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Laboratory Activity No.

Familiarization of Laboratory Equipment and Apparatus
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to introduce the commonly used laboratory equipment and apparatus in Hydraulics
Engineering experiments.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Know the different types of laboratory equipment and apparatus, their functions, and their
application in Hydraulics Engineering experiments.
2. Observe the safety guidelines and protocols in relation to proper handling of the laboratory
equipment and apparatus.

3. Discussion:

Familiarization with laboratory equipment and apparatus is an important aspect of the Hydraulics
Engineering course. This helps students with practical skills, safety knowledge, and a deeper
understanding of the principles behind hydraulic experiments. These experiments frequently rely on
various instruments and being familiar with their use helps to grasp the principles behind measurement
techniques and data collection, leading to accurate and reliable results.

Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) is the base module where various apparatus may be attached for several
hydraulic experiments. The bench is equipped with a water circulation system, typically including a water
tank, pump, and pipelines. This system provides a continuous supply of water to the experiments, ensuring
a consistent flow rate and pressure during the tests.

Figure 1: Hydraulics Bench (HM 150)

Another commonly used equipment is the Multi-purpose Teaching Flume (HM 160). This is used for
hydraulic experiments, particularly in open channel flow. Like HM 150, this is also equipped with a water
tank, pump, and pipes to ensure steady flow for the experiments. Moreover, the flume is typically
constructed using high-quality materials like stainless steel or reinforced fiberglass to ensure durability and
resistance to corrosion.

Figure 2: Multi-purpose Teaching Flume (HM 160)

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Multipurpose Teaching Flume (HM 160)

5. Procedures

I. Hydraulics Bench
1. Check the water storage tank if it contains water at a maximum of 10 cm below the top. Using
the bench without water will damage the submersible motor pump.
2. Plug into the electric power source.
3. Install the discharge cap or hose in the discharge pipe. The latter must be used if the
apparatus is attached to the bench.
4. Switch on the main power. Then, switch on the pump.
5. Adjust the discharge using the flow control valve.
6. Close the gate valve to the measuring tank.
7. Check if the volume gauge of the measuring tank is working.
8. Open the gate valve.
9. Switch off the pump and then the main power.

II. Multi-purpose Teaching Flume

1. Check the water storage tank if it contains water at a maximum of 10 cm below the top. Using
the teaching flume without water will damage the motor pump.
2. Close the shutoff valve before opening the pump to avoid water splashing in the inflow
3. Plug into the electric power source.
4. Switch on the main power. Then, switch on the pump.
5. Gently open the shutoff valve to control the flow to the channel segment. Note that float
switches are installed in the inflow and outflow segment which will stop the pump if the water
reaches a certain level to avoid overflowing.
6. Check if the flow meter is working.
7. Switch off the pump and then the main power.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Laboratory Activity No.: Date Performed:
Name: Date Submitted:

Draw the following equipment/apparatus and identify its parts. Also, give a brief description of the
function of each part.

1. Hydraulics Bench (HM 150)

2. Multi-purpose Teaching Flume (HM 160)

Safety Procedures:

Write the safety procedures that you have observed during the laboratory activity.


Experiment No. 1
Determination of Flow Rate using Hydraulics Bench
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to determine the flow rate in the hydraulics bench and differentiate its types namely
volumetric, mass, and weight flow rate.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Determine the flow rate in the hydraulics bench using the measuring tank and its volume gauge.
2. Understand the importance of expressing flow rate based on its application.

3. Discussion:

Flow rate is a fundamental parameter in fluid mechanics, representing the volume of fluid passing through
a given point in a system per unit of time. Accurate measurement of flow is essential for designing,
managing, and maintaining hydraulic systems for various applications.
The flow rate may be expressed in terms of the following:
1. Volumetric Flow Rate (Q) This measures the volume of fluid passing through a given point in
a system per unit of time. The common units for Q are m3/s and L/min. This may be computed
using equations 1.1 and 1.2 where A is the cross-sectional flow area and V is the velocity.

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑
𝑄= (1.1)
𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉 (1.2)
2. Mass Flow Rate (MF) This measures the mass of fluid passing through a given point in a system
per unit of time. The common units for MF are kg/s and lb/min. Equation 1.3 may be used to
compute MF where 𝜌 is the density of the fluid.

𝑀𝐹 = 𝜌𝑄
3. Weight Flow Rate (WF) - This measures the mass of fluid passing through a given point in a
system per unit of time. The common units for WF are N/s and lbf/min. Equation 1.4 may be used
to compute WF where 𝛾 is the unit weight of the fluid.

𝑊𝐹 = 𝛾𝑄 (1.4)

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Stopwatch

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Install the discharge cap in the discharge pipe of the hydraulics bench.
2. Switch on the main power. Then, switch on the pump.
3. Adjust the discharge using the flow control valve. Start with a low setting of discharge.
4. Close the gate valve to the measuring tank.
5. Determine the volumetric discharge (Q) by measuring the time (t) it takes to fill 10L of water
on the volumetric tank of HM 150. Use equation 1.1 to compute the value of Q.
6. Express Q in terms of mass flow rate and weight flow rate using equations 1.3 and 1.4.
7. Open the gate valve to drain water in the measuring tank.
8. Repeat steps 5 6 for another 2 trials by collecting 15L and 20L of water.
9. Adjust the discharge to a higher setting then repeat steps 4 8.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

First Flow Setting

Volume of Collection Volumetric Mass Flow Weight Flow

Trial Water Collected Time Flow Rate, Q Rate, Q Rate, Q
(L) (s) (L/s) (kg/s) (N/s)
1 10
2 15
3 20

Second Flow Setting

Volume of Collection Volumetric Mass Flow Weight Flow

Trial Water Collected Time Flow Rate, Q Rate, Q Rate, Q
(L) (s) (L/s) (kg/s) (N/s)
1 10
2 15
3 20

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 2

1. Objective(s):

applicability in steady water flow through a duct with

a tapering cross-section.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Measure the static head and velocity head of water under steady flow.
2. Understand
and how changes in one parameter affect the other.

3. Discussion:

Bernoulli's principle is a fundamental concept in fluid dynamics that plays a crucial role in understanding
the behavior of fluids in various scenarios. This principle describes the relationship between the pressure,
velocity, and elevation of a fluid. Moreover, it has several practical applications in hydraulics engineering
such as in plumbing and fluid systems, hydraulics structures, hydropower systems, pumps and turbine
design, etc.
𝑣 𝑝 𝑣 𝑝
+ + 𝑧 = + + 𝑧 (2.1)
2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾

This equation states that the sum of the static pressure, dynamic pressure, and potential energy per unit
volume of fluid remains constant along a streamline. It considers factors such as fluid velocity, fluid density,
and elevation to provide a comprehensive description of fluid behavior. Based on this equation, as the
velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by the fluid decreases, and vice versa.
However, it is essential to note that Bernoulli's principle has limitations and assumptions. In practical
hydraulic systems, factors such as turbulence, viscous effects, and compressibility of fluids may influence
the accuracy of applying Bernoulli's principle alone. Therefore, these factors and other principles must be
considered, such as the conservation of mass and momentum, to obtain a comprehensive understanding
of fluid behavior in hydraulic systems.
4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Stopwatch
• Spirit Level

5. Experiment Procedures

I. Velocity from Measured Energy Head

using a hose.
2. Make sure the experimental setup is leveled using spirit level.
3. Open the inlet and outlet valves of HM 150.07.
4. Switch on the pump of HM 150 and slowly open the control valve.
5. Open the vent valves of the water pressure gauge.
6. Adjust the inlet and outlet valve until there is no reading at the 6-fold water pressure gauge
which is greater than the upper limit and less than the lower limit as shown in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: Water Pressure Gauges

7. Take the reading of the pressure head (ℎ ) of all six measuring points and record it in the
data sheet.
8. Adjust the probe at each of the measuring points to measure their respective total head
(ℎ ).
9. Compute the velocity head using equation 2.2.
ℎ = ℎ − ℎ (2.2)
10. Using the calculated velocity head, compute the measured velocity where Rv is the
reference velocity at each point derived using its geometry.
𝑣 = 𝑅 2𝑔ℎ (2.3)

1 2 3 4 5 6
1.0 2.33 0.846 1.70 2.55 3.38

11. Plot the pressure head, dynamic head, and total head against the length of the section of
the venturi nozzle.

II. Velocity Computed from Discharge

12. Determine the volumetric discharge (Q) by measuring the time (t) it takes to fill 10L of water
on the volumetric tank of HM 150. Use equation 2.4 to compute the value of Q in m3/s.

𝑄= (2.4)
𝑡 × 1000
13. The velocity at each point can be computed by dividing the discharge by the area at the
measuring points which is given in table 1. This will be the computed velocity, 𝑣 .

1 2 3 4 5 6
3.38 2.33 0.846 1.70 2.55 3.38
(m2 x 10-4)

14. Plot the results of measured and computed velocity at each measuring point.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Measured Data

Pressure Total Head, Velocity Measured Velocity,

Measuring Points Head, hp htotal Head, hv Vmeas
(mm) (mm) (mm) (m/s)

Computed Velocity,
Area Time, t Discharge
Measuring Points Vcomp
(m2 x 10-4) (s) (m3/s)
1 3.38
2 2.33
3 0.846
4 1.7
5 2.55
6 3.38


Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 3
Discharge Coefficient of Orifice Flow
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to determine the hydraulic coefficients of water flow through various types of orifices
and investigate the discharge losses.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Determine the value of the discharge coefficient using the Orifice Discharge Apparatus.
2. Understand the discharges losses in orifice and apply in engineering practices.

3. Discussion:

Orifice is a small opening of any cross-section on the side or at the bottom of a tank through which a fluid
flow. It is used to determine the flow rates in pipes and reservoirs. However, it should also be considered
that there are losses in the flow as it goes through an orifice. These losses are caused by jet contraction
and wall friction. Thus, the actual flow in the orifice is smaller than the theoretical flow.
Losses Due to Jet Contraction
As the flow is constricted through an orifice, the narrowest point in the fluid stream is called the vena
contracta. This reduction of the flow cross-sectional area is defined by the contraction coefficient, 𝐶 . It
is given by the formula:
𝐶 = (3.1)

where 𝑎 is the area of vena contracta and 𝑎 is the area of orifice.

Losses Due to Wall Friction

The mean velocity of the jet decreases due to the friction of the flow on the wall as it is deflected to the
jet direction causing kinetic energy loss. It can be computed using the velocity coefficient, 𝐶 .
𝐶 = (3.2)

where 𝑣 is the actual velocity in the vena contracta and 𝑣 is the theoretical velocity. The usual values of
𝐶 ranges from 0.95 to 0.99 depending on the type of orifice used.

Discharge Coefficient
The flow discharge through the orifice is less due to the jet contraction and wall friction which can be
determined using the discharge coefficient, 𝐶 .
𝐶 = (3.3)

where 𝑣 is the actual discharge in the vena contracta and 𝑣 is the theoretical discharge. Its values range
from 0.59 to 0.65.

The relationship of the hydraulic coefficients can be expressed mathematically which is shown in equation
𝐶 = 𝐶 × 𝐶 (3.4)

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Orifice Discharge Apparatus (HM 150.12)
• Adjusting Aid
• Different Types of Nozzles:
• Channel, ∅ = 12 mm
• Inlet Cone, ∅ = 12 mm
• Inlet Rounded ∅ = 12 mm

5. Experiment Procedures

Experimental Setup

1. Attach the adjusting aid in the base of the tank. Do not touch the spindle tip.
2. Adjust the height of the spindle so that it is at the same elevation as the adjusting aid. Make
sure that the spindle tip does not touch the adjusting aid.
3. Set the micrometer to 4.00mm.
4. Insert a paper between the spindle tip and the adjusting aid. Turn the spindle using the star
screw until it just touches the paper.
5. Tighten the knurled nut and turn back the spindle so it will no longer touch the adjusting aid.
6. Remove the adjusting aid.

Experiment Procedure

1. Attach the selected nozzle and sealing ring in the base of the tank.
2. Make sure that the hose is connected to the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) for the water supply
and that the drain and overflow are directed to the outlet of HM 150.
3. Open the drain and close the main valve of HM150.
4. Switch on the pump of HM150.
5. Gently open the main valve and adjust the discharge. The water level should be below the
6. Adjust the inlet basket so that it is not submerged in water. (This is to avoid the effect of the
applied force due to the inflow)
7. Take the reading of the left pressure gauge and record it in your data sheet. This will be the
theoretical head, ℎ .
8. Position the pitot tube in the center of the jet and take the reading on the right pressure gauge.
This will be the actual head, ℎ .
9. 3.5.

𝑉= 2𝑔ℎ (3.5)

10. Adjust the spindle tip until it touches the jet flow. Record the measurement on the micrometer.
11. Calculate the radius of the jet using equation 3.6. The result is in millimeters.

𝑟 = 10 − 𝑟𝑑𝑔. 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 (3.6)

12. Close the drain of HM 150.

13. Determine the discharge by assigning two values of water volume and measuring the time
needed to reach final volume from the initial volume.
14. Calculate for the contraction coefficient, 𝐶 .

𝑎 𝑑
𝐶 = = (3.7)
𝑎 𝑑

15. Calculate for the velocity coefficient, 𝐶 using eq 3.3.

16. Determine the discharge velocity using eq. 3.4.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Velocity Coefficient

Theoretical Theoretical Actual Energy Actual

Trial No. Energy Head, ht Velocity, vt head, ha Velocity, va
(mm) (mm/s) (mm) (mm/s)

Contraction Coefficient

Rdg. on Jet Diameter, Inlet Contraction

Jet Radius, rjet
Trial No. Micrometer djet Diameter Coefficient,
(mm) (mm) (mm) Cc

Discharge Coefficient

Contraction Velocity Discharge

Trial No.
Coefficient, Cc Coefficient, Cc Coefficient, Cc

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 4
Orifice Jet Flow
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to investigate the behavior of jet flow through the orifice and evaluate the sources of
head losses in the flow.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Perform an experiment about orifice jet flow and observe proper handling of the apparatus.
2. Identify the sources of energy losses in the flow through the comparison of theoretical and
actual profiles of the jet flow.
3. Apply the practical applications in Civil Engineering of orifice flow principles.

3. Discussion:

When fluid flows through an orifice, the trajectory of the flow can be described based on its velocity, and
the characteristics of the orifice that include its size, geometry, sharpness, and the surroundings where it
is dispersed. Although the trajectory does not strictly follow the parabolic path associated with projectile
motion, it exhibits characteristic features that can be analyzed.

Figure 4.1: Flow through an Orifice

Upon exiting the orifice, the fluid forms a jet that initially moves in a straight line in the direction
perpendicular to the orifice surface. The initial velocity of the jet primarily depends on the water level of the
reservoir. Moreover, the force of gravity acts on the fluid jet, causing it to gradually deviate from its initial
straight-line trajectory. The effect of gravity becomes more prominent over longer distances and can cause
the fluid jet to curve downward. Other factors such as air resistance, turbulence, and the presence of
obstacles or surrounding structures can affect the trajectory of the fluid jet. These external influences can
cause additional deviations from the idealized path and lead to further dispersion and mixing of the fluid.

The understanding of orifice jet flow is crucial in the design of various hydraulic systems, such as flow
control devices, nozzles, and hydraulic turbines. By accurately predicting and controlling the flow rate
through orifices, engineers can optimize the performance and efficiency of hydraulic systems while
ensuring safe and reliable operation.

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Orifice and Jet Velocity Apparatus (HM 150.09)
• Ruler
• 8 Steel Needles
• Different Types of Orifices:
• Contour Round, ∅ = 4 mm
• Contour Angular, ∅ = 4 mm
• Contour Round ∅ = 8 mm
• Contour Angular, ∅ = 8 mm

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Attached the selected orifice and sealing ring in the side of the tank.
2. Insert the steel needles on the apparatus.
3. Make sure that the hose is connected in the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) for the water supply
and the drain and overflow is directed to the outlet of HM 150.
4. Open the drain and close main valve of HM150.
5. Switch on pump of HM150.
6. Gently open the main valve and control the discharge.
7. Adjust the water level to 400 mm using the adjustable overflow.
8. Move each steel needle until it touches the jet flow starting on the right side.
9. Take the measurements of the vertical distance (y meas) at each needle from the reference
height using a ruler.

10. The computed vertical distance (ycomp) can be determined using eq 4.1 that was derived from
projectile equations where x is the horizontal distance from the orifice and h is the water level
in the tank.

1 𝑥
𝑦 = (4.1)
4 ℎ

11. Plot the vertical distances (ycomp and ymeas) against the horizontal distance from the orifice.
12. Repeat steps 1 12 for the other types of orifices.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Orifice Type: _____________________

Horizontal Distance, Measured Vertical Distance, Computed Vertical Distance,

x (m) ymeas (m) ycomp (m)


Orifice Type: _____________________

Horizontal Distance, Measured Vertical Distance, Computed Vertical Distance,

x (m) ymeas (m) ycomp (m)


Orifice Type: _____________________

Horizontal Distance, Measured Vertical Distance, Computed Vertical Distance,

x (m) ymeas (m) ycomp (m)

Orifice Type: _____________________

Horizontal Distance, Measured Vertical Distance, Computed Vertical Distance,

x (m) ymeas (m) ycomp (m)

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 5
Devices for Flow Measurement
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to demonstrate the use of various devices for flow measurement in pipes that include
a rotameter, orifice, venturi nozzle, and pitot tube.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Differentiate various devices for flow measurement and know their proper handling.
2. Calibrate these devices by establishing the equation of flow in terms of the difference in
pressure using experimental values.

3. Discussion:

Flow measurement is a critical aspect of Hydraulics Engineering as it is used to monitor the movement of
fluids through pipes and channels. It is crucial to measure flow accurately as this value is used for the
design of hydraulic structures for various industries such as water supply, wastewater treatment,
manufacturing, etc. The commonly used devices for measuring the fluid flow in pipes are rotameter, orifice
plate, venturi meter, and pitot tube. Each of these devices has its advantages and limitations.

Figure 4.1: Rotameter

Rotameter is a device consisting of a tapered tube with a float that rises and falls depending on the flow
rate in the pipe. Flow rate can be directly measured by taking the height of the float in the tube. It is simple
to use and cost-effective. However, it has lower accuracy as compared to other devices as it could be
affected by fluid density, viscosity, and temperature variations from calibrated conditions.

Figure 4.2: Orifice Plate

The orifice plate has a thin plate with a concentric hole known as an orifice, creating restriction in the pipe.
The flow in the pipe can be measu It has a wider range of applications
as it can handle a wider range of temperatures and pressures while being cost-effective. On the other
hand, orifice plates can cause significant pressure drops resulting in energy losses that may be critical to
other hydraulics systems. Also, it is not recommended for flows with frequent fluctuations.

Figure 4.3: Venturi Meter

The Venturi meter has a constricted section in the pipe, known as the throat, that causes an increase in
the fluid velocity with a corresponding decrease in pressure. Similar to an orifice plate, its operation is
is known for its high accuracy in measuring flow rates.
Moreover, it can have minimal differential pressure in the pipe as compared to using an orifice. However,
it can be more expensive and complex to install as compared to other devices. Sometimes the additional
costs for its installation may not be justifiable.

Figure 4.4: Pitot Tube
Pitot tubes consist of a slender tube facing the fluid flow to measure the total head and a perpendicular
tube to measure the static head. The dynamic head may be determined by getting the difference between
the total head the and static head where this value is used to compute the velocity in the pipe. Calculation
of flow rate can be done using the value of velocity. These tubes are non-intrusive and are easy to install.
Yet, it is limited to single-point measurement and sensitive to alignment and positioning which can affect
its accuracy.

The choice of the flow measurement device depends on factors such as accuracy requirements, fluid
properties, pressure loss considerations, and installation constraints. By understanding the principles of
operation and characteristics of these devices, hydraulic engineers can select the most suitable flow
measurement device for their specific applications, ensuring reliable and accurate flow rate

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Flow Meter Demonstration Apparatus (HM 150.13)
• Stopwatch
• 2 Rubber Tubes

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Place the Flow Meter Demonstration Apparatus (HM 150.13) on the Hydraulics Bench (HM
2. Connect the hose in the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) for the water supply to the apparatus.
3. Open the drain and close main valve of HM150.
4. Switch on the pump of HM150.

5. Gently open the main valve and start at a low discharge.
6. Take the reading of the discharge using the rotameter, Qmeas.
7. Determine the volumetric discharge (Qcomp) by measuring the time (t) it takes to fill 10L of
water on the volumetric tank of HM 150. Start the stopwatch as the water level reaches 10L
and stop at 20 L.

𝑄= (5.1)
𝑡 × 1000

8. Repeat steps 6 7 by changing to higher discharges for another 2 trials.

9. Compute the percent difference of Qmeas and Qcomp. Then, plot these results.

Orifice Plate and Measuring Nozzle

1. Attached the orifice plate and measuring nozzle accessory on the apparatus. Then, connect
them to the manometer panel using rubber tubes.
2. Switch on the hydraulics bench and adjust the discharge starting from low setting.
3. Take the reading of the discharge using the rotameter, Qmeas.
4. Using the manometer panel, record the difference in pressure in the two manometers.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for another 4 trials of higher discharges.
6. Plot the discharge against the difference in pressure.
7. Establish the relationship of pressure loss and discharge by determining the value of k using
regression analysis.

𝑄 = 𝐾∆𝑝 (5.2)

Venturi Nozzle
1. Connect the Venturi Nozzle to the manometer panel using the rubber tubes at two sections.
2. Switch on the hydraulics bench and adjust the discharge starting from low setting.
3. Take the reading of the discharge using the rotameter, Qmeas.
4. Using the manometer panel, record the difference in pressure in the two manometers.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for another 4 trials of higher discharges.
6. Plot the discharge against the difference in pressure.
7. Establish the relationship of pressure loss and discharge by determining the value of k using
regression analysis in eq 5.2.

Pitot Tube
1. Attached the orifice plate and measuring nozzle accessory on the apparatus. Then, connect
it to the manometer panel using rubber tubes.
2. Switch on the hydraulics bench and adjust the discharge starting from low setting.
3. Take the reading of the discharge using the rotameter, Qmeas.
4. Record the total head (htotal) and static head (hstat) from the manometer panel. The connection
on the upper part gives the total head (htotal) while the lower part gives the static head (h stat).

5. Compute the dynamic head (hdyn) by subtracting hstat from htotal.
6. Using eq 4.3, compute the velocity in the pipe.
( )
𝑣= (m/s) (5.3)

7. Qcomp may be determined by taking the product of the velocity and the cross-sectional flow
area. The cross-section of the pitot tube (∅ = 3 mm) must be subtracted from the pipe
(∅ = 17 mm). The effective area can be computed using 5.4.
𝐴= ∅ − ∅ (m/s) (5.4)
8. Repeat steps 3 5 for another 2 trials of higher discharges.
9. Compute the percent difference between Qmeas and Qcomp. Then, plot these results.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.


Measured Volume of Water Time Interval, Computed

Trial Percent
Discharge, Q Collected, t Discharge, Q
No. Difference (%)
(m3/s) (L) (s) (m3/s)

Orifice Plate and Measuring Nozzle

Measured Difference in
Trial Pressure 1, Pressure 2,
Discharge, Q Constant K Constant n
No. P1 (mm) P2 (mm)
(m3/s) (mbar)

Venturi Nozzle

Measured Difference in
Trial Pressure 1 Pressure 2
Discharge, Q Constant K Constant n
No. (mm) (mm)
(m3/s) (mbar)

Pitot Tube

Total Head, Static Head, Computed

Dynamic Head, Velocity, v
Trial No. htotal hstat Discharge, Q
hdyn (mm) (m/s)
(mm) (mm) (m3/s)

Measured Discharge, Q Computed Discharge, Q

Trial No. Percent Difference (%)
(m3/s) (m3/s)


Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 6
Measurement of Discharge Using Weirs
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to demonstrate the use of weirs to measure the flow rate of open channel flow.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Determine the actual value of volumetric discharge for open channel flow and compare it to
the theoretical value.
2. Understand the effects of different shapes of weirs on the channel flow rate.

3. Discussion:

Discharge is defined as the volume of water that passes through a cross-section of the channel per unit of
time. One common method for measuring discharge is through the use of a weir, which is a structure
placed across a channel that creates a vertical obstruction over which water flows. Weirs can be
categorized based on the shape of their opening namely rectangular, triangular, and trapezoidal.

Figure 6.1: Cross-Section of Channel with Weir

quation between the approach and the
weir. Considering an open channel flow, the pressure head is equal to zero as the system is open to the
atmosphere. By neglecting the velocity of approach, the velocity over the weir can be expressed as:

𝑉= 2𝑔𝐻 (6.1)

Equation 4.1 is used to derive the formula for discharge over weirs. In the case of a rectangular weir, this
can be derived using Figure 4.1 as a reference.

𝑄 = 𝐴𝑉 = 𝐿𝑑ℎ 2𝑔𝐻 (6.2)

𝑄 = 𝐿 2𝑔 √𝐻 𝑑ℎ (6.3)

By integrating eq. 4.3, the resulting formula for discharge over rectangular weirs is shown in 6.4.
𝑄= × 2𝑔 × 𝐿 × 𝐻 / (6.4)

To consider losses in the actual system due to friction, impact, and other causes, the coefficient of
discharge (cd) should be multiplied by the theoretical value computed using eq 6.4. The formula for the
actual discharge will be:
𝑄 = 𝐶 × × 2𝑔 × 𝐿 × 𝐻 / (6.5)

Discharge over V-notch weirs can be computed using equation 6.6.

8 𝜃
𝑄 = 𝐶 × × 2𝑔 × tan × 𝐻 / (6.6)
15 2

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulics Bench (HM 150)

• Different Types of Weirs
• Rectangular Weir
• V-Notch Weir
• Stopwatch
• Height Gauge

5. Experiment Procedures

Rectangular Weir
1. Attach the rectangular weir on the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) to the outlet of the channel
using the screws at each end.
2. Install the height gauge which will be used to measure the weir head.
3. Switch on the pump of HM 150 so water will start to flow.
4. Start with low discharge by adjusting the flow control valve.
5. Take the reading of the height of the water (y) using the height gauge.
6. From figure 6.2, the weir head (H) can be computed using equation 6.1 where h1 = 4.7cm and
h2 = 5.0 cm.

Figure 6.2 Cross-Section of Rectangular Weir

𝐻= ℎ + ℎ −𝑦 (6.7)

7. Compute for the measured volumetric discharge, (𝑄 ) using equation 6.5. Use Cd = 0.63
for sharp-crested weirs and L = 6.0cm.
8. Determine the computed volumetric flow (𝑄 ) by taking the total time to fill up 10L of water
in the volumetric tank using a stopwatch. Start the timer when the volume of water is 20L and
end the timer when it reaches 30L. The volume can be determined using the remote sight
gauge. Use equation 6.8 to calculate for 𝑄 in L/s.
𝑄 = (6.8)

9. Repeat steps 5 8 for another 4 trials with different values of height of water.
10. Determine the discharge coefficient by dividing the computed value with the measured value
of discharge.

V-Notch Weir

1. Remove the rectangular weir on the hydraulics bench and replace it with V-Notch weir.
2. Switch on the pump of HM 150 so water will start to flow.
3. Start with low discharge by adjusting the flow control valve.
4. Take the reading of the height of the water (y) using the height gauge.
5. From Figure 6.3, the weir head (H) can be computed using equation 4.5 where h1 = 4.7cm
and h2 = 5.0 cm.

Figure 6.3 Cross-Section of V-Notch Weir

6. Compute for the measured volumetric discharge, (𝑄 ) using equation 4.6. Use Cd = 0.63
for sharp-crested weirs and 𝜃 = 45 .

7. Determine the computed volumetric flow (𝑄 ) by referring to step 8 on the rectangular

8. Repeat steps 4 7 for another 4 trials with different values of the height of water.
9. Determine the discharge coefficient by dividing the computed value with the measured value
of discharge.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Rectangular Weir

Measured Computed
Height of Discharge
Weir Head, Time for Discharge, Discharge,
Trial No. Water, y Coefficient,
H (cm) 10L, t (s) Qmeas Qcomp
(cm) (cd)
(L/s) (L/s)

Ave. Discharge Coefficient: ___________

V-Notch Weir

Measured Computed
Height of Discharge
Weir Head, Time for Discharge, Discharge,
Trial No. Water, y Coefficient,
H (cm) 10L, t (s) Qmeas Qcomp
(cm) (cd)
(L/s) (L/s)

Ave. Discharge Coefficient: ___________

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 7
Broad Crested and Crump Weirs
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to compare the measured discharge values from the experiment with theoretical
values of discharge over broad crested and crump weirs.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Properly use the Broad Crested Weir Accessory (HM 160.31) and Crump Weir Accessory (HM
160.33) for multi-purpose teaching flume.
2. Determine the theoretical and actual discharge over the weirs.
3. Calculate the coefficient of discharge for both broad crested and crump weirs.

3. Discussion:

Broad-crested weirs are commonly used hydraulic structures designed to measure and control the flow of
water in open channels and rivers. These are rectangular weirs with a relatively wide crest compared to
other types of weirs, and their length is significantly greater than their height.

Figure 7.1: Broad Crested Weir

𝑣= 2𝑔(𝐻 − ℎ) (7.1)

Then, discharge over the broad crested weir written as:

𝑄 = 𝐴𝑣 (7.2)
𝑄 = 𝐿ℎ 2𝑔(𝐻 − ℎ) (7.3)
The discharge will be maximum at the critical depth where h = (2/3)H. Simplifying Eq 7.3,
𝑄 = 𝐿 𝑔 𝐻 (7.4)

The coefficient of discharge (cd) must be multiplied by the theoretical value to obtain the actual discharge
which is given in Eq. 7.5.
𝑄 = 𝑐 𝑄 (7.5)

On the other hand, the crump weir is characterized by a triangular profile which creates more gradual and
controlled energy dissipation. Moreover, this helps in reducing the risk of erosion and scouring
downstream. The discharge over the crump weir can also be computed using Eq. 7.4.

Figure 7.2: Crump Weir

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Hydraulic Bench (HM 150)

• Broad Crested Weir Accessory
• Crump Weir Accessory
• Ruler

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Place the broad crested weir in the channel segment of the Multi-purpose Teaching Flume
(HM 160).
2. Close the shutoff valve before opening the pump to avoid water splashing in the inflow
3. Switch on the main switch and then the pump.
4. Adjust the discharge using the flow control valve. Start at low setting.
5. Record the actual discharge from the rotameter.
6. Measure the head of water (H) and the water over the weir (h) using the ruler.
7. Compute the discharge over the weir using Eq. 7.3.
8. Repeat steps 5 7 for another 4 trials of different discharges.
9. Turn off the pump. Then, remove the broad crested weir and replace it with the crump weir.
10. Start with a low discharge by adjusting the flow control valve.
11. Record the actual discharge from the rotameter.
12. Measure the head of water (H) using the ruler.
13. Compute the discharge over the weir using Eq. 7.4.
14. Repeat steps 11 13 for another 4 trials of different discharges.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Broad Crested Weir

Actual Theoretical Discharge

Trial Discharge, H (cm) h (cm) Discharge, Coefficient,
Qa (L/s) Qt (L/s) cd

Crump Weir

Actual Theoretical Discharge

Trial Discharge, H (cm) Discharge, Coefficient,
Qa (L/s) Qt (L/s) cd

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 8
Osborne Reynolds Experiment Demonstration
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to demonstrate the Osborne Reynolds Experiment and identify flow behavior whether
it is laminar, transition, or turbulent flow by determining the Reynolds number.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Differentiate laminar, transition, and turbulent flow through visual observations.

2. Understand the importance of the Reynolds Number in predicting the flow behavior for the
design of a hydraulic system.

3. Discussion:

Reynolds number is a dimensionless parameter, named after Osborne Reynolds, used to characterize the
flow regime of a fluid within a pipe or around an object, providing valuable insights into the nature of the
flow. The Reynolds number (Re) is defined as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in a fluid flow
and is mathematically represented as:
𝑅𝑒 = (8.1)

Where 𝑉 is the velocity, 𝐷 is the diameter of the pipe, and 𝜈 is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. The
value of this parameter can be used to determine if the flow is laminar, turbulent, or transition flow. Laminar
flows have a Re < 2000. It is characterized by smooth fluid motion where the fluid particles move in parallel
layers, with minimal mixing and little energy dissipation. On the other hand, flow with Re > 4000 can be
classified as turbulent flow, where the fluid motion becomes chaotic and unpredictable, leading to
increased mixing and energy dissipation. Transition flows have a Re between 2000 to 4000 characterized
by small-scale fluctuations compared to laminar flow that can further grow, leading to turbulent flow.
Understanding the Reynolds number is essential for engineers and scientists involved in fluid dynamics. It
allows them to predict and analyze the behavior of fluids in various applications. By knowing the Reynolds
number, engineers can determine if the flow will be laminar or turbulent, estimate pressure drops, assess
the heat transfer characteristics, and select appropriate equipment sizes.
However, it is essential to note that the Reynolds number is a dimensionless parameter and does not
provide detailed information about the flow pattern. It is a critical factor in understanding the flow regime
but must be used with other parameters to characterize fluid behavior fully.

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Basic Hydraulics Bench (HM 150)

• Osborne Reynolds Demonstrator (HM 150.18)
• Ink (Blue)

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Place the Osborne Reynolds Demonstrator (HM 150.11) on the Hydraulics Bench (HM
2. Connect the hose in the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) for the water supply to the apparatus.
3. Switch on the pump of HM 150.
4. Completely fill the test pipe with water and ensure the water level is constant in the reservoir.
5. Fill the aluminum reservoir with blue ink. This will be used to visualize the flow.
6. Control the discharge using the drain valve. Start with a low setting to achieve laminar flow.
7. Release the blue ink to create a filament to observe the flow.
8. Document the flow in the test pipe by taking a photo.
9. Conduct the volumetric flow rate test in HM 150 to determine the discharge.
10. Compute the velocity considering that the diameter of the test pipe is 10 mm.
11. Determine the Reynolds Number of the flow using eq. 8.1. Use kinematic viscosity of water
𝜈 = 1x10-6 m2/s.
12. Repeat steps 4 9 for 2 other trials achieving transition and turbulent flow.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Reynolds Number

Time Interval, Discharge, Q Velocity, V

Flow Type Reynolds Number
t (s) (m3/s) (m/s)

Ink Filament in Test Pipe

Laminar Transition Turbulent

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 9
Head Losses of Fluid Flow in Pipes
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to investigate the head losses of fluid flow in pipes due to friction, cross-section
change, pipe fittings, and valves through experimental methods.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1. Investigate the effects of pipe characteristics which are diameter, length, roughness, and flow
velocity on the frictional losses in the pipes.
2. Determine the minor head losses due to pipe fittings, valves, and cross-section changes.
3. Understand the importance of considering the head losses in the design of engineering

3. Discussion:

Head losses in pipes happen as energy dissipation occurs as the fluid passes through pipes due to several
factors such as friction, flow velocity, and the characteristics of the pipe. Major head losses are caused by
frictional resistance. This frictional resistance is influenced by factors such as the roughness of the pipe
wall, the velocity, and the viscosity of the fluid. Darcy-Weisbach equation is commonly used to determine
the frictional head loss which is given by the formula:
𝑓𝐿 𝑣
𝐻 = × (9.1)
𝑑 2𝑔
The friction factor, 𝑓 can be determined using the Moody Diagram where the 𝑓 is plotted against Reynolds
Number (Re) and relative roughness (𝜀 ⁄ 𝑑). Empirical equations have been developed based on this
diagram depending on its flow characteristics where it could be laminar, transition or turbulent flow. The
following equations can be used to compute for the friction factor.
For laminar flows (Re < 2000)
𝑓= (9.2)
Blasius formula (For smooth pipes and 3000 < Re < 10000)
𝑓= (9.3)
𝑅𝑒 .
Colebrook equation (For transition to rough pipes)
1 2.51 𝜀
= −2 log + 𝑑 (9.4)
𝑓 𝑅𝑒 𝑓 3.7

Another factor that contributes to head losses is the presence of fittings, bends, and valves within the pipe
system. These components disrupt the smooth flow of fluid, causing additional energy losses. The
magnitude of these losses depends on the type of fitting, its geometry, and the flow conditions. The loss
coefficients, K for different sources of minor losses were determined through experiments. Head loss from
minor losses can be computed using equation 9.5.
𝐻 = 𝐾× (9.5)

𝐾 is dependent on the cross-section change of the pipe for expansion and contraction losses. This can be
computed using equations 9.6 and 9.7. For contraction, refer to Table 9.1 for the approximate value of the
coefficient of contraction.

Figure 7.1: Expansion and Contraction in Pipes

𝐾 = −1 (9.6)
𝐾 = −1 (9.7)

Table 9.1: Coefficient of Contraction Values

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Basic Hydraulics Bench (HM 150)

• Fluid Friction Apparatus (HM 150.11)
• 2 Rubber Tubes
• Slanted Seat Valve
• Socket Shut-off Gate Valve

5. Experiment Procedures

I. Frictional losses
1. Place the Fluid Friction Apparatus (HM 150.11) on the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150).
2. Connect the hose in the Hydraulics Bench (HM 150) for the water supply to the apparatus.
3. Open the drain and close main valve of HM150.
4. Switch on the pump of HM150 and gently open the main valve.
5. Connect the pressure gauges to the measuring points of section II using rubber tubes.
6. Gently open the flow valve for section II.
7. Close the vent valve at the top and open the drain valves of the gauges.
8. Check for air bubbles. Close the drain valves slowly if there are no air bubbles present.
9. Record the difference in readings at the measuring points of section II. This will be the
measured head loss, HLmeas.
10. Use the orifice and measuring nozzle device to measure the flow. Measure the difference in
pressure through the gauges.
11. Compute the discharge using the derived equation from experiment 5.
12. Determine the flow velocity (V) based on the discharge. The diameter of the pipe is 20 mm
with 1.5 mm thickness.
13. Compute the Reynolds Number and identify the flow type.
14. Determine the friction factor by using the appropriate formula form equations 7.2 - 7.4.
15. Compute for the head loss (HLcomp) using equation 7.1. The length of section II is 800 mm.
16. Determine the percent difference of HLmeas and HLcomp.
17. Repeat steps 9 17 for another 4 trials with higher values of head loss.
18. Plot the HLmeas and HLcomp (mm) against the volumetric flow (L/min).

II. Minor Losses (Pipe Elbow)

1. Transfer the rubber tubes from measuring section II to a part of measuring section V with an
angle 90o elbow.
2. Gently open the flow valve for section V.
3. Close the vent valve at the top and open the drain valves of the gauges.
4. Check for air bubbles. Close the drain valves slowly if there are no air bubbles present.
5. Record the difference in readings at the measuring points of section V. This will be the
measured head loss, HLmeas.
6. Closed the inlet valve for section V and transfer the rubber tubes in the section with a bend
90o elbow. Then, repeat steps 2 5.
7. Do the same procedure for the section with angle 45o elbow.
8. Compute the loss coefficient K and compare with values from the literature.

III. Minor Losses (Pipe Valves)

1. Attach the slanted seat valve on measuring section VI. Make sure that it is properly sealed
and that there are no leakages.
2. Transfer the rubber tubes from measuring section V to VI.
3. Measure the head loss due to this valve by following steps 2 5 for pipe elbows.
4. Replaced the attached valve with a socket shut-off gate valve.
5. Do the same procedure of measuring the head loss.

6. Compute the loss coefficient K and compare it with values from literature by determining
the percentage difference.

IV. Minor Losses (Cross-Section Change)

1. Transfer the rubber tubes from measuring section VI to I at a section with expansion where
the pipe changes from ∅ = 20 mm with thickness of 1.5 mm to ∅ = 32 mm with thickness of
1.8 mm.
2. Measure the head loss due to this valve by following steps 2 5 for pipe elbows.
3. Transfer the tubes to a section with contraction and repeat the procedures in measuring the
4. Compute the loss coefficient K based on the experiment and compare with computed values
based on formula from literature.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Frictional Losses

Measured Computed
Trial Head Loss, Discharge, Q Velocity, v Pipe Friction Head Loss,
No. HLmeas (L/min) (m/s) Coefficient, 𝜆 HLmeas
(mm) (mm)

Minor Losses (Pipe Elbow)

Measured Head
Discharge, Q Velocity, v Loss Coefficient from
Type of Elbow Loss, HLmeas
(L/min) (m/s) experiment, 𝐾
Angle 90o
Bend 90o
Angle 45o

Loss Coefficient from Loss Coefficient from

Type of Valve Percent Difference (%)
experiment, 𝐾 Literature, K
Angle 90o
Bend 90o
Angle 45o

Minor Losses (Pipe Valves)
Head Loss, Discharge, Q Loss Coefficient from
Type of Valve Velocity, v (m/s)
HLmeas (L/min) experiment, 𝐾
Slanted Seat
Socket Shut-off
Gate Valve

Loss Coefficient from Loss Coefficient from

Type of Valve Percent Difference (%)
experiment, 𝐾 Literature, K
Slanted Seat
Socket Shut-off
Gate Valve

Minor Losses (Cross-Section Change)

Head Loss, Discharge, Q Loss Coefficient from
Type of Valve Velocity, v (m/s)
HLmeas (L/min) experiment, 𝐾

Loss Coefficient from Loss Coefficient from

Type of Valve Percent Difference (%)
experiment, 𝐾 Literature, K

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100

Experiment No. 10
Hydraulic Jump
1. Objective(s):

This activity aims to investigate the hydraulic jump phenomenon downstream of the sluice gate.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

3. Know the conditions that lead to the occurrence of a hydraulic jump.

4. Distinguish subcritical and supercritical flow in open channel.
5. Compute for the Froude Number to classify hydraulic jump.

3. Discussion:

Hydraulic jump is a phenomenon that is observed in open channel flows when there is a sudden change
from supercritical to subcritical flow. One of the primary purposes of the hydraulic jump is to dissipate
excess energy in rapidly flowing water. As the high-velocity supercritical flow encounters a slower-moving
subcritical flow region, the excess kinetic energy is converted into potential energy in the form of turbulent
waves and energy losses.

Figure 10.1: Hydraulic Jump

From Continuity Equation where Q1 = Q2,
𝑣 𝑦 = 𝑣 𝑦 (10.1)
and Momentum Equation where F1 F2 = 𝜌Q (𝑣 − 𝑣 )
𝛾𝑦 𝑏 𝛾𝑦 𝑏
− = 𝜌𝑣 𝑦 𝑏(𝑣 − 𝑣 ) (10.2)
2 2
Simplifying Eq. 1.2,
𝑣 𝑦
𝑦 + 𝑦 = 2 (10.3)
𝑔 𝑦

The ratio of downstream and upstream depth may be calculated in terms of Froude Number using Eq.
𝑦 1
= 1 + 8𝐹𝑟 − 1 (10.4)
𝑦 2

The energy loss due to hydraulic jump (∆𝐻) can be derived from Energy Equation.
(𝑦 − 𝑦 )
∆𝐻 = (10.5)
4𝑦 𝑦

4. Resources/Instruments Required:

• Multi-purpose Teaching Flume (HM 160)

• Sluice Gate Accessory
• 2 Restriction Blocks
• Ruler

5. Experiment Procedures

1. Place the sluice gate accessory on the channel segment of HM 160.

2. Adjust the opening of the sluice gate for at least 20 mm.
3. Switch on the main switch and then the pump.
4. Start with low discharge by adjusting the shut-off valve.
5. Once steady flow is achieved on the flume, place one restriction block on the downstream of
the flume and check if hydraulic jump occurs.
6. Record the discharge using the flowmeter.
7. Measure the upstream and downstream flow depth y 1 and y2 of the hydraulic jump. Refer to
Fig. 10.1.
8. Compute the velocity by dividing discharge with cross-sectional flow area. Take the width of
the flume b = 75 mm.
9. Determine the type of hydraulic jump observed by using Froude Number.
10. Compare the ratio y2 and y1 using measured values and eq 10.4.
11. Repeat the procedure for the other 4 trials of different discharges.

Data and Results
Course: Section:
Experiment No.: Date Performed:
Group No.: Date Submitted:
Group Leader: Instructor:
Group Members:
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.

Trial Discharge Upstream Downstream Velocity

Q (L/s) Depth Depth V1 (m/s)
y1 (mm) y2 (mm)

Froude Type of
Measured Computed Percent
Trial Number Hydraulic
y2 / y1 y2 / y1 Difference
Fr1 Jump

Sample Computations:



6. Assessment (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):


1 2 3

I. Laboratory Skills
Members do not Members occasionally
Manipulative Members always demonstrate
demonstrate needed demonstrate needed
Skills needed skills.
skills. skills
Members are able to set- Members are able to set-up
Experimental Members are unable to
up the materials with the material with minimum
Set-up set-up the materials.
supervision. supervision.
Members do not Members occasionally
Members always demonstrate
Process Skills demonstrate targeted demonstrate targeted
targeted process skills.
process skills. process skills.
Members follow safety
Safety Members do not follow Members follow safety
precautions most of the
Precautions safety precautions. precautions at all times.
II. Work Habits
Timeliness of Members do not finish on Members finish ahead of time
Members finish on time
Work time with incomplete with complete data and time to
with incomplete data.
data. revise data.
Members have defined
Members do not know Members are on tasks and
responsibilities most of
their tasks and have no have defined responsibilities
Cooperative and the time. Group conflicts
defined responsibilities. at all times. Group conflicts
Teamwork are cooperatively
Group conflicts have to are cooperatively managed at
managed most of the
be settled by the teacher. all times.
Clean and orderly
Clean and orderly workplace
Neatness and Messy workplace during workplace with
at all times during and after
Orderliness and after the experiment. occasional mess during
the experiment.
and after the experiment.
Members require Members require
Members do not need to be
Responsibility supervision by the occasional supervision
supervised by the teacher.
teacher. by the teacher.
Other Comments/Observations: Total Score

(𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 = × 100


Hibbeler, R. C. (2017). Fluid mechanics in SI units. Pearson Education India.

Munson, B. R., Okiishi, T. H., Huebsch, W. W., & Rothmayer, A. P. (2013). Fluid mechanics (pp. 271-274).
Singapore: Wiley.

White, F. M. (2016). Fluid Mechanics 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education. New York, United States of


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