the gameplay and
rules, rather, a more detailed analysis of certain aspects of the game. For
information on how the game plays, consult your (poorly worded) game manual,
(also poorly worded) in-game manual, or Gene's excellent Culdcept Second
(Dreamcast) FAQ on

~ 0.1: Changelog ~
1.0 - FAQ first appears on GameFaqs.
1.3 - implementation of changelog. Changes this version...
- Actually really done with Mystic Egg transforms, realized Necro Scarab was
listed twice, and forgot two "Living" items.
- Beefed up Medals section a bit.
- Random minor corrections.
1.4 - More stuff.
- More corrections + clarifications.
- OMG Carbunfly WTF?!?
1.5 - Wanted to get a quick correction update out.
- Everyone seems to be getting to the "Proof of Friendship" medal now. I
think the community's finally figured it out, so details are updated.
- Future versions will get more meaty in the department of individual card
strategy and combos. I barely started on neutral creatures.
- Other random corrections.

~ Table of Contents ~
1.0 Cardlist (Format & Terms)
1.1 Neutral Creatures
1.2 Red Creatures
1.3 Blue Creatures
1.4 Green Creatures
1.6 Yellow Creatures (1.5 skipped for searchability reasons)
1.7 Items
1.8 Spells
1.9 Medal Reward cards
2.0 Medals & Medal Rewards
2.1 Medals
2.2 Rewards
3.0 Mystic Egg Transformations
4.0 Easy Card Collecting Methods
5.0 Closing Words & Thanks

~ Chapter 1.0: Cardlist ~
Cards are listed in order presented in the catalog, which is alphabetical by
type. E-rated cards found outside the catalog (medal rewards) are at the end
of this section.
Format of List:
Monster Name (Rarity) (Type)
ST:X HP:Y (mhp is assumed to be the same) G:Z
Land Limit:
Item Limit:
(Translation Comments/Notes)
[Strategy Suggestion]

Item Name (Rarity) (Type)

Accessory/Armor/Scroll/Weapon G:X

Spell Name (Rarity) (Type)

Single/Global Effect/Status G:X

Rarity Key: N(ormal), S(trange), R(are), E(xtra)

Type Key:
NC-Neutral Creature. RC-Red C. GC-Green C. BC-Blue C. YC-Yellow C.
I-Item. SP-Spell.

Status/Status effect: Used in place of the game's "word bubble" icon
indicating a single-target status effect.
Global Status: "double word bubble"
Single effect: "single lightning bolt"
Global effect: "double lightning bolt"

~ 1.1: Neutral Creatures ~

Amber Mosquito (R) (NC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:10
Item Limit: xScroll
Transform into "Tyrannosaurus" or "Giant Rat" during battle.
(Seems to be 50-50 either way. Rat:20/10 first attack, Tyro:50/60.)
{+Protean Ring, Trapezon: permanently become either Rat or Tyro after the

Archbishop (R) (NC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60
Territory[50] Remove status.
Ignore item destruction/capture effect.
(Territory ability is equivalent to "Remove Curse" spell-remove status effect
from target creature/territory. Cards such as Thief or Gremlin can't capture
or destroy any items used by Archbishop.)

Baldanders (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:10
During battle, transform to random.
(Transforms into any creature from the game.)
[I'm of the opinion Baldanders is a pretty good card, as the odds that it'll
turn into something worth more than its own 10G cost are very high.]

Bandit (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:20
Bonus Attack: Damage to opponent of x2G magical power taken from opponent.
(Example: Bandit does 60 damage to a creature - you steal 120G from that
creature's controller.)

Basalt Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
No creatures can use ability if destroyed or at the end of battle.
(Creatures with abilities triggered by their death (Sulfurous Balloon) or
creatures with end-of-battle abilities (Leshy) have those abilities negated.
Additionally, Status effects that occur at the end of battle (Senility) will
be negated.)

Battle Gear Alpha (R) (NC)

ST:40 HP:20 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
Coalition with Battle Gear Beta.
Untargetable by spells or territory abilities.
(If Battle Gear Beta is used as support for Battle Gear Alpha, or vice versa,
Bundlegear is created. See below BG Beta for Bundlegear's stats.)

Battle Gear Beta (R) (NC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
Coalition with Battle Gear Alpha.
Neutralizes scroll attack.

Bundlegear (X - Can't be obtained outside of a match) (NC)

ST:60 HP:70 G:250
Item Limit: xScroll
Neutralizes scroll attack.
Untargetable by spells or territory abilities.
[Bundlegear's G cost only applies if for some reason it goes back to your
hand, at which point it becomes totally not worth it.]

Berserker (N) (NC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:50
Confusion (receives 30% of the damage done to opponent)

Borgess (S) (NC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50
Boost (Neutral creature HP+20)
[Borgess affects all NC's, not just your own. Borgess does not Boost himself.
Multiple Borgess do not stack, but do give the Boost to each other.]

Brass Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
All the Cepters will draw 2 cards on their turn.
Cleric (S) (NC)
ST:10 HP:30 G:55
Death to Neutral creature (80% chance)

Clockwork Owl (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:10
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
Territory[30] Target Cepter can move on to a direction of choice in the next
{+Permission: rapid lapping.}

Colossus (R) (NC)

ST:70 HP:70 G:120
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xAccessory xScroll
Cannot get recover area.
Cannot choose Status spell or Status territory ability.
("Cannot get recover area" refers to Colossus not receiving the 20% HP
restoration when you lap. I can only assume its second ability means it
can't be given status effects with spells or territory abilities.)

Cray Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:60
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Damage will decrease by 10 for all the creatures based on Spells and Territory
(Spells/territory abilities that cause damage to creatures will do 10 less
damage while Cray Idol is in play. I think.)

Cyclops (N) (NC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:60
Last Attack

Dancing Doll (S) (NC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:30
Territory[70] Lowers value of the symbols by 20%
(Amount lowered will be rounded up. It's possible to reduce symbol values as
low as 1 with repeated use.)

Decoy (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:10 G:40+Discard
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
Reflects attacks back to the offense (excluding scroll attacks)
[Decoy can only be killed by scrolls, direct damage spells/territory
abilities, or someone like Lunatic Hare. Very good target for Land

Doppelganger (R) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:10+Discard
Transforms into the same creature as the opponent's during battle.
(Transforms into the creature's "original state," does not reflect any
changes to max ST/HP or any injury.)

Ebony Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:40
Item Limit: xSword xScroll
If played, all the creatures will not be able to use Territory ability.
Fighter (N) (NC)
ST:40 HP:40 G:40

Giant Rat (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:10 G:0
Item Limit: xScroll
First Attack

Goblin (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:0

Gold Idol (R) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:70
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Creatures will ignore all conditions except for magical powers when creature
is summoned.
(Requirements such as discards or land ownage are ignored when summoning.)

Golden Totem (N) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:0
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[0] User will be given 300G in magical powers and self-destruct.
(The totem self-destructs, not the user...)
{+Soul Hunt: earn 450 upon destruction.
+Soul Steal: earn 350, potentially more.}

Granite Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:60
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
All Cepters are unable to choose (Single Effect) Spells except for "Dispel."
("Single lightning bolt" spells targeting Cepters cannot be cast.)

Horned Chameleon (R) (NC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xScroll
Land effect can be gained from any land element.
(Gets terrain level HP bonus on any land color, including neutral.)

Iron Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Only 4-6 will be rolled.
(By all Cepters.)
{+Mistletoe: 2/3 chance of +50G each roll.}

Ivory Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:60
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
The S rarity cards are 1.5 times stronger, R and E cards are 2x the magical
usage power.
(Bad wording here. S rarity cards cost 1.5 times more to play, R and E cards
cost 2 times more.)
{+Waste: Massive cost increase.}
Jade Idol (S) (NC)
ST:0 HP:20 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
If arranged, no territories receive lowering level effect except for territory

Little Gray (R) (NC)

ST:10 HP:20 G:50+Discard
Bonus Attack: Randomly send opponents to a vacant land.
(It's believed they left out a percentage chance when translating this card as
the effect doesn't work all the time. In previous versions of Culdcept it
was apparently 50% success.)

Living Shield (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xScroll
Adds HP+30. Can be used as an item.
(Can be used regardless of item limits.)

Living Spear (R) (NC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xScroll
Adds ST+20 HP+20. Can be used as an item.
(Can be used regardless of item limits.)

Living Sword (S) (NC)

ST:30 HP:1 G:30
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xScroll
Adds ST+30 HP+1. Can be used as an item.
(Can be used regardless of item limits.)

Lunatic Hare (R) (NC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20
Switch opponent's ST and HP at the end of battle.

Marble Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:70
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Creatures that are already played cannot be summoned.
(Any creature already on the board, yours or your opponent's, cannot be
summoned again by anyone while Marble Idol is in play.)

Migoal (R) (NC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:80+Discard
Critical hit to Blue and Green creatures.
Neutralize Red and Yellow creature's attacks.

Mystic Egg (R) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:0
Egg hatches into a different creature during battle based on the item used.
(See "Mystic Egg Transformations" section of this FAQ for more details.)
[If Mystic Egg transforms and is killed, Raise Dead will raise it as the
creature it transformed into. Items that steal or destroy opponent's item
will activate before Nurturing Mystic Egg. Items that recycle to the hand
or book will not recycle if used by ME.]
Ninja (S) (NC)
ST:40 HP:40 G:80
First Attack
Scroll critical hit

Samurai (R) (NC)

ST:50 HP:30 G:80
Death to creature with 30 MHP or less (60% chance).
{+Temperance: create a target for Samurai.}

Sanctum Guard (E - beat Kazatega stage in story mode twice) (NC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70
First Attack
If opponent is destroyed, user will gain 5 symbols of the same element of the
territory where the battle took place.

Silver Idol (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:20 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
All defense creatures will receive the First Attack during battle.
(Refers to ALL creatures on the defensive side of battles, not just "defense"
type creatures.)

Skeleton (N) (NC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:30
Item Limit: xScroll

Squonk (S) (NC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:0
Returns to hand if the opponent is destroyed

Statue (N) (NC)

ST:0 HP:50 G:20
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Statue can't get recover area.
(Doesn't regain 20% HP when you lap.)

Steam Gear (S) (NC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
The toll fee of the played territory will be halved.

Thief (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:30
Steal opponent's item at the beginning of the battle (if User has not used it)
(If you don't use an item and the opponent does, thief steals the item and
uses it himself)

Trojan Horse (S) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xScroll

Tyrannosaurus (N) (NC)

ST:50 HP:60 G:80+Discard
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll

Werewolf (S) (NC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:30
Bonus Attack: Transform opponent into "Wolf" (60% chance of success)
(Wolf: 20/40)

Wolf (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:10
Item Limit: xScroll

Wonder Wall (R) (NC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:30+Discard
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
Neutralize Red, Blue, Yellow, Green creature's attacks

Wraith (S) (NC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:40+Discard
Item Limit: xArmor
Death (50% chance)
Destroyed at the end of battle

Zombie (N) (NC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:20
Item Limit: xScroll
Decrease of 20HP at the end of the battle.

~ 1.2: Red Creatures ~

Ares (R) (RC)

ST:50 HP:60 G:90 + 2xRed
Land Limit: xBlue
Boost (offense creature ST+20)
(All creatures, not just yours, gain +20st when attacking while Ares is in

Ba=Al (R) (RC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:80 + Red + Discard
First Attack
Destroy one upper hand card at random at the end of battle.
(Upper hand? Destroys a card from your hand at random.)

Bard (S) (RC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:30
Bonus Attack: Warps to a vacant land when the opponent could not be destroyed.
[As such, a very poor defender.]

Barrow Wight (R) (RC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:30 + Red + Discard
Bonus Attack: Put Status effect of Sleep to the opponent.
(Sleep: territory can't collect toll fees, but fights can still occur
normally, unlike Peace.)

Boggart (N) (RC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xArmor
Placed territory's toll fee is 2 times higher.
If destroyed by spell or territory ability, card returns to hand.
(If your hand is full, Boggart is destroyed as normal. Boggart's toll
increase will stack with other increases such as Greed, Barrier, etc.)

Cait Sith (S) (RC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60
Land Limit: xBlue
Untargetable by spells or territory abilities.
Neutralizes attacks of creatures with 40ST or more.

Catoblepas (S) (RC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:80 + Red
When an item is not used, creature inflicts damage equal to opponent's ST.
(At the end of a battle where Catoblepas doesn't use an item, it does damage
to opponent equal to their base ST.)

Chimera (S) (RC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:80 + Red
Item Limit: xScroll
First Attack
Every time user gains a lap bonus, ST+10 (Maximum 80)

Conjurer (R) (RC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[80] Summon Ba=Al to a selected vacant land, and self-destruction.
Scroll critical hit.
(Ba=Al: Red,50/50, first attack, takes a card from your hand after battle.)

Domovikha (R) (RC)

ST:10 HP:20 G:10
Territory[70] Casts Status effect of "Land Protect" to the target creature.
(Land Protect: cannot be targeted by spells or territory abilties.)

Domovoi (R) (RC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:10
Territory[30] Does Status effect of "Phantasm" to target creature.
(Phantasm: cannot receive or regain damage from spells or territory abilities)

Dragon (R) (RC)

ST:40 HP:60 G:90 + 2xRed
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xArmor
Changes ST+20, HP-20 when used in offense.

Dragonfly (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:20 G:20
Item Limit: xScroll
First Attack
[Secret! Use as support for Carbuncle and they will combine to form
"Carbunfly." Carbunfly's info is below Carbuncle.]

Efreet (N) (RC)

ST:40 HP:60 G:60 + Red
Last Attack
Scroll attack
User will lose the same amount of HP as magical powers.
(If Efreet survives, you lose an amount of G equal to its remaining HP.).
Executor (N) (RC)
ST:70 HP:20 G:60 + Discard
Item Limit: xWeapon
[Awesome in a support-oriented deck, as 60G for +70/+20 is more cost effective
than any weapon in the game.]

Fanatic (R) (RC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:25 + Red
Territory[60] Decrease its own HP by 20, and does 20 damage to the target

Fire Giant (N) (RC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:100 + Red
Critical hit to Blue creature.

Flame Lord (R) (RC)

ST:70 HP:70 G:140 + Discard + 2xRed
Land Limit: xBlue
Boost (Red creature HP+10)
User will lose 100G of magical powers at the end of battle.
(Fairly sure FL along with the other color lords have Scroll Critical, but
it's not listed on their cards.)

Gas Cloud (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:70
Item Limit: xArmor
Only get half of the damage during battle (excluding scroll attack).

Gladiator (R) (RC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xArmor xAccessory xScroll
Critical hit to Red, Blue, Green, Yellow creature.

Golem (N) (RC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:60
ST-10 HP-10 at the end of battle.

Heat Imp (S) (RC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:10 + Discard
Territory[50] Decrease symbols that the opposing Cepter has by 40%, and self

Hell Hound (N) (RC)

ST:50 HP:40 G:80
Does half damage to the Blue creature.

Kobold (N) (RC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20

Larvae (S) (RC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:75 + Discard
If User holds 3 more cards than the opposing Cepter, ST+20 HP+20 during battle
(Apparently Larvae wants 3 more cards in your book, not your hand.)

Lava Worm (S) (RC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:90 + Red
Item Limit: xArmor
Penetration to Blue creature
Manes (S) (RC)
ST:30 HP:40 G:50
Land Limit: xBlue
If the territory that the battle took place has Status effects, HP is +20
during battle.

Manticore (S) (RC)

ST:0 HP:50 G:70 + Discard
ST and HP is User's hand x10 during battle.

Mephistopheles (S) (RC)

ST:40 HP:30 G:50 + Discard
When destroyed by Spells or Territory abilities, Spell user will lose 200G of
magical powers.

Minotaur (N) (RC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70

Old Willow (R) (RC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:40 + 2xRed
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
When placed in Red land, Cepters other than the user will be stopped in the
[Almost every anti-computer deck I've ever succeeded with has been based on
getting out and protecting Old Willow. For the most part the AI has no idea
how to even begin dealing with it. Humans, however...
See also: Kelpie (Blue)]

Peri (S) (RC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50 + Red
If opponent's book has three more than the User's, ST+20 HP+20 during battle.
Untargetable by Spells or Territory abilities.

Phoenix (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xScroll
Return to hand in the case of being destroyed in battle.
(Will be destroyed normally if your hand is full.)

Pillar of Flame (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:30
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll

Pyrallis (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:50
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xScroll
ST=Number of Red land owned x10 during battle.
If the user has Blue territory, HP-20.

Pyro Drake (N) (RC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:80
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xArmor
During battle, ST+20 HP+20 if an item is not used.
Salamander (N) (RC)
ST:40 HP:50 G:80 + Red
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xArmor
When attacked by Red, creature regains HP corresponding to the damage level.
(Salamander is healed rather than harmed by Red creatures)

Sharazad (S) (RC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:55
Territory[30] Erase Status effects on all Cepters.

Son Ascetic (R) (RC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:60
Support (Can use ability of support creature)
(When Ascetic "eats" a creature for Support, he gains [during battle only]
any abilities on their card.)

Sorceror (N) (RC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon
Scroll critical hit.
Use ST=20 in scroll attack if an item is not used.

Sulfurous Balloon (S) (RC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:15 + Red
Item Limit: xScroll
Opponent's HP is -30 if destroyed in battle.

Valkyria (S) (RC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:70 + Red
First Attack
ST+10 if she destroys the opponent (maximum 80)

Will O' the Wisp (N) (RC)

ST:10 HP:50 G:60
Item Limit: xWeapon
Last attack.
Bonus Attack: Using Cepter takes the remaining HPx2G in magical powers from
the opposing Cepter.
(Immediately after Wisp hits an enemy, its current HP x2G is stolen from that
creature's controller.)

~ 1.3: Blue Creatures ~

Alga Sphere (S) (BC)

ST:10 HP:40 G:30
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Territory Ability[30] MHP+10
(Unlike most things with a growth ability, AS appears to have no maximum.)

Amazon (N) (BC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:80
Bonus Attack: When the item is not used, User takes their number of laps x20G
in magical powers from opposing Cepter.

Anubias (S) (BC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:70 + Blue
Land Limit: xRed
During battle, HP=number of creatures previously destroyed x5.
[If the spell Incineration is used, the number of creatures previously
destroyed is reset to zero. This affects Anubias as well.]

Banshee (R) (BC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20 + 2xBlue
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[60] HP damage increase of 25% will be given to all placed creatures.
(Does 25% of current HP in damage to all placed creatures.)

Behemoth (S) (BC)

ST:60 HP:60 G:90 + Blue
Land Limit: xRed
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll
Last Attack
Destroy one of the user's cards at random at the end of battle.

Bloody Pudding (S) (BC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:30
Item Limit: xScroll
At the beginning of battle, support creature's HP combines with MHP (max 80)
(If you used a Stonewall for instance [60HP], Pudding's MHP would become 80.)
[BP's HP will never go above 80 from support, so it's a mixed blessing.]

Book Worm (R) (BC)

ST:10 HP:20 G:10 + Blue
Item Limit: xScroll
Territory[40] Choose one card from the target Cepter's hand and destroy it.
[I think this is the only card that can discard creatures as well as items &
spells without any kind of drawback.]

Bunyip (S) (BC)

ST:50 HP:40 G:90
Item Limit: xArmor
Neutralize Penetration attacks (other than scroll attack).

Charon (R) (BC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:70 + Blue
Item Limit: xArmor
Neutralize creature's attack (except scroll attack) and user loses neutralized
damage x2G in magical powers.

Dagon (R) (BC)

ST:60 HP:80 G:140 + 2xBlue + Discard
Land Limit: xRed
Boost (Blue creature HP+10)
User will lose 100G of magical power at the end of battle.
(Fairly certain Dagon has unprinted Scroll Critical ability.)

Drool (S) (BC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
During battle, ST equals number of Blue land possessed x10.

Fate (S) (BC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:60
Territory[40] Draw one card.
If destroyed in battle, draw another card.

Fungonoid (N) (BC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
At the end of battle, MHP+10 (maximum 80).

Giant Amoeba (N) (BC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll
Neutralize Red, Green creature's attack.

Grendel (S) (BC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:110 + Blue
Critical hit to creature with 20 ST or less.

Grindylow (N) (BC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:60
Neutralizes attacks from creatures with 30ST or less.

Hyde (R) (BC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50 + Blue
Land Limit: xRed
Territory[50] Put Status effect of Paralysis to the target creature.

Hydra (S) (BC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:90 + Blue
Item Limit: xArmor
Regeneration (except in Red land)

Kelpie (R) (BC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:70 + Blue
Item Limit: xScroll
When placed in Blue land, Cepters other than the user will be stopped in the
(Kelpie is NOT actually Defense type. It can be used to attack, can move
using territory command, doesn't take damage from Acid Rain, and isn't
killed with Battering Ram.
See Also: Old Willow (Red))

King Tortoise (N) (BC)

ST:10 HP:50 G:45
Item Limit: xScroll
Last Attack

Kraken (S) (BC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:80 + Blue
Land Limit: xRed
Item Limit: xScroll
Neutralize Neutral creature's attack. If user has Red territory, HP-20 during

Leviathan (R) (BC)

ST:30 HP:60 G:120 + 2xBlue
Item Limit: xArmor
The land element becomes Blue if the opponent is defeated.
Lilith (N) (BC)
ST:0 HP:30 G:80
Item Limit: xArmor
First Attack
During battle, ST=number of deals x10.
(Horrible wording, ST=number of cards in your hand x10)

Lizardman (N) (BC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:70
First Attack

Lung (R) (BC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:50 + 2xBlue
Land Limit: xRed
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
During battle, ST and HP become the number of Blue symbols that the Cepter

Mad Clown (R) (BC)

ST:10 HP:20 G:10 + Blue + Discard
Boost (ally creature HP+10)
[Only your creatures are affected, even during alliance games]

Marfolk (N) (BC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20

Medusa (S) (BC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50 + Discard
Bonus Attack: Turn opponent into "Statue"
(Statue:NC 0/50 defense)
[The Statue retains HP of the creature transformed, if it's wounded (which
it most likely will be. Medusa combos with Battering Ram; the opponent is
turned to Defense before Ram's effect goes off... instant death to anything
you can hit.]

Megarodon (N) (BC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:70
Land Limit: xNeutral xRed xGreen xYellow
Item Limit: xScroll

Mujina (S) (BC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:50 + Discard
During battle, ST and HP equals the number of the opposing Cepter's hand x10.

Nymph (R) (BC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:50 + Blue
Land Limit: xRed xYellow
Neutralize Red creature's attack.
Bonus Attack: Opponent with HP (= 30 will be taken as upper hand (40% chance)
("(=" is meant to be "<=" indicating "30 or less HP." Nymph has 40% chance of
taking the opponent's creature into your own hand, immediately after Nymph's
attack hits.)

Pirate (N) (BC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:45

Remora (N) (BC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:40
Land Limit: xRed xYellow
Item Limit: xScroll
Bonus Attack: Destroy one of the opposing Cepter's hand cards at random.

Sea Bonze (S) (BC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:70
Land Limit: xRed xGreen
No effects or abilities can be used during battle.

Shell Creeper (N) (BC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:50
Item Limit: xScroll
Neutralize Red/Yellow creature's attack.

Storm Giant (N) (BC)

ST:40 HP:60 G:110 + Blue
Critical hit to Red creature.

Suiko (S) (BC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:0 + Discard
Land Limit: xRed
Put Status effect of "Vitality" on the defense creature at the end of battle.
(Vitality: +20/+20)

Undine (N) (BC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60
Item Limit: xArmor
HP=Number of Blue land owned x20 during battle. Neutralize Blue creature's

Vision (N) (BC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:80
Durin battle, HP=30. Neutralize Yellow creature's attack.

Vodyanoi (R) (BC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:90 + Blue + Discard
First Attack
Death if joined in the battle as a defense (80% chance)
(If Vodyanoi is defending, his attack gets Death effect.)

Wall of Ice (N) (BC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:40
Land Limit: xRed
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll
HP+30 during battle.

Wizard (N) (BC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:45
Item Limit: xWeapon
Scroll critical hit

Yeti (R) (BC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:80 + Blue
Item Limit: xScroll
Neutralize Red creature's attack.
60% chance of Death to Red creature.

~ 1.4: Green Creatures ~

Angostura (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:60 G:80
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Death to creatures with 30 MHP or less (80% chance).

Armadillo (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:40
Item Limit: xScroll
In an odd-numbered round, HP=60. In an even-numbered round, HP=30.

Barometz (S) (GC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:20
Land Limit: xRed
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Territory[0] User gains number of laps x30G of magical powers.

Basilisk (R) (GC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:50 + 2xGreen
Item Limit: xArmor
Death (50% chance)
Level of the territory that the battle took place will decrease by 1.

Blynx (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:40
Item Limit: xScroll
Can move to a distant vacant land within the area.
Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities.

Carbuncle (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:20
Reflect scroll attack/effect back to the opponent.
[Secret! Use Dragonfly as support for Carbuncle and it will change into
"Carbunfly." See immediately below for stats.]

Carbunfly (X - Use Dragonfly as support for Carbuncle) (GC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:100 + 2xRed
Item Limit: xScroll
First Attack
Reflects scroll attack to the opponent.
Transforms into "Carbuncle" if destroyed in battle.

Cerberus (S) (GC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:50 + Green
Land Limit: xYellow
Item Limit: xScroll
Attacks 2 times per battle.

Coati (S) (GC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60
During battle, ST increased by the number of placed Green creatures x5.

Cockatrice (S) (GC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:60 + Green
Item Limit: xScroll
Bonus Attack: turn opponent into "Stonewall."
(Stonewall:0/60 green defense)
[Created Stonewall retains HP of the original creature. If Cockatrice uses
Battering Ram, the opponent turns to Stonewall before Ram's effect takes
place... guaranteed instant death on hit.]

Dark Elf (S) (GC)

ST:40 HP:30 G:70 + Green
First attack.
Critical hit to Yellow creature.

Dark Master (R) (GC)

ST:60 HP:80 G:140 + 2xGreen + Discard
Land Limit: xYellow
Boost (Green creature HP+10)
Cepter will lose 100G of magical power at the end of battle.
(Unprinted Scroll Critical hit ability?)

Death Gaze (R) (GC)

ST:50 HP:30 G:70 + Green
Land Limit: xYellow
Neutralize Scroll.
Remove the opponent's card from the game if it is destroyed in battle (80%
(Permanently removes the creature from the opponent's book for the current
game, even if the book is recycled. Cards which "return book to same status
as beginning of the game" (Lightcraft/Revival) do in fact return lost cards.)

Dragon Zombie (N) (GC)

ST:40 HP:60 G:100
Land Limit: xYellow
Item Limit: xArmor

Dryad (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60
Land Limit: xYellow
Item Limit: xWeapon
Move to a distant Green land within the area (must be a vacant land.)
(Can move to any vacant Green land within its current area, using the Move
territory command.)

Dwarf (N) (GC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:70

Gargoyle (S) (GC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:90 + Green
First attack.
If placed, ST=50.

Ghoul (S) (GC)

ST:40 HP:30 G:50 + Discard
Bonus attack: Put Status effect of Paralysis on opponent.
If opponent is destroyed, it gets Regeneration.

Gigantherium (R) (GC)

ST:50 HP:60 G:90 + Green
Item Limit: xScroll
If the territory where the battle took place has Status effects, HP-20 during

Gnome (S) (GC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:60
Placed territory's toll fee is 1.5x higher.
(Gnome's toll increas will stack with other toll increases such as Greed,
Barrier, etc.)

Gooba Queen (R) (GC)

ST:10 HP:40 G:30 + 2xGreen
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[20] Placement of "Gooba" in vacant land.
(See below for Gooba)

Gooba (X - played by Gooba Queen) (GC)

ST:0 HP:10 G:0
Item Limit: xScroll (?)
(Gooba can never be added to your catalog, they are created by Gooba Queen.)

Green Mold (N) (GC)

ST:10 HP:50 G:45
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll

Grimalkin (S) (GC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60 + Green
Untargetable by Spells or territory abilities.

Healer (S) (GC)

ST:10 HP:40 G:50
Territory[20] Increases HP+30.
(Can target any creature.)

Huge Spider (N) (GC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xScroll
Bonus attack: Does Status effect of Paralysis to opponent.

Hunbaba (R) (GC)

ST:50 HP:40 G:80 + Green + Discard
Land Limit: xYellow
Bonus Attack: Uses Status effect of poison to the opponent.
Boost (Yellow creature ST-10).

Leshy (S) (GC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:50
Territory's level increases by one at the end of battle.

Mandrake (S) (GC)

ST:10 HP:50 G:55 + Green
Land Limit: xYellow
If it is 20HP or less at the end of battle, opponent and Mandrake will be
Mudman (S) (GC)
ST:20 HP:40 G:65
Land Limit: xYellow
Item Limit: xArmor
During battle, HP increased by number of placed Green creatures x5.

Mummy (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon
User will gain number of laps x50G of magical powers if destroyed in battle.

Odradek (R) (GC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:40
Unable to receive or regain damage by Spells or territory abilities based on
Spells and territory.
(Not sure why they said Spells and territory twice...)

Pan (N) (GC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:60
Bonus attack: Use Status effect of Confusion on the opponent.

Quake Beast (R) (GC)

ST:50 HP:30 G:40 + 2xGreen
Item Limit: xArmor
Territory[60] Lower one level adjacent land, and self-destruction.
(Lowers all adjacent lands, you don't pick one.)

Raksas (R) (GC)

ST:50 HP:30 G:70 + Green
If destroyed, the opposing Cepter loses 30% of its most common symbol.

Sage (R) (GC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:70
Ignores item's destroy/capture effect.
(Items, or in this case support creatures, used by Sage cannot be destroyed
or captured in battle.)

Spitting Cobra (N) (GC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xScroll
Territory[0] Does Status effect of Poison to the target creature.

T'ao t'ieh (R) (GC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70 + Green
Land Limit: xYellow
If opponent is destroyed, ST+10, MHP+10 (maximum 80 each).

Tiger Beetle (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20
Item Limit: xScroll

Trench Worm (S) (GC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:90 + Green
Item Limit: xArmor
Penetration to Yellow creature.
Troll (N) (GC)
ST:40 HP:40 G:70
Land Limit: xRed xYellow

Vampire (R) (GC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:80 + Green
Land Limit: xBlue xYellow
Item Limit: xArmor
First Attack
Bonus Attack: damage given to opponent combined with own HP.
(Damage to opponent will be added to your HP total during battle only.)

Wall of Stone (N) (GC)

ST:0 HP:60 G:30
Land Limit: xYellow
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll

Wereboar (N) (GC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:80
ST+30 if used in offense.

Woodfolk (N) (GC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60
Item Limit: xWeapon

~ 1.6: Yellow Creatures ~

Archer (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:40
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[30] 10 damage to the target enemy creature.

Beelzebub (R) (YC)

ST:70 HP:70 G:140 + 2xYellow + Discard
Land Limit: xGreen
Boost (Yellow creature HP+10)
User loses 100G of magical powers at the end of battle.
(Unprinted Scroll Critical hit?)

Centaur (S) (YC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:80
First attack
Item used in battle is then recycled back to the book.

Chonchon (S) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:40
Gain 20HP, and cast Status Anti-Element on the defense creature if item was
not used in battle.
(Anti-Element: can't receive HP bonus from land level.)

Cornfolk (N) (YC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:70
User will gain 200G in magical powers if destroyed in battle or by Spell or
Territory ability.
Dhampir (R) (YC)
ST:40 HP:40 G:80 + Yellow
Neutralize Green creature's attack.
60% chance of death to Green creature.

Elf (S) (YC)

ST:40 HP:30 G:70 + Yellow
First attack
Critical hit to Green creature

Giant Bat (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:20
Item Limit: xScroll

Giant Rattler (N) (YC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xScroll
Cast Status effect of "Disease" on the defense creature if item was not used
in battle.
(Disease: -20/-20)
[Keep in mind it'll disease itself if it's on the defending side.]

Gouda (R) (YC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:60 + 2xYellow
Land Limit: xGreen
ST and HP during battle equals the number of placed Yellow creatures x10.

Gremlin (S) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:70
Item Limit: xScroll
Destroy opponent's item at the beginning of battle.

Griffon (N) (YC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:90
Land Limit: xGreen
Item Limit: xScroll

Harpy (N) (YC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60
First attack

Holy Llama (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:40 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
Territory[30] Make target Cepter's die roll a 6.
Can move to distant Yellow land within the area (vacant land)
(Took the liberty of seperating its two abilities as they're in one sentence
on the card. Can move to any vacant Yellow land in its area using Territory
Move command.)

Hornet (N) (YC)

ST:40 HP:30 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
Bonus Attack: Use Status effect of Poison to the opponent.

Hurricane (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:50
Land Limit: xGreen
Item Limit: xArmor xScroll
First Attack

Igneous Fatui (R) (YC)

ST:10 HP:30 G:10 + 2xYellow + Discard
Land Limit: xRed xBlue
Last Attack
Death (80% chance)

Knight (N) (YC)

ST:50 HP:40 G:90
Critical hit to creatures with 50MHP or more.

Leprechaun (R) (YC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:40 + Yellow + Discard
At the beginning of battle, give User's item to the opponent and lets them use
[As an attacker, combo with Dynamite for sure kill. As a defender, give the
opponent something like Gaseous Form, so they can't attack... pretty
questionable, but it might be fun.]

Leveler (S) (YC)

ST:40 HP:60 G:100 + Yellow + Discard
Item Limit: xScroll
Territory lowered one level at the end of battle if the land that the battle
took place is not the Yellow land.

Master Monk (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:50 G:80
First attack
If no item is used during battle, ST+30 HP-30.

Mermecoleo (R) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60
Land Limit: xGreen
Item Limit: xScroll
Last attack.
Transforms into Dragonfly if destroyed in battle.
(Dragonfly: 30/20 first attack, red. If Mermecoleo is destroyed in offense,
you'll get Dragonfly back in your hand.)

Night Fiend (R) (YC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:70 + 2xYellow
Land Limit: xBlue
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor
First attack
During battle, ST equals level where the battle took place x20.

Nightmare (S) (YC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:50 + Yellow

Nike (S) (YC)

ST:30 HP:30 G:60 + Yellow
Item Limit: xArmor
First attack
Bonus Attack: Does Status effect of Paralysis to the opponent.

Nue (R) (YC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:80 + Yellow
Land Limit: xGreen
Boost (offensive creature ST-10)

Paladin (R) (YC)

ST:50 HP:50 G:90 + Yellow
Land Limit: xGreen
Critical hit to Neutral creature. Then gains regeneration restoring HP to
(Paladin will regenerate at the end of any battle where it damages ANY
creature - it might just have Regeneration and they worded it wrong,
haven't confirmed.)

Pegasus (N) (YC)

ST:30 HP:20 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
First attack.
Untargetable by spells or territory abilities.
Neutralizes scroll effects.

Powder Eater (S) (YC)

ST:1 HP:1 G:0
Item Limit: xScroll
Increased while moving, placed both in the original territory and the new
moved location.
(When Powder Eater moves using Territory commands, the new PE will have the
same base stats as the original. The original will retain any status effect.
For instance a PE with ST 11 (increased by Reinforce spell), current HP 7,
MHP 21 (increased by Mutation) and Poison status (also Mutation), when moved,
will create a new 11/21 PE with 7 current HP and no Poison.
Moving PE with cards like Chariot or Telekinesis doesn't multiply it.)
[Spirit Walk on PE will work for multiplication, since it's not card-based
movement, but status that allows you to move it anywhere. And the status
doesn't disappear unless removed!]

Pushpull (N) (YC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:70
Item Limit: xScroll
Attack 2 times in battle.

Quetzalcoatl (S) (YC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:80 + Yellow
Item Limit: xArmor
Boost (creature with first attack ability that will not be obtained after
(All creatures with First Attack gain ST+10. I assume the extra wording is
to indicate only creatures with "printed" first attack receive this boost.)

Roadrunner (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60
Item Limit: xScroll
First Attack
Move 2 spaces while using creature move command.
(Roadrunner "jumps" when moving, so it can pass over other creatures or
spaces creatures normally can't traverse, such as forts/warp/whatever.)

Soul Collector (R) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:60 + Discard
During battle, ST increases by the number of creatures destroyed thus far x5.
[If the Incineration spell is used, the number of creatures destroyed is
reset to zero - this affects Soul Collector as well]

Spectre (N) (YC)

ST:0 HP:30 G:30
Transforms ST and HP randomly from 10-70 during battle.

Sphinx (R) (YC)

ST:40 HP:50 G:80 + Yellow + Discard
Land Limit: xGreen
Bonus attack: Does Status effect of Confusion to the opponent.
Boost (Green creature HP-10)

Sprite (N) (YC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:10
Land Limit: xGreen
Neutralize attack of those creatures with 40MHP or more.

Succubus (N) (YC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:50 + Discard
Land Limit: xGreen
Bonus Attack: Change opponent's ST to 0.

Trample Weed (S) (YC)

ST:20 HP:60 G:30 + Yellow
Item Limit: xWeapon xScroll
Changes in level cannot be made to the land.
[Good if you can exchange it to a land that's already level 5, as it's pretty
big to begin with and can use armor unlike the other yellow defense,

Virus (R) (YC)

ST:10 HP:10 G:0 + Yellow
Land Limit: xGreen
Item Limit: xWeapon xArmor xScroll
Boost (all creatures HP-10)

Wendigo (S) (YC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:70
At the end of battle, casts Status effect of Fog on the defense creature if
item was not used.
(Fog: Halves the toll fee.)

Wind Imp (S) (YC)

ST:20 HP:20 G:10 + Discard
Territory[50] Reduce enemy Cepter's magical powers by 50%, then self destruct.

Witch (S) (YC)

ST:20 HP:30 G:50
Item Limit: xWeapon
Territory[30] Takes 20G times the number of Spell item cards of the opposing
Cepter's hand.
Scroll critical hit.
("spell item" refers to the combined number of both Spells and Items.)

Wyvern (S) (YC)

ST:40 HP:40 G:80 + Yellow
Land Limit: xGreen
Item Limit: xArmor
First attack
Can move to a distant Yellow land within the area (vacant land)
(Using territory - move command, can move to any vacant yellow land in the

~ 1.7: Items ~

Air Slasher (N) (I)

Weapon G:10
ST+20. Critical hit to Yellow creature.

Amber Ring (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20. Penetration to Yellow creature.

Aura Blade (S) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST + value of HP.

Bandit's Glove (N) (I)

Accessory G:0
Bonus Attack: Takes damage given to opponent x2G of magical powers.

Battering Ram (S) (I)

Weapon G:30
ST+20. Death to "Defense" creature.

Battle Axe (N) (I)

Weapon G:30

Bell of Chaos (S) (I)

Accessory G:50
The same item card which the opponent used will be removed from all books and
hands. Ignores item destroy/capture effect.
(This effect doesn't seem to be permanent, IE: it doesn't permanently reduce
the size of books.)

Bell of Law (S) (I)

Accessory G:10
Destroy the card with the highest power in the opposing Cepter's hand.
Recycles back into the book.
(Only works if your creature survives the battle.)

Black Orb (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
Ignore opponent's Neutralize ability or Reflect ability.

Boomerang (R) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST+20, HP+10. Recycles back to the hand.

Buckler (N) (I)

Armor G:30
Neutralize attacks of creatures with 30ST or less (except scroll attack).

Catapult (R) (I)

Weapon G:90
ST+30, HP+30

Chain Mail (N) (I)

Armor G:10

Chameleon Armor (S) (I)

Armor G:30
HP equals level of territory where the battle took place x20.

Changing Salve (N) (I)

Accessory G:0
During battle, creature's ST and HP values are switched.

Claw of the Ghoul (N) (I)

Accessory G:10
Bonus Attack: Does Status effect of Paralysis to the opponent.

Claymore (R) (I)

Weapon G:60

Coin of Piety (S) (I)

Accessory G:0
After winning the battle, gain 10 of the same symbol element as the territory
where the battle took place.

Counter Amulet (R) (I)

Accessory G:100
ST=0. Reflect attacks back to the opponent (excludes scroll attack).

Crossbow (R) (I)

Weapon G:70
ST+30, HP+20

Dagger of Mite (S) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST+ game ranking x20.
(Game ranking: your current place. ex: 4th place- ST+80.)

Death (R) (I)

Scroll G:80
Scroll effect. Death to opponent (60% chance). User's creature will be
destroyed at the end of battle (40% chance).

Diamond Armor (R) (I)

Armor G:60
Last attack. ST-30, HP+60

Dynamite (S) (I)

Accessory G:50
ST+60. Creature is destroyed after battle.

Earth Amulet (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+10. First attack. Critical hit if Green creature uses it.

Earth Shield (S) (I)

Armor G:25
Neutralize Green creature's attack. In the case that Green creature uses it,
all attacks are neutralized (except scroll attack).

Emerald Ring (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20. Penetration to Green creature.

Fire Amulet (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20, HP+10. Regeneration. Critical hit if Red creature uses it.

Fire Bolt (N) (I)

Scroll G:40
Scroll Attack. ST=30 (Penetration). Critical hit to Blue creature.

Fire Shield (S) (I)

Armor G:25
Neutralize attack from Red creature. In the case that Red creature uses it,
all attacks are neutralized (except scroll attack).

Flame Tongue (N) (I)

Weapon G:10
ST+20. Critical hit to Blue creature.

Freeze (N) (I)

Scroll G:40
Scroll Attack. ST=30 (penetration). Critical hit to Red creature.

Gaseous Form (N) (I)

Accessory G:70
ST=0. Neutralize attack (excludes scroll attack).

Gem of Life (S) (I)

Accessory G:20
Destroys opponent and User's creatures if they have 20HP or less at the end of
the battle.

Glaive (S) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST+20, HP+20

Golden Goose (N) (I)

Accessory G:0
Receive HPx10G if the creature is destroyed in battle.

Gremlin Amulet (N) (I)

Accessory G:70
Destroy opponent's item at the beginning of battle.

Heart Fibula (N) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20. MHP+20 when the opponent is destroyed (maximum 80).

Hell Blaze (S) (I)

Scroll G:80
Scroll Attack. ST=40 (penetration). Critical hit to creatures with 20ST or

Holy Grail (R) (I)

Accessory G:80
Neutralizes all attacks. User will lose damage x2G of magical powers
(excluding scroll attacks).
(Really really poor wording here. Scroll attacks are also neutralized, but
you don't pay damage compensation for them!)

Hourglass (S) (I)

Accessory G:10
First Attack. Neutralizes opponent's first attack ability.

Icicle (N) (I)

Weapon G:10
ST+20. Critical hit to Red creature.

Iksear (E - obtain all Blue creature cards) (I)

Accessory G:50
HP increased by number of Blue territories the Cepter owns x20. Ignores item
destroy/capture effect.

Knight Shield (N) (I)

Armor G:40
Neutralizes creatures with 40ST or more (excluding scroll attacks).
(Neutralizes *attacks of* creatures...)

Kris (S) (I)

Weapon G:50
ST+30. Ignores the item's destroy/capture effect.
(Not sure why it says "item's..." as I think it can't be destroyed or captured
by any means.)

Lance of Odin (E - beat Story stage Cratos) (I)

Weapon G:80
ST+50, HP+10

Leather Armor (N) (I)

Armor G:0

Long Sword (N) (I)

Weapon G:10

Luna Stone (R) (I)

Accessory G:50
Interchange opponent's ST and HP at the end of battle.

Mace (N) (I)

Weapon G:0

Magic Shield (N) (I)

Armor G:10
HP+20. Neutralize attacks from scroll.

Magus's Mirror (S) (I)

Armor G:40
HP+20. Reflect Scroll attack/effect back to the opponent.

Marker Flag (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
Offense Cepter will be able to use Territory command or fight the battle

Masamune (S) (I)

Weapon G:50
ST+50, HP-10

Morning Star (N) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST+30, HP+10

Mujina Mask (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
HP increased by the number of cards in the opponent Cepter's hand x10.

Necro Scarab (S) (I)

Accessory G:60
If creature is destroyed, the creature transforms into a "Zombie"
(Zombie: 20/50 neutral, HP decreases by 30 at end of battle)

Neutral Amulet (S) (I)

Accessory G:10
Changes creature's element to Neutral and is treated as Neutral creature
during battle. Recycles back to the book.

Nuclear Fusion (R) (I)

Scroll G:120
Scroll attack. ST=50 (penetration).

Nunchaku (N) (I)

Weapon G:0
ST+30, HP-10

Offering Doll (N) (I)

Accessory G:0
Depending on if the User wins invading or defending a territory, the element
symbol value of the creature will increase by 30%.
(IE, your Red creature wins in battle, Red symbols increase by 30%)

Petrify Stone (S) (I)

Accessory G:50
ST=0, HP=80

Phoenix Amulet (N) (I)

Accessory G:20
Recycles to the User's hand if creature is destroyed.
(Creature returns to hand, not the item. The ability comment reads "destroys
all of the hand cards when there are six being held," haven't tested if this
actually happens. I think the only way to do this would be to use the Amulet
on a Fate when your hand is full.)

Plate Mail (R) (I)

Armor G:60

Power Bracelet (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST is doubled.
(Doubles base ST only, so creatures like Gouda whose ST is dependent on
another factor, gain no bonus from PB at all.)

Prismatic Wand (N) (I)

Weapon G:80
If the element of User's creature is different from the opponent's, the
Cepter's creature receives ST+40, HP+40

Protean Ring (R) (I)

Accessory G:0
Creature transforms into a random creature.
[If used on a creature that changes form at the beginning of battle, the
creature will change twice but only change back once. Ex: Baldanders uses
P. Ring, turns into Jade Idol with ability, turns into Flame Lord with Ring,
battle ends, turns back into Jade Idol permanently.]

Rainbow Piece (E - beat Story stage Rabbid) (I)

Accessory G:50
HP+40. Neutralize effects of the scroll. Remove Status effect that was on
the territory where the battle took place.

Rat Hunter (R) (I)

Accessory G:50
Bonus Attack: transforms opponent into "Giant rat."
(GR: 20/10 neutral, first attack)

Ring of the Succubus (N) (I)

Accessory G:30
First Attack. Bonus attack: Reduces opponent's ST to 0.
(Reduces base ST to 0, ST from items will remain. The effect is permanent,

Ring of the Vampire (N) (I)

Accessory G:30
First attack. Bonus attack: combine damage given to opponent to creature's
(Damage you do will be added to your HP total for the battle only.)

Rock Biter (N) (I)

Weapon G:10
ST+20. Critical hit to Green creature.

Ruby Ring (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20. Penetration to Red creature.

Sapphire Ring (R) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+20. Penetration to Blue creature.

Scale Armor (N) (I)

Armor G:30

Shadow Armor (S) (I)

Armor G:30
HP+(7 minus the level of the territory where the battle took place) x10.
(ex: territory level 4. 7-4=3, so HP+30.)
Silver Plow (R) (I)
Accessory G:100
The territory where the battle took place increases by 1 level at the end of
the battle.

Sleep (N) (I)

Scroll G:50
Scroll effect. Does Status effect of Sleep to opponent.
(Sleep: toll fee is zero, but fights can still occur normally, unlike Peace

Sling (N) (I)

Accessory G:40
First attack. ST+10, HP+10

Smoke Torch (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
Neutralize scroll attack and attack from Penetration.

Spear (N) (I)

Weapon G:20
ST+20, HP+10

Spike Shield (S) (I)

Armor G:60
Reflects half the damage received back to the opponent (excludes scroll

Stink Bottle (S) (I)

Accessory G:20
Destroys the tool item and support creatures. Recycles back to the book.
("Tool item" indicates what I've termed "Accessory" items in this FAQ.)

Stone Hail (N) (I)

Scroll G:40
Scroll attack. ST=30 (penetration). Critical hit to Yellow creature.

Storm Causer (R) (I)

Weapon G:60
ST+60, HP-30

Sword of the Falcon (R) (I)

Weapon G:30
First attack. ST+20

Tearing Halo (R) (I)

Scroll G:80
Scroll attack. ST=30 (penetration). Critical hit when User's creature is not
Neutral. Ignores item destroy/capture effect.

Terrair (E - obtain all Yellow creature cards) (I)

Accessory G:50
ST increased by number of Yellow territories owned x20. Ignores item destroy/
capture effect.

The Hand (R) (I)

Accessory G:80
Take opponent's item at the beginning of battle.
Tower Shield (N) (I)
Armor G:40
Reduce damage taken by half (excluding scroll attack).

Trapezon (S) (I)

Accessory G:20
Transformation of creature into "Ba=Al" during battle.
(Ba=Al: 50/50 red, first attack, takes a random card from your hand)
[If used on a creature that changes form at the beginning of battle, its own
ability will activate before the Trapezon. At the end of battle, the
creature will permanently become whatever it first transformed into.]

Trident (R) (I)

Weapon G:70
ST+40, HP+10

Venom (S) (I)

Accessory G:20
Does damage of 50% HP to opponent after battle.
(50% of MHP, more accurately.)

Vestment (S) (I)

Armor G:50
HP+30. Ignores the item's destroy/capture effect.

Vorpal Sword (R) (I)

Weapon G:40
ST+30. Critical hit to creatures with 40MHP or more.

Water Amulet (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+30. Critical hit if Blue creature uses it.

Water Shield (S) (I)

Armor G:25
Neutralize attack from Blue creature. In the case that Blue creature uses it,
all attacks are neutralized (except scroll attack).

Wind Amulet (S) (I)

Accessory G:30
ST+10, HP+10. Critical hit if Yellow creature uses it. MHP+10 if opponent is
destroyed (maximum 80).

Wind Cutter (N) (I)

Scroll G:40
Scroll attack. ST=30 (penetration). Critical hit to Green creature.

Wind Shield (S) (I)

Armor G:25
Neutralize attack from Yellow creature. In the case that Yellow creature uses
it, all attacks are neutralized (except scroll attack).

Winged Boots (N) (I)

Accessory G:10
First attack. Recycles back to the book.

~ 1.8: Spells ~

Acid Rain (N) (SP)

Global Effect G:70
Give 30 damage to all Defense creatures.

Anti Element (S) (SP)

Single Status G:60
Target creature will be unable to get land effects.

Anti-Magic (N) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Target Cepter neutralizes Spell and Territory ability only once.
(This status remains on you indefinitely, neutralizing the first Cepter-
targeting Spell or Territory ability aimed at you.)

Aports (N) (SP)

Global Effect G:60
Call everyone that is on land that matching Cepter is on. User playing this
card forfeits a die roll this turn.
(Seems to bring every other Cepter to your space. The wording makes me think
there's something more to it, but...)

Aurora (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:50
Increase value of all the symbols 20%.
(The increase is rounded down, so depending on the amount of symbols you have,
you may see slightly less than 20% increase.)

Avalanche (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:150
Does 30 damage to all creatures positioned in level 5 territories.

Babble (S) (SP)

Single Status G:30
For the next three rounds, the target Cepter will be unable to use Prophet and
Temple. Recycles to the book.

Backward (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
Target Cepter will move backward the number on the die.
(Only for their next turn.)

Banishing Ray (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:70
Destroy target Neutral creature.

Barricade (S) (SP)

Single Status G:10
User's toll fee for territory rises 30% for next three rounds.

Barrier (N) (SP)

Single Status G:30
For the next five rounds, the target Cepter cannot be attacked by Spell or
Territory ability other than Dispel.
(This will stack with other toll-increasing effects such as Greed, Boggart's
ability, etc.)

Bind (N) (SP)

Single Status G:60
For one round, disable the target Cepter's movement.
(More like a lost turn, target Cepter can do nothing at all. Won't force
someone to pay a toll again, like Holy Word 0.)

Binding Mist (N) (SP)

Single Status G:30
Cast Paralysis on target creature.

Bistair (E - obtain all Red creature cards) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Gives target enemy creature the number of Cepter's Red territory x10 in

Black Out (S) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Target enemy Cepter will be unable to take toll fees for two rounds.

Camouflage (S) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Target creature will gain land effect, with no relation to elements.

Catastrophe (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:300 + Discard
Cast 50% MHP damage to all creatures.

Changeling (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:100
Change two cards of target Cepter's book to "Goblin."
(The goblins become a permanent part of the book and will remain if the book
recycles "naturally," ie: after cards are depleted.)

Chaos Panic (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:90
Reverse all Cepters' directions.

Chariot (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:50
Move the creatures that were placed on User's territory two spaces. Card
recycles back to the book.
(Target a creature, and you can move it two spaces -- able to "jump" over
opposing creatures or facilities.)

Corruption (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:90
Target enemy Cepter will lose number of symbols x10G in magical powers.

Cramp (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:60
All creature's ST-20 in the target area.

Cure (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:10
Fully restores HP of target creature.

Death Cloud (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Gives 20 damage to all the Yellow creatures.

Demonic Trade (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:200 + Discard
All of the creatures in the user's territory change into "Goblin." User gains
the number of Goblins placed x100G of magical powers.
(And yes, old Goblins will be changed into new Goblins, earning 100G as well.)

Desert Storm (R) (SP)

Global Status G:80
Cannot change territory levels in target area for two rounds.

Despair (S) (SP)

Single Status G:70
Target enemy Cepter throws away cards drawn for duration of two rounds.
(Only cards from your "natural" draw at the beginning of your turn will be
discarded, cards drawn by other means are unaffected.)

Dimension Door (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Send target Cepter to a different location. User playing this card forfeits a
die roll this turn.
(Random warp to anywhere on the board.)

Disbelief (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:90
All the Cepters lose the number of their symbols x5G of magical powers.

Disease (N) (SP)

Single Status G:40
During battle, target creature's ST-20, HP-20

Dispel Magic (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:10
Remove Status effect on the target Cepter.

Drain Magic (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Selected Cepter will gain 30% of the target Cepter's magical powers.

Dream Terrain (N) (SP)

Single Status G:40
User gains 50% of the toll fees that the other Cepters gain until the Castle
is reached.

Drought (S) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Changes cannot be made to the level of target territory.

Dullness (N) (SP)

Single Status G:30
Cannot use defense/offense items when battle takes place in the target

Earth Shaker (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:300 + Discard
All the territory levels are decreased by one.

Echo (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Make the User's magical powers equal to 50% of the target enemy Cepter's.

Eclipse (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:60
Take 20 symbols of the element that the target Cepter has most. Target Cepter
gains the number subtracted x10G.
(The symbols are lost, not so much "taken.")

Elemental Rage (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
All creatures placed in a territory with different elements lose half their

Erasure (E - beat Story stage Durhan) (SP)

Global Effect G:50
Remove all the Status effects placed on creatures and Cepters.

Escape (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
User will go to the nearest vacant land (cannot use die this turn).
(Within the area. If there is no vacant land, you don't move, a la Holy Word

Evil Blast (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:120
Cast 30 damage to target enemy creatures.

Exile (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:100
Return creature with Status effect back to the hand.

Exorcism (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:60
Removes the Status effect on all of the target area creatures. Affected
creatures' MHP+10.

Fairy Light (N) (SP)

Single Status G:60
Target Cepter gains hand x10G of magical powers in every round until the
Castle is reached.

Feast (N) (SP)

Global Effect G:20
All the Cepters will gain the number of territories they each own x50G of
magical powers.

Find (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:40
User draws one card. Recycles to the book after use.
(Actually recycles to the hand.)

Fire Explosion (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Gives 20 damage to all the Blue creatures.

Fly (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
User moves the sum of two dice.

Fog (N) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Toll fee of target territory is halved.
Foresight (N) (SP)
Single Effect G:40
Look at 6 cards from the book and select one to add to the hand.

Forest Leap (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Send selected Cepter to nearby Green land. User playing this card forfeits a
die roll this turn.
(You go to the closest Green land, in front or behind.)

Goblin's Lair (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:10 + Discard
Position "Goblin" if User is stopped in a vacant land. Recycles to the book
after use.
(Actually recycles to the hand.)

Grace (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:30
User will gain 15% of total magical powers that the target Cepter has in

Gravity (S) (SP)

Global Status G:50
All Cepter's die roll is 1.
(For one round.)

Greed (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
The land toll fee increases by 1.5x. During battle, HP-10.
(This effect will stack with any other toll-increasing effect, such as
Barrier, Gnome's ability, etc.)

Growth Body (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Target creature's MHP+10.

Haste (N) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Target Cepter only able to roll 6-8 for two rounds.

Haunt (R) (SP)

Single Status G:70
For the next two rounds, the computer will command the target Cepter.

Holy Word 0 (S) (SP)

Single Status G:30
Target Cepter's die roll is 0.

Holy Word 1 (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
Target Cepter's die roll is 1.

Holy Word 2 (N) (SP)

Single Status G:10
Target Cepter's die roll is 2.

Holy Word 3 (N) (SP)

Single Status G:10
Target Cepter's die roll is 3.
Holy Word 6 (N) (SP)
Single Status G:10
Target Cepter's die roll is 6.

Holy Word X (N) (SP)

Single Status G:30
Target Cepter's die roll is 10.

Ice Storm (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Give 20 damage to all the Red creatures.

Incineration (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:10
User gains the number of creatures thus far destroyed x20G of magical powers.
(The number of creatures destroyed is then reset to zero, making this bad for
repeat casting, and nullifying Soul Collector/Anubias.)

Influence (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Transform target territory into element of which the user owns the most.
(The territory is transformed into the the color its CONTROLLER owns the
most of, not the caster. If two or more land types are held in equal
amounts, it's chosen seemingly at random.)

Insect Swarm (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Cast 20 HP damage to all creatures.
(Actually does 20 damage to all WOUNDED creatures -- those with current HP
below their MHP -- within a SELECTED AREA, not the entire board. Thanks for
translating that, NEC! If no creatures in the selected area are wounded,
there will be "no available target.")

Invisibility (R) (SP)

Single Status G:60
User's territory cannot be attacked by Spell or Territory ability other than
"Remove Curse." The effect ends if the Cepter casts a spell.
[Insanely good in decks with little or no other spells.]

Judgment (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:100
The target Cepter, or the casting Cepter, will lose 80% of their magical
powers, in a 2-1 ratio.
(66% chance of opponent losing 80%G, 33% chance of you losing 80%G.)

Lake Leap (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Send selected Cepter to nearby Blue land. User playing this card forfeits a
die roll this turn.

Land Protection (N) (SP)

Single Status G:70
Target creature cannot be chosen by Spell or Territory ability other than
"Remove Curse."

Land Transfer (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Abandon a territory and gain the same value of magical powers. Card recycles
back to the book.

Life Force (R) (SP)

Single Status G:70 + Discard
For three rounds, the target Cepter can use creatures and items for half of
magical power but will be unable to use Spells.

Life Stream (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:50
Fully restores HP of all the creatures User has played.

Locust (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Lower target territory one level.

Magic Bolt (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:50
Give 20 damage to the target enemy creature.

Magic Fountain (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
Cepters that first stop in target territory will gain 400G of magical powers.
(Can only target territories that are held by creatures.)

Manna (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:0
Selected Cepter gains lap number x50G.

Mass Growth (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:30
All creature's MHP+5.

Mass Phantasm (R) (SP)

Global Status G:100
"Phantasm" is cast on all of the creatures in the target area.
(Phantasm: creature cannot gain or lose HP as a result of spells or territory

Mesmerize (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:100 + Discard
Choose and use one card from the target enemy's hand other than "Mesmerize."

Meteor (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:200 + Discard
Make the opponent's territory level 1.
(Targets a single territory.)

Mind Seeker (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Choose one of the six cards from the target Cepter's book, without looking at
it, and destroy it.
(Blind-pick one of the top six cards of their book and discard it.)

Mine (N) (SP)

Single Status G:10
The Cepter that lands on the selected land first loses 50% of their magical
powers (can be used on land other than territories.)

Mistletoe (S) (SP)

Single Status G:20
User will gain 50G of magical powers each time all the Cepters roll a 5-7 for
two rounds.

Mountain Leap (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Send selected Cepter to nearby Red land. User playing this card forfeits a
die roll this turn.

Mutation (S) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Cast Status effect of Poison on target creature. Target creature's MHP+20.

Pain (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Target enemy Cepter will lose 100G of magical powers.

Parasite (S) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Cepter for the target creature will lose 100G of magical powers at the end
of battle.

Peace (S) (SP)

Single Status G:70
Target territory will not receive offense. Toll fee for this territory is 0.

Permission (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Pass through all the Forts instantly. Head for the Castle.
(Doesn't move you anywhere, but you are considered to have hit all the forts
for lapping purposes.)

Phantasm (S) (SP)

Single Status G:30
Target creature will be unable to receive or regain damage by Spells or
territory abilities.

Plague (S) (SP)

Global Status G:100
Effect of Poison to all of the creatures in the area.

Plain Leap (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
Send selected Cepter to nearby Yellow land. User playing this card forfeits a
die roll this turn.

Pressure (N) (SP)

Global Effect G:70
Lower all the symbol values 30%.
(The amount lowered will be rounded up. It's possible to reduce symbol values
as low as 1 with multiple castings.)

Prophecy (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:40
Take a chosen type of card from the User's book.

Punisher (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:100
Cast 20 damage to all the creatures in the territory with Status effect.
Quicksand (R) (SP)
Single Status G:100
Stops all passing Cepters for duration of two rounds.
(The effect will wear off prematurely as soon as Quicksand stops someone. If
anyone simply lands on the space, it will remain.

Quintessence (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:60
Transform the target territory to land with multi-element.

Raise Dead (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:30
Add the most recently destroyed creature into the Cepter's hand. Recycles
to the book.

Ray of Law (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Destroys cards which cost 100G or more.
(Targets cards in all Cepter's hands.)

Regeneration (N) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Target creature will gain Regeneration and HP+20 during battle.

Reincarnation (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:50
Replace all of the cards in your hand with the same number of new cards from
the book.

Reinforce (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:60
All creatures' ST+10 in the target area.

Relief (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:30
Exchange two user's creatures from their territories. Card recycles back to
the book.

Remove Curse (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:10
Remove Status effect from target creature (land).

Replace (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:120
Interchange target creature with the selected creature.
(Replaces any creature on the board with a creature out of its controller's
hand at no cost above the cost of Replace.)

Revelation (S) (SP)

Single Status G:50
For the next two rounds, the Cepter can use Territory commands on all

Revival (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:70 + Discard
Return the target Cepter's book to the way it was at the start of Round 1.

Ruin (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Destroy all Spell cards that are in the hand of User and target enemy Cepter.

Rust (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80 + Discard
Destroy all item cards that target enemy Cepter has in their hand.

Scourge (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Decreases the magical power by 30% for those Cepters with Status effect.

Sculpture (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:150 + Discard
All creatures with 30MHP or less will become a "Statue."

Selenear (E - obtain all Green creature cards) (SP)

Single Effect G:50
User gains number of Green territories owned x100G of magical powers.

Senility (R) (SP)

Single Status G:100
Target creature destroyed at the end of battle.

Shatter (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:20
From target enemy Cepter's hand, destroy a card other than a creature card.

Shine (R) (SP)

Single Status G:150
Increase value of all the symbols 50% for two rounds.
(Amount of increase is rounded down. If you have a great deal of symbols,
you could see substantially less than an actual 50% increase.)

Shrink (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:30
Target creature's MHP-10.

Silence (S) (SP)

Single Status G:70
Target enemy Cepter cannot use Creature cards during the next two rounds.
(Will also prevent the use of creature cards as Support.)

Simulacrum (R) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Target creature will neutralize an attack (except for scroll attack). User
will lose the neutralized damage x3G of magical powers.

Sink (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:150
Transform territory to Blue.

Slow (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
Target Cepter only able to roll 1-3 for two rounds.

Soltis (E - collect every N,S,R card and all E-cards from story mode) (SP)
Single Effect G:80
Choose and regain one of the seven elements.
(choose from the following effects:
Good Luck: for the next two rounds, you do not have to pay toll fees when you
stop on an opponent's territory.
Remove Curse: All the Status effects on creatures and land will be removed.
Affection: You gain rank x200G in magical powers.
Hope: You draw two cards from the book.
Great Depression: All of the symbol values decrease by 20%.
Suffocate: All creature takes 10 damage.
Life Stream: Total recovery of all of your creatures' HP aligned in one area.)

Sonic Wave (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:70
Does 20 damage to all the creatures that possess First Attack ability.

Soul Hunt (S) (SP)

Single Status G:10
When the target creature is destroyed by Spell or territory ability, the
Cepter will gain that creature's HP x5G of magical powers.

Soul Steal (R) (SP)

Single Status G:10
For the next three rounds, the caster will gain the number of destroyed
creatures x50G of magical powers.

Spartoi (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:40 + Discard
Placement of "Skeleton" in a random vacant land.

Spirit Walk (S) (SP)

Single Status G:20
Target creature can move to a distant vacant land within the area.
(Since this is a status effect, you essentially get one move using territory
command to any vacant area, then it wears off.)

Squeeze (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:50
Destroy one of the target Cepter's hand cards. The Cepter with the destroyed
card will gain 150G of magical powers.

Subsidience (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:120
Lower 1 level opposing enemy Cepter's highest territorial level.

Suppression (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:100
The chosen Spell card, the same card from the target Cepter's hand, will be
taken out from all books and the opponent's hand.

Telegnosis (N) (SP)

Single Status G:60
User can use territory command on all territories. Card is then recycled back
to the book.
(Lasts until the beginning of your next turn, the only reason it's more
expensive than Revelation is that it's recycled to the book.)

Telekinesis (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:100
Move target creature one space.

Teleport (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:10
Send target Cepter to a land behind a Fort or Temple. User playing this card
forfeits a die roll this turn.
(Sends you to the nearest "facility," in front or behind.)

Temperance (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:70
Target creature's MHP=30.

Tempest (R) (SP)

Global Effect G:200 + Discard
Cast 20 damage to all the creatures.

Thorn Fetter (N) (SP)

Single Status G:50
User is unable to move the opposing creature. HP-20 at the end of battle.

Thunder Storm (S) (SP)

Global Effect G:80
Give 20 damage to all the Green creatures.

Torture (N) (SP)

Single Status G:50
Target enemy Cepter will lose number of hand Spell cards x20G in every round
until the Castle is reached.

Triumph (N) (SP)

Single Status G:20
User's next lap bonus increases 1.5x. The effect disappears when the Castle
is reached.

Turn to the Wall (S) (SP)

Single Effect G:80
Transform the target creature into a defense creature that holds the same
(New creature will be at full HP. Transformations guide:
Green creature: Wall of Stone
Red creature: Pillar of Fire
Blue creature: Ice wall
Yellow creature: Hurricane
Neutral creature: Statue)

Upheaval (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:150
Transform territory to Red.

Vitality (N) (SP)

Single Status G:40
During battle, target creature's ST+20 HP+20

Vortex (S) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Effects during battle or ability cannot be used in the target territory.

Waste (S) (SP)

Single Status G:70
Double the target Cepter's magic power required to summon a creature until
passing the Castle.
(The effect can combine with Ivory Idol for extra cost.)
Weakness (N) (SP)
Single Effect G:10
Make the ST of target enemy creature 0 (eternally).

Weathering (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:150
Transform territory to Yellow.

Wild Growth (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:150
Transform territory to Green.

Wind of Hope (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:40
Draw two cards from the book.

Wing (N) (SP)

Single Status G:40
Target creature will gain first attack and ST+20 during battle.

Wizard Eye (N) (SP)

Single Effect G:0
Look at six cards from the target Cepter's book. Recycles back to the hand.

Word of Recall (R) (SP)

Single Effect G:80 + Discard
Send target Cepter to the Castle. User playing this card forfeits a die roll
this turn.

~ 1.9: Medal Reward Cards ~

Astral Queen (E - 25 medals) (NC)

ST:30 HP:40 G:70 + Discard
Territory[60] All creatures given "Camoflage" Status effect.
HP increased by the number of positioned Neutral creatures x5.

Leoknight (E - 10 medals) (NC)

ST:0 HP:40 G:100
Item Limit: xScroll
ST is number of territories the opposing Cepter has x10.
HP is number of territories the user has x10.

Tetramorph (E - 40 medals) (NC)

ST:30 HP:50 G:80 + Discard
Boost (offense creature HP-20)
Territory[50] 50 damage to target enemy creature with elements that mismatch.
(Can target creatures on non-corresponding land.)

Dragon Helm (E - 25 medals) (I)

Accessory G:70
Critical hit to Red and Yellow creature.
Neutralize attack of Blue and Green creature.
Ignores item destroy/capture effects.

Talisman (E - 45 medals) (I)

Accessory G:100
Destroy opponent's item at start of battle.
Neutralize attack (excluding Scroll).
Puts Status effect of "Land Protect" on defense creature.

Darkcraft (E - 45 medals) (SP)

Global Effect G:70
The Cepter that has the most symbols will lose 30% of the most owned symbols.

Energy Flash (E - 40 medals) (SP)

Global Effect G:100 + Discard
Destroys all creatures placed on level 1 territory.

Lightcraft (E - 30 medals) (SP)

Global Effect G:50
All Cepters' books return to their status at the beginning of the game. All
hands will be discarded and five new cards drawn.

Polymorph (E - 15 medals) (SP)

Single Effect G:80 + Discard
Random transformation of target creature.

~ Chapter 2.0: Medals & Medal Rewards ~
Medal Name: Unlocking Method
Note: Any medals that don't require specific Story conditions to acquire can
be obtained playing alone against Story opponents in Versus mode. Some
medals require this. If it's not explicitly stated that you have to win to
obtain a medal, you just have to meet the requirements and ride out the rest
of the match.

~ 2.1: Medals ~

Performer of the Mission: Complete Story mode.

Supreme Ruler of the World: Collect 500 total cards.

Supreme Ruler of the Universe: Collect 1000 total cards.

Scholar of Monsters: Obtain all monster cards (excluding E cards).

Scholar of Artifacts: Obtain all item cards (excluding E cards).

Scholar of Sorcery: Obtain all spell cards (excluding E cards).

Two-Headed Attacker: Defeat two allied Story mode opponents in Versus mode
without using symbols.

Solitary Swordsman: Defeat three allied Story mode opponents.

(Doesn't say anything about not using symbols...)

Proof of Friendship: Win an alliance victory at Malthessburg with your ally

"not being denied toll once." More accurately, the goal of this medal is
for your ally not to PAY toll to your opponent. Thanks to Scruffy for
(This can be a 2 on 1 battle. You may want to focus your deck on weakening
your opponent's creatures so your ally can better invade if necessary.)
Death Bearer: Win by Sudden Death.

Proof of Knighthood: Defeat Zeneth in Story Mode with a difference of more

than 5000G.
(Return to Dunnan after the tournament at Cratos and begin a battle with
Goligan, Zeneth will appear and challenge you.)

Repeated Victory: Achieve 50 victories against story characters.

(Versus battles alone vs. story characters count towards this.)

? *Unconfirmed*: Achieve 100 victories against story characters.

Roaring Fame: Victory by acquiring more than 90000G.

(Set a Versus match to infinite turn limit and 90000G limit. This is as
good a time as any to get some other medals, like the 10-chain one.)

Cosmic Mystery: Get all 11 "Idol" creatures on the board at once.

Loser among Losers: Lose at Malthessburg with less than 100G total value at
the time of loss (not in sudden death).
(Pretty luck-based, just set a very low round/G limit and avoid lapping,
paying the opponent's tolls. Magic depletion will put you back over 100G,
so very expensive spells such as Catastrophe/Earth Shaker might be

Star of the Ascetics: Win with a book containing no creature cards.

(Use symbols, or a speed/money-making book.)

Destroyer of Articles: Win with a book with no item cards "and taking 10000G
in tolls."
(Little uncertain on this, it's my opinion that since the medal contains a
counter of your max single toll amount from the match (mine is something
like 2656G), the actual goal of the medal is to win with a book containing
no item cards and take at least one toll of *1000*G or more. Best to set the
G limit for the match to 10000 though, just to be certain.)

Denier of Spells: Win with a book containing no spell cards.

Stone of the One and Only: Win using a book with no duplicate cards.

Soul of the Alchemist: Win using a book using no elemental creatures, only
neutral creatures.

Destroyer of the Land: Use the Quake Beast to lower the level of 4 territories
at once.
(Would have to be done on a map with intersections, ie: Cratos 2. The lands
lowered can, and probably should be, your own.)

Dragon Slayer: Kill a Dragon with a Powder Eater.

(Story characters known to use Dragon: Gamygin, Najaran, Balberit. Weaken
a dragon with direct damage, then move in for the kill with Claymore/Lance
of Odin.)

Mechanical Duke: Get 3 or more Bundlegears in play at one time.

(Assembled and on the board, it doesn't count if you simply make them and
they die in battle.)

Exiler of Existence: Reduce the opponent's book to less than 40 cards using
Death Gaze.

Protector of the Earth: Fill the map with only Gooba.

(This one takes some trickery, you have to get at least one Gooba into your
hand by exchanging for another creature or some Status/Exile combo, then
trade it out for the Queen. Literally every square on the map has to be
occupied with Goobas.)

Wind Rider: Fill the map with only Powder Eaters.

Chief of the Commoners: Win using a book containing only N-rarity cards and
end the match with over 10000G total.

Chief of the Extraordinaire: Win using a book containing only S-rarity cards
and end the match with over 10000G total.

Chief of the Rare Tribe: Win using a book containing only R-rarity cards and
end the match with over 10000G total.

King of the Wasteland: Victory with all lands at level 1 - yours and your
opponents. Be careful of any lands that may have been depopulated through
killing, as land retains its level unless "sold back."

Emperor of the Desert: Victory without symbols or territory.

(Probably the best way to do this is make a deck that focuses on slowing
down your opponent and making you lap like crazy. Dunnan map vs. Mullyn
will make it very easy to win by timeout. Note that you can own territory
during the match, just not at the time of victory. It would seem you can't
own symbols at any time during the match and still earn the medal.)

Unifier: Win when the opponent doesn't control a single land.

Fortune Bearer: Win a match and hold at least a 10-chain of one land type
at the time of victory.

Administrator of Fertility: Win a match and hold at least one level 5 land of
each color at the time of victory.

Avaricious Smile: Gain more than 3000G in toll at one time.

Explorer of the Swamps: Pay more than 3000G total in toll fees during a match.

Lucky Scale: Collect toll from your opponents more than 20 times.

Ominous Fang: Pay toll to your opponents more than 20 times.

Voice of the Sandman: Win without paying toll to your opponent once.

Wings of Swiftness: Victory by the end of round 19, excluding sudden death.

Denizen of the Sanctuary: Win, and obtain at least 3000G in symbols on a map
with no
(Either get psychotically lucky with shrines or use cards like Coin of Piety
and Sanctum Guard. I also recommend using Aurora as many times as possible.)

Merciless Breath: Force the enemy into Magic Depletion during a match.

Shadow of the Pauper: Get Magic Depletion yourself.

Scythe of Insanity: Successfully invade your opponent's lands more than 20

Solid Defense: Defend your lands from invasion more than 20 times.

Roar of the Butcher: Kill more than 10 creatures at one time.

Time Tramper: Roll "1" three times in a row. Holy Word 1 doesn't count.

The Infinite Sword: One of your creatures must reach 200 or more ST during
(For this and the following medal, Gouda or Leoknight should be used.
Theoretically, using Gouda in an all-yellow deck of your own and fighting
against Whirlwind should achieve the requirement for both medals very

The Infinite Shield: One of your creatures must reach 200 or more HP during

~ 2.2: Rewards ~

5 Medals: Open "Extra Maps" section in Versus mode map selection.

Maps Twister, Mountain, Dancing Doll, Mt. Karin 2, and Combination become
10 Medals: Obtain "Leoknight" E-rated card.
15 Medals: Obtain "Polymorph" E-rated card.
20 Medals: Extra maps Thor's Hammer, The Shuriken!, Humongous, Gosa 2, and
KARAFURA become available.
25 Medals: Obtain "Dragon Helm" & "Astral Queen" E-rated cards.
30 Medals: Obtain "Lightcraft" E-rated card.
35 Medals: Extra maps Mt. Karin, Gosa, Kelder, Talio, and Dark Abyss become
40 Medals: Obtain "Tetramorph" & "Energy Flash" E-rated cards.
45 Medals: Obtain "Dark Craft" and "Talisman" E-rated cards.

(the following data from Japanese site Culdcept Database, )
50 Medals: Five more Extra maps.

~ Chapter 3.0: Mystic Egg Transformations ~
Mystic Egg transforms into different creatures during battle based on what
item you use. While there are less items than creatures, ME seems to have a
limited pool of creatures it can transform into. This is a listing of what
creatures you can get with ME and the corresponding items.

Carbuncle: Aura Blade, Gem of Life, Gremlin Amulet, Iksear, Neutral Amulet,
Prismatic Wand, Ring of the Vampire, Storm Causer, Tower Shield,
Vorpal Sword
Cockatrice: Chain Mail, Crossbow, Fire Amulet, Flame Tongue, Holy Grail,
Nunchaku, Offering Doll, Rat Hunter, Stone Hail, Winged Boots
Cyclops: Battering Ram, Boomerang, Chameleon Armor, Earth Amulet,
Leather Armor, Living Shield, Magic Shield, Petrify Stone, Sapphire Ring,
Sleep, Terrair, Water Amulet
Dragonfly: Buckler, Claw of the Ghoul, Earth Shield, Living Spear,
Mujina Mask, Phoenix Amulet, Rock Biter, Shadow Armor, Sling, Trident,
Venom, Water Shield
Fire Giant: Air Slasher, Battle Axe, Bell of Chaos, Dragon Helm, Dynamite,
Icicle, Kris, Living Sword, Long Sword, Magus's Mirror, Nuclear Fusion,
Silver Plow
Giant Amoeba: Bell of Law, Black Orb, Diamond Armor, Emerald Ring, Glaive,
Hourglass, Mace, Power Braclet, Scale Armor, Trapezon
Goblin: Catapult, Coin of Piety, Death, Masamune, Rainbow Piece,
Ring of the Succubus, Smoke Torch, Sword of the Falcon, Vestment,
Wind Shield
Nightmare: Dagger of Mite, Fire Bolt, Gaseous Form, Heart Fibula,
Protean Ring, Ruby Ring, Spear, Tearing Halo, The Hand, Wind Cutter
Sprite: Changing Salve, Counter Amulet, Fire Shield, Golden Goose, Luna Stone,
Marker Flag, Necro Scarab, Plate Mail, Spike Shield, Wind Amulet
Storm Giant: Amber Ring, Bandit Glove, Claymore, Freeze, Hell Blaze,
Knight Shield, Lance of Odin, Morning Star, Stink Bottle, Talisman

Note: With "The Hand," the item steal will still occur before the Egg turns
into Nightmare. The stolen item will be used as basis for the egg's

~ Chapter 4.0: Easy Card Collecting Methods ~
Method 1: Hands-on
1. Create a new player character. It will be more beneficial to you if you
create and re-create this new character until it has the opposite "starter"
book from your main character (red/green or blue/yellow).
2. Start a versus match between your character and this "dummy" character. I
prefer to use one of the maps with 12-card reward, as their round limit
minimum is 30. Set Capture Card to 4.
3. Stroll around the board, putting down a few creatures and levelling them up
if you feel like it. The dummy character should do as little as possible.
4. In about 10 minutes you'll win by default, earning the card reward on top
of whatever you capture from the dummy character. If the dummy earns any
cards you don't have, trade them over. Don't forget to fix the dummy's
deck to make it legal again, paying a mind to put in cards you'd like to
X. Note: in a 2 on 1 team game, both winning players will capture the same 4
cards from the loser, so 4 cards are essentially generated from thin air.

Method 2: Hands-off
1. Create an AI character with an absolutely worthless deck-IE, all items.
2. Begin a versus match with a team consisting of your character and a
friend's (or the dummy character from Method 1). The AI should be on a
team by itself. Choose any map with a high card reward, as it won't be
so bothersome if the minimum turn limit is 40. Set the Time Limit to
10 seconds.
3. With time limit on, your characters will automatically do nothing but
move around the board. The AI will be forced to do the same. The point
of having a team of two characters is to ensure you'll get approximately
double the money of one AI through simply lapping.
4. Go do something else for a while. The final story mode map takes more than
an hour to run its course this way, but it's nice to get sixteen cards for
watching a movie, taking a nap, whatever :P

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