Unit 1

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● International law- nature, definitions, origin and basis

● International law- sources
● Relation between international law and municipal law
● Subjects of international law

1. Discuss the various sources of international Law with special reference to custom as a
source (1)
2. Explain the British practice as to the application of international law within the Municipal
Sphere (1)
3. Analyse the various sources of international law according to the statute of ICJ
4. Explain the theories relating to the relationship between international law and municipal
5. Trace the origin and development of lnternational Law
6. Examine the theories relating to the nature and basis of lnternational Law

1. lndividual as a subject of lnternational Law - Explain (1)
2. Monism and Dualism(1)
3. Basis of international law
4. Subjects of international law
5. Hugo Grotius
6. Customs.

1. Discuss de jure and de facto recognition is there any difference between the two?
Explain with the help of decided cases
2. Discuss different modes of acquisition of territorial sovereignty (1)
3. What is recognition? Discuss the different types of recognition (1)
4. Discuss different modes of acquisition and loss of territory
5. What is intervention ? Discuss the different types of intervention
6. Define the term 'State'. Explain the essential elements of a State
1. Different types of States
2. Monroe's doctrine
3. State “ H” claims the island on the ground of continuous exercise of sovereignty with
wilful intention to rule. But state “N” claims the island based on a treaty with state “A” to
which island was the colony. Decide
4. Temple of Preahvihar case
5. 'A' is a new State which is not yet recognised by State ,B'. 'A'State wants to file a suit
against a company in the courts of State'B'. Can it do so ?
6. Write a note on withdrawal of recognition.
7. Essential elements of State.
8. Luther Vs Sagor

1. Explain the responsibility of a State for international delinquencies (1)
2. Discuss different types of jurisdiction available to the States
3. Discuss the limitations of territorial jurisdiction
4. Analyse the rights of coastal states on their continental shelf
5. Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime states over territorial waters.
6. what is Territoriar Jurisdiction ? who are exempted from Territorial Jurisdiction ?
7. Exprain theories and kinds of state succession

1. Continental shelf
2. State succession to contractual obligation
3. Anglo Norweigan fisheries case
4. Youman’s case
5. State succession to public debts
6. Personal jurisdiction
7. Exclusive Economic Zone
8. tnternational delinquencies
1. Define treaty and discuss the various steps in the formation of treaty and termination of
2. Explain the concept of extradition with the help of non-extraditable crimes
3. Define Treaty. Discuss different steps in the formation of a treaty
4. Define extradition. Analyse the crimes which are recognised as non-extraditable crimes.
5. What is extradition ? Discuss the rules relating to extradition with the help of decided
6. what is Asylum ? Explain the different types of Asylum
7. What is Nationality ? State the different modes of acquisition of Nationality
8. Explain the grounds for.termination of treaties

1. Nottebohm's case (2)
2. Columbia V. Peru.
3. Asylum, kinds (1)
4. Consuls (1)

1. Examine the purposes and principles of the United Nations Organisation.
2. Discuss the formation, powers and functions of the Security Council.
3. Discuss the structure and functions of the general assembly
4. Explain the main features of international labour organisation
5. Explain the powers and functions of General Assembly of the United Nations
6. Explain the objectives and composition of lnternational Labour Organisation
7. State the purposes and principles of United Nations Organisation
8. Explain the main features of World Trade Organisation

1. Jurisdiction of International Court of Justice
2. World Trade Organisation's formation.
3. WTO
4. Veto Power (1)
5. Structure of WTO
6. lnternational labour organisation
7. Security council

1. critically examine the meaning of international law.
2. Explain the theories regarding the relationship between international law and municipal
3. Discuss about the occasion and legal impact of dejure and defacto recognition of the
4. Define state succession. Discuss the consequences of state succession.
5. Explain different modes of acquisition and loss of nationality.
6. Discuss the rules regarding the formation and termination of treaties.
7. Discuss the composition and powers of security council
8. Explain the sources of international law
9. Explain the operation of international law in British Municipal law sphere
10. What is recognition? Explain dejure and defacto recognition
11. What is continentalsheJf ? Explain the rights available to coastal state in continental
12. Explain the rights and privileges of diplomatic envoys
13. Explain the modes of acquision and loss of nationality
14. Explain the composition and jurisdiction of lnternational Court of Justice
15. Define international law and discuss international law. custom as a source of
internationa law
16. Explain the different subjects of international law
17. Explain the exceptions to the territorial jurisdiction of a state
18. Explain the different modes of acquisition of territorial sovereignty
19. What is extradition ? Discuss the rules relating to extradition with the help of decided
20. Discuss the rights and obligations of a state in matters relating to treaties in state
21. . Discuss the composition, powers and functions of security council of the United Nations
22. . Define recognition. What are the modes of recognition of states.
23. Explain the rights and immunities of diplomatic agents.
24. Define lnternational law and trace the development of lnternational law
25. What are the sources of international law? Explain treaties as a source of international
26. "lndividuals are the only subjects of rnternational Law." Evaluate the relevancy of the
27. Explain the responsibirity of a state for lnternational delinquencies.
28. What is High sea ? State the freedoms available to a State on the High Seas
29. What is Asylum ? Explain the different types of Asylum
30. Explain the composition and jurisdiction of !nternational Court of Justice
31. Define lnternational Law and trace the origin and development of lnternational Law
32. "States alone are the subjects of lnternational Law." Discuss
33. Explain the rules relating to state responsibility for international delinquencies
34. Explain intervention. Explain the significance of "Manroe doctrine"
35. Discuss the limitations on territorial jurisdiction.
36. What is Exclusive Economic Zone ? What are the rights available to Coastal State in its
Exclusive Economic Zone?
37. Explain the composition and functions of the United Nations General Assembly
38. Discuss whether internationar raw is a true raw or not
39. Examjne state practice as to the application of international law within the municipal
40. What is meant by recognition ? criticaily examine the various theories of recognition.
41. Exprain the nature of jurisdiction exercised by the coastar state on its territorial sea.
42. what is territoriarjurisdiction of the state ? Exprain the principres govern in g territoriar
43. Explain the grounds for termination of treaties
44. Explain the composition and jurisdiction of the international court of justice
45. Examine the various theories regarding the basis of international law
46. "State, individual and internal organizations are the subjects of international law".
47. Define territorial sovereignty. State the exceptions to territorial sovereignty of the State.
48. Define Nationality. Explain modes of acquisition and loss of nationality.
49. What is asylum ? Explain different types of asylum.
50. Discuss the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envoy
51. Explain the composition and powers of lnternational Court of Justice.

1. Counsils
2. Continental shelf
3. Lotus case
4. Theories relating to recognition
5. Asylum (1)
6. lnternational labour Organisation (1)
7. Monroe doctrine.
8. Doctrine of imputability.
9. lnternational importance of nationality
10. Intervention
11. Nottebohm’s case
12. Monism and dualism (1)
13. Extradition
14. World trade organisation
15. Dual nationality
16. International custom (1)
17. Pacts sunt servanda

1. 'ML' state enters into altiance agreement with 'CD' state. The succession state of
'ML'state refuses to fotlow the terms of alliance agreement. Decide the liability of
successor state.
2. State 'NA' provides asylum to 'X' who is imputed under political natured charges in its
diplomatic office situated in 'MX'state. 'MX'demands surrender of 'X'for the trial of
charges. Decide the liability of 'NA' state.
3. Z', son of diplomat'causes death of 'H' in an accident. He pleads immunity to defend
himself against the liability. Decide.
4. Fishermen of State 'X' were fishing in the Exclusive Economic zone of neighbouring
State Y. State Y prevented them from fishing. State X contends that its fishermen can
fish beyond the territorial sea of State Y. ls the contention of State X valid ? Decide.
5. A factory situated in and owned by State 'X' releases poisonous gas which is carried
away by wind to the territory of State 'Y' and causes heavy loss to State Y, State Y
seeks remedY. Advice.
6. 'B' a member of banned organization in State X kills a minister of State X and flees to
State 'Y'. State X demands his extradition. B pleads, he is a political offender. Decide
7. A merchant ship violated the municipal regulations of State X. A patrolling vessel of
State X gave audio-visual signals to stop. lgnoring the same the ship-entered the high
seas. Can the ship be captured on the high seas by State X ? Decide.
8. A British National 'X' was seriouslv iniured by a French National 'Y' in the presence of
severalbersons in France 'X' lodoed a comrilaint. The French oovernment did not arrest
End took abtion aoainst 'Y' eve"n after eiqht vears. Now, British Governmeilt wants to
claim compen-sation on behalf of X. Advice.
9. State 'A' orocured consent of State 'B' to a treatv bv , coercion of its representative
throuqh threats direbted against him, State'A' wants to enfor6e the treaty. ls the tr6aty
valid ? Advise state 'B'.
10. Authorities of state 'X' enter the territory of state 'Y' to arrest a fugitive offender, without
the knowledge of state 'Y'. Whether their action is lawful ? Decide.
11. The Prince of State'A'during his stay in state'B'promises to marry a lady. Subsequently,
he refuses to marry her. She wants to file a suit against the Prince in state 'B'. Advice
12. State 'X' got 'A' extradited from state 'Y' on the ground that he had fled to 'Y' after
murdering a fellow servant in a ship belonging to 'X'. !n 'X', 'A' is tried not for murder but
for causing grievous hurt to a fellow servant. ls state 'X's act justifiable ? Decide.
13. State 'A' has not recognised the new State 'B'. State 'B' wants to file a suit against a
company in a court of State 'A'. Can it do so? Advice.
14. King of State 'A' during his stay in State 'B' promised to marry Miss 'X'. He subsequently
refused to marry her. She wants to file a suii against him in State 'B'. Advice her.
15. A merchant ship while leaving the territorial sea of State 'X'violates rules of State'X'.
Coast guards of State X signalthe merchant ship to stop. Despite this the ship speeds
out beyond the territorial sea of State 'X'. What immediate action can be taken by State
'X' ? Advice
16. Mexico sent troops to protect three Americans from a mob in its territory. lnstead of
protecting them, the troops opened fire on the Americans and killed them. Is Mexico
liable for the wrongs of the troops ? Decide
17. The Prince of state'A'during his stay in state'B',promises to marry a Iady. subsequently,
he refuses to marry her. she wants to file a suit against him in state 'B',. Advice her.
18. State 'X' get'A' extradited from state 'Y' on the ground that he had fled to'Y' after
murdering a fellow servant in a ship belonging to 'X'. ln 'X', 'A' is tried not for murder but
for causing grievous hurt to a fellow servant. ls X's act justifiable. Decide.
19. state 'MR'confers'defacto' recognition upon state 'A8,. subsequently state'MR' revokes
the'defacto, recognition on the ground that state'AB' is engaged in the violaiion of
lnternational-law. ls the act of 'MR'state Justifiable?
20. The factory run by private individual in 'HR' state causes loss to'BC'State's in habitants.
State ,BC,sues State 'HR'for compensation. Decide the liability of ,HR, State.
21. 'N' takes shelter in the 'Xy' state after committing offence in 'RA'State. 'RA'state
demands extradition of 'N’. Decide the liability of State 'Xy,.

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