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Gordon College Vision

By 2025, the College envisions to be a

premier local institution of higher
learning in Region 3 committed to the
holistic development of the human
person and society.
Gordon College Mission
To produce well-trained, skilled, dynamic,
and competitive individuals imbued with
values and attitudes responsive to the
changing needs of the local, national and
global communities.
Gordon College Goals
❖ Provide opportunities that will enable individuals to
acquire a high level of professional, technical, and
vocational courses of studies
❖ Develop innovative programs, projects, and modes of
practice by undertaking functional and relevant research
❖ Promote community development through relevant
extension programs
❖ Provide opportunities for employability and
entrepreneurship of graduates
Course Title: National Service Training Program
Course Code: NSTP 101
Units: 3
Prerequisite: None
NSTP Outcomes
a. Develop the ethics of service;
b. Imbibe good citizenship values of being maka-Diyos,
maka-kalikasan, and maka- bansa; and
c. Demonstrate preparedness and skills when tapped
for civic welfare and literacy and numeracy activities
especially during calamities,
Course Outcomes
d. Acquire additional insights in the enhancement of civic
consciousness and defense preparedness by reinforcing
concepts of self-awareness, volunteerism, disaster
preparedness and readiness, peace building as well
community-based project management;
e. Deepen understanding on community involvement of
students along the various aspects of national/sustainable
development in advancing more specific and relevant
community action; and
Course Outcomes
f. Develop deeper appreciation of the role students in
terms of community participation development, display
of nationalism/patriotism and exercise of good
citizenship values through genuine civic/national service.
Course Outcomes
1) Inculcate the spirit of patriotism, nationalism and good
citizenship values as potent force in nation building;
2) Develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and
social well-being;
3) Enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness
of the students;
4) Advance their involvement in civic and public affairs.
A. Classroom Policies
❖ Listen attentively to your instructor and classmates.
❖ Always observe cleanliness and orderliness.
❖ Kindness, respect and understanding must be
practiced always.
❖ Apply what you learn.
❖ Strive for the best!
B. Homework Policies
❖ Homework assignments are due in class on the day
assigned. Failure to submit your homework on time
will result in a 20%-point deduction. Twenty percent
will be subtracted for each day that it is late.
C. Quiz Policies
❖ Make-up quiz will only be given to students who
informed the instructor within 48 hours of missing
the quiz.
❖ Students with a valid, verifiable reason for missing a
quiz may take the quiz without deduction; those
who have missed a quiz without a valid, verifiable
reason may take up with a 50%-point deduction.
D. Classroom Management Policies
❖ Cellphones must be in silent mode. Strictly no
texting, calling and/or any other use of cellphones
in class.
❖ In case of urgent or emergency calls, please ask
permission to go out and make or take the call at a
distance that would not disturb the class.
D. Classroom Management Policies
❖ Kindly raise your hand if you wish to speak and wait
until you are duly recognized.
❖ During recitation, please exercise prudence by
staying within the limits of the subject matter
❖ Avoid the tendency to monopolize the recitation so
that the others will be given a chance as well.
❖ Please refrain from making side comments during
the lecture and presentation.
E. When communicating online remember to always:
❖ Avoid using “caps lock” feature AS IT CAN BE
❖ Avoid the use of emoticons like ☺ and 
❖ Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as tone
when someone is lost in a discussion, your post or
message might be taken seriously or sound
❖ Be careful with personal information.
E. When communicating online remember to always:
❖ Do not send confidential information via e-mail and
discussion boards.
❖ Treat everyone (instructors, staffs and classmates)
with respect in email or any other communication.
E. When communicating online remember to always:
❖ Always use clear and concise language.
❖ All college level communication must be in correct
spelling and grammar which includes online
discussion medium, emails and any other
communication format to avoid miscommunication.
❖ Avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting
abbreviations such as “idk” instead of “I don’t know.
F. Netiquette SECURITY:
❖ Never share your password with anyone.
❖ Change your password from time to time.
❖ Always log out when you are finished using the
G. (Email) When you send an email to your instructor,
or classmates, you should:
❖ Use a descriptive subject line.
❖ Be brief.
❖ Avoid attachments unless you are sure your
recipients can open them.
❖ Avoid HTML in favor of plain text.
❖ Sign your message with your name and return e-
mail address.
G. (Email) When posting on the Discussion Board in
your online class, you should:
❖ Think before you send the e-mail to more than one
person. Does everyone really need to see your
❖ Be sure you REALLY want everyone to receive your
response when you click, “reply all.”
❖ Be sure that the message author intended for the
information to be passed along before you click the
“forward” button.
H. When posting on the Discussion Board in your
online class:
❖ Posting must be on topic and within the scope of
the course material.
❖ Posts must be taken seriously, review and edit your
posts before sending.
❖ Be as brief as possible while still making a
thorough comment.
H. When posting on the Discussion Board in your
online class:
❖ At all times, give proper credit when referencing or
quoting another source.
❖ Be sure to read all messages in a thread before
❖ Don’t repeat someone else’s post without adding
something of your own to it.
❖ Avoid short, generic replies instead you should
include why or add to the previous point.
I. Video Conferencing Policy
❖ Dress appropriately.
❖ Control video and audio quality.
❖ Adjust your lighting and your background.
❖ Practice speaking to the camera and not the
❖ Mute your microphone when necessary.
❖ Use chats the function if necessary.
❖ Think about your actions in front of the camera.
I. Video Conferencing Policy
❖ According to Farmer (2013), if we use share screen:
Generally, DO NOT select “Share Your Desktop”
(unless you want every pop-up email and private
message on display for your audience!). Instead,
open up any relevant documents before the call
and share only those during the meeting. Note
that when you share, it prioritizes the shared item
to the bandwidth. This can reduce the other video
feeds’ quality, so don’t share longer than necessary.
I. Video Conferencing Policy
❖ You should also practice to be a host. We should
also practice scheduling and inviting our student to
our online/virtual classroom, and we should learn
how to mute and unmute audience members.
❖ If you can afford it, increase your bandwidth and
boost your signal.
J. Communications and Applications that might be
❖ Google Meet
❖ Zoom
❖ FB Group
❖ Google Classroom / GCLAMP
❖ Google Forms
❖ Other sites
Dress code
Group chat
Grading Rubric/System

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