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Maestría en Historia – Maestría en Lingüística – Doctorado en Filosofía


Verónica Sarmiento

Práctica Frases Nominales y Adjetivos

Lea el texto de su área y luego de leer:

1. Identifique las frases resaltadas y sus componentes (Adjetivos que pueden estar solos o en
frase nominal – Sustantivos)

2. Responda las preguntas:

A ¿Qué tipo de texto es? ¿De dónde cree que pudo ser extraído el mismo?

B ¿Sobre quién/qué trata el texto? justifique

C ¿Cuál es la intensión del autor?


JFK at 100: Why We Still Cherish His Memory

John Fitzgerald Kennedy consistently ranks as one of America's most popular

leaders. That was the result of an effort to create an image, one historian says.

By The Conversation, Contributor | May 26, 2017, at 9:40 a.m.

By Michael Hogan

On May 29, the nation commemorates the 100th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's birth.
It's worth noting on this occasion that even now, more than 50 years after his death,
Kennedy is widely regarded as one of the country's best presidents. Although historians
may feel differently, the public consistently ranks him at the top among American

Why does Kennedy remains so popular -- indeed, nearly as popular in public memory as
he was during his presidency? This is the question I explore in my new book, "The
Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: A Biography."
Maestría en Historia – Maestría en Lingüística – Doctorado en Filosofía


Verónica Sarmiento


by Guadalupe Valdés
Contrary to what is often believed, most of the world's population is bilingual or
multilingual. Monolingualism is characteristic only of a minority of the world's peoples.
According to figures cited in Stavenhagen (1990) for example, five to eight thousand
different ethnic groups reside in approximately 160 nation states. Moreover, scholars
estimate that there are over 5000 distinct languages spoken in that same small number
of nation states. What is evident from these figures is that few nations are either
monolingual or mono-ethnic. Each of the world's nations has groups of individuals
living within its borders who use other languages in addition to the national language to
function in their everyday lives.


Why There Is A Need For Philosophy in Schools

It can boost children's social skills and academic ability.
As a child, we observe things deeply. We become curious about the happenings in our
environment. We come across experiences that tweak our brain muscles into

In the preadolescence stage, our childhood revolves around exploring life, the world; we
wonder why things are the way they are. We continue investigating whether the topic is
about the universe or our favorite toys.

Our childhood days are fun-filled with observational skills. It holds back the opinionated
and evaluation skills which major at the grown-up stages. Our intelligence remains raw,
organic, innocent, and non-judgemental in times of childhood.

The subject of Philosophy can help an individual explore their intelligent quotient;
primarily, if taught at childhood, its application becomes predominant at a later stage,
which directs the right way of living.
Maestría en Historia – Maestría en Lingüística – Doctorado en Filosofía


Verónica Sarmiento

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