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 is grounded in the use of the scientific method, said

Dominello. Psychologists base their professional
TOPIC OUTLINE practice in knowledge that is obtained through
i. Introduction
verifiable evidence of human behavior and mental
□ Objectives of Psychology
ii. Definition of Psychology
□ Characteristics of Scientific method  Objectivity – away from subjective or own opinion
□ Different kinds of Behavior
 Explicit procedure – step-by-step
iii. Goals of Psychology
□ Describe Behavior  Recorded
□ Understand and Explain Behavior 1. Conscious Behavior – any behavior that is
□ Control or Change Behavior
completed willingly with intent derived from your
iv. Brief History
own volition.
v. Methods of Psychology
vi. Fields of Psychology 2. Unconscious Behavior – unaware of any behavior
3. Rational Behavior – sanity
INTRODUCTION 4. Irrational Behavior – do things without any reason

This module presents the nature of psychology and 5. Voluntary Behavior – doing things in full will
is intended to give a deeper understanding of its 6. Involuntary Behavior – a reflex or action done
scope as it relates to human behavior. Also, it without conscious control or will — like a blink, a
covers the different concepts used in psychology. sneeze, and a yawn.
OBJECTIVES: 7. Covert Behavior - refers to our behaviors that are
 Concreate definition of Psychology not obviously apparent to others. This is often
 Enumerate the goals behaviors that are subtle and demonstrate self-
 Visit the in the development of Psychology restraint or self-control.
 Discuss deeper 8. Overt Behavior – refers to behavior that is openly
MODULE 1.1: ETYMOLOGY, GOALS OF displayed and readily observable.
PSYCHOLOGY AND HISTORY 9. Complex Behavior - incorporate innate responses
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? with learned behavior within the environment in
decision-making and actions.
10. Simple Behavior – less neuron uses

 To DESCRIBE behavior- The first goal is to
describe how organisms behave in certain ways.
What happens when one falls from a jeepney and
hits his/her head on the pavement? Are “drug
addicts” able to commit heinous crimes? The
answer to each question needs proper description of
the “whatness” of the behavior before we are led to
the next goal regarding the “whyness” of the
 The word ‘psychology” is derived from the Greek behavior.
words psyche meaning “soul” and logos, meaning
 To identify factors that help PREDICT
to “study”. The ancient Greeks considered
psychology simply as study of the soul. Psychology behavior- The second goal is to predict how an
touches all aspects of our lives. As society becomes organism will behave in the future. It should be
more complex especially in these challenging noted that prediction in psychology is rarely as
times, psychology has assumed an increasingly precise as it is in “hard science” like physics and
important role in describing human behavior. chemistry. Behavioral predictions, however, are
Learning can be viewed as one purpose of life and often useful, if the drug addict continues to take
self-knowledge can be considered as an element of drugs, what could happen to his/her brain cells?
learning. We may never be able to fully understand  To UNDERSTAND and EXPLAIN
ourselves through self-reflection, however, we can BEHAVIOR- This third goal of psychology is to
get a better understanding of the causes of our explain the causes of an organism’s behavior. Why
behaviors by learning about Psychology.
is he acting “strange” after falling from a jeepney?
 Scientific study of human and animal behavior
Why are drug addicts able to commit heinous
including mental processes
crimes? What specific part of the brain is affected
o Behavior – actions and reaction
by each particular case?
Cognition – thinking
o or process  CONTROL or CHANGE BEHAVIOR- The
information – rational. fourth goal of psychology is frequently
PSYCHOLOGY AS A SCIENCE misunderstood, probably because it sounds like a
threat to personal freedom. Control, however, helped develop
simply means, altering the conditions that influence
behavior in a predictable way. For instance, to
the field

reduce the effect of drug to one’s brain cell he is 1849-1936 Ivan Pavlov Russian
rehabilitated- often literally confined, thus control psychologist
is applied. whose
learning led to the
 Table 1 summarizes a timeline of some of the most
principles of
important psychologists, beginning with the early
Greek philosophers and extending to the present day. conditioning.


428-347 Plato Greek philosopher 1850-1909 Hermann German
BCE who argued for Ebbinghaus psychologist who
the role of nature studied the ability
in psychological of people to
development. remember lists of
384-432 Aristotle Greek philosopher nonsense syllables
BCE who argued for under different
the role of nurture conditions.
in psychological 1856-1939 Sigmund Freud Austrian
development. psychologist who
1588-1679 Thomas Hobbes English founded the field
CE philosopher. of psychodynamic
1596-1650 René Descartes French psychology.
philosopher. ULE Edward Bradford American
1632-1704 John Locke English 1867-1927 Titchener psychologist who
philosopher. contributed to the
1712-1778 Jean-Jacques French field of
Rousseau philosopher. structuralism.
1801-1887 Gustav Fechner German 1878-1958 John B. Watson American
experimental psychologist who
psychologist who contributed to the
developed the idea field of
of the “just behavioralism.
noticeable 1886-1969 Sir Frederic Bartlett British
difference” (JND), psychologist who
which is studied the
considered to be cognitive and
the first empirical social processes of
psychological remembering.
measurement. 1896-1980 Jean Piaget Swiss
1809-1882 Charles Darwin British naturalist psychologist who
whose theory of developed an
natural selection important theory
influenced the of cognitive
functionalist development in
school and the children.
field of 1904-1990 B.F Skinner American
evolutionary psychologist who
psychology contributed to the
1832-1920 Wilhelm Wundt German school of
psychologist who behaviourism.
opened one of the 1926-1993 Donald Broadbent British cognitive
first psychology psychologist who
laboratories and was pioneer in the
helped develop study of attention.
the field of 20th-21st Linda Bartoshuk; -American
structuralism. centuries Daniel Kahneman; psychologist who
1842-1910 William James American Elizabeth Loftus; contributed to the
psychologist who George Miller. cognitive school
opened one of the of psychology by
first psychology studying learning,
laboratories and memory,
CHAPTER 1: THE NATURE OF are a good source of information because they are
PSYCHOLOGY -Advancement of
the field of
without clear scientific bases. They are not a good
source of information because they are often
neuroscience misleading. They often prevent us from seeking
-Daniel Kahneman laudable information and at times could be lethal.
won the Nobel  It should be noted that psychologists now utilize
Prize in
careful measures and specialized research techniques
Economics for his
and procedures to avoid pit-falls of the so-called
work on
psychological common knowledge. Psychologists are basically
decision making. scientists.
1850 Dorothea Dix Canadian  Psychologists, being scientist, are concerned with
psychologist investigating and explaining behavior. They make use
known for her of scientific inquiries in gathering data for obtaining
contributions to facts about human behavior. These facts are collated,
mental health and organized, and interpreted or analyzed according to
opened one of the the aims of the research.
first mental  Experimentation and direct observation are two modes
hospitals in that are employed in the empirical approach to
Halifax, Nova
investigation- the approach that is guided by
experience. They propose hypotheses or propositions
1880 William Lyal; Canadian
James Baldwin psychologist who to be tested, which may either be derived from
wrote early theories or formulated from observations. Hypotheses
psychology texts may be tested by experimental or nonexperimental
and created first methods (Bower et al., 1987).
Canadian  It had been proven, however, that in many situations it
psychology lab at is neither feasible nor practical to use a “laboratory”
the University of experiment, particularly in dealing with human
Toronto. behavior for obvious reasons. Other alternatives
should be considered.
1950 James Old; Canadian  There are several well-known methods used in
Brenda Milner; psychologist who psychological research. Although not all are used for a
Wilder Penfield; contributed to given research project, a knowledge of these
Donald Hebb; neurological approaches will help one to choose the most suitable
Endel Telving psychology and way to obtain the most data and the most effective
opened the technique to use in a particular study.
Neurological Research methods applied in psychology:
Institute. 1. Introspection. A method of mental self-analysis
1960 Albert Bandura Canadian wherein the researcher studies himself, records his
psychologist who feelings and experiences, analyzes these and later
developed ‘social interprets them. This method was formally
learning theory” introduced by St. Augustine. There are many
with his Bobo doll aspects or problems in the study of behavior that
studies illustrating can only be ascertained by introspection. The
the impact that application of introspection in a scientific endeavor
observation and basically relies on personal experiences; thus, the
interaction has on results seem to be less objective and thought to be
less reliable.
1970 Hans Selye Canadian
2. Observation. The most widely used method in the
psychologist who
contributed study of behavior. Generally, researchers in almost
significantly in the all kinds of scientific activities apply it. There are
area of three types of observation: uncontrolled or
psychology of informal, naturalistic, and controlled or formal.
stress. □ 2.a Uncontrolled or informal
observation. The process has no
predetermined patterns or particular steps
MODULE 1.2: METHODS USED IN PSYCHOLOGY to follow. The researcher has the freedom
Presentation of the Topics/Lessons to casually observe any activity without
 Common knowledge are often inane talks. They are even formally recording consequences.
ideas handed down from generation to generation □ 2.b Naturalistic observation. Also,
through word of mouth and are thus accepted as they known as the “field-study method”. This
type is being applied when critical Pure Science – refers mostly to principles and
observation is done without necessarily
interfering with the natural constitutions of
theories of behavior, which seeks to acquire
knowledge about people for its own sake.
the organisms being observed.  Applied Science – applies to the daily life or
□ 2.c Controlled or formal observation. devoted to practical and applied psychology which
Under this type of observation, the seeks to use this knowledge to improve human
activities of the researcher are somehow welfare.
delimited because certain rules, precepts,
and specifications should be followed in Psychology today, however, has forty content areas.
the process of collating data to arrive at a The major specialties include (Bower et al., 1987):
conclusion.  Experimental and physiological psychology
3. Life-History method. An extensive background investigate basic behavioral and nervous system
study of an individual relative with the target study processes. Sub-specialties include:
of the researcher through the utilization of the □ Experimental psychology investigates basic
following sub-forms of life-history method: behavioral processes;
□ 3.a Daybook method. This refers to the □ Physiological psychology and
meticulously recorded day-to-day neuropsychology explore connection
activities of a target subject thus, it is also between nervous and endocrine systems and
known as the diary-of-development behavior;
method. □ Neuroscience investigates the way the brain
□ 3.b Clinical method. Contains works; and
biographical and autobiographical data □ Psychopharmacology studies the
relative to a particular case under relationship between drugs and behavior
consideration. These information are  Developmental psychology deals with behavioral
gathered for clinical or therapeutical development over the entire life span. This
purposed. Also known as the history includes:
method. □ Child psychology studies the child from
□ 3.c Biographical method. Almost akin to prenatal until early adolescent.
clinical method, whereby records or data □ Adolescence psychology studies
collated are analyzed and interpreted to be development from puberty to late life.
used to solve adjustment and personality □ Senescence psychology is the scientific
problems. study of human behavior in old age.
4. Survey method or group method. Refers to the  Personality psychology studies relationship
utilization of questionnaires or interviews from a between personality and behavior, especially
representative sample, called respondents, to obtain individual differences.
statistical data. These data are processed to  Social psychology studies behavior of people in
establish norms, ranks, or surveys. groups.
5. Experimental Method. This is a method where the  Educational school psychology investigates how
study of behavior is done inside a laboratory under people learn in educational settings. Subspecialties
controlled conditions. Sometimes this method is include:
delimiting because its application creates an □ Educational psychology covers all the
artificial ambience which could interfere in the case psychological aspects of the learning process;
being studied. and
 Finally, it should always be borne in mind that □ School psychology assesses and assists
knowledge of mathematical and statistical analysis children with learning or emotional
is an indispensable asset in any of the discussed problems.
methods. The knowledge of collating, analyzing,  Industrial / Organizational psychology studies
interpreting, and drawing a conclusion to the relationship between people and their jobs. This
understand human behavior is a science and an art division makes the following distinction in its
itself. discipline.
□ Human-factors psychology specializes in
FIELDS/BRANCHES OF PSYCHOLOGY the fitting-between a machine and
 Psychology is split into many branches. This is environment and its probable user.
partly because of its diverse origins and partly □ Personnel psychology screens job
because of the wide range of topics studied. For applicants; evaluates job performance;
instance, psychoanalysis grew up as a side branch recommends employees for promotion; and
of medicine. Psychoanalysis in turn influenced □ Consumer psychology studies consumer
clinical psychology, and clinical psychology is also preferences, buying habits and responses to
influenced by many other branches of psychology. advertising.
Psychology may be classified as:

Clinical psychology develops ways of studying,
diagnosing, and treating abnormal behavior;
includes community psychology, which aims to
prevent mental disorders.


1. General psychology explains the underlying principle of
human behavior – the how’s and why’s of a behavior.
2. Comparative/Animal Psychology studies animal
behavior and describes the mental processes of the
different species.
3. Developmental or Genetic Psychology concerns itself
with the study of human behavior in all its aspects of
growth and development. Its related fields include child,
adolescent, and senescent psychology (gerontology,
4. Abnormal Psychology deals with the etiology or cause
of personality disorders.
5. Dynamic Psychology emphasizes internal drives and
motives as the cause of behavior.
6. Business Psychology involves the principles of
psychology as applied to business and behavior of the
7. Social psychology is the study of behavior of groups of
individuals and their relationship to other groups.
8. Forensic or Legal psychology deals with the application
of the principles of human behavior to law or any legal
9. Clinical Psychology deals with the emotional and
behavioral disorders.
10. Counseling Psychology is concerned with helping
people with educational, job or career and social
11. Educational/ School Psychology deals with the practical
application of psychological principles in education.
12. Experimental Psychology studies basic psychological
processes as sensation, perception, memory, cognition,
motivation and emotion which are done in the
laboratory and may use animals as well as human
beings in research.
13. Industrial/Organizational Psychology is concerned with
methods of selecting, training, counseling and
supervising personnel in business and industry.
14. Community Psychology is concerned with promoting
mental health at the community level.
15. Indigenous or Cultural Psychology deals with the role
and effect of culture on the personality development of
the individual.

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