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Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

B.Tech 1st Year Maths Syllabus 2023-24

Oder of Important Topic with Frequency
Unit S.No Matrices Topic
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Frequency

1 Inverse of a matrix     4
2 Rank of matrix         10
3 Solution of system of linear equations         9
4 Characteristic equation

5 Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and its application         8

Unit-1: Linear Dependence and Independence of
6    4
7 Eigen values and Eigen vectors          12
8 Complex Matrices

9 Hermitian  1
10 Skew-Hermitian and Unitary Matrices     5
11 Applications to Engineering problems  1
Differential Calculus - 1
Successive Differentiation (nth order
1  1
2 Leibnitz theorem            13
Unit-2: 3 Curve tracing       6
4 Partial derivatives           11

5 Euler’s Theorem for homogeneous functions     4

6 Total derivative
Differential Calculus - 2
Expansion of functions by Taylor’s and
1 Maclaurin’s theorems for functions of one and       6
two variables
Maxima and Minima of functions of several
Unit-3: 2        7

3 Lagrange’s method of multipliers       5

4 Jacobians             15

5 Approximation of errors      6
Multiple integration
1 Double integral    3

2 Triple integral       6

3 Change of order of integration            11

Unit-4: 4 Change of variables     4

5 Beta and Gama function and their properties      5

Dirichlet’s integral and its applications to area

6       5
and volume

7 Liouville’s extensions of Dirichlet’s integral    2

Vector Calculus
1 Vector differentiation :- Gradient          8

Curl and Divergence and their Physical

2       6

3 Directional derivatives        7
Unit-5: 4 Vector Integration : Line integral  1

5 Surface integral   2

6 Volume integral       6

7 Gauss’s Divergence theorem        8

Green’s theorem and Stoke’s theorem (without
8         7
proof) and their applications

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