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Green International / UPDA Electrical

Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

1.Transformer-core laminations are made of

a. cast iron
b. wrought iron
c. silicon steel
d. cast steel

2.Which component of the no load current of the transformer is opposite

in phase to the induced emf?
a. magnetizing component
b. core loss component
c. both (A) and (B)
d. above none of the above

3.For transformer laminations

a. hot rolled silicon steel is preferred
b. cold rolled silicon steel is preferred
c. grain oriented silicon steel is preferred
d. any of the above steel can be used

4.The percentage of silicon in the core steel is

a. 1 to 2 percent
b. 2 to 3 percent
c. 4 to 6 percent
d. 8 to 10 percent

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

5.Which of the following is the least desired property in magnetic

materials for electrical engineering applications?
a. High magnetic permeability
b. High electrical resistivity
c. Large hysteresis loop
d. All of the above

6.By adding silicon to ferromagnetic, materials

a. electrical resistivity increases and also magnetic permeability
b. electrical resistivity decreases and also magnetic permeability
c. electrical resistivity decreases and magnetic permeability increases
d. electrical resistivity increases and magnetic permeability decreases

7.Silicon steel E330 indicates that

a. it has 33% silicon
b. it has normal specific loss at 50 Hz
c. it is cold rolled grain oriented
d. all of the above

8.The thickness of laminations of the core of a power transformer usually

a. 0.003 to 0.05 mm
b. 0.03 to 0.05 mm
c. 0.03 to 0.5 mm
d. 3 to 5 mm

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

9.In an oil filled transformer, oil is provided for

a. Cooling
b. Insulation
c. Lubricating
d. Both cooling and insulation

10.In case of transformer saturation how the efficiency and no load

current behave?
a. High Efficiency-Low no load losses
b. Low Efficiency-Low no load losses
c. Low efficiency-high no load losses
d. High efficiency-high no load losses

11.The percentage of silicon in transformer stampings is usually limited to

a. 0.4%
b. 1.4%
c. 4%
d. 14%

12.Open circuit test on a transformer is conducted to obtain the

leakage impedances
a. the ohmic loss
b. hysteresis loss only
c. core loss only
d. eddy current loss only

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

13.While considering hysteresis loss in a transformer, under which of the

following the loss will not increase?
a. when thickness of lamination is caused by 10%
b. when flux density is increased by 10%
c. when frequency is increased by 10%
d. when both thickness and frequency are increased by 10%

14.The force exerted by a lifting magnet varies with distance (D) as

a. D
b. D2
c. 1/D
d. 1/D2

15.A transformer is plugged into a 120 V rms source and has a primary
current of 300 mA rms. The secondary is providing 18 V across a
10 load. What is the efficiency of the transformer?
a. 88%
b. 90%
c. 91%
d. 95%
16.The force-stroke curve for a lifting magnet will be of the shape shown

a. figure A
b. figure B
c. figure C
d. figure D

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

17.When B is the flux density; A is the area of the working gap and μ is
the permeability, the force exerted by the attractive type magnets is given
a. μA / 2B
b. μ B / A2
c. A2B1/ 2μ
d. B A2/ 2μ

18.Which of the following describes the leakage flux?

a. A flux outside the core
b. Flux linking the primary
c. Flux linking the secondary
d. Flux other than mutual flux

19.The condition for successful parallel operation of transformer is

a. Correct polarity
b. Per unit impedance based on their rating should be equal
c. Identical voltage and frequency rating
d. Equal ratio of equivalent resistance to reactance
e. All of these

20.The coefficient of coupling between two coils is 0.45. The first coil has
an inductance of 75 mH and the second coil has an inductance of 105 mH
What is the mutual inductance between the coils?
a. 3.54 mH
b. 7.88 mH
c. 39.9mH
d. 189.3 mH

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

21.Increasing the number of turns of wire on the secondary of a

transformer will
a. increase the secondary current
b. decrease the secondary current
c. have no effect on the secondary current
d. increase the primary current

22.What is the secondary voltage in the given circuit?

a. 13.3 V rms in phase with the primary

b. 13.3 V rms out of phase with the primary
c. 120 V rms in phase with the primary
d. 120 V rms out of phase with the primary

23.The transformer turns ratio determines

a. the ratio of primary and secondary voltages
b. the ratio of primary and secondary currents
c. the reflected impedance
d. all of the above

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

24.What is the current through the load in the given circuit?

a. 1.0mA
b. 1.25mA
c. 10.0mA
d. 250.0mA

25.What is the power dissipated in the primary of the transformer in the

given circuit?

a. 25mW
b. 500mW
c. 12.5W
d. 62.5W
26.If the load doubled in value in the given circuit, what reflected
resistance would the source see?

a. 80 ohms
b. 400 ohms
c. 2k ohms
d. 10k ohms

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

27.If the primary power of an ideal transformer having a 2:1 voltage ratio
100 W, the secondary power is
a. 50 W
b. 75 W
c. 100 W
d. 200 W

28.The low voltage winding of a 400/230 V single phase 50 Hz transformer

is to be connected to keep the magnetization current at the same level in
both the cases the voltage at 25 Hz should be
a. 230 V
b. 460 V
c. 115 V
d. 65 V

29.A 100 KVA transformer is operating at 60 Hz, 240 V supply. The same
transformer is operating at 50 Hz, 200 V supply. The new rating is
a. 100 KVA
b. 50 KVA
c. 83.33 KVA
d. 123.3 KVA

30.If the applied voltage of a certain transformer is increased by 50% and

the frequency is reduced by 50%, the maximum flux density will
(assuming that the magnetic circuit remains unsaturated)
a. changes to three times the original value
b. changes to 1.5 times the original value
c. changes to 0.5 times the original value
d. remain the same as the original

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

31.An autotransformer is required to step-up a voltage from 220 volts to

250 volts. The total number of coil turns on the transformer main winding
is 2000. Determine the position of the primary tapping point, the primary
and secondary currents when the output is rated at 10KVA and the
economy of copper saved.
a. 88%
b. 80%
c. 78%
d. 70%

32.In a Transformer, the primary flux is always___________the

secondary (flux)
a. Greater than
b. Smaller than
c. Equal
d. Equal in both step up and Step down Transformer

33.What will happen if the primary of a transformer is connected to D.C


a. Transformer will operate with low efficiency

b. Transformer will operate with high efficiency
c. No effect
d. Transformer may start to smoke and

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

34.What would happen if a power transformer designed for operation on

50 Hz (frequency) were connected to a 500 Hz (frequency) source of the
same voltage?
a. Current will be too much high
b. Transformer may start to smoke and burn
c. Eddy Current and Hysteresis loss will be excessive
d. No effect

35.What would happen if a power transformer designed for operation on

50 Hz (frequency) were connected to a 5 Hz (frequency) source of the
same voltage?
a. Current will be too much high
b. Transformer may start to smoke and burn
c. Eddy Current and Hysteresis loss will be excessive
d. No effect
36.An Auto-transformer (which has only one winding) may be used as a
a. Step-Up Transformer
b. Step-Down Transformer
c. Both Step-Up and Step-Down transformer
d. None of the above

37.In Three Phase Transformer, the load Current is 139.1A, and

Secondary Voltage is 415V. The Rating of the Transformer would be____
a. 50kVA
b. 57.72kVA
c. 100kVA
d. 173kVA

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

38.In Single Phase Transformer, The Primary Current and Primary

Voltage is 4.55 and 11kV respectively. The Rating of the transformer
would be__?
a. 50kVA
b. 86kVA
c. 100kVA
d. 150kVA

39.In an Auto Transformer, the Primary and Secondary are

a. Only Magnetically
b. Only Electrically
c. Magnetically as well as Electrically
d. None of the above

40.For a single-phase transformer with 250 primary turns and 50

secondary turns, connected across a 1500 Volts, 50Hz supply, the
maximum value of flux is—–
a. 1Wb
b. 27Wb
c. 4Wb
d. 5Wb

41.For a single phase, 230/2300 Volts, 50Hz core type transformer of

cross section 25 cm, if the maximum flux density is 1.12 wb/m2, the
number of primary and secondary turns is____
a. 8,148
b. 16,160
c. 23,230
d. 14,140

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

42.For a 300KVA, 11000 Volts/440 Volts, 50Hz single phase transformer,

the values of primary and secondary currents are ————–
a. 2 Amperes, 681.8 Amperes
b. 1 Amperes, 752.5 Amperes
c. 5 Amperes, 637.5 Amperes
d. 30 Amperes, 750 Amperes

43.For the transformer at no-load, the primary current is 4A at power factor

0.35 and connected across a power supply of 230 Volts, 50Hz, the core
loss and magnetizing current are —————-respectively
a. 400 W, 2A
b. 322 W, 1.4A
c. 450 W, 3A
d. 433 W, 2.2A

44.For a transformer with ohmic loss of 2% with respect to output voltage

and reactance drop of 6% with respect to voltage, the regulation at 0.75
lagging power factor is————
a. 5%
b. 4.5%
c. 6%
d. 8%

45.The armature of DC generator is laminated to

a. Reduce Hysteresis loss
b. Insulate the Core
c. Reduce eddy current loss
d. Provide air cooling passage

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

46.In D.C Generators the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by
a. Rivets
b. Resistance wire
c. Copper Lugs
d. Counter sunk screw

47.The bearing used to support the rotor shafts are generally

a. Ball Bearing
b. Magnetic bearing
c. Bush bearing
d. None of the above

48.Copper brushes in D.C. machine are used

a. Where low voltage and high currents are involved
b. Where high voltage and small currents are involved
c. In both of the above cases
d. In none of the above cases

49.Which of the following generator will have negligible terminal voltage

while running on no-load?
a. Series generator
b. Shunt generator
c. Compound generator
d. Separately excited generator

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

50.When two D.C. series generators are running in parallel, an equalizer

bar is used
a. To increase the speed and hence generated e.m.f.
b. To increase the series flux
c. So that two similar machines will pass approximately equal currents
to the load
d. To reduce the combined effect of armature reaction of both

51.Two D.C. shunt generators, each with armature resistance of 0.02 ohm
and field resistance of 50 ohm run in parallel and supply a total current of
1000 amperes to the load circuit. If their e.m.fs. are 270 V and 265 V, their
bus bar voltage will be
a. 270 V
b. 267.5 V
c. 265 V
d. 257.5 V

52.The motor used in travelling crane is

a. Ward Leonard controlled DC Shunt Motor
b. Slip ring AC Induction Motor
c. AC Split Motor
d. DC Compound Motor

53.Which motor is used in tramways

a. AC single phase capacitor start motor
b. AC three phase motor
c. DC series motor
d. DC shunt motor

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

54.A drive suitable for mines where explosive gas exist, is

a. Diesel engine
b. Steam engine
c. Battery locomotive
d. Any of the above

55.The advantage of electric braking is

a. it is instantaneous
b. more heat is generated during braking
c. it avoids wear of track
d. motor continue to remain loaded during braking

56.Which braking system on the locomotives is costly

a. Vacuum braking on steam locomotives
b. Vacuum braking on diesel locomotives
c. Regenerative breaking on electric locomotives
d. All breaking systems are equally costly

57.For supply on 25 kV, 50 Hz single phase, suitable motor for electric

traction is
a. ac single phase split phase motor
b. ac single phase universal motor
c. dc shunt motor
d. dc series motor

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

58.In dc machines the number of poles is generally decided by

a. frequency of flux reversals
b. weight of iron parts
c. weight of copper
d. all of the above

59.In dc machines by increasing the number of poles, all of the following

reduce except
a. weight of copper
b. weight of iron parts
c. frequency of flux reversals
d. overall size of the machine

60.If Eb is the back emf of d.c. motor and V is the terminal voltage, then
the condition for maximum power is
a. Eb = V
b. Eb = 2V
c. Eb = ( V / 2 )
d. Eb = V ∧ 2

61.For low reluctance path for the flux in armature, the permeability of the
material should be
a. High
b. Low
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

62.The brush contact losses in a d.c. Machine is

a. Inversely proportional to the square of current
b. Directly proportional to the square of current
c. Inversely proportional to the current
d. Directly proportional to the current

63.When the motor runs on no load, then

a. Back emf is almost equal to applied voltage
b. Back emf will be greater than applied voltage
c. Back emf will be less than applied voltage
d. None of these

64.D.C. shunt motors are commonly used in

a. Cranes
b. Electric traction
c. Elevators
d. Lathe machines

65.A 120 V shunt generator running at 850 rpm has its armature and shunt
field resistance of 0.15 ohm and 50 ohm respectively. It supplies 200
lamps each rated at 60 W, 100 V. The friction and windage and core loss
of the machine is 400 W. its armature copper loss on full load and shunt
field loss is
a. 2156.7 W, 200 W
b. 2232.6 W, 200 W
c. 2156.7 W, 240 W
d. 2232.6 W, 240 W

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

66.Differential compound motors are mainly used in

a. Drilling machines
b. Elevators
c. Electric traction
d. Not suitable for any practical application

67.Which motor is not suitable for the application of centrifugal pumps?

a. Shunt motor
b. Series motor
c. Cumulative compound motor
d. Differential compound motor

68. A machine operating as motor may go into regenerative braking mode

if its speed becomes
a. Sufficiently high to make back emf greater than supply voltage
b. Sufficiently low to make back emf greater than supply voltage
c. Sufficiently high to make back emf half of the supply voltage
d. Sufficiently low to make back emf half of the supply voltage

69.In the biomedical instruments like artificial heart pumps, the commonly
used motor is
a. Permanent magnet d.c. motor
b. Brushless d.c. motor
c. Ward-Leonard system
d. Series motor

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

70. Permanent magnet d.c. motors are extensively used in

a. Automobiles
b. Heaters
c. Air conditioners
d. All of these

71. Ward-Leonard system is used for

a. Wide range of speed control
b. Very sensitive speed control
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these

72. A single-phase transformer rated 100/7.2kV has an impedance of

10.0% during a factory short circuit test done at rated current the
voltage the HV terminals will be most nearly:

a. 0.72
b. 7.2
c. 100
d. 10
Explanation100*10percent =10

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Green International / UPDA Electrical
Session 03 / Electrical Machines-1 (Transformer & DC Machines) / by NS

For Question 73 to 77
The various losses of a 60 HP, 220 V 850 rpm dc motor are as follows: -
Copper losses 3.2 kW, core losses 0.8 kW, mechanical losses 0.1 kW.
Now let us consider another dc machine otherwise similar to this machine
but having its linear dimensions 1.5 times. Then

73.The copper losses of new machine will be

a. 1.5 x 3.2 kW
b. (1.5)2 x 3.2 kW
c. (1.5 )3 x 3.2 kW
d. 1/(1.5)2 x3.2 kW

74.The iron losses of new machine will be

a. (1.5) x 0.8 kW
b. (1.5)2 x 0.8 kW
c. (1.5)4 x 0.8 kW
d. (1.5)5x 0.8 kW

75.The mechanical losses will be

a. 1.5 x 0.1 kW
b. (1.5)2 x 0.1 kW
c. (1.5)3 x 0.1 kW
d. 1/ (1.5)2 x 0.1 kW

76.The rating of the new machine will be

a. 1.5 x 60 HP
b. (1.5)2 x60 HP
c. (1,5)3 x 60 HP
d. (1.5)4 x 60 HP

77.The efficiency of the new machine will be

a. 8.8%
b. 91.7%
c. 94.5%
d. 96.7%

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