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Course Programming Fundamental Course code CS1104

Teacher Muhammad Adeel Total Marks 60

Section BSCS-ROB1A
Assignment 01
 Assignment must be submitted by Monday, November 20, 2023.
 Please complete the assignment independently; refrain from copying others' work.
 Usage of chatGPT or any AI tool is not permitted.
 Using AI tools will result in a marks of 0.
 Late submissions will not be considered.

1) Write the data types of C++ and also write its size of data types.
2) Write the concise explanation on Elements of a Computer System with example.
3) Write a program in C++ that requests the user to input the radius of a circle. Then, calculate
and display the area of the circle based on the provided radius.
4) Develop a C++ program that asks the user for the base and height of a triangle. After getting
these values, compute and show the area of the triangle using the provided base and height.
5) Create a C++ program that takes from the user the length and width of a rectangle. Use this
information to calculate and output the area of the rectangle based on the provided length
and width.
6) Assuming there are 7.481 gallons in a cubic foot, write a program that asks the user to enter
a number of gallons, and then displays the equivalent in cubic feet.

=======GOOD LUCK=======

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