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The beetles cave (moldy, wet)

• A dull buzz and a halo of orange light.
o 1d6 Fire beetles on the walls.
1. The entrance to the ancient caves (earthy, wet)
• The opening is obstructed by thick vegetation.
o Traces of recent footsteps are visible.
• Bones on the floor at the back of the room (former bear den). o A skilled observer can recognize claw marks (birds of prey)
A DUNGEON CRAWL ADVENTURE FOR CAIRN AND OTHER OLD-SCHOOL ROLE-PLAYING GAMES o A backpack with a healing potion (1d4 STR), a silver dagger and • A metal door to the south (open).
an ivory flute (30 gp). o A tree symbol inscribed in a triangle is painted but it is half erased.
Deep in the dark forest are the ancient caves of the cursed druids. A long forgotten sinister place • The south wall is blackened (soot), smell of smoke.
where no one should go once the hidden temple of an evil cult. But tales of buried treasures and o A chimney to room 4 (it is possible to slip in).
o Attentive listening reveals whispers. 3. The sylvan vestibule (pungent, woody smell)
rumors of powerful forgotten artifacts stir up covetousness. Coincidence? Villagers have recently
• The room is covered with vegetation, 3 twisted trees sit in the corners
disappeared on the edge of the forest and strange birds has been spotted by farmers! extending their branches towards the ceiling.
o Tree trunks are engraved with 'too' realistic faces.
4. The common room (damp, smell of smoke) • 3 metals doors: the one to the south is locked, the one to the west is barricaded
• Long wooden tables and chairs, 2 gold candlesticks (2x100 gp) and 2 oil on the other side.
flasks. • Shelves and benches falling into ruin.
• A large fireplace decorated with runes to the north (chimney leads to 2). o In the debris on the floor: a ruby eye, a druid amulet, a bow and 20 gp in a
• A skeleton dressed in a white robe and a druid amulet. pouch.
• A multitude of roots come out of the ceiling, the floor is littered with pieces • Rotten tapestry on the walls showing druids sacrificing Dryads in front of a
of stone and earth as well as kitchen utensils. tortuous tree. A horned creature drinking their blood (the Great Horned).
• A double door adorned with the Head of the Great Horned with its mouth
open; a trace of dried blood (it is magically sealed and opens only by The 3 Guardian Trees attack anyone who does not wear a druid amulet around their
pouring blood into the mouth). neck.
• Two adventurers are resting here. They are in bad shape after being
attacked by the trees in 3. They have lost a companion after an encounter Guardian Tree
with the Harpies and have barricaded the doors. They have no clue how they 8 HP, 1 Armor, 15 STR, 4 DEX, Branches (d6, Blast)
will escape. • Very vulnerable to fire.
Sima, Her, Dwarf
6 HP, 3 Armor, 14 STR, hammer (d8)
chain mail, shield, illuminate spell #43, a bottle of cognac “blue stone”, key to 6. 6. The fungal hallway (moldy, spores)
Wenlan, Him, human • The walls of the hallway are invaded by mushrooms.
4 HP, 1 Armor, 15 DEX, 2 daggers (d6+d6) • Huge mushroom (4’ high) blocks the passage, several dead rats are piled up
lockpicks, rope 50’, 10 caltrops, 3 precious dice (15 gp). around its base. It’s possible to pass over but if it is pierced it releases poisoned
spores (STR Save or die within 1 hour).

5. The temple of the Great Horned (heat, smell of earth and sulfur)
• A huge tree surrounded by countless bones and skulls. An evil aura 7. The prison of the Dryads (sorrow tone airing)
emanates from the tree and blood seems to circulate under the bark. • Black and twisted trees fill the room; they are bound
• A large stone altar still blushed with dried blood. together by a long chain of silver.
• A statue of Druid holding a chalice. Behind it there is a secret door to 10 o A parchment on the ground: 'Chained in
The Great Horned, an ancient demon of the forest, appears as a large crowned The 3 Ghost Dryads that haunt the trees attack any living
humanoid deer when someone touch the tree. Eager for servants or souls, he things in the room. The chain has 20 STR, once broken the
offers great powers in exchange for vows of loyalty or death. If defeated the Dryads are freed. They know about the magical pool in 9
forest becomes less gloomy and life resumes, the adventurers will be seen as and the Great Horned story.
local heroes.

The Great Horned 8. The trapped corridor

10 HP, 1 Armor, 16 STR, 12 DEX, 14 WIL, claws & horns (d8+d8) • A pressure plate at the bottom of the stair releases a
9. The lair of the Harpies (stench, groans) stone boulder that rolls down the stairs (d12+d12 if in
• Animates 1d3 Skeletons per round.
• A cage with 2 imprisoned villagers the way).
o Solgur and Arabella. Starving and helpless, they will flee outside. • The edge of the steps has many visible splinters.
The Crown of the Horned: A crown of bone and silver. Once worn deer horns grow
• Four large columns support the ceiling. • The gap around the pressure plate is visible if the floor
on the head of the victim. It cannot be removed. The wearer is perceived as an
• The remains of devoured villagers lay in a large nest of straws. is inspected.
evil being of authority.
o 500 gp and 250 gp of jewelry are hidden in the nest. • The door to 9 is locked.
• A large library filled with rotten books runs through the walls.
10. The secret room (dry, quiet) o A book about the ritual of the cult of the Horned (50 gp).
• Skeleton of a druid holding a magic wooden staff ending in a green gem o A Spider Climb scroll #82. d6 Encounters
(Control Plants #18. 1d6 charges). • A pool filled with crystal clear water. 1. 1d3 Ghost dryads begging for relief and craving for soul.
• A locked chest: 500 gp of jewelry. o Drinking the water cures diseases and poison. 2. 1 Ghost druid who sneers.
• 2 secret doors activated by a hidden switch in the wall o it burns (d8 blast) evil creatures as holy waters. 3. 2d4 Giants bats smelling prisoners from the Harpies
• On the west wall, there is a statue of the Horned with one ruby as eye, the other is missing (see 3). After 4. 1 Giant spider hanging on the ceiling.
compatible with replacing it, pulling the left arm will activate the secret door to 10. 5. 1d6 Giant centipedes in a crate or coming out a crack in a wall
• A metal door locked to the east (Sima in 4 has the key). 6. 1 Green slime digesting a rat, waiting for a better diner
• The north door is barricaded on the other side.
Nix & Ara The Harpies have recently settled in here. They will try to charm intruders but in case of strong opposition
they will bargain for their life.

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