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HRPD 709 001 S_2023 Industrial Relations

Short Answer Response (SAR) 1 (Module 2)

1. What factors have contributed to the overall decline in union coverage in the
private sector over the past 30 years in Canada?

2. Which of these factors are unique or specific to Canada? Compare what has
happened in Canada with developments in other countries.

3. What strategies do you think unions could adopted to mitigate the influence of
these factors?

Submit your finished report in the “Short Answer Response 1” drop box

 The assignment should be written error free in a form acceptable for business and
professional purposes. Point form is not acceptable.
 The assignment should include:
 a cover page – indicating the report title with appropriate course, professor,
and author identifiers;
 a brief introduction explaining what you are presenting and why it is
 the body of the report addressing each of the questions 1-3 listed above;
 a conclusion summarizing what you learned.
 Approximate length – 2 pages not including the cover page

 Proper citation using APA format

(Including both in-text citation and a reference list)

 Completed on a team basis; non-contributors will not receive academic credit for
this assignment and are to be omitted from the cover page
 Team members are responsible for the integrity of the entire report, not just their
own part(s)
 This assignment is worth 5 marks and 5% of final course mark

 Late assignments will be penalized at a rate of 2 marks /business day.

 Once this assignment is marked and returned to the class, no further late
submissions will be acceptable.

Due: May 26, 2023

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