Q&A 2 AC Fundamental, Resonance, Transient CKT Q&A

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Green International / UPDA Electrical

Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

1. The conductive loop on the rotor of a simple two-pole, single-phase generator

rotates at a rate of 400 rps. The frequency of the induced output voltage is
a. 40 Hz
b. 100 Hz
c. 400 Hz
d. Indeterminable

2. Find average value for v=5sin(377t)

a. 3.53 volts
b. 3.2 volts
c. 2.88 volts
d. 1.44 volts

3. If the rms current through a 4.7 k resistor is 4 mA, the peak voltage drop
across the resistor is
a. 4 V
b. 18.8 V
c. 26.6 V
d. 2.66 V

4. Two series resistors are connected to an ac source. If there are 7.5 V rms
across one resistor and 4.2 V rms across the other, the peak source voltage is
a. 16.54 V
b. 1.65 V
c. 10.60 V
d. 5.93 V

5. Calculate the crest factor if the peak value of current is 10A and the rms value
is 2A
a. 5
b. 10
c. 5A
d. 10A

Page 1 of 20
Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

6. In a sinusoidal wave, average current is always _______ rms current.

a. Greater than
b. Less than
c. Equal to
d. Not related
The average value of current is the sum of all the currents divided by the
number of currents whereas RMS current is obtained by squaring all the current
values, finding the average and then finding the square root. Hence RMS
current is greater than average current.

7. Peak value divided by the rms value gives us?

a. Peak factor
b. Crest factor
c. Both peak and crest factor
d. Neither peak nor crest factor

8. What is form factor?

a. Average value / R.M.S. value.
b. Average value / Peak value.
c. Instantaneous value / Average value
d. R.M.S. value / Average value

9. The voltage across a coil when di/dt = 20 mA/ s and L = 8 H is

a. 16 mV
b. 160 mV
c. 1.6 mV
d. 2.5 mV

10. Two 10 H inductors are in parallel and the parallel combination is in series with
a third 10 H inductor. What is the approximate total reactance when a voltage
with a frequency of 7 kHz is applied across the circuit terminals?
a. 219 k
b. 66 k
c. 660 k
d. 1.3 M

Page 2 of 20
Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

11. An inductor and a resistor are in series with a sine wave voltage source. The
frequency is set so that the inductive reactance is equal to the resistance. If the
frequency is increased, then
a. VR ≥ VL
b. VL < VR
c. VL = VR
d. VL > VR

12. An inductor, a 1 k resistor, and a switch are connected in series across a 6 V

battery. At the instant the switch is closed, the inductor voltage is
a. 0 V
b. 6 V
c. 12 V
d. 4 V

13. A switch, a 220 resistor, and a 60 mH inductor are in series across a 20 V

battery. What is the current through the inductor two time constants after the
switch is closed?
a. 91 mA
b. 78 mA
c. 57 mA
d. 400 mA

14. A 320 H coil is in series with a 3.3 k resistor. How long does it take for
current to build up to its full value?
a. 0.48 s
b. 0.48 ms
c. 0.48 s
d. 48 s
15. A 220 resistor is in series with a 2.2 F capacitor. The time constant is
a. 48 s
b. 480 s
c. 2.42 s
d. 24 s

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

16. When the plate area of a capacitor increases,

a. the capacitance increases
b. the capacitance decreases
c. the capacitance is unaffected
d. the voltage it can withstand increases


17. A capacitor and a resistor are connected in series to a sine wave generator.
The frequency is set so that the capacitive reactance is equal to the resistance
and, thus, an equal amount of voltage appears across each component. If the
frequency is increased
a. VR > VC
b. VC > VR
c. VR = VC
d. VR and VC = 0

18. A 220 resistor is in series with a 2.2 F capacitor. The combination is across
a 12 V source. How long does it take the capacitor to fully charge?
a. 480 s
b. 2400 s
c. 440 s
d. 4400 s

19. In a series RC circuit, 12 V(rms) is measured across the resistor and 15

V(rms) is measured across the capacitor. The rms source voltage is
a. 3 V
b. 27 V
c. 19.2 V
d. 1.9 V

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

20. Two series capacitors (one 2 F, the other of unknown value) are charged from
a 24 V source. The 2 F capacitor is charged to 16 V and the other to 8 V. The
value of the unknown capacitor is
a. 1 F
b. 2 F
c. 4 F
d. 8 F

21. When the frequency of the source voltage decreases, the impedance of a
parallel RC circuit
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. does not change
d. decreases to zero
22. An ohmmeter is connected across an inductor and the pointer indicates zero
ohms. The inductor is
a. Open
b. Short
c. good
d. partly shorted

23. In a parallel RC circuit, there is 100 mA through the resistive branch and 100
mA through the capacitive branch. The total rms current is
a. 200 mA
b. 100 mA
c. 282 mA
d. 141 mA
24. For a certain load, the true power is 150 W and the reactive power is 125 VAR.
The apparent power is
a. 19.52 W
b. 195.2 W
c. 275 W
d. 25 W

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

25. In a series RL circuit, 12 V rms is measured across the resistor, and 14 V rms
is measured across the inductor. The peak value of the source voltage is
a. 18.4 V
b. 26.0 V
c. 2 V
d. 20 V

26. If the frequency is halved and the resistance is doubled, the impedance of a
series RL circuit
a. Doubles
b. Halves
c. remains constant
d. cannot be determined without values
27. A 12 resistor, a 40 F capacitor, and an 8 mH coil are in series across an
ac source. The resonant frequency is
a. 28.1 Hz
b. 281 Hz
c. 2,810 Hz
d. 10 kHz
28. In a series RLC circuit that is operating above the resonant frequency, the
a. lags the applied voltage
b. leads the applied voltage
c. is in phase with the applied voltage
d. is zero

29. A 24 resistor, an inductor with a reactance of 120 , and a capacitor with a

reactance of 120 are in series across a 60 V source. The circuit is at
resonance. The voltage across the inductor is
a. 60 V
b. 660 V
c. 30 V
d. 300 V

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

30. A certain series resonant circuit has a bandwidth of 2 kHz. If the existing coil is
replaced with one having a higher value of Q, the bandwidth will
a. Increase
b. remain the same
c. decrease
d. be less selective

31. In series RLC circuit, the voltage across capacitor and inductor are ______ with
each other.
a. in phase
b. 180⁰ out of phase
c. 90⁰ out of phase
d. 45⁰ out of phase

32. In a series RLC circuit that is operating at the resonant frequency, the current
a. lags the applied voltage
b. leads the applied voltage
c. is in phase with the applied voltage
d. is zero

33. In a series RLC circuit that is operating below the resonant frequency, the
a. lags the applied voltage
b. leads the applied voltage
c. is in phase with the applied voltage
d. is zero

34. The magnification in resonance considering the voltage across inductor is?
a. V/VL
b. VL/V
c. V x VL
d. VL

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

35. For the circuit shown in figure determine the capacitive reactance at resonance

a. 15
b. 20
c. 25
d. 30

36. In a series circuit having resistance and inductance, the quality factor is?
a. ωL/R
b. R/ωL
c. ωL
d. R

37. If a series circuit contains resistor and capacitor, the expression for quality
factor is?
a. C
b. ωRC
c. ωC
d. 1/ωRC

38. Considering the voltage across the capacitor, the magnification in resonance
a. VC
b. V x VC
c. VC/V
d. V/VC

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

39. A circuit tuned to a frequency of 1.5 MHz and having an effective capacitance
of 150 pF. In this circuit, the current falls to 70.7 % of its resonant value. The
frequency deviates from the resonant frequency by 5 kHz. Q factor is?
a. 50
b. 100
c. 150
d. 200
Q = ωω1–ω2=ff2−f1
Here, f = 1.5 × 106 Hz
f1 = (1.5 × 106 – 5 × 103)
f2 = (1.5 × 106 + 5 × 103)
So, f2 –f1 = 10 × 103 Hz
Q = 1.5×10610×103 = 150

40. Consider a circuit consisting of two capacitors C1 and C2. Let R be the
resistance and L be the inductance which are connected in series. Let Q1 and
Q2 be the quality factor for the two capacitors. While measuring the Q value by
the Series Connection method, the value of the Q factor is?
a. Q = (C1–C2)Q1Q2 / Q1C1−Q2C2
b. Q = (C2–C1)Q1Q2 / Q1C1−Q2C2
c. Q = (C1–C2)Q1Q2 / Q2C2−Q1C1
d. Q = (C2–C1)C1C2 / Q1C1−Q2C2
Explanation: ωL = 1ωC and Q1 = ωLR=1ωC1R
XS = C1–C2ωC1C2,
RS = Q1C1–Q2C2ωC1C2Q1Q2
QX = XSRS=(C1–C2)Q1Q2 / Q1C1−Q2C2

41. If in a circuit, if Q value is decreased then it will cause?

a. small bandwidth
b. no effect on bandwidth
c. first increases and then decreases
d. large bandwidth

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

42. Sine wave A has a positive-going zero crossing at 45°. Sine wave B has a
positive-going zero crossing at 60°. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Wave A leads wave B by 15°.
b. Wave A lags wave B by 15°
c. Wave A leads wave B by 105°
d. Wave A lags wave B by 105°

43. A waveform has a baseline of 3 V, a duty cycle of 20%, and an amplitude of 8

V. The average voltage value is
a. 4 V
b. 4.6 V
c. 1.6 V
d. 11 V

44. A 50 Hz voltage is measured with a moving iron voltmeter and a rectifier type
AC voltmeter connected in parallel. If the meter readings are Va and Vb
respectively. Then the form factor may be estimated as?
a. Va / Vb
b. 1.11Va / Vb
c. 2√Va / Vb
d. πVa / Vb

45. The current at a given point in a certain circuit may be written as a function of
time t, as i ( t ) = -3 + t. The total charge passing a point between t = 99 and t =
102 sec will be
a. 112 coulombs
b. 242.5 coulombs
c. 292.5 coulombs
d. 345.6 coulombs

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

46. In a three-phase system, when the loads are perfectly balanced, the neutral
current is
a. Zero
b. one-third of maximum
c. two-thirds of maximum
d. at maximum
Explanation: At balanced state sum of currents of all phase ie- Ia+Ib+Ic=0
these currents are flowing through neutral so that its value is zero.

47. In a balance 3 φ , 4 wire AC system, the phase sequence is RYB. If the voltage
of R phase is. 230 < 0° V, then for Y phase

a. 230 < 0 V
b. 230 < 60° V
c. 230 < 90°V
d. 230 < 120° V

48. In a -connected source driving a -connected load, the

a. load voltage and line voltage are one-third the source voltage for a given
b. load voltage and line voltage are two-thirds the source voltage for a given
c. load voltage and line voltage cancel for a given phase
d. load voltage, line voltage, and source phase voltage are all equal for a given

49. In a Y-Y source/load configuration, the

a. phase current, the line current, and the load current are all equal in each
b. phase current, the line current, and the load current are 120° out of phase
c. phase current and the line current are in phase, and both are 120° out of
phase with the load current
d. line current and the load current are in phase, and both are out of phase
with the phase current

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

50. The transient currents are associated with the

a. Changes in the stored energy in the inductors and capacitors
b. Impedance of the circuit
c. Applied voltage to the circuit
d. Resistance of the circuit

51. An initially uncharged capacitor of 1 micro farad is charged from 9Volts dc

supply through 3.3 M ohms resistor. Determine the capacitor voltage 1 sec after
connecting the supply
a. 2.36 V
b. 9 volts
c. 4.72 Volts
d. 0 Volts

52. 10 micro farad capacitor is charged to a potential of 20 volts and then

discharged through a 47 kohms resistor. Determine the time taken for the
capacitor voltage to fall below 10 Volts
a. 0.325 sec
b. 0.65 sec
c. 0.975 sec
d. 0 sec
53. A three-phase -connected generator is driving a balanced load such that each
phase current is 12 A in magnitude. When I θa = 12 30° A, what are the polar
expressions for the other phase currents?
a. I θb = 12 150° A, I θc = 12 –90° A
b. I θb = 12 120° A, I θc = 12 30° A
c. I θb = 12 30° A, I θc = 12 120° A
d. I θb = 12 90° A, I θc = 12 90° A
For a balanced network the sum of the phase angle should be 120
For a balanced system the polar sum or the vector sum of all the angles must
be equal to zero; Since 1<30+1<-90+1<150 = 0; The system is balanced.

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

54. Incandescent Lamp operating at a power factor of?

a. Leading
b. Lagging
c. Unity
d. Zero

55. The flicker effect of fluorescent lamp is more pronounced at

a. lower voltages
b. higher voltages
c. lower frequencies
d. higher frequencies

56. The frequency of flickers in a fluorescent lamp at 220 V, 50 Hz supply will be

a. 25 per second
b. 50 per second
c. 100 per second
d. 220 per second

57. If the rms voltage drop across a 15 k resistor is 16 V, the peak current through
the resistor is
a. 15 mA
b. 10 mA
c. 1.5 mA
d. mA
Explanation V= 16; R= 15000 ;
Irms= 16/15000; Im= Irms/0.707; = 16/(15000*0.707)= 1.5 mA

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

58. One sine wave has a positive-going zero crossing at 15° and another sine wave
has a positive- going zero crossing at 55°. The phase angle between the two
waveforms is
a. 0°
b. 70°
c. 40°
d. 90°
Explanation: Phase angle is the difference between angles of two waveforms-
so Wave 1 = 15 deg ; wave 2 = 55 deg ; so Phase angle = 55-15 = 40 deg

59. A pulse waveform has a high time of 8 ms and a pulse width of 32 ms. The duty
cycle is
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
Explanation: Rise time=8ms; Total time period=32ms.
Duty cycle= (rise time/total time period) *100 = 8/32 (100) =25%

60. A square wave has a period of 60 s. The first odd harmonic is

a. 50
b. 60
c. 100
d. 120
Explanation: t=60us; f=1/t=1/60us=16.66kHz;
1st odd harmonic is 3*f=50KHz

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

61. After how many time constants, the transient part reaches more than 99 percent
of its final value?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 5
Explanation: After five time constants, the transient part of the response
reaches more than 99 percent of its final value.

62. After how many time constants, the transient part reaches more than 99 percent
of its final value?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 5
Explanation: After five time constants, the transient part of the response
reaches more than 99 percent of its final value.

63. A series R-C circuit consists of resistor of 10 and capacitor of 0.1F as shown in
the figure. A constant voltage of 20V is applied to the circuit at t = 0. What is
the current in the circuit at t = 0?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Explanation: At t = 0, switch S is closed. Since the capacitor does not allow

sudden changes in voltage, the current in the circuit is
i = V/R = 20/10 = 2A, at t = 0, i = 2A.

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

64. A series R-L circuit with R = 30Ω and L = 15H has a constant voltage V = 60V
applied at t = 0 as shown in the figure. Determine the current (A) in the circuit
at t = 0+.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Explanation: Since the inductor never allows sudden changes in currents.

At t = 0+ that just after the initial state the current in the circuit is zero.

65. If the roots of an equation are real and unequal, then the response will be?
a. critically damped
b. under damped
c. over damped
d. damped
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are real and unequal, then the
response will be over damped response. Over damped response of a
system is defined as the system returns (exponentially decays) to
equilibrium without oscillating.

66. If the roots of an equation are complex conjugate, then the response will be?
a. over damped
b. critically damped
c. damped
d. under damped
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are complex conjugate, then the
response will be under damped response. Damping is an influence within or
upon an oscillatory system that has the effect of reducing, restricting or
preventing its oscillations.

Page 16 of 20
Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

67. If the roots of an equation are real and equal, then the response will be?
a. over damped
b. damped
c. critically damped
d. under damped
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are real and equal, then the response
will be critically damped response. For a critically damped system, the system
returns to equilibrium as quickly as possible without oscillating.

68. The wattmeter method is used to measure power in a three-phase load. The
wattmeter readings are 400W and -35W. Calculate the total active power.
a. 360
b. 365
c. 370
d. 375
Explanation: Wattmeter are generally used to measure power in the circuits.
Total active power = W1 + W2 = 400 + (-35) =365W

69. The wattmeter reading while measuring the reactive power with wattmeter is?
a. VLILsecØ
b. VLILsinØ
c. VLILtanØ
d. VLILcosØ
Explanation: The wattmeter reading while measuring the reactive power with
wattmeter is wattmeter reading = VLILsinØ VAR

70. The total reactive power in the load while measuring the reactive power with
wattmeter is?
a. √3VLILcosØ
b. √3VLILtanØ
c. √3VLILsinØ
d. √3 VLILsecØ

Page 17 of 20
Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

71. The circuit shown in the figure consists of resistance, capacitance and
inductance in series with a 100V source when the switch is closed at t = 0. Find
the equation obtained from the circuit in terms of current.
Ans a

72. I = 5 Cos wt + 2 Cos wt, R=3 Ohms, Find the wattage:

a. 44 watts
b. 147 watts
c. 29/3 watts
d. 10 watts
Explanation: Irms = (Im12+Im22+---------+Imn2/2))0.5
= ((52+42)/2)0.5 = 3.807A
Power = 3.8072 * 3 = 43.48 W

73. Three 30µF capacitors are connected in star (Y) form. Find the capacitance
(µF) between terminals any two terminal most nearly:
a. 2/30
b. 15
c. 30
d. 60

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

74. A de current of 50A is flowing in an isolated wire. The magnitude of the

magnetic field intensity, H (A/m), 10cm from the center of the wire is: H= I/2πr
a. 0.05
b. 8
c. 43
d. 80

75. The underground cable is laid in a marine environment at system voltage A.

What shall be the design of the cable insulation?

a. (1/√3) A
b. √3 A
c. √2 A
d. 2 A

76. What is the average value of signal v(t) = 5 sin377t?

a. 2.8 volts
b. 3.8 volts
c. 3.2 volts
d. 3.5 volts
Explanation: Vavg = 2Vm / π = 5 * 0.636 = 3.2V

77. Within the battery, conventional current flow is

a. Anion to Cation
b. Positive electrode to Negative electrode
c. Cation to Anion
d. Anode to Cathode

78. Harmonic currents present in a power system may cause:

a. Excessive heating
b. Malfunctioning of the control and regulating circuits
c. Resonance
d. All of the above

Page 19 of 20
Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 02 / AC Fundamental, Resonance & Transient circuits / by Selvam. N.

79. 3 Phase balanced system with Irms = 60A and 3rd harmonic phase current of
3A. What will be the neutral current?

a. 9A
b. 60 / √3 A
c. 60 √3 A
d. 27A

80. The electric flux passing out through a closed surface is equal to:

a. The line integral of the surface

b. Zero
c. The flux density at the surface
d. The total charge enclosed by the surface

81. The net surface integral of the current Which one of the following is not an
insulating material?
a. Asbestos
b. Glass
c. Porcelain
d. Thermo coal

Explanation: Asbestos. Glass, Thermocoal are insulating material whereas

porcelain is an insulator

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