3 Competencies Relevant For Future World

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SEMESTER 1 SESI 2023/2024




3 Competencies Relevant for Future World

The world is changing at a rate that has never been seen before due to cultural shifts,
globalisation, and technology breakthroughs. People must arm themselves with a variety of
competences that extend beyond traditional skills in order to function in this dynamic world.
Future success will require a special set of skills that promote flexibility, creativity, and
productive teamwork. This essay examines the three skills digital literacy, emotional intelligence,
and lifetime learning that are essential for success in the modern world.

The digital revolution is one of the biggest shifts of the twenty-first century. People need to be
digitally literate in order to use, comprehend, and navigate the tools and resources that are
accessible as technology develops. A variety of abilities are included in digital literacy, such as
the capacity to use digital gadgets, comprehend cybersecurity, and assess online content
critically. In the future, technology will spread to practically every part of life and the workplace.
Proficiency with digital tools, data analysis, and programming will become more and more
necessary for jobs. In addition to being able to adjust to new technology, someone who is
digitally literate will also be able to innovate and solve problems. Furthermore, navigating the
moral conundrums that may emerge in the digital age requires an awareness of the ethical
implications of technology.

Secondly, there is emotional intelligence that may be one of the competencies that is relevant to
the future world. While technology plays a significant role in shaping and determining the
future, the human element will always be irreplaceable. In the world of the future, emotional
intelligence which includes empathy, self-control, self-awareness, and interpersonal skills will be
a crucial skill. The importance of human traits like creativity, emotional intelligence, and
teamwork increases when technology replaces repetitive activities. People with strong emotional
intelligence are able to successfully lead, manage challenging social situations, and form deep
connections. Successful collaboration in today's globalised and linked society requires the
capacity to comprehend and empathise with a variety of viewpoints. In the future, emotional
intelligence will be crucial for encouraging creativity, handling conflict, and developing
inclusive environments.
Last but not least, lifelong learning is one of the competencies that is relevant for the future
world. People will need to have a continuous learning attitude due to the speed at which the
world is changing in the future. Living a lifelong learning process requires having the capacity
and desire to continuously learn new things throughout one's life. People need to be proactive in
improving their skills and flexible in responding to changing employment positions and
emerging sectors. The demand for transdisciplinary knowledge will be a defining feature of the
future as challenges grow more intricate and linked. In this setting, lifelong learners will flourish,
staying on the cutting edge and making significant contributions to the continuous advancement
of society. Furthermore, in an environment that is changing quickly, the capacity to learn from a
variety of sources including online resources, group initiatives, and first-hand experiences will be
crucial for remaining relevant.

In summary, a new set of capabilities beyond traditional skills is required for the world of the
future. Three essential competencies digital literacy, emotional intelligence, and lifelong learning
will enable people to take advantage of the opportunities and overcome the obstacles presented
by the changing environment. As we approach the dawn of a new era, developing these qualities
will guarantee individual success as well as help create a robust, creative, and peaceful global

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