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Variation of parametr: y' petty- g-I t '

JP' H t t
T ' We first solve y ' t petty = O i ¥ e-put bn Lyle -Jpalate
y- A e-
20 A → Ac t) :
y ( t ) - Act) e-I'?"''
, y' a t A'It) e-J P'"'- A c t ) e-JP't''. pet) y'+
A'ft) e-JP't'dt- g ( t )
A'A) = ghetto'"' A ftp.jfgctieJP#Ht],
5 Celoulete Act) a n d the solution i s

4ft)- Act) e-

Example y'-Ly H e " -

T y'-4=0 ¥ 2 Inlyle H t c Ae"


I yet)- Act) e 2 t , y'e t ) - A' ( f ) e a t # ( t ) e-t, y'-zy A'Ctlete - t ' e-t A'( t ) - t ' Act)- ¥ + c

5 Solution: y a l e ( I t c ) e2t
Check; y'A ) f e l t +2#+c ) e't

y'-Lye fleet

separable equation d¥=f(×,g)=-¥1, Mix) + Ney) 1¥- O .

Let Fly) =
JNlyldy and GA) -
JM l x l d x
Note that dof¥=
404¥'t 84×11=0 the solution
Glx) +
Fly)-o ← implicit formula for
Examples dof
¥y, (1-y')dy= x ' dx ftp.yydy-fxldx ¥ ¥'s C general selection.
y- - -
F i n d the interval in which solution of
0%1=3×244×4 exists.
y lot-t
(3×2+4×+2) d x y'-2y= x ' t 2×2+2×-1C , of the initial velue
( = 3 . The solution
2 1 y-11 dye I .C. 1 + 2 - C E

problem i s given by implicitly y'-2y= x ' t 2×2+2×+3. Explicit solutions a r e

y e t ± f ¥ x 4 2 x # . But only y e T-pxF2x42x_t4 satisfies y (o)--T. To find t h e
Internet in which the solution Is velid Le need t o check when x-+2×1+2*6=0
X-(Xt 2 ) +21×+2)-Kt2) (x't2 ) 7 0 . The only K e l z e r is Xi-2. 50 X I - 2


Existence and unigness of the solutions
theoreml I f functions pal and gal a r e continous in a n
open interval I : L c t CB conteining to, then there exists
a unique function y = Ioctl Thet
satisfies the O D E ;
y'-1pct)y e g ( t )
for each t e I and thet also satisfies the initial condition ylt.)-yo, where yo
is an arbituely prescribed initial
Remark We hexe already checked, Thet
e#" " " 5
yttle #It! pinguidity.], where
puttt Is the solution that satisfies yttoliyo

Example Use theorem 1 t o find a n interval i n which the initial b l u e problem y ' t E y - 4 t , ya)-2 hes a unique
solution. Then do the same for yf-41=2

pet)- ¥
continour everywhere while p a l cautious T h e internet t : O
and pH)-4T. Thus
i s 15 i n too o r t > 0 .

conteins t o - t , t h u s by theovenn t o u r equation has a

unique solution on the internet Oct c - .
We actually found this
solution y e t t ' t E ', t >O . Next, i f I . C. is yl-11=2 then theorem t asserts the existence of a unique solution
for too. I t i s given by yttlet't t ' , t o o .

theorem. Let f a n d ¥ , be continous i n s o m e rectangle a t Cp, yoyo 5 point (t..y d . T h e n i n s o m e

interval to-h c t e t o t h contained i n d t p , there is a
unique solution y e ④( t ) of the initial velae problem
y'_-fay), ya-yo

Remak: One can show t h e condition t h a t f is continua is

enough here existence of the selation
Example 8¥- 324,4¥ y 101=-1 A A

tan.'÷i¥÷i¥÷¥¥x÷-continuum"- ÷÷t÷÷÷
Weknow that solution satisfying
yH=-t exists only for xx-2
Conclusion: Theorem 2 does not allow t o determine the interval i n which solution exists.

Example y'- y? ylo)=0 TEO

f - Cty)-yt i s continous everywhere but 3¥- by-25 does not exist for y-O -Theorem 2 does not apply
By r e m a k there should b e s t i l l a solution. y''s dye dt s o
t t c - (Etta))}ye
The initial condition ylo)-0 i s satisfied for ⇐ 0 s o

yet#): t ± o
But function yet)--(Et)} i s also a solution t o t h e initial veln problem .
y-0 TEO
i s another solution. Indeed for a n arbitrary to the function
O E T Et o


Y (t)-X(f) (Elt-t.))}

are solutions of our initial veln problem

K Ct)

t÷÷÷¥ .
← g

Hence w e have s o
many solutions setisying our initial value problem.
Autonomies O D E ¥ , fly)
Assume y e t ) is a population of the
given species e t t i m e t. The simples hypothesis concerning c a n be t h a t t h e
rate o f change of y i s proportional t o
xD Yi ¥¥E'rY, r - vote of growth@so) o r decline ( r e d

yet)- y o er t

solution of * i s
very e a s y :

More reasonable model logistic model. We a s s u m e t h e rate of growth depends o n y ?

8¥: h ly) When .

i s s m e l l t h e rate i s approximetly constant hly) E r = 0 a n d hey) decreases a s and

hly)c 0
y y grows
when i s sufficiently large. T h e simplest function with this properties i s hey)-r-ey , where a > O .

Ft-d-ey)y → dotter ( A - E )
ke E

w e focus on understanding solutions quehtentexly

T o constant s o l u t i o n s : y-court HE0 = O-ret-¥) y y-0 o r

ye K .
We call these solutions

equilibrium solutions.
" " "

' " '" "
" ' "
" "

convexity of the solutions curves
and t h e location o f inflection points.
01¥. ftp.d#=doTtfCyl=f'ly)-Itt f 'ly)-fly)

The graph of Ct) down

y''s0 thus when f-'Cy) and f l y ) here the s a m e sign
Y i s convex

t h e graph of
yal is c o n c ave
y"c o thus when fly) and f l y ) here different signs

¥¥Tt¥T 81%14 Condiff,

Explicit solution: y°¥-¥,j= r a t we use partial fiction expansion (y1t,¥¥)dy=rdt

I n l y l t hunt A- ¥ 1 - r t + C

Y(o)-yo E (O, K ) y remains i n 10,14 and ¥¥= Cer t yco)-yo

Ce@¥¥) thus

Any initial condition ylo)-yo E f 0,14 v ( K i a ) gives a solution that i s asymptotically going t o yett's' k . Thet is why

K i s called asymptotically stable solution. Solution

y- y - 0 i s called unstable equlibrium solution

Consider now 8¥--at-¥) y , T . t n ,hold

µt¥#→" Y

-¥, p
yo C T then yet)¥%. When
yo>T then there i s t* s . t.*efln*Tyt

YA Population becomes unbounded i f yo> T i f i t i s above theshhold.

Logistic growth with the>hold ¥t=-ra-¥111-¥) y ,

Ta k

Equilibrium solutions Y- O, g - K , g - T

¥¥¥→E. ya,z=


E x a c t ODE's a n d integrating factor

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