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Discrete Structures: Assignment # 05 Deadline: Thursday, 01 Feb 2024

Marks: 100

Problem 1

Part 1: Give a direct proof of the following:

a) If k is an odd integer and m is even, then k 2+ m2 is odd.
b) For any integer n , n2 +3 n+2 is not a prime.
c) Any product of four consecutive integers is one less than a perfect square.(Hint: Take four consecutive integers as
m , m+1 , m+ 2 ,m+3)
d) n2 −n+3 is odd. (Hint: consider 2 cases: i) if n is even, ii) if n is odd, and then chenck whether the given expression is even or

Part 2: Give counter-examples of the following claims to dis-prove these:

a) For all integers n , n2 −n+11 is a prime number.
b) For any integer n>1 , 2n−1 is prime.
c) For all prime numbers p, 2 p−1 is prime number. (Such prime numbers are called Mersenne primes)

Part 3: Prove the following using contraposition:

a) If x and y are both odd, then x + y is even. (Be careful: You are asked to prove by Contraposition, although Direct Proof is
b) If r is irrational, then √ r is irrational.
c) If n2 is a multiple of 3, then n is a multiple of 3.

Part 4: Prove the following

a) If a∨b and a∨c , then a∨(b−c) and a∨(2b−3 c ).
b) If n mod 5=3 then n2 mod 5=4 .
c) Show that n2 +5 is not divisible by 4 (Hint: Think of n as even, and then n as an odd number. In both cases, it should not be
multiple of 4).
d) Square of any odd integer has the form 8 m+1
e) If a mod 7=4 then what is 5 a mod 7 ?

Part 5: Prove the following using mathematical induction.

1 1 1 1 n
a) + + +…+ =
1× 2 2× 3 3 × 4 n(n+1) n+1
b) For each n ∈ N , 2n ≤2 n+1−2n−1−1
c) For each n>1 , 4 n >3n +2n −1−1
d) For each n>1 and x >−1, prove that 1+nx ≤ ( 1+ x )n
e) Let n be any positive integer then proof that 3n −1 is divisible by 2.
f) Prove that n3 +2 n is divisible by 3 for all integers n.
g) f n+ f n +3=2 f n+2 where f 0=0 , f 1=1 , f 2=1 and the recursive relation is f n+1=f n + f n−1 for all positive integers.
f n <2 , where f 0=0 , f 1=1 , f 2=1 and the recursive relation is f n+1=f n + f n−1 for all positive integers.
7 , where f =0 , f =1 , f =1 and the recursive relation is f =f + f
i) f n <( ) 0 1 2 n+1 n n−1 for all positive integers.

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