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College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology


Course Description:
This course is design to provide students with scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to
understand the interrelationship of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural
and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions
for resolving or preventing them. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics
from different areas of study of environmental Science course: (1) Science is a process; (2) Energy conversion
underlie all ecological processes; (3) The Earth itself is one interconnected system; (4) Humans alter natural
systems; (5) Environmental problems have a cultural and social context; (6) Human survival depends on developing
practices that will achieve sustainable systems.

Pre-requisite :
Unit credits : 3 units
No. of Hours : 3 hours lecture/week

I. Basic Ecological Concepts and environment
II. The Ecosystem
III. The Biogeochemical Cycles and their Importance
IV. Populations and Communities
V. Humankind and Environment
VI. Natural Calamities
VII. Personal Pollutions
VIII. Air Pollution
XI. Water Pollution
X. Land Pollution
XI. Noise Pollution
XII. The Energy Situation
XIII. Population, Food and Hunger
XIV. Towards’ A Brighter Ecological Future
Course Requirements:
Grading System:
A. Midterm/Final B. Computation of Final Grade
 Class Standing (Oral, Performance, Portfolio, Project ---- 40% MIDTERM ---------30%
 Quizzes ----------------------------------------------------------- 20% FINAL (T.R.) ------70%
 Written Examination ------------------------------------------- 40% FINALGRADE----100%
TOTAL----------------------------------------------------------- 100%

The students are encouraged to regularly seek advice to the course facilitator based on the consultation time
of the faculty. The students can set appointment during free time of the facilitator.

 Environmental Science: A Shared Responsibility Towards the Earth by: Florenda I. Santiago, Salvacion L.
Dorado, Lourdes E. Contreras, Ma. Salvacion G. Aquino, Elsinor P. Retodno, Melchor B. Lamorena
Published, copyrighted 1996

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator

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