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Japan - 2023 11TGuwahati pr?1ÅronÄechnology knowledge quiz 1-2(2023-...

@6 mil

Y u a a arr o! C; c TÅÅ array is of the length 1000000. You want to sort the array
hich of the following algorithms is most appropriate for



Bubbes rt

Answer >

I want to implement a Jav9 functio ailed which calculates the maximum value of array a storing
orreét statemepts that can be entered into [ T J.

"atif in

Answer >
The following is a function written in JavaScript that takes 32 bit integers and and returnsa
Boolean value. Anon-negative integer satisfies that isSet(N, 0) is true and isSet(N, 3) IS false.
Which one Of the following is correct about ?

function isSet(number, i) {
return(number(I i))

O is odd.

O is not a multiple of 3.

O n equals 0.
O None of the above.

Answer >
•e Japan - 2023 11T Guwahati étior\ techoöiogy knowledge Quiz 2-2(2023-,

The following is ä fynétio wr• en in JavaSCript that takes 32 bit integers numberand i and returnsa
Boolean Value. A On-negativ In e er FatisfieS that 0) is true and .isSet(N} 3) is false.
Which oneof the is correc a

functioo isSet Lmber,h) -g

return (Dumbe & i)

O is odd,

is not

equals 0

None of the a O

Read the following sentences and fill in the blank Withthe correct integer,

85 students were required to take math arid English tests. However,some ofthem-skippedone or both-=
•testsw Only 67 students took both tests, while 10 students took neitherofthem:lf the numberffsVdents
the math test is 70, -then the number of students whotook only the Englishtest is

non-negative integer variables c, y, z that satisfythe equationc + y +
The number of combinations for characters»
Fill in the blank with an integer in half-width
-z 6 is

Answer >
You want to make a text oåma+e eiynÅeÅt9uc ha if You click it the browser moves to another
document. Choose the cotrepf•pÅiv fle ent nd Its attributeto use to specify the destination.



attribute h f

O element: a attri

There is an IT service provided by compåny A to ompany B on a B2B -basjsvThis IT servicejsavai[abIæ$Q
from 8 0'clock in the morning to 10 0'clock (r)tßevening every day during servicehours# and
unavailable during other hours due to élajntenance.

—The SLA (service-level agreement) betWeencompany A and company

the availabilityo! toe Fervice. The SLA stipulates
atleast 99.5 and if the falls below
reedupon amountto Company

Imumnumberof hours«servtæoutageduring servicehours

LA?Here*thenumberofbUSineSdaysin1 monthjeassume&tcbe3Cdays;—
such asmalntenanæduring theservice hourse

—Whichof the following best describes Web accessibility?

Designing a user's customer experience throughWeb content

akjngWebcontent usable for a wide range of users, including -theelderlyand people withd

—eecihedegree towhich it is stress-free for users to achieve the target goals of the Web content

Web content so thåt if an invalid value is entered into an input form, jtcannot be tr

Answer >

phrases best fits [AJ and [ B J?

In the following statements regarding risk, which combination of words or
• Acompany was scheduled to Updateits product, but just before the update, a bug was
caused the service to stop, so the update was postponed.This response is [
There was a risk of service outage of about one hour in the event of extreme weathery
—•mpany did not take action given the low probabilityof occurrence and the smalbimpacttheevenv
•ould be expected to have. this response -isI B

To make componentA, 2 piece' of GompopentB and 4 screws are required To _makecomponentBX
-.iece ofcomponent C and 8 SCfWs åré requiredwToproduce20 pieces ofcomponentAFhowmarw
*Ziscrewsare required in total? Assume thal rip screws are used in componentC


—440 screws

640 screws

800 screws
æ$Asurveywas conducted among 350 employees. It turned out that 130 people had never been abroad;
nd240 people were good at English.
therewere IS people who were not good at English and had never been abroadr peoplewere
tEnglish andhad beenabroad?

0 128 people

238 people

There are 300 items, each with a cost of 500 yen.
The selling price was set so that a profit of 30% of the cost could be made.
Afterward, all 300 items were soldy but some items were sold at a 20% discount from the selling price,
The total profitfrom the sales was 35, 250 yen:

How many items were sold at a 20% discount from the selling price? Note that othercosts and taxesare
not considered.

0 18 items

45 items

57 items

60 items

65 items

75 items

A survey was conducted on 100 adults about drinking and smoking habitsv 70 people answered thatthey
drink alcohol, and 25 people answered that they smoke. Furthermore, 25 people answered that they do
not drink or smoke.

Choose the percentage of people who answered that they both drink and smoke

Answer >
Which two of the following problems are most similar in terms of problem structure?

A: When distributing 35 cookies at a rate of 4 per person, how many people can you give a cookie to at
B: You want to distribute candy to all of your employees. There would be 9 pieces left over if you
distributed 6 per person, and you would be 2 pieces short if you distributed 7 per _person.How many
employees are there?
C: Of 40 classmates, 7 don't read either comics or novels. Flow many of the classmates read either
comics or novels?
D The number of visitors this week was 913, which is a 10% increase from [astweekv How manyvisitors
were there last week?
E: For a certain product produced in a factory, both InspectionA and Inspection B are conducteeyand only
—those that pass both inspections are shipped. -On a certain day 1000 products were produced, and the
—number of shippedAtems was 998. Hob many products failed at least onenf the inspections?

A and B

A and D

C A and E
B and C

O Memory Limit(MBb512*Execution Timeout(msV2000

A program that can infer the type of a file from its

nameneeds to be created.

Theprogram assumes thal thefile4samimage if the

file contansthesubstrlng . Similarly,
assumesthatthe flleus a documentif the name of
Sthefilesontainsfthæsubstnnc the
namenfrthe<ilecontatns both the substringums and
the substring%de Atassumes thatthefile4S a

Createeprogramthaftakes a filename s from

stafdaieqnputandoutpüt> thei fl Followthe
rules below for the output stro

• Output Inage
image aii:
document and

• If the file type is Tiott@$$umedto be

.irnagetor presentqVooJqutput


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