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Tentative Weekly Course Plan

Credit Title Web Programming

Course Code COSC-4120 Credit Hour 3

Course Learning Outcome (CLOS):

1. Utilize a variety of basic programming structures (variables, loops, functions, etc.)in a popular scripting
environment on a web server.
2. Create scripts that dynamically generate web pages containing valid HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
clearly separating structure, presentation, and behavior in the web browser.
3. Develop scripts that validate form input on the server.
4. Design, program, and implement web pages that interact with web-enabled databases performing simple
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
5. Identify the different issues faced by web developers such as security, file management, and web standards-
1. Reference Books
1. Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript 5e: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5, by Robin Nixon,
Released May 2018, Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc. ISBN: 9781491978917
2. Web Design with HTML & CSS3: Complete (Shelly Cashman Series) 8th Edition, Jessica
Minnick, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-1305578173
2. Web Resources


Week Objectives/Learning Teaching Assessment

Content/Sub Content
# Outcome Methodology/Activity Methodology/Technique
Introduction to course,
Introduction to Web, Web
1 1 applications Basic syntax - Tutorial Assignment
all the common tags used
to develop web content
Build your own HTML
template, Create HTML
2 1,2 Tutorial / Lab Assignment
lists, hyperlinks, and add

Build tables for even more

HTML structure with
examples Create Forms
3 2 Tutorial / Lab Assignment
with in depth form
examples and HTML tag
Field, Audio, Video,
4 2 canvas Element with Lab Surprise Test
The basics of styling,
5 2 Internal and External Style Tutorial Assignment
How to use Html Selector,
6 2,3 Tutorial / Lab Class Practice
Classes and ID?
Explore how to write
JavaScript basics,
7 1 Understanding the Tutorial / Lab Class Practice
Document Object Mode,
Event Handling
Introducing JavaScript
Libraries, What Are
8 1,2 Events? Using Events with Tutorial / Lab Class Practice/ Quiz
Functions More jQuery
Event Concepts
The PHP programming
9 3 environment, Lab Class Practice
Basics of PHP, Selection,
10 1, 3 conditional and iterative Tutorial / Lab Class Practice/Quiz
structure in PHP
File Handling in PHP,
11 3 $GLOBLAS, $SERVER, Tutorial / Lab Assignment
PHP Exceptions, Cookies,
12 3,4 Tutorial / Lab Assignment
Database Manipulation in Class Practice /
13 3,4 Tutorial / Lab
PHP Assignment
Class Practice /
14 4,5 Introduction to Word press Tutorial / Lab
15 3,4,5 Ajax basics Tutorial / Lab Class Practice / Quiz
16 4,5 Semester Project Lab Class Practice
Student Evaluation criteria:

Student Evaluation criteria: 5%

Surprise Test, Quizzes: 5%
Semester Project: 10%
Mid Term Paper: 30%
Final Term paper (Marks Distribution: 20 % from Mid Term and 80% from Final Term), i.e. 10 +
Total: 100%

Student Responsibilities:

A student must have attended at least 75% of the classes held in a course in order to be allowed to sit in the final
examination. Students must also arrive on time and remain in class for the entire period. Cellular Phones and
Beeper must be Turned off (Proper classroom decorum [behavior] adopts, Course outlines and calendars explain
requirements and assignments. Students are also responsible for doing all assigned work on time. Students may
prepare Sketchbook for taking notes and for references.

Instructor Chairman/ Head of Department

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