ENGLISH 8-2nd Quarterly Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII-Eastern Visayas
Division of Leyte
Isabel, Leyte



Name: ____________________________________ Yr. & Sec: ___________________

I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

For items 1-4, Please refer to the table below.

Grade 8
Modalities of Learning

Section Section Total

Bonifacio Jacinto
Radio 3 2 5
Television 3 5 8
Online Learning 12 12 24
Modular Learning 7 5 12
Blended Learning 21 23 44
Total 46 47 93

1. How many students prefer modular learning?

A. 8 B. 12 C. 24 D. 44
2. Which learning modality do students prefer the most?
A. blended learning B. modular learning C. online learning D. television

For items 5-6, please refer to the graph below.

Votes for the Favorite Television Show

30 of Votes

3. Which of the shows has the highest number of votes?

A. Ang Lihim C. Ang Mortal
B. Misyonaryo D. Nilalang
4. What conclusion can you draw from the graph?
A. All show the same votes.
B.Ang Mortal is the most favorite show.
C. Ang Lihim has the highest number of votes.
D. People have the same interests in television shows.

For 5-6, please refer to the graph below.

House Rental

Electric Bill
12% Food
Clothing 40%

5. Which part of the pie has the smallest budget of Annie’s monthly expenses?
A. clothing B. education C. electric bill D. house rental
6. What percent is the budget for house rental?
A. 4% B. 12% C. 16% D. 28%

For items 7-9, please refer to the graph below.


Monthly Income of Ms. Lovely

6000 6000
4500 4300 4500 4000 4500
1000 850
400 300

7. In which month does Ms. Lovely earn the highest?

A. July B. October C. November D. December
8. How much is the increase of Ms. Lovely’s income from April to May?
A. P 450.00 B. P 1,000.00 C. P 1,200.00 D. P 2,000.00
9. Based on the given data in the graph, what will likely happen to the online business of Ms. Lovely?
A. Her online business will boom.
B. Her online business will be closed.
C. Her online business will start to fail.
D. Her online business will just break even.

For items 10-11, please refer to the infographic below.

Source: "Reduce Your Risk Of Coronavirus Infection | Research Institute For Tropical Medicine-Department of Health". Ritm.Gov.Ph, 2020. http://ritm.gov.ph/reduce-your-risk-of-coronavirus-infection/.

10. Which among the statements should you NOT do if you have the symptoms of the coronavirus?
a. Stay at home.
b. Go shopping.
c. Avoid contact with people.
d. Disinfect objects and surfaces.
11. In what way can you reduce the risk of getting the coronavirus infection?
a. wandering outside
b. washing your hands with soap and water
c. touching the parts of your face with unwashed hands
d. allowing yourself to have a contact with stray animals

For items 12-16, please refer to the flow chart below.

How to Apply First Aid Measures of a Bone Fracture

Check the signs and

Immobilize affected
symptoms like the
part and limit
pain, tenderness Cover the wound with
bruising, swelling, clean cloth.
and deformity.

Consult the health Bring the patient to the

Splint or sling the
workers for further nearest health center
injury in position.
treatment. or facility.

Source: "Key Health Messages For Emergencies And Disasters: Philippines", 2016. Deped LR Portal.https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/pdf-view/11075.
12. Which is a sign and symptom of having a bone fracture?
a. perspiring B. salivating C. swelling D. trembling
13. Which among the measures should you NOT do in applying first aid to a bone fracture?
A. Check the signs and symptoms.
a. Splint or sling the injury in position.
b. Tell the patient to avoid unnecessary movement.
c. Carry the person without knowing the affected area.
14. Where in a sentence is an opinion-marking signal usually written?
A. at the end C. at the beginning
B. at the middle D. both at the beginning and end
15. Which of the following phrases is an example of an opinion-marking signal?
A. I believe… C. Based on the recent survey…
B. According to research… D. In the press conference conducted…
16. All of the sentences below are opinions, EXCEPT
A. In his interview, the mayor announced that they will provide assistance to the students.
B. Lino believes that all students will be happy about the mayor’s announcement.
C. From what Lino knows, many stakeholders extended help to assist the learners in their studies.
D. Lino is confident that, through the assistance of the many stakeholders, he will survive the school year despite
the many challenges.

For items 17 to 19, please refer to the sentence below.

“Marissa is certain that we will all survive the COVID-19 crisis.”

17. What is the opinion-marking signal used in the sentence?

A. that we will… C. will all survive…
B. the COVID-19 crisis… D. Marissa is certain that…
18. What does the opinion-marking signal express?
A. a doubt C. a certainty
B. a desire D. a possibility

19. Which of the following opinion-marking signals similarly means to the one used in the sentence?
A. In her experience… C. From what Marissa knows…
B. Marissa is sure that… D. Marissa might be wrong, but…

20. What opinion-marking signal should be used to complete the sentence below?
Philippine tourist destination is Baguio because it offers many attractions and adventures.
A. My favorite… C. I must admit that…
B. In my opinion… D. From my point of view…
21. What does the opinion-marking signal Maybe express in the sentence below?
Maybe many people are planning to go on vacation once travel restrictions are lifted.
A. expectation B. possibility C. reality D. standpoint
22. Which of the following opinions shows expectation or desire?
A. I think Palawan is the most beautiful tourist destination.
B. It seems that Boracay is preparing to open for more tourists.
C. I hope I could visit Siargao and enjoy its sea adventures again.
D. I love Sagada because of its cold climate and beautiful mountains.
23. What opinion-marking signals shows doubt?
A. Perhaps… B. I should… C. My favorite D. It is my belief…
24. Which of the following sentences uses the appropriate opinion marking signal to answer the question below?
How do you feel about going to Bohol?
A. For me, Bohol has the most beautiful beaches.
B. I cannot deny that Bohol has beautiful beaches.
C. I love going to Bohol and visit its beautiful beaches.
D. I hope I could go to Bohol and visit its beautiful beaches.
25. Which of the following sentences answers the question below with certainty?
Why is it important to use opinion marking signals in expressing opinions?
A. Maybe they are important because they are used to introduce opinions.
B. I might be wrong, but they are important because they refer to personal beliefs.
C. I feel that they are important because they are usually written in the beginning part of a sentence.
D. I am certain that they are important because they are used as signal words that help express and identify
26. The following are examples of opinion-marking signals that can be used in the same manner and for the same
purpose EXCEPT
A. Maybe… and Probably…
B. I am certain that… and I am sure that…
C. It is the belief… and From what I know…
D. Based on my experience… and In my experience…
27. What would you say to encourage tourists to visit the Philippines?
A. In my opinion, it is more fun in the Philippines.
B. I am certain that it is more fun in the Philippines.
C. If I am not mistaken, it is more fun in the Philippines.
D. I might be wrong, but it is more fun in the Philippines.
28. What do we mean by multimodal text?
A. It is a text that requires processing of one method and the recognition of the interconnections between
B. It is a text that requires processing of two methods and the recognition of the interconnections between
C. It is a text that requires processing of more than one method and the recognition of the interconnections between
D. It is a text that requires processing of more than one method while disregarding the interconnections between
29. Which type of live multimodal text is the expression of an idea or emotion through the use of body movements in a
rhythmic way, accompanied with music?
A. animation B. dance C. films D. oral presentation
30. Which type of digital multimodal text is a multimedia presentation of a narrative structure combining a variety of
digital elements?
A. animation B. digital stories C. posters D. slideshows
31. Which type of paper-based multimodal text presents information and data with the use of words in diagrams and
A. comics B. graphic texts C. infographics D. posters
32. What type of multimodal text is presented below?

A. comics
B. infographics
C. picture
D. poster
Illustrated by: Gil C. Dayot

33. Which of the following is an example of a graphic text?

A. B. C. D.

34. Which of the following is NOT an example of infographics?

A. B. C. D

For items 35-42, compare and contrast the information illustrated in the multimodal texts to answer the following

SouthEast Asian Population in 2020


35. Are the information presented in the two multimodal texts the same?
A. Yes, they have the same topic and data.
B. No, the topic and data given are different.
C. Yes, the topic is the same but the data are different.
D. No, the topic is different but the data are the same.

36. What is the rank of Myanmar from lowest as shown in the graphs?
A. third B. fifth C. sixth D.tenth

37. Which two countries have the lowest population presented in the two multimodal texts?
A. Brunei and Singapore
B. Laos and Cambodia
C. Myanmar and Thailand
D. Vietnam and Malaysia

38. What is the rank of the Philippines from the highest based on the data?
A. first B. second C. seventh D. ninth
According to the World Economic
Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report
2018, out of 149 countries,
Philippines ranked 8 th in closing
gender gap. It was followed by Laos
(26th) Singapore (67th), Thailand
(73 ), Vietnam (77th), Indonesia

(85th), Myanmar (88th), Brunei (90th),

Cambodia (98th), and Malaysia

39. Are the topic and data presented in the two multimodal texts the same?
A. Yes, they have the same topic and data.
B. No, the topic and data given are different.
C. Yes, the topic is the same but the data are different
D. No, the topic is different but the data are the same.
40. Based on the data presented, which statement is true about Thailand and Vietnam?
A. In the bar grap, Thailand ranked higher than Vietnam.
B. In the print text, Vietnam ranked higher than Thailand.
C. In the print text, Thailand ranked higher than Vietnam.
D. In the bar graph, Thailand and Vietnam ranked the same.
41. Which country got the highest rank for closing gender gap?
A. Cambodia B. Indonesia C. Malaysia D. Philippines
42. Which country got the lowest rank for closing gender gap?
A. Cambodia B. Indonesia C. Malaysia D. Philippines

Directions: Read the following sentences carefully, identify whether the sentence is opinion or fact. Write O if it is
opinion and F if it’s a fact.

1. I think China is now the most powerful nation in the world.

2. Based on research, COVID-19 can stay on your belongings for a few hours.
3. The investigation states that there are more reported cases of COVID-19 in urban areas.
4. I believe that everyone has his or her own duty to keep safe during this pandemic.
5. The DOH Secretary confirmed the total number of positive cases yesterday.
6. In my opinion, this New Normal Era would be very tough for everyone.
7. I feel that social media is just an escape from reality.
8. The United Nations attests to the negative effect of the pandemic to the world economy.

Prepared by:

English Teacher

Approved by:

School Head

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