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My decision to quit teaching had to do with poor pay and working conditions.

So it came as
no surprise to my editor, I was eager to learn more about the barriers to hiring and becoming
a Qualified Early Childhood Teacher, or EYT for short. For most of the employers who
responded to the study, the main problem when hiring a teacher is the high cost of their
salaries. As one institution pointed out, the government wants to raise the standards of
education with graduate staff but they don't have the funds to pay the salaries they expect.
When children attend an EYT-led daycare, they are 10% more likely to reach expected
developmental levels by age 5. I just don't understand why graduate teachers aren't paid
what they are worth. It provided those who were qualified with the specialist knowledge to
pass on the skills they had learned, to help both children and teachers in the classroom. Of
the executives who employed fully qualified teachers, more than half employed a university
graduate because of their specialist knowledge in early childhood development. More than
350 people in education shared their experiences of barriers to graduates entering the
workforce. Clearly kindergartens and teaching staff want to offer the best possible
education. However, although more than ten years have passed, the challenges are no
different from those I have faced. While the sector is keen on having teachers with the
necessary qualifications and university education, it seems to be struggling to overcome the
problems caused by a lack of funding and status.

I think it is not right not to give children the opportunity of not having a good education and
above all that teachers are not paid adequately, so I think that the state must organize itself
better to give the same opportunities to all children and give stability to the teachers who so
they can do their job better.

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