Cyber Terrorism - What It Is and How It's Evolved - Maryville Online

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Cyber Terrorism: What It Is and How It’s

January 20, 2022

Tables of Contents

1. What is cyber terrorism?

2. History of cyber terrorism
3. Examples of cyber terrorism
4. Effects of cyber terrorism on businesses and individuals
5. Cyber terrorism prevention tips
6. Joining forces to combat the growing cyber terrorism threat

In May 2021, gasoline supplies to the East Coast of the United States were reduced by 45% open_in_new,
causing cars to line up for blocks to fill their tanks. The cause: a cyberattack on the Colonial
Pipeline open_in_new that carried gas and other fuels to the East Coast from Texas. The attack was traced to
the international ransomware group DarkSide, as the Guardian reports.

In June 2021, meat supplies were threatened by a ransomware attack on meat processing
factories open_in_new owned by JBS, a company that supplies more than one-fifth of the beef consumed in
the U.S., as explained in the Guardian. JBS, which is headquartered in Brazil, also experienced
disruptions to operations in Australia and other countries. This was one of several cyberattacks in
2021 thought to have originated in Russia.

A hacking campaign suspected of being sponsored by China has targeted Microsoft’s Exchange
open_in_new email server for corporations. The New York Times reports that the attackers struck in January
2021 and escalated the attacks weeks later. Security analysts believe that tens of thousands of
accounts may have been compromised. Microsoft estimates that 30,000 Exchange customers
were likely affected by the data breach, but the company said it did not know how extensive the
data leak was.

These examples illustrate the dangers posed by cyber terrorism to governments and
organizations around the world. Cyber terrorism and other cyberattacks cost governments,
businesses, and individuals more than $1 trillion each year open_in_new, according to computer security firm
McAfee. Cybersecurity Ventures forecasts that the cost of cyber crime of all types will reach $10.5
trillion annually by 2025. open_in_new
Combating cyber terrorism and cyber crime requires understanding how cyber terrorists act, what
motivates them, and how to prevent their attacks. This guide looks at the evolution of cyber
terrorism, highlights examples of cyber terrorism and cyberattacks, and offers tips for thwarting

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What is cyber terrorism?

Cyber terrorism is defined by researchers Jordan Plotnek and Jill Slay as a premeditated attack or
the threat of such an attack by nonstate actors open_in_new intending to use cyberspace to cause physical,
psychosocial, political, economic, ecological, or other damage. The goal of the cybercriminals is
to induce fear or coerce government or nongovernment bodies to act in a way that furthers the
criminals’ social, financial, or ideological objectives.

A cyber terrorism taxonomy includes six elements:

• An actor or actors with three unique attributes: nonstate, terrorist, and clandestine
• A motive, which may be ideological, social, economic, or political
• An intent to induce or coerce some action, effect change, further objectives, or cause
• The means to commit the act, which includes using a computer and network to access
cyberspace and cross borders to commit acts of cyber warfare or crimes, including
cyberattacks and threats of attacks
• An effect, most commonly violence, service disruptions, physical damages, psychosocial
impacts, economic damages, or data breaches
• A target, most commonly civilians, information and communication technology (ICT), data
sources, government agencies, nongovernment organizations, or physical infrastructure

Major cyber terrorism attacks and attempts

Attacks on computer networks, data stores, communication systems, or command-and-control
systems are committed using a variety of methods and for many different purposes. While many
cyber terrorism attacks are widely reported, most cyberattacks and attempts to breach computer
networks receive little or no notice.

These are some of the most damaging cyber terrorism attacks and attempts in recent years.

• Information technology firm SolarWinds open_in_new was the victim of a cyberattack that went
undetected for several months, as Business Insider reports. Hackers widely believed to be
operating in Russia were able to spy on private companies, including security firm FireEye,
and many government agencies. In April 2021, the U.S. government implemented
sanctions on Russia open_in_new as a result of the attack.
• Insurance firm CNA Financial open_in_new reportedly paid hackers $40 million in March 2021 after
being the victim of a ransomware attack that locked the company’s computer networks
and stole data, as reported in Bloomberg. The attack did not breach the majority of
policyholder data, according to the company.
• IT services firm Kaseya open_in_new announced in July 2021 that it had been the victim of a
cyberattack by the REvil ransomware, as explained on ZDNet. The attack breached the
company’s supply chain software, resulting in ransomware attacking between 800 and
1,500 of the small managed service healthcare providers that are among Kaseya’s
• Mobile service provider T-Mobile open_in_new announced in August 2021 that it was the victim of a
cyberattack that compromised the personal information of 13 million customers and an
additional 40 million people who had applied for an account with the company,
as Fortune reports. The attack marks the fourth time in as many years that T-Mobile has
had its customer data hacked: twice in 2020 and once in 2018, when the data of about 2.5
million customers was exposed.
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Four of the FBI’s 10 newest most wanted cybercriminals reside in China, three are from South Asian
countries, and three others are from European countries. 1. Bjorn Daniel Sundin, Sweden (ties to
Ukraine). 2. Shaileshkumar P. Jain, India (naturalized U.S. citizen). 3. Alexsey Belan, Latvia (Russian
citizen). 4. Nicolae Popescu, Romania. 5. Farhan Ul Arshad, Pakistan. 6. Noor Aziz Uddin, Pakistan.
7. Sun Kailiang, China. 8. Huang Zhenyu, China. 9. Wen Xinyu, China. 10. Wang Dong, China.

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Cyber terrorism targets and attackers’ motivation

According to the Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community open_in_new released on
April 9, 2021, the greatest cyber threats against U.S. interests are posed by China and Russia. In
addition, countries such as Iran continue to harbor and support Hezbollah and other terrorist
groups. The cyber capabilities of groups such as ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and Al
Qaeda remain threats despite recent leadership losses, according to the report.

In addition to ICT and physical infrastructure, cyber terrorism attacks target managed service
providers and popular business software such as Microsoft Office. The goal of the attacks is to
steal information or sabotage the systems they infect. IBM lists the most common targets of
cyberattacks open_in_new:

• Confidential information from U.S. government agencies

• Sensitive personal data
• Access to IT infrastructure
• Financial payment systems
• Trade secrets and other intellectual property
• Email addresses, user IDs, and passwords
• Customer databases and financial data
• Client lists

Security vendor Checkpoint Software identifies four trends in cyberattacks open_in_new in its midyear 2021

• An increase in attacks on supply chain software: The two most common forms of attack are
those designed for well-defined targets looking for holes in their list of suppliers, and
those that leverage holes in large distribution networks to use software supply chains to
target as many victims as possible.
• Phishing email attacks become more evasive: Social engineering techniques continue to
gain in sophistication, finding new ways to bypass email security. The attackers frequently
use blackmail to extort money from victims, or they may elude detection by impersonating
someone the victim knows.
• More attacks on data stored in the public cloud: As more organizations and individuals
take advantage of the low cost and security of public cloud services, cyber terrorists and
cybercriminals target these systems in their attacks. A primary source of cloud data
breaches is misconfigured cloud environments.
• Attacks on mobile devices: Malware designed to attack computer networks and computer
users are being adapted to strike people who use mobile devices. Checkpoint Software
notes a 50% increase in the penetration of banking malware in mobile networks between
2018 and 2019. The malware has been found in mobile apps, where it can steal payment
data, credentials, and the victim’s funds.

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History of cyber terrorism

Small Wars Journal notes that the term “cyber terror” was coined in the 1980s open_in_new by Barry C.
Collin, a research fellow at the Institute for Security and Intelligence. Collin defined the term as
“the convergence of cybernetics and terrorism”; the goal of causing fear and widespread panic
has always been at the heart of cyber terror attacks.
The first computer worm transmitted over the internet was the Morris Worm open_in_new, created in 1988
by Robert Tappan Morris, a student at Cornell University, as the tech site ARN explains. The worm
was not intended to be malicious, but an error in its code caused it to become a virus that
replicated rapidly and ultimately infected about 6,000 computers. The Morris Worm is estimated
to have caused as much as $100 million in damage.

Terrorists soon took advantage of malicious software such as worms to promote their political,
social, and economic ends. These are among the earliest events in the history of cyber terrorism:

• In March 1999, the Melissa virus open_in_new “began spreading like wildfire” across the internet,
according to the FBI. Melissa targeted Microsoft’s Word word processing software and
Outlook email software to automatically send messages to the first 50 people in the
victim’s contact list. The virus was created by David Lee Smith and was intended not for
financial gain but to cause havoc. Melissa damaged email servers at hundreds of
corporations worldwide, temporarily knocking out access to about 1 million email
• In May 2007, government agencies and private businesses in Estonia open_in_new were the target of
massive, weeks-long cyberattacks after the government removed some Russian World War
II memorabilia from the city of Tallinn. The distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks
caused Estonia’s largest bank to shut down, resulting in about $1 million in damage.
Analysts suspect that the Russian Federation supported the attacks, although Russia
denies the charge.
• In August 2013, a hacker group called the Syrian Electronic Army open_in_new took over the
websites of the New York Times, Huffington Post, and Twitter by breaching the network of
MelbourneIT, an Australian internet service provider that manages corporate domain
names. The group had previously targeted the websites of the Washington Post, CNN,
and Time. The motivation for the attack was reprisal for criticism of Syrian president Bashar
• In May 2017, the WannaCry ransomware open_in_new attack struck Microsoft Windows systems,
demanding $300 in Bitcoin (later increased to $600) from victims to regain access to their
computer files. Months before the attack, Microsoft had issued a patch for the vulnerability
exploited by WannaCry, but many users had not updated their system to protect against
the attack. A fault in the code of the virus prevented victims from recovering their files
even if they paid the ransom.

Cyber terrorism attacks have become more sophisticated

A significant security trend in recent years is the escalation of the threats posed by cyber terrorism
to governments, businesses, and individuals as new technologies are developed. Government
Technology reports that the surge in cyberattacks that began in 2020 open_in_new is continuing in 2021
as attacks become more frequent and more damaging open_in_new.

• On February 5, 2021, hackers used a hole in an old version of Windows to break into the
network of a Florida water treatment plant open_in_new and boost the levels of sodium hydroxide
(lye) to lethal levels. The attack was thwarted before any damage could be done by an
operator who noticed the change and corrected the levels. However, the attack highlights
the vulnerability of water systems and other vital infrastructure in the U.S.
• The FBI now considers ransomware as grave a danger to U.S. interests as terrorism open_in_new in
the aftermath of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, as the New York Times reports. The agency
is currently analyzing 100 different software variants used in ransomware attacks by
criminal gangs and by groups operating within China and Russia. Analysts expect more
damaging attacks to target critical infrastructure in the U.S.
• In October 2021, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) warned businesses against
using wildcard Transport Layer Security (TLS) digital encryption certificates to guard
against a new type of malware called ALPACA (Application Layer Protocols Allowing
Cross-Protocol Attack). ALPACA infiltrates hardened web applications via non-HTTP
services that use a certificate identical to or similar to a TLS certificate. The technique tricks
web servers into responding to encrypted HTTP requests using unencrypted protocols.

Resources on the history of cyber terrorism

• Forbes, “Russia Has Carried Out 20 Years of Cyber Attacks That Call for an International
Response” open_in_new — The country’s attacks on U.S. interests began in 1996 with the release of
the Moonlight Maze cyber espionage campaign that targeted the Department of Energy,
NASA, and other government agencies.
• Security, “Notorious Cybersecurity Attacks in History and How to Prevent Them” open_in_new — This
article describes cyberattacks including those targeting NASA and the U.S. Department of
Defense in 1999, and the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), and the Gates Foundation in 2020.
• Center for Strategic & International Studies, “Significant Cyber Incidents Since 2006” open_in_new —
This timeline includes incidents that have been linked to cyber terrorists and criminals
operating in China, Iran, Brazil, Russia, and North Korea.

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Examples of cyber terrorism

According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach open_in_new to organizations increased from $3.86
million in 2020 to $4.24 million in 2021. Recent cyber terrorism attacks have been lodged against
the Robinhood open_in_new online trading platform, resulting in the exposure of personal information about
its clients, and against the banking industry open_in_new, which saw a 1,318% increase in ransomware
attacks in just one year, as Trend Micro reports.

According to Trend Micro, attacks on business email systems increased by 4% in the first quarter
of 2021, and 164 malicious apps related to COVID-19 scams were detected in the period.

These are the most common examples of cyber terrorism currently used by cybercriminals.

Hacktivism and cyber terrorism

Hacktivism is an attack on a computer system by a group with political or social motives. Examples
of hacktivism and cyber terrorism include groups such as Anonymous open_in_new, which promotes what
are considered “leftist-libertarian ideals,” and the former LulzSec open_in_new, which was broken up in 2011
after a series of high-profile attacks (and subsequent arrests), including the infamous attacks on
Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Among the methods used by hacktivist groups open_in_new are web defacement (sometimes referred to as
internet graffiti), denial-of-service (DOS) attacks designed to inundate web servers with traffic, and
doxxing — exposing the personal information of police officers and others targeted by the
attackers for political or social reasons. While many hacktivists attempt to minimize actual damage
when calling attention to their cause, others have attempted to incite violence and encourage
real-world protests against their targets.

Cyber warfare and cyber terrorism

Cyber warfare open_in_new occurs when states or international organizations perpetrate hostile acts against
other states using cyberspace as a battleground. The acts are committed using malware and other
technologies to target the computer systems of governments and businesses. Such attacks
constitute an act of war because they are acts of aggression by one state against another.

Cyber warfare and cyber terrorism are linked through their common goals: to destabilize enemy
states or compromise their physical and/or digital infrastructure. Examples of cyber warfare
include the 2010 Stuxnet worm open_in_new that disabled Iran’s nuclear infrastructure (believed to have
been developed by the U.S. with Israeli support), the 2015 breach of the U.S. Office of Personnel
Management by China, and Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

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A Statista survey of IT security professionals worldwide indicates a sharp increase in cyberattacks
since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. These are the cyberattack attempts with the greatest
increase in prevalence between the first quarter of 2020 and July 2021. Data exfiltration, leakage:
55% increase. Phishing emails: 51% increase. Account takeover: 44% increase. Malware
downloads: 36% increase. Ransomware: 35% increase. Application-targeted attacks: 20% increase.

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Types of cyber terrorism attacks

Criminal governments and nonstate actors use many types of cyber terrorism attacks to access
and corrupt government, military, and business databases; steal sensitive information for
monetary gain; and extort money from governments and businesses, among other purposes.
These are the most common methods used in cyberattacks.

Malware open_in_new is malicious software that gains unauthorized access to computers and networks, and
damages or disrupts them with the goal of causing harm to the victim and/or financial gain for the
attacker. Among the common delivery mechanisms for malware are phishing emails, email
attachments, malicious ads, bogus software installation programs, and infected USB drives and
Types of malware include ransomware, viruses that perform some malicious action when opened,
worms that copy themselves on the host machine and from machine to machine, and spyware that
tracks the victim’s actions, records communications, and downloads personal files.

Phishing is an attack disguised as an email to trick the recipient into launching malware that
collects personal information or does other damage. This is the most common method for cyber
terrorists and other criminals to infect the machines and networks of their victims.

CRN reports that the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (ICCC) recorded twice as many
phishing incidents open_in_new in 2020 as in the previous year. A recent trend in cybercrime is for attackers
to focus on creating the ransomware payload and outsourcing the phishing component to a third
party, which is called an “initial access broker.”

Ransomware is malicious software that locks victims out of their computer files and blocks other
resources, releasing them only after the victims pay a ransom, typically in the form of a
cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Ransomware is usually delivered via a phishing attack or more
sophisticated spear phishing attempt, which uses social engineering to trick the victim into
opening the file and launching the attack.

The security vendor BlackFog identifies the most frequent targets of ransomware attacks: open_in_new

• Government: 47 attacks from January to October 2021

• Education: 35 attacks
• Healthcare: 33 attacks
• Services: 28 attacks
• Technology: 27 attacks
• Manufacturing: 22 attacks
• Retail: 13 attacks
• Utilities: eight attacks

In addition to the ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline, Kaseya, and CNA

Financial, noteworthy ransomware incidents open_in_newtwo other noteworthy ransomware incidents
occurred in 2021:

• Ireland’s Health Service Executive refused to pay the attackers’ $20 million ransom
demand. The attack disrupted healthcare services in the country for several weeks.
• German chemical distributor Brenntag paid a $4.4 million ransom demand open_in_new to the
criminal gang DarkSide. The attackers encrypted devices on the company’s network and
stole unencrypted files.

Man-in-the-middle attacks
A man-in-the-middle attack open_in_new is similar to spyware in that the attacker lurks on the victim’s
network or computer, tracking and recording all the information that the person accesses or
transmits. The software captures personal identification numbers, passwords and user IDs, and
financial information. Attackers frequently change the victim’s IDs and passwords to lock the
victim out of their information and devices.

Data breaches
A data breach open_in_new occurs when an attacker gains unauthorized access to a person’s or
organization’s information. Most data breaches target personal information and data of value,
such as financial transactions, customer databases, user credentials, and email addresses.
The Identity Theft Resource Center open_in_new reports that through the third quarter of 2021, the number
of publicly reported data events for the year reached 1,291, which surpasses the 1,108 data
events recorded in all of 2020.

Resources on cyber terrorism techniques, motives, and

• U.S. Department of Homeland Security, “Strategic Framework for Countering Terrorism
and Targeted Violence” open_in_new — This report describes the DHS Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency that works with states to shore up vulnerabilities in public
communication and transportation networks.
• Cisco, “What Is a Cyberattack?” open_in_new — Among the topics discussed in the article are botnets,
SQL injection, zero-day exploits, and DNS tunneling.

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Effects of cyber terrorism on businesses and

The impact of cyber terrorism attacks on companies and individuals includes the cost of
protecting against increasingly sophisticated attacks. As ransomware becomes more prevalent,
companies and individuals are more exposed to the expense of paying ransomware demands
and recovering data lost as the result of a ransomware attack.

The World Economic Forum identifies the five greatest cybersecurity challenges open_in_new facing
organizations, governments, and people as cyberattacks increase in number and sophistication:

1. Society’s growing dependence on technology makes everyone more vulnerable to attacks

on government services, healthcare systems, transportation networks, and communication
systems. Solutions become more difficult as national boundaries dissipate and distinctions
blur between physical and digital realms.
2. Inconsistent and outdated regulations complicate enforcement and help criminals avoid
3. The growing interdependence of industrial and financial systems makes organizations and
individuals more dependent on third parties whose accountability is uncertain.
4. The level of expertise in the data security industry can’t keep pace with advances and
innovations of cybercriminals. This leaves organizations and individuals reacting to
cyberattacks rather than preventing them.
5. The likelihood that a cybercriminal will be caught and convicted is estimated to be as low as
0.05% open_in_new in the U.S., according to figures compiled by Third Way. Cybercrime enforcement
needs to be addressed internationally.
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For the 11th year in a row, healthcare is the industry recording the highest average cost of a data
breach in 2020-21, followed by the financial, pharmaceutical, and technology industries. Here’s
how the average cost of a data breach to businesses breaks down by category, according to IBM.
Average total cost of a data breach: $4.24 million. Average lost business costs: $1.59 million (38%
of total). Detection and escalation costs: $1.24 million (29%). Post-breach response costs: $1.14
million (27%). Notification costs: $270,000 (6%).

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Statistics on cyber terrorism attacks and computer security

Cybercrime costs organizations an estimated $1.8 million each minute, according to security
vendor RiskIQ’s 2021 Evil Internet Minute open_in_new report. Here are other statistics on the prevalence of
cyberattacks and the costs of securing systems from attacks:

• The average cost to an organization of a single breached data file open_in_new was $161 between
May 2020 and March 2021 (up from $146 in the previous annual timeframe), according to
IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021.
• The average total cost of a data breach to an organization in the U.S. was $9.05 million
between May 2020 and March 2021; the global average cost per organization was $4.24
• These are the most common types of data compromised in a breach, according to IBM:

○ Customer personally identifiable information (PII): involved in 44% of all breaches

○ Anonymized customer data: 28%
○ Intellectual property: 27%
○ Employee PII: 26%
○ Other sensitive data: 12%
• The average amount of time required for an organization to identify and contain a data
breach was 287 days during the May 2020 and March 2021 timeframe (up from 280 days
the previous year).
• Gartner estimates that companies will spend more than $150 billion open_in_new on computer
security in 2021, which is 12% more than the $134 billion they spent in 2020.
• McAfee reports that the noncash damage done by a cyberattack includes opportunity
costs of resources that are idled by the attack, and the added system downtime, which
represents a cost to organizations that averages $590,000.
• DDOS attacks open_in_new increased by 11% in the first half of 2021 from the first half of 2020,
reaching a total of 5.4 million.
Resources on the impact of cyber terrorism
• Government Technology, “Data Breach Numbers, Costs and Impacts All Rise in 2021” open_in_new —
Topics include whether a ransomware attack is a data breach, and the costs of data
breaches to U.S. organizations and overseas firms.
• CNN, “Hackers Have a Devastating New Target” open_in_new — The implications of increasing cyber
terrorism attacks on physical infrastructure in the U.S. are discussed here.

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Cyber terrorism prevention tips

The rise in remote work as a result of COVID-19 precautions has increased the risks of cyber
attacks for businesses and their employees. Organizations are responding by
implementing cybersecurity best practices open_in_new designed specifically to protect computer networks,
digital devices, and the data they contain in dynamic work environments.

Cybersecurity best practices

Preventing cyber terrorism attacks and minimizing the damage of attempts to breach an
organization’s systems begin with employee education. In addition to learning how to spot
phishing attempts and other potential sources of malware, workers can adapt their daily
processes to reduce the chances of a successful attack.

• Minimize data transfers: Avoid replicating data on too many systems, especially mobile
devices. Doing so limits the potential damage should an individual system or device
become compromised.
• Verify download sources: Restrict the sites you download software and files from, and scan
files for viruses before downloading (most browsers and other software perform a virus
scan automatically, but the programs aren’t foolproof).
• Keep software and systems patched and updated: The one action that will prevent the
greatest number of potential malware threats is ensuring that software is set to update
automatically. When prompted that an update is available for operating systems or other
critical software, download and install the update as soon as possible.
• Use end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication: Set browsers and other software
to encrypt all communications automatically. Using a virtual private network (VPN) service
adds a level of protection for extremely sensitive data transfers. Two-factor authentication
requires that a cyberattacker gain access to two of your devices, such as your computer
and smartphone, for a successful attack.

The steps that organizations need to take to prevent cyberattacks focus on two areas:

• Choose effective data breach monitoring tools: Enterprises use an average of 29 separate
security monitoring tools open_in_new, according to a report from Trend Micro, yet many are unused
or underused because they can’t be integrated, companies lack employees with the
expertise to use them, they’re out of date, or the firms simply don’t trust them.
• Devise an attack response plan: The plan is intended to ensure that the organization can
continue to function in the aftermath of an attack. The plan can also reduce system
downtime by delegating responsibilities clearly to avoid gaps and delays in plan

Resources on cyber terrorism prevention and mitigation

• PurpleSec, “How to Prevent the Top Cyber Attacks in 2021” open_in_new — This article contains
information on performing vulnerability assessments, conducting penetration testing,
securing information and event management (SIEM), and using intrusion detection and
prevention software.
• Reuters, “Ransomware State of the Union: Regulations, Trends and Mitigation Strategies”
open_in_new — Topics include the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s recent advisory on ransomware
payments and reports on cybersecurity published by the Securities and Exchange
Commission and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

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Joining forces to combat the growing cyber

terrorism threat
Combating cyber terrorism begins by ensuring that governments, businesses, and individuals are
aware of the growing threat of cyberattacks and know how to thwart such attacks. Computer
security professionals play a central role in preventing and mitigating the threats posed by cyber
terrorists to government agencies, organizations, and communities. A combination of user
education and next-generation security techniques will keep cyber terrorists and other online
criminals at bay.

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Infographic Sources

IBM, “Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021” open_in_new

Statista, “Where Do IT Professionals See an Increase in Cyber Attacks and Attack Attempts
Following the COVID-19 Pandemic?” open_in_new

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, “Cyber Crimes Most Wanted” open_in_new

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