Influencial Psychologist - TRANSCRIPT

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TOPIC OUTLINE cognitive development.
i. Introduction His theory of cognitive
ii. Who help shape Psychology? development made him
iii. Woman who helped change psychology one of the most famous
psychologists in history.
INTRODUCTION - His work had a
Some of the most famous psychologists in history have particularly significant
contributed to our understanding of human thought and impact on the
behavior. The breadth and diversity of psychology can be understanding of
seen by looking at some of its best-known thinkers. While children's intellectual
each theorist may have been part of an overriding school of growth. His research
thought, each brought a unique perspective to the field of contributed to the growth
psychology. of developmental
psychology, cognitive
WHO HELPED SHAPE PSYCHOLOGY? psychology, genetic
 Psychology has been shaped and influenced by a education reform.
number of eminent thinkers, including famous - Albert Einstein once
psychologists such as Freud, Skinner, and Piaget. Each described Piaget's
thinker has left their mark and helped shape how we observations on
think about the mind and behavior. Even as their children's intellectual
contributions continue to shape present psychology, growth and thought
researchers and clinicians continue to work to add more processes as a discovery
to our understanding of human psychology. "so simple only a genius
 The list below provides a snapshot of the careers of 10 could have thought of it."
famous psychologists and their most important Sigmund Freud - When people think of
contributions to the field. famous psychologists,
their minds immediately
NAME DESCRIPTION go to Sigmund Freud.
B. F. Skinner one of history's most famous While many of his
psychologists. He was a theories were
staunch advocate controversial, his work
for behaviorism, which made supported the belief that
him a dominating force in not all mental illnesses
psychology. Many therapy have physiological
techniques based on his causes.
theories are still used - Freud also offered
extensively today, including evidence that cultural
behavior modification and differences have an
token economies. Skinner is impact on psychology
remembered for his concepts and behavior. His work
of operant contributed to our
conditioning and schedules of understanding of human
reinforcement. development,
personality, clinical
and abnormal
Albert Bandura - his work is considered
part of the cognitive
revolution in psychology
that began in the late
1960s. Bandura's social
learning theory stresses
the importance
of observational learning,
imitation, and modeling.
Jean Piaget - was the psychologist who
- "Learning would be
was most influential in
exceedingly laborious,

dauz, mayna joy s. bap-1a

Russian physiologist
not to mention hazardous, whose research on
if people had to rely conditioned reflexes
solely on the effects of and classical
their own actions to conditioning influenced
inform them what to do," the rise of behaviorism in
Bandura explained in his psychology.
1977 book "Social - Pavlov's experimental
Learning Theory." methods helped move
psychology away from
introspection and
Leon Festinger - developed the theories
subjective assessments to
of cognitive
the objective
dissonance and social
measurement of
comparison to explain the
ways in which social
conditions influence
human behavior. Carl Rogers - placed emphasis on
Cognitive dissonance is human potential, which
the state of discomfort had an enormous
you feel when you hold influence on both
two conflicting beliefs. psychology and
For example, you may education. He became
smoke even though you one of the major
know it is bad for your humanist thinkers and a
health. significant influence in
- His social comparison therapy with his client-
theory says that you centered therapy.
evaluate your ideas by - His daughter, Natalie
comparing them with Rogers, described him as
what other people "a model for compassion
believe. You are also and democratic ideals in
more likely to seek out his own life, and in his
other people who share work as an educator,
your beliefs and values. writer, and therapist."
William James - often referred to as the
father of American Erik Erikson - stage theory
psychology. His of psychosocial
teachings and writings development helped
helped establish create interest and
psychology as a science. research on human
Among his many development through the
accomplishments was the lifespan, which also help
publication of the 1,200- make him one of the
page text, "The Principles most famous
of Psychology," which psychologists in history.
quickly became a classic An ego psychologist who
in the field. studied with Anna Freud,
- In addition, James Erikson expanded
contributed psychoanalytic theory by
to functionalism, exploring development
pragmatism, and throughout life, including
influenced many students events of childhood,
of psychology during his adulthood, and old age.
35-year teaching career. Lev Vygotsky - was a contemporary of
some more famous
Ivan Pavlov - One of the individuals psychologists including
who is often regarded as Piaget, Freud, Skinner,
one of the most famous and Pavlov, yet his work
psychologists wasn't never achieved the same
actually a psychologist at eminence during his
all. Ivan Pavlov was a lifetime. This is largely
because much of his

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writing remained Mary Whiton Calkins - studied at Harvard,
inaccessible to the although she was never
Western world until quite given approval for formal
recently. admission. She studied
with some of the most
- Starting in the 1960s and eminent thinkers of the
through the 1990s, many time, including William
of his writings were James and Hugo
translated from Russian. Munsterberg, and
As a result, his work has completed all of the
become enormously requirements for a
influential in recent doctorate. Despite this,
decades, particularly in Harvard refused to grant
the fields of educational her a degree on the
psychology and child grounds that she was a
development. woman.
- First female president of
- While his premature the American
death at age 38 put a halt Psychological Association
to his work, he went on - Developed the paired-
to become one of the association technique
most frequently cited
psychologists of the 20th Mary Ainsworth - was an important
century. developmental
psychologist. Her work
demonstrated the
importance of healthy
WOMAN WHO HELPED CHANGE childhood attachments,
and she pioneered the use
of a technique known as
the "Strange Situation"
- Contributed to the
understanding of
Anna Freud - When most people hear
attachment styles
the name Freud, Sigmund
is probably the first name
that comes to mind. Leta Stetter - was an early pioneer of
However, the famous Hollingworth psychology in the United
psychoanalyst's States. She studied with
daughter Anna Freud was Edward Thorndike and
a well-known and made a name for herself
influential psychologist in for her research on
her own right. intelligence and gifted
- Anna Freud not only children.
expanded upon her - Another of her important
father's ideas, but she also contributions was her
helped develop the field of research on the
child psychotherapy and psychology of women.
influenced other thinkers The prevailing opinion at
such as Erik Erikson. the time was that women
Among her many were both intellectually
accomplishments are inferior to men and
introducing the concept essentially semi-invalid
of defense when they were
mechanisms and menstruating.
expanding interest in the Hollingworth challenged
field of child psychology. these assumptions, and her
- Expanded child research demonstrated that
psychology field women were as intelligent
- Developed the concept of and capable as men were,
defense mechanisms no matter what time of the
- month it was.

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- Proved that women were
equals during her research as free association, Klein
in women's psychology began to utilize play
- therapy as a way to
Karen Horney - was an influential neo- investigate children's
Freudian unconscious feelings,
psychologist known for anxieties, and experiences.
her take
on feminine psychology. - Klein's work led to a
When Sigmund major disagreement with
Freud famously proposed Anna Freud, who believed
that women experience that younger children
"penis envy," Horney could not be
countered that men suffer psychoanalyzed. Klein
from "womb envy" and suggested that analyzing a
that all of their actions are child's actions during play
driven by a need to allowed the therapist to
overcompensate for the explore how various
fact that they cannot bear anxieties impact the
children. development of the ego
- Her outspoken refutation and the superego.
of Freud's ideas helped
draw greater attention to
the psychology of women. - Made major contributions
Her theory of neurotic to the field of play therapy
needs and her belief that - Discovered that children
people were capable of communicate through play
taking a personal role in
their own mental health Mamie Phipps Clark - First Black woman to
were among her many receive a degree from
contributions to the field Columbia University
of psychology. - Researched racism's
- Developed the theory of impact on Black children
neurotic needs in the famous "Doll Test"
- Developed the concept of experiment
"womb envy" - Her research on racial
- Contributed the idea that identity and self-esteem
people can influence their help pave the way for
own mental health future research on self-
- concept among minorities.
- Play therapy is a
commonly used technique Christine Ladd- - Advocated for women's
to help children express Franklin rights in academic fields
their feelings and - Developed a theory of
experiences in a natural color vision
and helpful way. Widely -
used today, a
psychoanalyst Margaret Floy - was the first woman to be
named Melanie Washburn awarded a PhD in
Klein played a pivotal role psychology. She
in developing this conducted her graduate
technique. Through her studies with Edward B.
work with children, she Titchener and was his first
observed that children graduate student.
often utilize play as one of - First women to receive a
their primary means of PhD in psychology
communication. - Made strides in the fields
of animal cognition and
- Since young children are motor theory
not capable of some of the
more commonly used Eleanor Maccoby - is likely familiar to
Freudian techniques such
dauz, mayna joy s. bap-1a
anyone who has ever
studied developmental
psychology. Her
pioneering work in the
psychology of sex
differences played a major
role in our current
understanding of things
such as socialization,
biological influences on
sex differences, and
gender roles.
- First chairwoman of the
Department of Psychology
at Stanford University
- Influenced how people
view gender roles and the
psychology of the sexes

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