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Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

Innovations for Stroke Care
Aradhana Verma , MD; Amytis Towfighi , MD; Arleen Brown, MD, PhD; Anshu Abhat , MD, MPH;
Alejandra Casillas, MD, MSHS

ABSTRACT: Digital health has long been championed as a means to expanding access to health care. Now that the COVID-19
pandemic accelerated many health systems’ integration of digital tools for care, digital health may provide a path towards
more accessible stroke prevention and treatment, particularly for historically disadvantaged patient populations. Stroke
management is composed of multiple time points where digital health innovations have the potential to augment health access
and treatment: from primary prevention, to the time-sensitive detection of ischemic stroke, administration of thrombolytic
agents and consideration for endovascular interventions, to appropriate post-acute care, rehabilitation, and lifelong secondary
stroke prevention—stroke care relies on a multidisciplinary and standardized approach. However, as we discuss pointedly
in this Focused Update, underrepresented individuals face multilevel digital health disparities that potentially diminish the
benefits of these digital advances. As such, these multilevel needs must be discussed and accounted for as health systems
seek to integrate innovative and equitable digital health solutions towards stroke care.

Key Words: digital divide ◼ health ◼ health services ◼ ischemic stroke ◼ telerehabilitation
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isparities in stroke prevention and treatment for under- health (mHealth), health information technology, wear-
served populations in health care (racial and ethnic able devices, telehealth/telemedicine, and personalized
underrepresented groups, low income, un- or under- medicine.12 We use clinical vignettes to describe inno-
insured, refugee or migrant, and limited English proficient) vative digital tools used in stroke care, with attention to
has ignited a wave of change to better integrate and stan- how patient populations who are most at risk for stroke
dardize stroke care for populations who have been histori- and poor outcomes, are potentially excluded from these
cally and contemporaneously marginalized in health care innovations. We provide examples of digital health inter-
systems. There is a large evidence base that has shown ventions from the literature in each phase of stroke man-
higher stroke incidence and worse outcomes for patients agement: primary prevention, acute care, rehabilitation,
who experience barriers to health access and high quality and secondary prevention. As summarized in the Table, we
of care—particularly finding that Black and Latino individu- highlight the digital divide in digital stroke health tools for
als have a greater risk for stroke, even across all socio- each section, concluding with a call to health care lead-
economic strata (shown in the Northern Manhattan Stroke ers to address barriers to digital health in underserved
Study).1–11 Thus, disparities in stroke incidence and out- communities when considering digital innovation devel-
comes are a core issue to contextualize in parallel, when opments and their implementation. The authors declare
considering the prospect of stroke care innovations. that all supportive data are available within the article.

See related article, p 636, 643, 654, 663, 670, 680 PRIMARY PREVENTION
Since 75% of strokes are first-time events, primary pre-
For the purposes of this Focused Update, our discus- vention is a critical component of stroke care.5 Patients’
sion of digital health encompasses modalities like mobile social determinants of health (SDOH) are drivers of

Correspondence to: Aradhana Verma, MD, UCLA Internal Medicine, 757 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA. Email
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 695.
© 2022 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

Stroke. 2022;53:689–697. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035307 March 2022   689

Verma et al Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

Table. Digital Health Innovations in Stroke Care—Potential


Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms Benefits and Persistent Barriers to Equity

Persistent barriers to
mHealth mobile health Type of care Potential benefits equity

SDOH social determinants of health Primary prevention

 Health promotion Improve lifestyle Digital access (eg,
applications factors to improve broadband, internet-
stroke risk. SDOH encompass key characteristics like cardiovascular health enabled devices)

low socioeconomic status,13 limited English proficiency,14 Digital literacy

food insecurity and underinsurance,15–17 which are well-  Wearable devices Highlights abnormal Cost
documented to pose challenges for stroke prevention. and biosensors vital signs such as
Health literacy
atrial fibrillation
Other SDOH associated with increased stroke include Requires user engage-
lower education levels,18 income below the poverty ment with physician
level,19 zip code in a low-income and racially/linguistically  Stroke awareness Directly educate con- Low educational attain-
segregated census tract,19–21 social isolation,22 and poor applications sumers on stroke signs ment
and symptoms
public health infrastructure.21 In adults <75 years of age, Limited English profi-
each added SDOH is associated with an increase in inci-
dent stroke risk.23 For example, in the REGARDS trial Usability of interface

cohort (Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences Cultural appropriateness

in Stroke), stroke risk increased incrementally with each  Risk stratification Inform users of their No evidence of better
applications individual risk clinical outcomes
additional SDOH barrier (eg, hazard ratio for one SDOH
was 1.26, 2 SDOH hazard ratio was 1.38, and 3 or more Poor generalizability

SDOH hazard ratio was 1.51).23,24 While the evidence Acute stroke care
shows that management of metabolic and cardiovascular Telestroke Provide real-time Persistent sociodemo-
risk factors, use of antithrombotic medications and other neurology and radiol- graphic discrimination
ogy input for hospitals leading to worse stroke
agents when indicated, and lifestyle modifications sub- without expert person- outcomes
stantially reduce risk for stroke,25 these are implemented nel or teams
less often and risk factors are less likely to be controlled Poststroke rehabilitation
in individuals from underrepresented or underserved
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 In-home telerehabili- May bypass barriers of Digital access (eg,

communities.23 Below we follow the case of Ms. S. tation high cost, transporta- broadband, internet-
Ms. S, a previously healthy 38-year-old Black woman, tion to rehabilitation enabled devices)
facilities, shortage of
presented to a federally qualified health care center with regional rehabilitation
Digital literacy

complaints of polyuria. Vitals were significant for a blood care Unstable housing
pressure of 150/80 mm Hg, point of care hemoglobin Social support
A1c of 11%, and an ECG indicating a likely prior infe-  Robotic devices, Increase patient Insurance coverage and
rior myocardial infarction. She was started on indicated virtual reality, and engagement out-of-pocket cost
gaming devices
medications for coronary artery disease, diabetes, and
hypertension and then referred to a cardiologist. She Secondary prevention

was started on insulin, but an sodium-glucose cotrans-  Remote monitoring Address stroke risk Health literacy
devices factors (eg, ambulatory
porter-2 inhibitors (SGLT-2) inhibitor could not be blood pressure and
Requires user engage-
ment with medical team
initiated due to its prohibitive cost. The first available glucose monitoring)
cardiology appointment was scheduled 6 weeks out  EMR-based quality Identify and address Time
due to the limitations of cardiology availability in this improvement systemic disparities
to stroke care using
federally qualified health care center.
clinical informatics
The COVID-19 pandemic arrived and her primary care
clinic cancelled her follow-up appointment, and she was EMR indicates electronic medical record.

told to call in a few weeks to reschedule. During this time,

Ms. S lost her job. She did not refill her medications to conduct a phone or video visit with her primary care phy-
save on cost while unemployed. She was not aware of sician (although she had heard that this was an option).
the long-term effects of diabetes and hypertension, and A family member passed away from a stroke. After this,
in particular, the consequences of stopping her medica- she attempted to learn about stroke warning signs but had
tions. She began smoking cigarettes to alleviate the stress trouble understanding information that she found on the
of hearing the news and discussion on TV about current internet. She did not know who to talk to about her con-
events highlighting societal racism and financial losses cerns and questions about her personal risk for stroke.
from the pandemic. She did not follow-up with any doc- Digital tools that focus on stroke risk stratification
tor for many months. She was not sure about how to or education can directly offer patients who experience

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Verma et al Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

access barriers to clinical encounters an additional option prevention37 and hold promise on improving adherence


to increase health literacy and knowledge of stroke risk to guideline-based practice.
factors. Increased use of smartphones and internet-con- A glaring drawback of these risk stratification appli-
nected devices (even among low-income populations) cations is that they do not fully incorporate the SDOH

has opened up the world of mHealth, as a way to connect related to stroke risk. As an example, the Stroke Ris-
with patients outside of the clinical setting (eg, smart- kometer application scored poorly in predicting stroke risk
phone applications, short-message-service text interven- when compared with 3 large cohorts of diverse patients
tions, and social media outreach). (Auckland Regional Community Stroke or ARCOS IV,
Some of these mHealth innovations have been Rotterdam, and Russian Cohort Studies).29 One consid-
evaluated through validation studies and clinical tri- eration is that the application is based on data from the
als.26,27 One systematic review examining the role of Framingham Study which mostly included US White men
mHealth for cardiovascular prevention found improve- over the age of 55.29 Additionally, the Stroke Riskometer
ments in glycemic control and smoking cessation via validation analysis did not compare differences in stroke
applications for self-monitoring, educational pro- prediction rates across race and ethnicity; this could have
grams using short text/video messages, and interval provided better insight on the groups of people whose
text message reminders.27 However, the data on the risk do not correlate with the application’s prediction
efficacy of the interventions in stroke is limited. A algorithms.
scoping review that evaluated mHealth for all phases In any discussion of stroke mHealth, we must also
of stroke care found that most studies were under- consider the US digital divide that will affect equitable
powered and were pilot and feasibility studies and implementation of the technology. Technology-specific
case series (with no mHealth studies using stroke as challenges of available mHealth tools include access
a primary outcome).27,28 to internet-connected personal devices and broadband
The Stroke Riskometer is one of the few digital appli- internet at home,38 limited phone minutes or data plans,
cations that has been scientifically evaluated and is ability to use internet-connect devices (electronic health
endorsed by the World Stroke Organization and World literacy),39 and lack of user-centered design limitations
Federation of Neurology.29 The Stroke Riskometer of most mHealth stroke platforms (eg, high levels of
derives from the Framingham stroke prediction algorithm literacy and numeracy required to navigate, email reg-
with additional risk factors based on the INTERSTROKE istrations, sensitive information required to register, and
study (eg, diet, non-White race, stress level, and alcohol English-only).40 Although the digital divide is shrinking
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consumption).30 Although there is no data of yet that a over time when it comes to internet access via phones
tool like the Riskometer reduces stroke risk,31 the appli- or other mobile devices, those who live in households
cation provides absolute and relative estimates of per- earning <$30 000 and those with a high school diploma
sonal stroke risk in the subsequent 5 and 10 years for its or less are still less likely to own a smartphone41 (despite
users.29 It is meant to be used on a smartphone or inter- some improved access to internet-connected phones for
net-connected tablet/device and encourages laypeople low-income individuals via the Lifeline program42). Addi-
to identify their relative risk of a stroke to motivate individ- tionally, only 60% of adults older than 65 years own a
uals to address their personal risk factors. The application smartphone.41 These structural barriers lead to inequi-
includes an educational section on stroke warning signs table mHealth adoption (younger age, more education,
and symptoms, and what to do if these should occur.24 and higher income associated with mHealth use).43,44
One limitation of the application is the inability to send The data shows that patients like Ms. S are much less
this data to the user’s medical team, which could theo- likely to access mHealth tools that improve stroke pre-
retically deliver patient-generated information to the pro- vention, when potentially, they stand to benefit most from
vider and alert them to patient concern regarding stroke health care/information that is delivered outside of the
risk. This feature is being developed and validated for traditional mechanisms. Bridging these structural barri-
other applications and wearable devices32 and involves ers necessitates a 2-prong solution: providing the basic
challenges around protecting patient health information equipment (eg, phones, universal broadband) as well as
and managing big data analytics. On the provider side, training on digital health literacy. In a recent commen-
commonly used web-based calculators for stroke pre- tary, Sieck et al45 highlights this need for digital inclusive
vention are related to predicting stroke risk with atrial strategies and advocates for digital skill training, particu-
fibrillation (eg, CHA2DS2-VASc), mean arterial pressure larly for recent adopters of technology or those who may
measurement, and computation of the National Institutes have devices with limited.45
of Health Stroke Scale score.33 While studies on elec- Finally, while mHealth interventions that focus on life-
tronic medical record-embedded clinical decision tools style changes are important, they are not a panacea for
are limited in the primary prevention of stroke,34,35 com- solving access barriers, especially as current products
puterized clinical decision pathways have demonstrated fail to address, or even acknowledge underlying health
utility in other disease processes36 and secondary stroke care barriers outside of the patient’s locus of control.

Stroke. 2022;53:689–697. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035307 March 2022   691

Verma et al Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

Consequently, the optics of these advancements mostly as the drip and ship model).52 Initially met with political

place the responsibility of disease prevention on the indi- hurdles and inconsistent payment models, the Furthering
vidual, rather than push digital health innovations that Access to Stroke Telemedicine Act of 2018 expanded
focus on population health and public policy. Another telestroke reimbursement and coverage for Medicare

important note is that many patient-facing mHealth beneficiaries to all hospitals (versus only to rural hospi-
products have not been extensively studied or validated tals). The use of telestroke is now a class I recommenda-
in clinical trials. These consumer-operating products tion by the American Heart Association.51,53
are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administra- In its 2017 policy statement, while the American Heart
tion unless they are categorized as medical devices. As Association recommended telestroke as a cost-effective
a result, there are no regulations or quality control on approach to increase access and quality in underserved
usability, language, or cultural appropriateness.46 Now areas, the group also warned the public that the same
more than ever, the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled an technology has the potential to introduce a new form of
unprecedented impetus for the development of culturally disparity in access to care by replacing geographic isola-
sensitive mHealth worldwide.47 This is the time to address tion with digital isolation. The authors stated, communi-
these challenges, otherwise, the aforementioned health ties and patients who are not technologically engaged,
disparities will continue to disproportionately widen. who live on the other side of the digital divide, and who
have limited capital to invest in telehealth infrastructure,
at the community or patient level, may face challenges
ACUTE CARE to access care as telehealth offerings are increasingly
Physicians are distributed unequally across America. used to reduce cost and increase access.53 On this note,
From 2010 to 2017, the median physician density per one study by Zhang et al54 assessed trends in telestroke
100 000 persons was 125 physicians in large urban from 2008 to 2015 and found that the highest propor-
counties and 60 physicians in rural counties.48 Addi- tion of such services were provided for non-Hispanic
tionally, in rural communities, there is a high physician White males under 65 years.54 Other telestroke studies
turnover rate, which weakens therapeutic rapport and have observed that Medicaid access to telestroke (for
contributes to vulnerability of people with chronic dis- patients under age 65 years) is lower compared with
eases.49,50 As seen in our case, Ms. S, living in an under- commercially insured and Medicare patients in some
resourced setting and without robust medical support, states.55 However, a large retrospective review evaluat-
will experience fragmented care leading to suboptimal ing telestroke services held more promise when it found
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outcomes after a stroke. that no significant disparities in telestroke consult time,

At the age of 45, Ms. S developed sudden-onset ver- utilization of thrombolysis, and time to thrombolysis. The
tigo and blurry vision. She called 911 and was taken to authors hypothesized that standardized stroke protocols
her local rural community hospital, a setting with no in- in telestroke could contribute to more frequent utilization
house neurologist or protocol for acute stroke manage- of guideline-based stroke therapies—which bodes well
ment, including thrombolysis. A head CT was performed for some alleviation of these disparities.56
which ruled out acute intracranial hemorrhage and the With the implementation of the Furthering Access to
staff physician transferred her to the regional academic Stroke Telemedicine Act and the expansion of telestroke
center by ambulance. By the time she was evaluated by networks in both rural and urban regions, further studies
a neurologist, the patient was out of the window for con- will be needed to fully evaluate the impact of telestroke
sideration of thrombolysis. She remained at the hospital on access and quality of care for all.53 Such studies will be
to evaluate cause of ischemic stroke and determine fur- especially important given the ongoing failures in equity
ther management. that are fundamentally driven by structural barriers, like
Telestroke is defined as telemedicine-enabled stroke systemic racism. While telestroke improves emergency
consultation and remote stroke service and is a well- access to specialist hyper-acute stroke care in remote
developed example of a scalable digital health inter- locations and has been correlated with shorter door to
vention to expand expert level care in the acute stroke treatment times,57,58 one must remember that Black and
setting.51 Various approaches to stroke management Latino patients still face substantial delays in care from
have been made possible by telestroke; most notably, the outset: longer Emergency Department wait times,
stroke patients may be treated in their local commu- door-to-computed tomography time,59 door to needle
nity hospital with treatment by an on-site physician with time,60 and time to neurological consultation compared
remote consultation by a specialist (who can provide with White patients.59 Multiple large studies have shown
recommendations regarding thrombolysis and need for that even after adjustment for patient- and hospital-level
endovascular intervention). The patient can receive IV variables, Black patients have lower odds of receiving
thrombolysis at the hospital and if they are a candidate evidence-based therapies like intravenous thromboly-
for endovascular intervention, they can then be trans- sis, cardiac monitoring, dysphagia screening, antithrom-
ferred out to a comprehensive stroke center (referred to botic medications on discharge, anticoagulants for atrial

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fibrillation, and appropriate lipid therapy.61–63 Additionally, potential to increase access to poststroke therapy that


Black and Latino patients have higher odds of exceeding is crucial to optimal recovery.53 This approach to reha-
the median length of hospital stay relative to Whites.63 bilitation offers early access to treatment, reduces cost,
Thus, while telestroke holds promise to increase access, enables the patient to play a more active role in treat-

such strategies for acute stroke care will only be equi- ment through interactive play, and allows for adapting
table if an anti-racist lens is central to its development the treatment to the individual’s home routine.68,69 One
and implementation. study evaluating speech-language telerehabilitation
found that older adults were as engaged in using tab-
lets and smartphones for remote rehabilitation therapy
POSTSTROKE REHABILITATION when compared with younger patients. Those who
While fewer people are dying of stroke today, it remains lived in a rural location participated in a higher num-
the leading cause of disability in the United States.64 ber of therapeutic sessions compared with their urban
Physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy are or suburban counterparts.67 According to the 2020
the standard of care for poststroke disability. Upon hos- Cochrane review on telerehabilitation for stroke, there
pital discharge after stroke, rehabilitation may be one of is a moderate-level of evidence that telerehabilitation
the only spaces for long-term monitoring and care, par- is more effective or similarly effective to usual care.70
ticularly for patients who lack robust outpatient follow-up Telerehabilitation could be a promising solution to
and home care due to socioeconomic factors. Studies reduce the delays that come with traditional face-to-
also suggest that there are important socioeconomic dif- face rehabilitation or augment the scope of in-person
ferences and underuse of poststroke rehabilitation ser- therapy services.
vices in certain subgroups.65–67 One Los Angeles study One major equity limitation to this innovation is that,
of community-dwelling poststroke patients found that like mHealth interventions, there are concerns around
physical and occupational therapy services were less technological adoption for individuals limited by digital
frequently used among older patients and individuals access (eg, wifi and internet-connected devices), digi-
with less than college education.65 Disparities in reha- tal literacy, unstable housing, and social support. One
bilitation access and use are likely driven by the complex qualitative study found that telerehabilitation partici-
interrelationships of demographic and socioeconomic pants noted the importance of technical support, physi-
factors—including age, sex/gender, race and ethnicity, cal environment at home, and family member support as
key factors to sustaining their rehabilitation progress.71
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income, insurance, geography, social support, housing

stability—as well as patient cultural preferences/norms In the trials included in the Cochrane telerehabilitation
which all coincide to affect an individual’s likelihood of review, it is important to note that most patients were
receiving consistent patient-centered stroke rehabilita- under 70 years of age, and race or other socioeconomic
tion and recovery.65,66 We follow the barriers faced by Ms. factors were not included.70 The only 2 studies specifi-
S and her medical team below. cally evaluating telerehabilitation in a low-resource set-
Nearing discharge, the patient’s symptoms improved, ting have been conducted outside the United States.70,72
but she continued to have blurry vision and intermittent To date, there is a paucity of data on the differing impact
vertigo which limited ambulation. Ms. S lived with a room- of telerehabilitation based on socioeconomic and envi-
mate but otherwise did not have family close by. She was ronmental factors.
anxious that her symptoms would return in severity when
she returned to work as a domestic worker and limit her
ability to function independently at home. The medical SECONDARY PREVENTION
team recommended that the patient be discharged home In the first 5-year poststroke, about 10% to 25% patients
with outpatient occupational, physical, and vestibular will have a recurrent event.73 While the rate of recurrent
therapy. Ms. S was discharged home. She had to return stroke initially decreased with new evidence-based med-
to work and was not able to take time off work to go to ical therapies, it has plateaued since the mid 2000s.74
her therapy appointments. Additionally, she had no car Individuals with stroke account for a disproportion-
or family to take her to appointments and there were no ate share of health care resources given their complex
public transportation options to the outpatient rehabilita- needs, including disability, multiple medical comorbidities,
tion center. She was discharged on new medications for and concomitant mental health diagnoses.75
secondary stroke prevention, but there had been no dis- Upon discharge, Ms. S returned to the federally quali-
cussion about these changes and the medical and life- fied health care center to see her primary care physician.
style risk factors for stroke that she could recall. Unfortunately, her doctor was unavailable for an appoint-
Digital rehabilitation, or telerehabilitation delivered ment due to a full clinic schedule during COVID-19, so
via robotic, virtual reality, commercial gaming devices, the patient saw a different physician for the discharge
and communication tools (eg, video conferences, follow-up. Since the federally qualified health care center
telephoning, and smartphone applications) has the was not affiliated with the hospital where the patient was

Stroke. 2022;53:689–697. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035307 March 2022   693

Verma et al Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

admitted, the clinic did not have medical records from the health care system. A multidisciplinary team includ-

hospitalization at the time of the patient’s appointment. ing community health care workers,75 pharmacists, and
Ms. S shared that she was confused about her hos- nurses86 in the delivery of chronic disease care and car-
pital stay. She recalled that she did not have bleeding in diovascular health has led to significant improvements

the brain, but she did not know that she had a stroke. She in health literacy, risk factor control, self-management
did not know what her medications on discharge were for behaviors, lifestyle habits, clinical outcomes, and a
and thought they were to help relieve the symptoms of decrease in inappropriate health care utilization.75,87–89
dizziness. On further discussion, Ms. S did not know what One way forward could be integrating effective culturally
a stroke was. She admitted that she avoided asking too tailored approaches, such as those implemented in the
many questions at the hospital because she did not want SUCCEED trial (Secondary Stroke Prevention by Unit-
to be difficult as she observed that this had negatively ing Community and Chronic Care Model Teams Early to
impacted the hospital care of family and friends that had End Disparities),75 with telemedicine approaches. In fact,
been hospitalized in the past. one of the limitations of SUCCEED was that most inter-
The primary care physician spent extra time with the vention participants did not receive the minimum number
patient educating her on the definition of a stroke, risk of touches with the health care team (ie, 3 clinic visit,
factors, and signs and symptoms of recurrent stroke. She 3 home visits, and completion of the Chronic Disease
stressed the importance of diet, exercise, and medication Self-Management Program). If a telehealth component
adherence to reduce risk of a recurrent stroke. However, the had been implemented, the health care team would have
physician was running behind schedule in clinic and could been able to see more patients, and the patients may
not address everything at this visit. The physician sensed have had fewer barriers to participation.
that Ms. S had no one to speak to about her recent medical The World Health Organization recommends the use
events. Ms. S felt dejected and was tearful. Although the of telemedicine to complement, rather than replace, the
physician suspected that Ms. S was depressed, there was delivery of health services.90 In other words, high technol-
no time to discuss the topic during this clinic appointment. ogy and high touch solutions are not mutually exclusive,
After adjustment for both patient- and hospital-level but rather technology can expand high quality and high
variables, Black patients relative to White patients have touch solutions, paving the way for novel, sustainable,
lower odds of receiving guideline-based secondary and standardized strategies to equitable care.91
stroke prevention interventions (antithrombotics, anti-
coagulation for atrial fibrillation, counseling on smoking
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cessation, and lipid-lowering therapy)76 or having their CONCLUSIONS

risk factors controlled.4,77 Differences between Latino This Focused Update outlines major digital health inter-
and White patients are less drastic but remain significant ventions for each phase of stroke care while delineating
for antithrombotic at discharge and smoking cessation.63 key themes contributing to the digital divide. The digital
Poststroke depression is prevalent and studies show that divide could prevent the most underrepresented groups
there are ethnic disparities,78 which are partially explained from benefitting from potential improvements in stroke
by sociodemographic and health factors, like low educa- care via digital tools and can exacerbate health care
tional attainment.79 disparities, conferring further advantages to the already
There are some mobile-based applications and tele- advantaged as stated in the inverse care law.40 It is critical
phone-based programs to support patient education and to intentionally tailor digital innovations to address specific
medication adherence after a stroke. One meta-analysis gaps by centering developments around communities who
concluded that mHealth using telephone and short-mes- typically fall through the cracks. Key considerations for
sage-service text reminders contributed to a significant successful digital stroke innovations will encompass: (1)
reduction in systolic blood pressure among stroke sur- increasing digital access/literacy of populations, (2) the
vivors.80 Given the risk of elevated blood pressure and prioritization of culturally and linguistically relevant con-
recurrent ischemic events in stroke patients,81 there are tent for underserved patients, and (3) the integration of
additional studies evaluating the feasibility and clinical the SDOH and structural barriers to quality health care at
significance of using mHealth through patient remind- each key phase of stroke prevention and treatment.
ers and remote blood pressure monitoring for second-
ary prevention.82 However, none of these integrate the
culturally and linguistically tailored approaches used in ARTICLE INFORMATION
in-person studies that have been shown to work in stroke Presented in part at the International Stroke Conference, virtual, March 17–19,
prevention among communities of color and those with 2021.
limited English proficiency.83–85
Several studies have shown that community health
Department of Internal Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA (A.V.,
care workers, care navigators, and health educators are A.B., A.C.). LA County Department of Health Services, Los Angeles, CA (A.T., A.A.).
important allies in helping patients navigate the complex Department of Neurology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (A.T.).

694   March 2022 Stroke. 2022;53:689–697. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035307

Verma et al Moving Towards Equity With Digital Health

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pooled analysis of stroke incidence studies in Australia and New Zealand.
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