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Raushan Kumar || Mob# :+91-7250400123 ||

Linkedin ||

As a recent graduate, I am seeking a challenging role which allows me to continue learning and
perfecting my skills. I want to convert my theoretical and practical knowledge into a real time
experience. I am a very hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong organization skills
eager to secure an entry level position.

B.Tech- Computer Science Engineering
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh ( 2020 - 2023 )

B.Sc- Mathematics ( Honours )

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, Bihar ( 2016 - 2019 )
Data Visualization || Predictive Analysis || Statistical Modeling || Classification || Clustering
|| Data Analytics || ML Algorithms || Model Development || Azure ML || Tableau || NLP ||
Text Pre-processing || Tokenization || Lemmatization || Stemming || NER || Text
Summarization || Topic Modeling || Sentiment Analysis || Word2Vec || Tfidf || SKlearn ||
TensorFlow || NLTK || SPACY || Big data || Hadoop || Deep Learning || ANN | CNN || RNN ||
LSTM || Neural Network || RNN ||

Programming Languages :Python| R | C |

Web Technologies : HTML | CSS | Flask |
Data Visualization Tools : | Tableau | Azure ML| Automated EDA | Power BI |
Tools : | Jupyter notebook | Google Collab | Spyder | Power BI | MySQL workbench | Visual
Studio | Pycharm |
Big Data : | pyspark | Databricks |
Packages : | Pandas | Numpy | Matplotlib | Seaborn | Scikit-Learn | Scipy | NLTK | Spacy | Pyspark |
BeautifulSoup | Tensor Flow | Keras | OpenCV | LazyPredict | Flask |
Statistics: | Inferential & Descriptive statistics |
Machine Learning :
1. Supervised ML: | Linear Regression | Logistic Regression | Decision Tree | Random Forest | K
Nearest Neighbors(KNN) | Support Vector Machine(SVM) | Naive Bayes | XGBOOST |
2. Unsupervised ML: | K-means clustering | Hierarchical Clustering | DB Scan | PCA |
Deep Learning : | ANN | CNN | RNN | LSTM | Optimization Techniques | Transfer Learning |
Encoders Decoders | Attention Model |
Software skills : | MS Office | Excel |
1. Default Risk Analysis
● This project aims for the Risk identification, Risk analysis and Risk evaluation.
● Using EDA, to identify patterns which indicate if a client has difficulty paying their installments which
may be used for taking actions such as denying the loan, reducing the amount of loan, or predicting if a
client will default or not. . This will ensure that the consumers capable of repaying the loan are not
● Libraries used: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Automated EDA.
● Tools used: Jupyter Notebook, PowerBI.

2.Customer churn prediction

● This project is a Churn prediction model are designed to analyze customer behavior patterns and
usage data, along with other relevant factors, in order to predict the likelihood of a customer
leaving the service. By predicting churn in advance and taking steps to prevent it, telecom
companies can improve customer retention and profitability, as well as enhance overall customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
● libraries used: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, Google Collab.
● Algorithms used: Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest

3. Student Marks Predictor

● This project aims to predict the student’s academic performance and thereby taking early steps to
improve student’s performance.
● Through this project we can calculate how many hours need to study to get more mark using linear
regression model.
● Tools and Libraries: Pandas, Matplotlib, NumPy, Scikit - Learn, etc


Completed certified course on "Python programming" And “ C programming ” organized by Naresh i

Technologies in hyderabad India

Completed certified course on "Data Science & AI" organized by Naresh i Technologies in hyderabad


Adaptability and hardworking Communication

willingness to learn Time Management


● English
● Hindi

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