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1. Those who came to teach false doctrine in Antioch came from where?

● Judaea

2. Who argued with those who came to teach falsely in Antioch?

● Paul and Barnabas

3. On this matter of circumcision and salvation, what did the church in Antioch decide to do?

● They decided to send to enquire from the apostles and elders in Jerusalem.

4. How did the party sent from Antioch bring joy to the church in the places they passed to Jerusalem?

● They told the churches in those places about the conversion of the Gentiles to Christianity.

5. Where did the party sent from Antioch pass on their way to Jerusalem?

● Phenice
● Samaria

6. In Jerusalem, the party sent from Antioch were received by who?

● The church
● Apostles
● Elders

7. Apart from the question about salvation and circumcision, what else did the party from Antioch tell
the church in Jerusalem?

● They told them what God had done with them.

8. Which class of believers insisted that the Gentile believers should undergo circumcision and
observe the laws of Moses?

● The believers who used to be Pharisees

9. While considering the matter from Antioch, whose speech rendered everyone silent?

● Peter

10. While still considering the matter from Antioch in a meeting, who was the next person to speak
after the first person?

● Paul
● Barnabas

11. After there had been much argument about the matter from Antioch at the meeting, who was the
first person to speak to whom they all gave their audience?

● Peter

12. When James was speaking in everyone's hearing, whose conversation did he make reference to?

● Peter

13. Peter said at the meeting, "Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice
among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe." What was
Peter talking about?

● The salvation of Cornelius and his household

14. What did James suggest they should do?

● He said they should write to the Gentile believers to abstain from the pollution of idols,
fornication, consuming blood, and consuming animals strangled to death.

15. What did the conversation of Peter on the matter of circumcision and salvation suggest?

● It suggested that circumcision is not a requirement for salvation.

16. Who was the third to speak at the meeting in everyone's hearing?

● James the son of Alphaeus

17. Who did the apostles send with the party from Antioch to deliver their message to the church in

● Barsabas
● Silas

18. In the letter the apostles wrote to Antioch, they extended their greets to who?

● To the church in Syria

● To the church in Antioch
● To the church in Cilicia

19. Who authorized the false teachers to go to Antioch to teach?

● No one

20. The apostles sent some men with Paul and co on their return to Antioch. What were the men
supposed to do in Antioch?

● They were to tell the church orally what was written in the letter.

21. Who were described as men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ?

● Barnabas
● Paul

22. Which people were described as chief men among the brethren in Jerusalem?

● Barsabas
● Silas

23. If the church in Antioch inclines to the letter, what will be the outcome?

● They will do well.

24. What was the mood of the church in Antioch when they heard the verdict of the apostles on the
matter of circumcision and salvation?

● They rejoiced.

25. Those the apostles sent with the party from Antioch were said to be what?

● Prophets

26. Those the apostles sent to Antioch, apart from delivering their message, what else did they do?

● They exhorted the believers.

27. Which of the persons sent by the apostles to Antioch did not return to the apostles in Jerusalem?

● Silas

28. Who reminded Paul and Barnabas to go back to the cities where they preached in their first
missionary campaign?
● Paul himself

29. Who did Barnabas determine that they should go along with to visit the churches?

● John Mark

30. Why did Paul and Barnabas part ways and were no longer a team?

● It was because they had a heated disagreement about whether or not they should take John
Mark with them.

31. Who did Barnabas choose as a partner for his missionary campaign?

● John Mark

32. Where did Barnabas and his partner travel to after leaving Antioch?

● Cyprus

33. Who did Paul choose as a partner for his missionary campaign?

● Silas

34. What did the church in Antioch do for Paul and his partner before they left for their missionary

● The church commended them to the grace of God.

35. Where did Paul and his partner go after leaving Antioch?

● They went through Syria and Cilicia.

36. Who presided over the meeting convened to resolve the matter from Antioch?

● James the son of Alphaeus

37. Some Jewish Christians came to Antioch to teach falsely. What was their false teaching?

● They said, "One cannot be saved unless he is circumcized as required by the law of Moses."


1. Where did Paul meet Timothy?

● In Derbe and Lystra

2. Timothy's mother was a

● Jewess

3. Timothy's father was a

● Greek

4. Who spoke well of Timothy?

● The Christians in Lystra and Iconium

5. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy?

● Paul did that to avoid the opposition and reproaches of the Jews in that area.

6. What did Paul and company tell the churches in the cities they went through?
● They told them the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people
to obey.

7. According to Acts 16, what was the result of what Paul and company told the churches in the cities
they visited?

● The churches were established in the faith and increased in number daily.

8. Where did the Holy Spirit forbid them to preach the word?

● In Asia

9. Why couldn't Paul and co go to Bithynia?

● The Holy Spirit prevented them from doing so.

10. Where were Paul and co before they came to Troas?

● Mysia

11. Why did Paul and co go to Macedonia?

● They went there because God spoke to Paul in a vision to go to Macedonia.

12. Where did Paul begin his journey to Macedonia?

● Troas

13. Which of these places did Paul and co pass to get to Macedonia?

● Samothracia

14. Which of these cities can be found in Macedonia?

● Neapolis and Philippi

15. On which day did Paul and co go to the riverside to preach when they were in Philippi?

● On the Sabbath

16. Who did Paul and co preach to when they came to the riverside?

● They preached to the women there.

17. When Paul and co went to the riverside, what were they expecting to find there?

● A place of prayer

18. Lydia believed the message of Paul at the riverside. How was she led to believe?

● The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul.

19. What kind gesture did Lydia show to Paul and co?

● She was hospitable to them.

20. What followed immediately after Lydia accepted the message of Paul?

● Immediately after she accepted it, she was baptized along with her household.

21. What was the occupation of Lydia?

● She was a seller of purple cloth.

22. Where did Lydia come from?

● Thyatira

23. In Philippi, how did Paul and co meet the girl possessed by the spirit of divination?

● They met her when they were going to pray.

24. In Philippi, why did Paul cast out the spirit of divination in the slave girl?

● He did it because she disturbed them for many days when they met her

25. Who had Paul and Silas caught in Philippi?

● The masters of the slave girl

26. What charge was brought against Paul and Silas when they were caught in Philippi?

● They were charged with teaching customs which are not lawful for Romans to receive and
● They were charged with troubling the city exceedingly.

27. Why did some people have Paul and Silas caught in Philippi?

● They were caught for delivering a slave girl who was demon-possessed.

28. What was done to Paul and Silas when they were caught and given to the magistrate?

● They flogged and cast them into prison.

29. Why did the jailer put Paul and Silas in the inner cell and bind them with chains?

● He was charged to keep them safe.

30. What did Paul and Silas do in the Philippian jail at midnight?

● They boldly spoke the word of God to the prisoners.

31. An earthquake happened while Paul and Silas were in prison in Philippi. What effect did the
earthquake have on the prison?

● The earthquake caused the foundations of the prison to shake.

● The earthquake caused the prison doors to open.
● The earthquake caused everyone's chains to come loose.

32. When the jailor woke up, seeing what the earthquake had caused, what did he think had happened
with the prisoners?

● He thought that the prisoners had fled.

33. Why did the jailor want to kill himself when he saw what had happened?

● He wanted to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had all fled.

34. What prevented the jailor from killing himself?

● He could not kill himself because Paul called to him to stop for the prisoners were all in their

35. What request did the jailor make to Paul and Silas?

● He asked what he should do to be saved.

36. What answer did Paul and Silas give the jailor upon his request?
● They told him to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for his salvation and that of his household.

37. What was the magistrate's order for Paul and Silas the day following their arrest?

● He ordered that they should be set free.

38. Who communicated to Paul and Silas the decision of the magistrate on the day following their

● The jailer

39. What was Paul's response to the magistrate's order?

● He said that having been publicly beaten and imprisoned, they should not free them secretly.
Therefore the magistrate and his officers themselves should come and release him and Silas
from prison.

40. Why did the magistrate and the serjeants become afraid because of Paul and Silas?

● They learned that Paul and Silas were Roman.

41. What was common between Lydia and the jailor who encountered Paul's ministry?

● They were hospitable to Paul and company.

● They and their household were led to Christ.
● They and their household were baptized.

42. What did the jailor do for Paul and Silas as a kind gesture?

● He showed them hospitality.

● He washed their stripes.

43. What did the magistrate and the officers ask Paul and Silas to do after releasing them from prison?

● They asked them to depart from the city.

44. When Paul and Silas left Philippi prison, they went where next?

● The house of Lydia

45. Who communicated Paul's reply to the magistrate?

● Serjeants whom the magistrate sent

46. What did Paul and Silas do for the jailor?

● They baptized him and his household upon believing.

● They led him to Christ.


1. Where did Paul pass to Thessalonica?

● Amphipolis and Apollonia

2. What did Paul use as a basis to reason with the Jews in Thessalonica?

● The Scriptures

3. How long did Paul reason with the Jews?

● Three sabbath days

4. In Thessalonica, why were the Jews who did not believe envious of Paul and Silas?

● They were envious because some Jews, a great multitude of devout Greeks, and many of the
chief women of the city believed in the gospel Paul and Silas preached.

5. In Thessalonica, what did the Jews who did not believe do?

● They started an uproar and persecuted some of the believers.

6. Jason and other believers were seized by the Jews and brought to the rulers of the city. What
accusation was leveled against them?

● They were accused of acting against the decrees of Caesar, saying that there was another
king, Jesus.

7. What accusation was brought against Jason when the Jews caught him and other believers in

● He was accused of providing hospitality to Paul and co.

8. Why did the believers send Paul and Silas away from Thessalonica to Berea?

● It was because of the uproar and persecution stirred by the Jews.

9. Why were the Bereans described as being more nobles than the Thessalonians?

● It was because they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the
scriptures daily whether Paul's preaching was true.

10. At what time of the day did the believers send Paul and Silas away from Thessalonica to Berea?

● Night

11. When the Jews in Thessalonica heard that Paul and Silas were winning souls in Berea, what did
they do?

● They came to Berea to stir up the crowd against Paul's ministry.

12. Why did the believers send Paul away from Berea?

● The Jews in Thessalonica came to Berea to stir up the people again Paul.

13. Who were Paul's traveling companions at the time he was in Berea?

● Silas
● Timothy

14. Which of Paul's traveling companions remained in Berea when he left?

● Silas
● Timothy

15. What did Paul tell the believers who escorted him out of Berea to do for him?

● He told them to tell Silas and Timothy to come to him quickly.

16. Why was Paul's spirit stirred up in him in Athens?

● His spirit was stirred up in him because he saw the city wholly given to idolatry.

17. While Paul's spirit was stirred up in him, what was he moved to do in Athens?

● He disputed in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons and in the market daily
with those who met with him.
18. Who brought Paul to the Areopagus of Athens?

● correct

19. Where did Paul stand to address the Athenians in the Areopagus?

● Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill.

20. In whom do we live, move, and have our being?

● God

21. 'And the times of this ignorance God winked at'. What is 'the time of ignorance'?

● The time when man did not know the true God.

22. Why did some of the Athenian audience mock Paul?

● They mocked him because he made mention of the resurrection of the dead.

23. According to Paul in Athens, why is it necessary for all men to repent?

● It is necessary for all men to repent because God has appointed a day on which he will judge
the world in righteousness through Jesus.

24. Who were among those who repented and believed when Paul preached in the Areopagus?

● Dionysius the Areopagite

● Damaris


1. Where was Paul before coming to Corinth?

● Athens

2. Where did Paul first find Aquila?

● Corinth

3. Aquila's wife was called what?

● Priscilla

4. Aquila came from where to Corinth?

● Italy

5. Why did Aquila leave the place where he was for Corinth?

● It was because Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome.

6. Aquila was a

● Jew

7. Which people did Emperor Claudius commend to leave Rome?

● Jews

8. What was the occupation of Aquila?

● Tentmakers
9. Aquila was born in

● Pontus

10. What was Paul's occupation?

● Tentmaker

11. On which day did Paul go to the synagogue to reason with the Jews and the Greeks converts to

● Sabbath

12. Where was Silas and Timothy before they joined Paul in Corinth?

● Macedonia

13. What did Paul do when the Jews opposed his message in the synagogue?

● He shook his raiment.

● He departed from the synagogue.

14. In Corinth, where did Paul go next when he left the synagogue?

● He went to Justus' house.

15. In Corinth, which notable person repented because of Paul's preaching?

● Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue

16. What did God tell Paul when he appeared to him in a vision at Corinth?

● He told Paul not to be silent or afraid but he should keep on preaching.

● He told Paul that He Jesus was with him and no one would attack him and harm him.
● He told Paul that He Jesus had many people in the city of Corinth.

17. For how long did Paul preach in Corinth?

● A year and six months

18. To whom did the Jews of Corinth bring Paul for judgment?

● Gallio

19. According to Acts 18, the deputy of Achaia was who?

● Gallio

20. What charge did the Jews level against Paul before the deputy of Achaia as a judge?

● They said Paul persuaded people to worship God contrary to the law.

21. Why did the deputy drive the Jews away from the judgment seat?

● He drove them away because he saw that the matter they brought to the court concerned
their religion and their law.

22. Which people took the chief ruler of the synagogue and beat him before the judgment seat?

● The Greeks

23. Which chief ruler of the synagogue was beaten in Corinth before the judgment seat?

● Sosthenes
24. When the deputy saw the chief ruler of the synagogue being beaten before the judgment seat, what
did he do?

● He paid no attention to it.

25. Paul left Corinth for where?

● Syria

26. When Paul left Corinth, Aquila and his wife followed him to where?

● Ephesus
● Syria

27. Paul shaved his hair in a town called

● Cenchrea

28. According to Acts 18, why did he, either Paul or Aquila, shave his hair?

● He did it because he had taken a vow.

29. Where did Paul leave Aquila and his wife?

● Ephesus

30. Why was Paul determined to leave Ephesus?

● He was determined to leave because he wanted to catch a feast that was going to come on in

31. Where did Paul pass to Antioch?

● Caesarea

32. Paul left Antioch to strengthen the churches in

● the region of Galatia and Phrygia

33. Apollos was described as what?

● An eloquent man
● One mighty in the scriptures

34. Where was Apollos born?

● Alexandria

35. Who taught Apollos the way of the Lord more perfectly?

● Aquila and Priscilla

36. In the first hearing of Apollos, he came to which city?

● Ephesus

37. Before Apollos was instructed in the way of the Lord more perfectly, what did he know?

● He knew only the baptism of John.

38. Why was Apollos welcomed in Achaia?

● The believers in Achaia welcomed him because the believers in Ephesus wrote a letter to
exhort them to welcome him.
39. What were the works of Apollos according to Acts 18?

● In Achaia, he greatly helped those who had believed in Jesus by grace.

● He vigorously refuted his Jewish opponents in public debate, proving from the Scriptures
that Jesus was the Messia


1. Where did Paul meet the disciples who had only received the baptism of John?

● Ephesus

2. At the time Paul met those disciples who had only received the baptism of John, where was

● Corinth

3. John's baptism was a sign of what?

● Repentance

4. Why did Paul rebaptize those disciples who had only received the baptism of John?

● It was because they had not been baptized in the name of Jesus.

5. According to Acts 19, after rebaptizing those disciples, what else did Paul do for them?

● He laid his hands upon them for them to receive the Holy Ghost and they spoke in tongues.

6. For how long did Paul continue to argue with the Jews in the synagogue after baptizing those
disciples he met?

● Three months

7. Paul performed miracles even with what?

● Handkerchiefs or aprons

8. Who was Sceva?

● A Jew and chief of the priests

9. Which unbelieving Jews tried to use Jesus' name to cast out demons in Ephesus?

● The seven sons of Sceva

10. What happened to the unbelieving Jews who tried to use Jesus' name to cast out a demon out of a

● The possessed man jumped on them, overpowered them, and gave them such a beating that
they ran out of the house naked and wounded.

11. Some unbelieving Jews attempted to use Jesus' name to cast out demons but failed terribly. What
impression did this event make in Ephesus?

● Many believers came to confess and disclose their deeds.

● Many believers who practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them
before all men.

12. While the unbelieving Jews were trying to cast out the demon, what did they say to the
demon-possessed man?

● They said, "We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth."

13. When the unbelieving Jews attempted to use Jesus' name to cast out a demon, what response did
the demon-possessed man give them?

● The evil spirit said he knew Jesus and Paul, but who were they?

14. The books of magic that were burnt were worth how much?

● Fifty thousand pieces of silver

15. Where did Paul decide to go before going to Jerusalem?

● Macedonia and Achaia

16. Where did Paul decide to go after going to Jerusalem?

● Rome

17. While Paul was in Ephesus, who did he send ahead of him to Macedonia?

● Timothy and Erastus

18. What was the occupation of Demetrius?

● Silversmith

19. Why did Dimitrius cause a stir in Ephesus?

● He claimed Paul was ruining their business.

20. How did Demetrius cause a stir in Ephesus?

● He called together people of his occupation and told them that Paul was ruining their

21. Which of Paul's traveling companions were arrested by the Ephesian mob?

● Gaius and Aristarchus

22. Those two companions of Paul who were arrested were from where?

● Macedonia

23. When the mob took those two companions of Paul, where did they take them?

● Theatre

24. When the unbelieving Ephesians took Paul's two companions, Paul wanted to go to where they had
been taken to. What stopped him?

● Some of the officials of Asia

25. Who did the Jews put forward to talk to the mob to make his defense?

● Alexander

26. For how long did the crowd shout, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians."?

● Two hours

27. Who quieted down the people?

● Town clerk

28. What advice was given to Dimitrius and his followers?

● Demetrius and his followers were advised that if they had any matter against any man, they
should bring it to the judiciary.

29. Those unbelieving Jews who tried to use Jesus' name to cast out demons were described as what?

● Vagabond

30. Those unbelieving Jews who tried to use Jesus' name to cast out demons were

● Exorcists


1. From Ephesus, Paul went to where?

● Macedonia

2. What was the last thing Paul did before leaving Ephesus?

● Paul called to him the disciples and embraced them.

3. How many months did Paul spend in Greece?

● Three months

4. Where did the Jews lay wait for Paul?

● Greece

5. According to Acts 20, where did Paul's traveling companions go to wait for him?

● Troas

6. Who accompanied Paul to Asia?

● Sopater of Berea
● Gaius of Derbe
● Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia
● Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica
● Timotheus

7. Where did Paul want to pass before going to Syria?

● Macedonia

8. When did Paul and co sail from Macedonia to Troas?

● After the days of unleavened bread

9. Which city was Paul in before sailing to Troas?

● Philippi

10. How many days did it take Paul to reach Troas from where he was?

● Five days

11. How many days did Paul and company stay at Troas?

● Seven days

12. On which days did Paul preach for a long time into the night?
● On the first day of the week

13. On which occasion did Paul preach long into the night?

● Communion service

14. How did Eutychus fall?

● He fell asleep while sitting in the window.

15. Eutychus fell from which height?

● The third story

16. Eutychus died when he fell. How did Paul raise him to life?

● Paul went, fell on him, embraced him, and said they should not trouble themselves for his
life was in him.

17. What words of Jesus did Paul tell the Ephesian elders to remember?

● It is more blessed to give than to receive.

18. After Eutychus fell and was raised to life, what happened for the rest of the night?

● They had communion and Paul continued his sermon until daybreak.

19. Later, when the church saw Eutychus alive, what was their mood?

● Very comforted.

20. Paul and co left Troas for where?

● Assos

21. Why is it that Paul did not board the ship to sail from Troas?

● He intended to travel from there on foot.

22. Paul left Troas for a certain city where he joined his companion on a ship and sailed away to
Mitylene. Which city was that?

● Assos

23. Why did Paul decide to sail pass Ephesus?

● He did not want to spend time in Asia, hoping to get to Jerusalem on time for a religious

24. Which event did Paul wish to catch in Jerusalem for which reason he was in a hurry to get there?

● Pentecost

25. Since Paul did not stop at Ephesus, how did he get to call all the elders of Ephesus?

● He arranged with them long ago to meet him on the shores of Miletus.

26. How did Paul reach out to people and preach to them in Ephesus when he was there?

● He did so in public and from house to house.

27. What did Paul feel would happen to him in Jerusalem?

● Arrest and affliction

28. Why did Paul feel that something negative would happen to him in Jerusalem?

● It was because negative things happened to him in every city he went to.

29. What instruction did Paul give to the elders of Ephesus?

● He told them to pay careful attention to themselves and the congregation and care for the

30. What did Paul caution the Ephesian elders of?

● The rise of false teachers and false doctrines among them

31. What did Paul caution them of?

● He cautioned them of the rise of false teachers and false doctrines

32. What did Paul say he had not done while he was in Ephesus?

● He said he had not coveted any man's silver, gold, or apparel.

33. When Paul and company were in Ephesus, how were their needs provided for?

● He worked hard to provide for himself and his company.

34. According to Paul, what had he shown the Ephesian believers?

● He had shown them to work hard in other to support the weak.

35. What did Paul and the elders of the Ephesian church do after Paul was done talking?

● They knelt down and prayed.

36. How did the Ephesians bid Paul farewell?

● They all wept sorely, fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him.

37. What made the Ephesian elders sorrowful and weep?

● It was because they would see Paul's face no more.


1. Where did Paul and co find a ship sailing to Phenicia?

● Patara

2. From Miletus, where did Paul and co pass to get to Phenicia?

● He passed through Coos, Rhodes, and Patara.

3. Where did the ship bound for Phenicia stop to unload?

● Tyre

4. Which of these cities is in Syria?

● Tyre

5. On their way to Jerusalem, Paul and co stopped in Syria and stayed with some believers for how
many days?

● Seven days
6. In Tyre, who told Paul not to go to Jerusalem?

● The believers in Tyre

7. The believers in Tyre and their household escorted Paul and co to the shore. What did they do
together on the shore?

● They knelt down and prayed.

8. From Tyre, they sailed to where?

● Ptolemais

9. Who escorted Paul to the shore when he was leaving Tyre?

● The believers and their families

10. Paul and company sailed to Caesarea and lodged with Philip. Philip was described as what?

● One of the seven deacons

11. Since there are many Philips in the Bible, which Philip did Paul and company lodge with in

● Philip the evangelist

12. How many daughters did Philip have?

● 4

13. Philip's daughters were described as what?

● Virgins

14. What spiritual gift did Philip's daughters have?

● Prophecy

15. While Paul and co were at Philip's house, Agabus came there. Where did he come from?

● Judaea

16. How many days did Paul and company live in Philip's house?

● Many days

17. What sign did Agabus do to show that Paul would be arrested in Jerusalem?

● He took Paul's belt and bound his own hands and feet with it.

18. What did Agabus say would happen to Paul in Jerusalem?

● He said the Jews at Jerusalem would bind Paul and deliver him into the hands of the

19. What was Paul's response to those who begged him not to go to Jerusalem?

● He said he was ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the
Lord Jesus.

20. Why did the believers stop persuading Paul not to go to Jerusalem?

● They stopped when they realized nothing would persuade him from going to Jerusalem.
21. Apart from Paul's traveling companions, who else accompanied Paul to Jerusalem?

● Mnason of Cyprus

22. Who was described as an old disciple?

● Mnason

23. Who was going to accommodate Paul and company in Jerusalem?

● Mnason

24. When did Paul and company go to visit James' house in Jerusalem?

● The day after their arrival in Jerusalem

25. While Paul was addressing James and the other elders, what did he tell them about?

● He told them in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry.

26. What was the reaction of the elders when Paul was done talking about his ministry?

● They glorified the Lord.

27. What false rumor was perpetuated about Paul in Jerusalem?

● The rumor was that Paul taught all the Jews who were living among the Gentiles to forsake
Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children nor to walk after the Jewish

28. What bad thing did the elders sense was about to happen in Jerusalem because of Paul?

● They sensed that there would be a riot when the Jews heard that Paul had come to

29. What advice did the elders give Paul to do because of the rumor perpetuated against him in

● They told Paul to purify himself with some four believers who had taken a vow and should
pay their expenses for them to shave their hair.

30. What would be the likely outcome if Paul listened and did what the elders advised him?

● The Jews would have thought that the rumor they heard about Paul was a lie.
● The Jews would have thought that Paul himself lived in observance of the law.

31. What had the elders in Jerusalem done with the Gentiles believers?

● we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep
themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from

32. When did Paul and the men who had taken the vow start their purification rite?

● The days after speaking to the elders

33. Why did Paul go into the temple of Jerusalem?

● He went there for the purification rite.

34. When was Paul caught in the temple by the Jews?

● When the seven days of purification were almost ended.

35. Who stirred up the crowd to arrest Paul?

● Jews who were from Asia

36. What did the perpetrators do to stir up the Jewish people against Paul?

● They cried out that Paul was the one who had been teaching everywhere against the Jewish
people, the law, and the temple."
● They cried out that Paul had polluted the temple by bringing Greeks into the temple.

37. Which Greek did the Jews think Paul had brought into the temple?

● Trophimus an Ephesian

38. Why did the Jews think Paul had brought a Greek into the temple?

● It was because they saw him and a certain Greek from Ephesus in the city.

39. What did the Jews do to Paul when they caught him?

● They drew him out of the temple.

● They beat him.
● They were going to kill him.

40. Who came to Paul's rescue?

● The chief captain

41. What did the Romans do immediately after taking Paul away from the Jews?

● They requested to know what he had done.

● They bound him.

42. What information did the Romans request about Paul?

● They requested to know who he was and what he had done.

43. When the chief captain could not understand what the people were saying about Paul, what did he

● He ordered that Paul should be taken into the barracks.

44. Who did the chief captain think Paul was?

● He thought Paul was the Egyptian who started an uproar.

45. Where was Tarsus?

● Cilicia

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