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Manuscript Speech

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Welcome speech for Conference or Special Event

This sample welcome speech for a conference or special event as a free template you can use
to prepare that for a event. Public speaking can be tough but our free sample welcome speech
will make it easier for you! Check out our other sample speeches, keynotes, sample letters and
more ...

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good evening (good morning/good afternoon) and welcome to the (special event or
conference name). I'm so pleased to have the opportunity to welcome you all here today. We
have an amazing event for you and we are thrilled to share this time with you. Our team has
been working hard to pull this together and we hope you are looking forward to this as much as
we are.

It's an exciting time for (organization's speciality field).You all know we are facing a time of
remarkable change, great challenges and exciting opportunities. Technology and
communication are making the world smaller and more connected than ever. There are exciting
things happening, many of which you will hear about from our speakers. At the same time,
there are unique challenges we're facing as we try to stay adaptable and responsive to complex
topics and new situations. The world of (organization's specialty field) is an exciting area in
which to work/study/play, and we'll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in
forums like this, to ensure our (organization) continues to stay strong, relevant and connected.
We stand at the leading edge of a time of amazing developments, both within our communities
and the larger world, yet we know that the men and women in our field are up to tha task.
Because that's reality the key things we recognize about our field. It's the people who make a
difference, just like all of you who took the time to be here. Together we're working toward an
exciting future.

So I'd like to give you an idea of what you can expect and what we hope to achieve
(today/over the next few days, etc.). (Here you can include a brief schedule of events, a loose
itinerary some of the event highlights or some basic goals you'd like to achieve. Keep this
section under five minutes).
We should all be very proud of where we are today and excited about where we are
headed. Before I close, I'd like to thank the team who put all this together. They worked a lot of
late nights trying to pull it all together, and we sure appreciate their efforts. (Lead applause)

I'd like to thank each of you for attending our conference and bringing your expertise to our
gathering. You, as organization leaders, have the vision, the knowledge, the where with all and
the experience to help us pave our way into the future. You are truly our greatest asset today
and tomorrow. Throughout this conference, I ask you to stay engaged, keep us proactive and
help us shape the future of ( organization's specialty field). My personal respect and thank goes
to all of you.

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Memorized Speech
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Good day to all of us, first of allI would like to say thank you to our Dear Lord God for this
womderful day amd blessimgs that gives to me.Wearing humbleness and comfident in front to
all of you now is an unexplainable fullment. I cannot thanks God enough for making my
existence fruitful and ensuring that my focus drives through dedicatiom throughout that deeds
fat I do for myself and tha people related to me.

This award is a symbol of the blessings that I have received during my journey till now. I am
grateful of having held this award as a return towards my attempt, towards my tasks with
utmost purity and dedication. Thank you God for blessing me with such a great people that
allow me to bring the best in me and encourage me to further reset my limits to extreme.
Thank you! Each one of you has made this morning way too special and memorable for me.
Lastly I am very glad to announce that I did it.

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Extemporaneous Speech

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Ladies and gentmen, family, faculty and my fellow classmates of the class of 2010. Before I
begin I would like to thank those teachers who chose this modest speech among the
outstanding collection of speeches written by my highly competent peers. I would also like to
thank all the people who have expressed their support for me and their anticipation for this
speech. To be told "You are the best person in the grade to give this speech", or some variation
of that statement, more than once is truly humbling, and you all are either the most polite
people I know, or the kindest people I know. It is a great honor to give this address, and I
promise I do not take it lightly. I have chosen every word quite carefully because I am fully
aware of the responsibility you all have bestowed upon me.

Today, I stand before you as personification of conflictedness I find myself on this podium
experiencing numerous warning emotions, and I am certain many of you here empathize with
me on that point. Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, I am filled with a great sense of
happiness and accomplishment. My peers and I have put much effort for the last six years a
third of our lives thus far into being able to stand here today and say that we've earned the
right to stand here. It was by no means easy, and there were many times when I thought I
would not reach this finish line. But those struggles have only made this moment sweeter. The
people who are on this stage survived four years of Latin, or 8th grade swim class or English
with Ms. D'Amico or BC Calculus, or the 25% rule, and I think all of us can take some pride in

Yet my ambivalence on this day stems from the very fact that this ceremony is the end of an
arduous journey. While I am ready to continue my academic endeavors, knowing that Hunter.

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Entertainment speech
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How many of you take New Year resolution? How many of you stick to your New Year
resolutions? It is not very surprising to see lesser number of hands. Research has shown that
90% of the people give up now on their Mew Year's resolutions, before the end of January and
guess what, majority of the remaining 10% give up before the end of the year. The initial
enthusiasm you see in January vanishes soon like a piece of butter placed on a hot pan. Today,
I'm going to give you some tips to effectively reach your New Year resolutions.

Try "to Get", instead of "Get Rid Off".

Many a times New Year Resolutions fail because "people try to desperately RUN AWAY
from something, focus on RUNNING TOWARDS something. The only timer RUNNING AWAY
FROM SOMETHING works is when you are chased by a hungry dog.

When you try to UNLEARN your bad habits, you focus too much on the BAD than focusing
on thr GOOD, For example, when delivering a speech, the more you focus on getting rid of
nervousness, the more nervous you become instead, you should focus on how you would feel if
you deliver the speech successfuly.

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Informative Speech

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Can you imagine going to the doctor for a routine visit and being asked if you are happy with
your height or size? Though hormone stimulation, this has recently become something that can
be changed if someone is not satisfied with their development. With the ability to contract and
produce anabolic steroids along with human growth hormones at a market able level, doctors
are now able to provide patients with drugs that can assist growth process. The use of these
types of drugs has become an issue in the media due to athletes using these drugs to give
themselves and edge in their respective fields. I will describe what these drugs actually do,
along with their adverse effects, and why sports figures have become a target for these human
geoth hormones.

Anabolic steroids are a derivative of the male hormone testosterone . The main use of
steroids is to increase muscle mass and strength along with decreasing the amount of fat tissue
in the body. In athletes the strength gain has been recorded between a 5 and 20 percent
increase in muscle mass. However, these are multiple side effects that occur from taking
steroids. Most commonly athletes have reported an increase in body acne along with an
increase in body hair. It is widely known that aggressive behavior can be a result of steroid use,
but depression can occur following withdrawal from the drug due to user dependency. The
body can physically became dependent on anabolic steroids as exposure as well since they are
derived from testosterone. The body's usual production of the hormone slows down due to the
outside exposure to the drug. The question becomes for athletes whether these potential
increase in performance means more to them than the laundry list side effects that can result
from taking the drug. We have seen how steroids can affect the body, now we will take a look
at the human growth hormone.

The human growth hormone naturally occurs in the pituitary gland and was discovered in
the 1920's. However it was not able to be extracted until the 1960's. This hormone became
useful in treating people with dwarfism due to its ability to jump start the growth of bones and
muscles. Another application for HGH was treating aging senior citizens. It was found to reduce
fat, increase skin thickness, bone density, and also improve the liver and spleen. Athletes and
others who have been known to abuse the drug have done so to increase muscle size and tone.
Since it is a growth hormone and is used to increase bone size and density, this affect also
occurs with those who abuse the drug. This can cause for an increase in the jaw size which gives
drug are more permanent than anabolic steroids due to the fact that they increase the
hormone production even though the user could have stopped taking the drug.

Recently scandals have arise in multiple sports about the use of anabolic steroids and HGH.
This is due to the fact that the potential earning that comes with success in major sports make
athletes want to be best in order to earn a high salary. There are ofyen incentives in contracts
that athletes sign that allows them to earn bonus having a fact that the potential earning that
comes with success in major sports makes athletes want to be the best in order to earn a higher

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Persuasive Speech

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Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to use domestic products.

Central Idea: We should use Thai brand products because they help improve our economy,
provide jobs to local people, encourage the use of Thai wisdom, and they have high quality,
great design, and responsible price.

Do you have any products that made is Thailand? If you have at least one, I think it's great
because you already support Thai brands Many people thinks that products that made in
Thailand usually lack of quality and not in trend. Sometimes Thai people stick with international
brand name products too much. I want you to reconsider about Thai brand products. Today I
will talk about the benefits of using Thai brand products. So, Iet's find out why you should using
Thai brand products.

First of all, Thai brand products can help improve our economy. We can see the statistic
from the information and communication. Technology Center, by the expert market of Thailand
in year 2003 to 2006. We can see that the expert number increasing continuously every year.

Furthermore, Thai brand products can provide jobs to local people. We can see from the
introducing of the OTOP project or One Tambon One Product project, or in identify and
promote unique handmade products made by village communities or "Lambons" for sale in the
domestic and especially the expert markets as a means of improving incomes at the grassroots

The OTOP products are handmade creations from thousands of village communities all over
the country, typically handcrafts, cotton silk, clothing, pottery, fashionable accessories and
many other artistic unique to each community.

Moreover, Thai brand products encourage the use of Thai wisdom means the body of
knowledge, abilities, and skills of Thai people accumulated through many years of experience,
learning development, and transmission from generation to generation. It has helped solving
the problems and contributed to the development of our people's way of life in accordance
with the changing time and environment.

Nathalie Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

Impromptu Speech

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What was the happiest time of your life?

When I get my Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) result. To be honest I am not very smart kid
when I studied in my primary school. I always feel that my friendd are doing way better than
me, and I was so jealous of them. When I was in secondary school, I kept asking myself that "if
my friends can get a good result, why can't me". From that moment of my life, I change my
mindset and strive for the best. It was not easy, but I know it is possible. Finally, on the results
day, I was so proud and even tearing up when I saw my wonderful results

When I get the offer to study at a government university and to study my dream course which
is mechanical engineering, I always wanted to study and work as a mechanical engineer since I
was in primary school because I was so in love to know and study about machines and the
mechanics happening around it. It takes a lot of hard work and scarification of time and energy
in order to achieve your dream and I'm very glad that I didn't give up during hard times.

Being around my family, I have always been happy whenever I am with my family. My family
is my source of happiness because they love me, always support me, always spend time with
me, take care of me, feed me, and always allow me to share my problems with them. I will
never be happy without them and I wish I will always take care of them when time comes.

In colc all these moments made me feel like tha happiest man alive and I don't know what I
were doing or what I would become without any of it. Thank you

Nathalie S. Parak Grade 11 HUMSS 2

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