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Santiago Trillana Academy

Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

A Concept Paper

Submitted to the

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research II


Bautista, Ryza L.

De Guzman, Dex Roduel DC.

Dionisio, Liam Kaye B.

Jore, Daryl DC.

Lopez, Andrea M.

November 08, 2023

Table of Contents


We stand before You, dear God, as we are here gathered within Your Name. With you

alone to guide us, protect Your children wherever we are; We pray that You fulfill our

need of assistance and lead the path towards success to the researchers, the panel, and

those who will benefit from what we’ve accomplished today. As this invocation focuses

on the effects of reaction training app and cognitive skills of the Grade 11 Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students of Santiago Trillana

Academy, may You guide us to the right way in order to make this research beneficial

and efficient to those that will use this application. This paper proves that the

application that enhances the response to a stimulus within a time interval improves the

cognitive skills of a student that will then improve his/her academic performance, but

deeply, we all know that it is You that makes all of these ideas into a reality through your

guidance. Lord, prevent us from stumbling into fake informations, bad decisions, and

especially from dangerous things. Please help us throughout this whole research, so that

many will be able to improve their studying with this research paper that will then

increase their possible opportunities in the future. We know that You are always there on

our side, and that is why we are again asking for your assistance so that we can prove

our point written in this research paper, You are the greatest of all dear God, and that is

why we know that we can overcome any obstacle we face thanks to Your help, just keep

on guiding us as we complete this work step by step. We, the Grade 12-STEM from

group C, will always have high hopes on Your lent hand to bless us and finish this paper

successfully. Father, You are our way maker towards the path of our dreams, we pray to

you with your never-ending love to your children. Amen.


The researchers intend to dedicate this study to students, teachers, parents, and future
Researchers and the software management who have played a crucial role in
Developing the reaction training App. This research aims to show that the Reaction
Training app can improve students' reaction time, which can enhance cognitive skills
and lead to better academic performance.



First and foremost, praises to God the Almighty for His showers of blessings throughout

our research. With His guidance, the researchers were enabled to conduct and finish the

study. Without Him, this research would never have been successful.

The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to their research adviser,

Mr. Mark Joseph Q. Torres, for providing us with invaluable supervision and support

during our research study. The researchers would like to thank him for providing them

with guidance and opportunities for this study. The recommendations and constructive

criticism he gave during the planning and development of this study contributed a lot.

Finally, they want to express their gratitude for the work he did to support the

completion of this study. It is truly a privilege to be your student.

Additionally, the researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to Mr. Edward

John I.Ventura and Ms. Jezreel Jane Reyes for cooperating and allowing us to evaluate

their evaluation on the students on their respective subjects. Without both of you, the

conclusion of this research won't be completed.

Our thanks and appreciation also go to our respondents who are willing to help

with their full cooperation, and to our dearest parents for their deep consideration of

the finances and undying support throughout the research study.

Lastly, the researchers want to take this opportunity to express their gratitude to Santiago

Trillana Academy for pushing through despite the current circumstances to provide its

students an opportunity to explore. Without the guidance that the school provided to its

students, this research would not be possible.

a. Background of the Study
This study provides students with a chance to improve their academic
performance by proving the reaction training app's positive impacts on students'
intellectual and attention capacities.
Nowadays, the majority of students' ability to concentrate has decreased as a
result of their environment. Every day in class, a single noise might disrupt their
concentration and capacity to understand the specific topic being presented by their
teachers. Memory has also become an issue for certain pupils; some may have strong
memories, while others' memories are not operating as well since they are not given
enough memory exercises. As a result, pupils' cognitive skills deteriorated, resulting in
low academic achievement. According to Analyn M. Gamit (2022) in her study
Cognitive Skills in Basic Mathematics of College Freshmen in the Philippines, she said
that the symptom is widespread and students suffer mental disturbances when facing
mathematical activity because understanding mathematics is a difficult task for them.
Edward Jimenez also claimed that improving problem-solving abilities among students
remains to be a challenge among teachers and students in today's generation.
In the 11-stem strand, the majority of the students lack the cognitive skills that
they should have at their age, which is because of the lack of cognitive exercises. It is
also given that their reaction time decreases due to the usage of social media since, based
on the study created by the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, it is
stated that the usage of social media can affect the response time of a person. Students
here at this stage are prone to anxiety as they are not well known to the environment of
senior high that they would go in because the subjects here are more complicated and
harder than the usual subjects that they are aware of. Additionally, their strand is full of
mathematics and logical thinking, which may require extra effort in order to cope with
the lessons that they are studying.
The Reaction Training app offers a selection of games, puzzles, and sports-
related activities that can be entertaining and instructive. Training your response time can

help you in many ways, including enhancing your focus and concentration, decision-
making abilities, and your capacity to process information fast.
The amount of time that passes between when we sense something and when we
respond to it is referred to as reaction time or response time. It is the ability to recognize,
process, and respond to a stimulus (
In the article of Jennifer Herrity, she said that Cognitive skills, or cognitive
abilities, are the ways that your brain remembers, reasons, holds attention, solves
problems, thinks, reads, and learns. In the workplace, cognitive skills help you interpret
data, remember team goals, pay attention during an important meeting and more. These
skills help you recall previous information that may relate to your organization’s goals
and help you make important connections between old and new information so you work
more effectively. On the other hand, in the article form mentioned cognitive
abilities are skills your brain uses to complete essential day-to-day tasks like thinking,
learning, reading, remembering, speaking, listening and paying attention. Cognitive
abilities occur naturally in the brain, but you can further develop and strengthen them by
challenging yourself.
Based on Piaget's stages of cognitive development, there are four levels of
cognitive skills: sensorimotor (birth to 2 years), preoperational (2-7), concrete
operational (7-11), and formal operational (12-up). In the formal operational stage,
which typically begins around 12 years old and continues into adulthood, individuals
develop the ability to think abstractly and hypothetically. This allows them to engage in
deductive reasoning and solve complex problems. However, in today's society, many
individuals in the formal stage development lacks the skills that they should have at their
age, due to the lack of practice and exercises that helps to improve the cognitive function
of oneself.
There are numerous varieties or examples of cognitive abilities. First is Logic and
reasoning, the abilities to solve problems, form ideas, and reason independently. These
skills are necessary for every job as they allow you to come up with solutions to any
problems you face. They also help you collaborate with a team and suggest solutions to
benefit the entire group. If you have trouble deciding what to do next or struggle to
understand instructions, improving your logic and reasoning skills can help. Memory,

ability to recall recent information or information you stored in the past. We know this as
short - and long-term memory. Using your memory is necessary for every job to
remember policies, common processes, customers, requests, daily responsibilities and
other important information. If you find yourself forgetting instructions quickly or
having to read the same information multiple times, your short-term memory may need
improvement. If you have trouble recalling names or information you've known for a
long time, your long-term memory may be lacking. There are plenty of ways to improve
both skills to perform better at work ( According to, focus on a
task for a sustained period, even with distractions around you or while performing
multiple tasks at the same time. Developing this skill is important as many jobs require
you to focus, often on multiple tasks, in a busy environment. Your attention also directly
relates to your memory and ability to process information. If you cannot focus on
someone speaking to you, you will not be able to process or retain the information.
Visual processing, a cognitive skill involves being able to receive, interpret, and
understand messages that enter the brain through our eyes. Some people consider
themselves to be more adept at visual processing than other forms, like audio or
language processing. For example, people may be drawn more to the meaning in art or
cartoons than through musical meaning-making (
As stated by Susan du Plessis, in her study 16 Cognitive Skills and How They
Matter, she mentioned that students can consider cognitive skills as learning tools, which
means cognitive skills can help students improve their academic performance over time.
Therefore, if the students from grade 11 STEM use the reaction training app that
enhances cognitive skills, there is no doubt that learners' ability to learn will improve,
and it will gradually result in better academic performance.

b. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

This framework depicts the flow of how reaction training software can improve
learners' reaction time, which will help to open their cognitive talents and lead to
improved academic performance.
Reaction training is an app that trains your brain to respond as quickly as possible
to the correct stimulus. They intend to help increase your cognitive skills. You can
improve your reaction time by using this app. Good reaction time allows us to be agile
and efficient when it comes to responding to stimuli and situations like driving, having a

conversation, playing sports, and especially in academic performance. In academic
performance, by using this training app it helps you to improve and think quickly.
Reaction time is the way an individual respond on things that are happening in
their surroundings, therefore having an excellent reaction time can allow them to
improve their cognitive abilities. Because of this, practicing or participating in brain
stimulating activities like puzzles, memory games, and mathematics questions will
improve cognitive abilities.
Cognitive abilities are skills your brain uses to complete essential day-to-day
tasks like thinking, learning, reading, remembering, speaking, listening and paying
attention. Cognitive skills also have branches such as focus, logical reasoning, and
working memory. Focus is a crucial mental skill that aids in job completion. In tasks like
listening, learning, reading, studying, and working, it is crucial. There are actions you
may take to increase your focus and productivity if you have problems focusing. The
development of one's cognitive abilities will advance more quickly in learning, everyday
tasks, reading, and other daily activities if one has the ability to focus on the many things,
he/she performs every day. Logical reasoning is a mental activity that aims to arrive at a
conclusion in a rigorous way. It happens in the form of inferences or arguments by
starting from a set of premises and reasoning to a conclusion supported by these
premises, and also it is norm-governed in the sense that it aims to formulate correct
arguments that any rational person would find convincing. The main discipline studying
logical reasoning is called logic. So Logical reasoning, in combination with cognitive
skills, is an important skill you use during all kinds of daily situations. It helps you make
important decisions, discern the truth, solve problems, come up with new ideas and set
achievable goals. Logical reasoning is also an important aspect of measuring intelligence.
Cognitive skills also have branches such as spatial awareness, wherein it refers to being
able to be knowledgeable of the surroundings, it is essential for it prevents dangers and
accidents from occurring. Another one is visual perception wherein it is the ability of the
brain to be able to understand what the current event means, it is essential for a student to
be able to understand and make sense of what is being taught to them at the moment.
And lastly is working memory, it is the ability to be able to remember the information

being sent into the brain, it is also as important for it is needed in studying lessons of a
Academic performance is greatly aided by cognitive abilities including focus,
logical reasoning, visual perception, and working memory. High school students at STA
require these specific talents in order to succeed in their academic work. Focus, it's
crucial for learners to develop their concentration skills so they can absorb information,
solve problems, and do well in class and other activities. Visual Perception is a part of
focus that is needed when it comes to the written output of students as this is necessary
for reading and writing in their studies. It is also used in image recognition, which
teachers use as a technique in teaching, as students have different types of intelligence.
By using this software, which has a specific mathematical training response, they may
use Logical Reasoning to think through significant decisions, solve issues, come up with
original ideas, and create goals for their class. Working memory, does a big part in the
examination of learners, as memorizing lessons is a technique when it comes to
reviewing lessons. Memorization also takes part in performance activity, as sometimes
there's a recited activity. With those particular cognitive skills, the academic performance
of Santiago Trillana students will surely progress.
This entire conceptual framework demonstrates the relationship between the
variables in a top-to-bottom order. With a reaction training app, reaction time will be
improved through exercises from the said app, and through reaction time, the cognitive
skills of students will be awakened and improved over time and since reaction time is the
how we react on the surroundings, cognitive skills that uses reaction time including
focus, logical reasoning, spatial awareness, visual perception, and working memory will
undoubtedly improve. Due to the potential raised of the student’s cognitive skills,
academic performance of learners will no longer be a problem.
c. Statement of the Problem
This study examined the ways in which the Reaction Training app can assist
students in improving their cognitive abilities, which will aid them in their studies.
The following questions are also addressed in this study:

1. How can reaction time affects cognitive abilities?

2. How can students benefit from quick reaction time?

3. How can reaction training software improved cognitive abilities of students and lead
to improved academic performance in terms of :
3.1. Focus?
3.2. Logical Reasoning?
3.3. Working Memory?
d. Thesis Statement
Statement 1: A better cognitive function of students is related with fast reaction

Statement 2: faster reaction time is supported by a reaction training app which leads to
better academic performance.
Hypothesis: Reaction training app can produce better cognitive function and improve
students’ academic performance.
e. Significance of the Study
Students- learners can benefit immensely from the reaction training software. It can help
them in the development of their cognitive ability, attention, and decision-making
abilities. This study will also aid students in their studies since this software provides
students with the skills necessary for their learning, which will result in improved
academic performance.
Software Management- The owner of the reaction training app will be the advantage
one here in this study since the research itself will assess the importance of the reaction
training app to the students academic performance. Through this research, the readers
will know how important it is for a person to spare some time using it since it will not
only help them improve their reaction time but also their cognitive skills. By doing so,
the study can help the company grow its product and become well known in the market.
Teachers- educators are always trying to figure out how to improve their students' focus,
concentration, or cognitive skills. However, through this study, educators will figure out
how to improve their students' reaction time and attention span, as this study not only
talks about the software but also the effects of this on the students, which is good
academic performance.

Parents- guardians can also benefit through this study, as this research focuses on ways
on how a students can increase their cognitive skills through reaction training app. By
this app, their children reaction time skills will enhance and in the same way parents can
also provide their children a fun and interactive way to enhance their cognitive skills.
Future Researchers- The Reaction Training App can greatly benefit aspiring future
researchers by providing them with simulated scenarios to enhance their decision making
and problem-solving skills. These scenarios allow researchers to practice responding
effectively to different research situations, thereby improving their critical thinking and
adaptability. Additionally, the research can serve as a data for them if they would conduct
a study that has a relevance on the cognitive skills and reaction training app.

f. Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses on grade 11 Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) high school students of Santiago Trillana Academy to test their ability in terms
of reaction and how it could possibly be useful in the cognitive function. This study
provides insight to STA students on how they can further enhance their cognitive abilities
and how it can help in improving their academic performance.

a. Research Design
This research has gone with the quantitative type of research as it focuses on a
certain amount of people that will partake in an experiment that will produce a result. To
be able to efficiently study the topic, the research method known as Quasi Experimental
has been used, the purpose of this type is to select non-randomized students in order to
monitor each respondent well. Applying this to the context of this study, the focus is to
know if the mentioned app would be effective in increasing the cognitive skills of Grade
11 Trillanians in the STEM strand that will then help them get better academic
b. Sampling
The researchers will be using a probability sampling, specifically known as
cluster sampling because majority of their subjects consist of mathematics and logical
thinking, that needs concentration and awareness in order to perform better. This group
will then gather a minimum of 31 respondents from grade 11 STEM, 16 students for the
experimental group and 15 pupils for the control group.
c. Research Instrument
The type of instruments that will be used in order to gather data will be,
questionnaires, experimentation, interviewing, records, and monitoring. Questionnaire
for asking the specified number of students about their idea of the certain topic,
experimentation in order to execute the usage of the app and get a result on its
effectiveness, interviewing teachers and students officers within the classroom to know
the effects of the said app on the academics of the sample. Records of the history and
statistic charts for the reaction time will be kept and lastly is monitoring the selected
people using the application to prevent inaccuracy in the gathered data.
d. Data Gathering Procedure
In order to gather data, the people behind this work will be mainly using the
performance of the samples using the app and reviewing related articles, news and
discussions. Questionnaire method will also be applied on this study, where in the

respondents will be given a paper survey form to answer questions regarding the effects
of the Reaction Training software.
e. Statistical Analysis
For the statistical analysis of this study, the researchers will be using two kinds of
formulas. The first one will be the method of turning frequency into a percentage, this
will be used for the researchers to see the ratios in which the targeted students will be
placed into, additionally, this will also be used to easily see the numerical differences of
each row. On the other hand, the other kind to be used will be the procedure of getting
the standard deviation. Because they would need to get the average time spent by their
samples on reacting to the given stimuli since this paper is majorly based on focus and
reaction time. Statistical analysis is a must for the quantitative type of research, and with
this, the people behind this work would be able to be more efficient when it comes to
analyzing all the data and information that will be gathered from the experimentation.
Stated below are the formulas to be used in this study:

Frequency to


f¿ frequency (answers)
n¿ number of respondents

R= n


↑= Highest term

↓=Lowest term

n= Number of respondents




x = mean

n= number of respondents

Likert Scale

Data Interpretation

Range Interpretation Interpretation

1-1.8 Very Poor Strongly Disagree
1.81-2.61 Poor Disagree
2.62-3.41 Average Neutral
3.42-4.21 Good Agree
4.21-5.00 Excellent Strongly Agree


Graph.1: Students' issues with their Cognitive Skills

In the 1st pair of bars, it can be seen that during the pretest, the amount of
samples agreeing on the question is an overwhelming majority. That is then, after the
experimentation, the respondents have found an increase in their memory capacity. The
second bar, it was asked to the respondents if they are having a struggle in focusing in an
environment, and as the data had shown, a whopping complete majority has agreed to
the said statement, then after the experiment occurred, they have found a major increase
to their focusing. And at last is the logical reasoning where again, most of the samples
have agreed to the statement being asked. Then again, after the experimentation
occurred, the amount has decreased, which means that the students have gotten a better
logical reasoning after the training.

4.75 Excellent

4.25 Good
Series 1 3.67 3.87 4.56 4.13

Graph 2: Difference between the level of Reaction time of Control and Experimental Group
The results shown above represent the students's level of reaction time based on
their self-evaluation through post-test questionnaires. The table presents that in the
pretest, the students from the experimental group evaluated their reaction time as low
compared to the control group. After the pre-test, the experimental group was given 1
week to use a reaction training app to train their reaction time. As seen in the table,
students who underwent the experiment were able to improve their reaction time, and
based on this, their reaction time increased from 3.67 to 4.5 out of 5, making them on the
excellent board. As a result, when students use the reaction training app, which is full of
games and puzzles with a timer applied, their reaction time increases exponentially
because it tests their response time and allows them to unlock the next level. This
suggests that students do initially have low reaction times because they lack the practices
and exercises that they should do at their age to enhance. In summary, the
aforementioned table confirms the efficiency of the described app in terms of the

students' or users' reaction times and affirms that those who did not use the said app, just
like the control group, may not have improved their reaction time.


4.75 Excellent

5 3.9 3.67 4.56 3.4

Graph.3: Difference between the level of Cognitive Skills of the Control and Experimental Group
In the graph above, it is shown that the level of cognitive skills of the students
from the experimental and control group before and after the experiment, which is based
on their personal evaluation. In the pre-test, the control group valued their cognitive
skills as average(3.67) while the experimental group was on the Good(3.9) side. As for
the post-test, the control group unfortunately evaluated themselves lower compared to
their evaluation in the pretest. Opposite to the control group, the experimental group is
surprising since from being average, their self-evaluation of cognitive skills rose from
3.9 to 4.56 making it to the excellent board. This change affirms the effectiveness of the
reaction training app on the cognitive skills of the students. Additionally, it shows how a
person who does not use the app may not improve their cognitive skills due to the lack of
practice that is extremely necessary for individual improvement.

Table 1: Reaction Time Improvement of the Experimental Group
This table contains the data on question number 15. It shows that most of the
students who answered stated that their reaction time improved while using the reaction
training app. And this means that using the reaction training app, can say that their
reaction time has improved. If their reaction time improves, there is also a high
possibility that they will be able to use it in their academic performance, and it will be a
tool to enhance and excel even more.

Graph 4: The Improvement in Academic Performance of Experimental Group

Based on the data provided, it appears that the app has had a positive impact on
academic performance, with a majority of users reporting an improvement. However, it's
worth noting that a significant number of users reported a 'somehow' answer, which
suggests that the app may not have had a direct or immediate impact on their academic
performance. Additionally, a small number of users reported a negative impact. Further
research may be necessary to fully understand the effects of the app on academic
performance, including its impact on reaction time and cognitive skills.




82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102


Graph 5: Reaction Time effectiveness to the students' Cognitive Skills

The table indicates that the majority of respondents have found an observable
improvement. In question 16.1, it is shown that the entire population has experienced an
enhancement in their focus. In Questionnaire number 16.2, a huge number of samples
have seen better memorization within the app, while a few have still found a somewhat
increase in their brain capacity. Lastly, in Questionnaire 16.3, ¾ of the population found
a better understanding of their logical reasoning, while the others also somewhat felt the
same. All of this summarizes that the population as whole has found a better
improvement to the said cognitive skills because of the seen tables where majority of the
samples has answered with agreement to the questions.




85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95


Graph 6: Reaction Training App Effectiveness to the students Reaction Time,

Cognitive Skills, and Academic Performance
In the table shown above, 94% of the students said that their reaction time
improved due to the use of the reaction training app. The results of this table imply that
through various exercises or practices within the app, users can achieve an enhanced
reaction time that they can further use in their cognitive skills. In question 18.2 it is
being said that the aforementioned app is effective when it comes to cognitive skills
since reaction time can enhance cognitive skills such as focus, logical reasoning, and
memory, thus why academic performance prospers, as clearly shown in table 18.3 that
the reaction training app is effective in academics, as those cognitive skills are truly
needed in learning. To sum up, those three have an undeniable connection to each other
in such a way that it can further benefit a student when it is used properly, stated by
Susan Du Plessis in her work entitled "16 Cognitive Skills and How They Matter." It also
affirms the cycle between the 3 main variables here, that when an individual uses the
app, they are able to enhance it, and with that being said, the focus of a student became
more prominent due to the reaction time practices, which can be further used in their
working memory and logical reasoning. Focus is a crucial factor for a student’s memory,
in a way that they need focus to clearly memorize, while for logical reasoning, they can
use it to think of an absolute answer. With those cognitive skills being possessed by

students and able to apply them in academics, it will never be a question of why they can
be rewarded some academic validation.
Question Frequenc Interpretation
8. I agree that reaction time can be improved 4.69 Strongly Agree

9. Cognitive skills such as focus, memory, 4.31 Strongly Agree

and logical reasoning can be enhanced through various
exercises and practices.

10. Having a quick reaction time implies 4.25 Strongly Agree

having some degree of cognitive ability.

11. Slow reaction time is a sign of having 4.19 Agree

trouble focusing, which is another cognitive skill.

12. A better reaction time may improve 4.31 Strongly Agree

cognitive skills.

13. Reaction time and cognitive skills are 4.44 Strongly Agree
relevant in academics

14. Cognitive skills can improve a learner’s 4.5 Strongly Agree

academic performance

Table 2: The Relevance of Reaction Training App

In this table, the opinions of the students after using the app are seen. In question
9, the experimental group strongly agrees that different cognitive skills can be or
possibly enhanced through exercising the brain. Cognitive skills can be improved or at
least maintained through the use of exercises like those found in reaction training apps.
Frequent practice enhances cognitive function overall by improving processing speed,
reaction time, and attention. These activities test the brain's capacity to adjust and build
neural connections to improve cognitive function over time. While in question 11, the
students agree with the interpretation that declares that the slow reaction time is a sign of
having trouble focusing, which is another cognitive skill. When reaction time is low, it
may indicate that the brain is processing information more slowly. This could potentially
lead to a decrease in focus because the cognitive resources that would otherwise
contribute to sustained attention are being consumed by slower processing. In other
words, if a task requires quick responses, a delay in reaction time might reflect a strain
on cognitive resources, affecting the overall focus on the task. In conclusion, it seems
that reaction time can be improved, just like the approval of the respondents, which they
strongly agreed upon.

In Questions 10 and 12, the majority of respondents believe that having a quick
reaction time will improve their cognitive skills. This could influence the students'
cognitive skills due to the app's history. To find out if their cognitive skills have
improved, they have to use the app to look at the history to see if their reaction time has
improved. If student reaction time improves, their cognitive skills will improve as well.
According to the data in No. 12, 4.31 of respondents strongly agree that they may
increase their cognitive skills as a result of reaction time. It is not just about how quickly
they react to certain things in a reaction training app, but also about how it helps students
enhance their focus in studying, memory in mathematics, and logical reasoning in
writing essays.
In question 13, students strongly agree that reaction time and cognitive skills are
relevant in academics. Reaction training software can improve the cognitive abilities of
students in areas such as focus, logical reasoning, and memory. By using reaction
training software, students can enhance their ability to concentrate and focus, analyze
information, and react quickly, which can also affect logical reasoning and working
memory leading to better academic performance. Lastly, for question number 14, it is
being said that cognitive skills can improve a learner's academic performance, which is
affirmed by the respondents stating they strongly agreed to the claim of the researchers
that cognitive skills can produce better cognitive function and improved students’
academic performance.
Category First Trial Average ( x ) Final TrialAverage( x )
(milliseconds/ms) (milliseconds/ms)
Color Change 403ms 304.69ms
Find Number 815.44ms 701.75ms
Catch the Ball 575. 06ms 512.94ms
Find Color 866.06ms 696.88ms
Catch Color 531.81ms 438.94ms
Visual Memory 1930.5ms 1,048.88ms
Color Text 981ms 743.38ms
Math 1321.15ms 647.94ms
Number orders 1249ms 703.88ms
Memory 1093ms 852.94ms

TOTAL(n): 9766.02ms 6652.22ms
Mean ( x ¿: 976.60ms 665.22ms
. Table 3: Effectiveness of Reaction Training app to the Reaction Time of the Respondents
In this table, it is being appeared here the results of the 16 students' first and final
trial average time per category or puzzle games in the Reaction Training App. The first
trial's x (mean) for the color change is 403 milliseconds(ms) and after the experiment is
over and the last trial takes place, the participants' reaction times improve by 98.3ms,
resulting in an 𝒙̅ of 304.69ms. The "find number" function allows users to locate the
proper number on the screen. The initial response time was 85.44ms, but after the most
recent trial, it increased to 701.75ms, a difference of 113.69ms. There was a 62.12ms
increase in the game Catch the Ball and a 169.18ms increase in Find color. As for the
catch color, the student’s reaction time increased by 92.87ms, and for Color text,
237.62ms. Visual Memory has a whopping 881ms enhancement, and 240.06ms for
memory. Lastly, for Math and number orders, it also increased, 672.21ms for math and
545.21ms for Number orders. Within these 10 categories, n = 9766.02ms and has a x ̅ of
970.60ms for the first trial and for the last trial, the n = 6652.22ms wherein its x ̅=
65.22ms, which means that the student's reaction time in all categories increased by
311.38ms within the experiment. This scenario explains how the Reaction training app is
effective when it comes to the learner’s reaction time.

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abilities, such as
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and logical
reasoning, these
past few days?
Answers So, in Pre- Yes, they really Yes, they are Some students The student
Calculus, I improved aware of their can answer initially faced
observed that because I was surroundings, questions, but challenges with
there are doing a one by what they others require the stem strand,
students who one thing to should learn, guidance due but the basics
improve assess them. what they to their slow were taught
when it First, I gave an should adopt, learning speed. before moving
comes to example from what helps The pre- on to the main
mathematics. easy to difficult, them when it calculus topic, making
so now when I comes to subject is the the pre-calculus
give them an mathematics, hardest in subject easier.
example they and how they math, and it's This continuous
can answer, and apply crucial to improvement in
from the last mathematics assess if the their knowledge
weeks, it seems in real-life child has is beneficial as
that it is easier situations. learned or can they already
for them to absorb the know how to
answer the material. apply it in real
questions life.
themselves. Additionally,
now has
increased and
the way they
reason some of
their answers
when discussing
they are
answering really
enhanced too.,
maybe because
of memorization
Table 4: Application of Cognitive Skills to Academics

The table above contains the answers of the researcher's interviewee, who is the
adviser and the subject teacher of the experimental group in Pre-Calculus. The interview
was conducted one week after the experiment, which means it was in accordance with
the effects of the Reaction Training app on the students. As seen in the instructor's
answers, it is evident that the students have been able to increase their cognitive skills,
such as focus, logical reasoning, and working memory, and appropriately use them in
their academics. Focus which they use in the discussion to be more attentive, working
memory to memorize some formulas in the Pre-Calculus, and logical reasoning that they
used on rationalizations, explanations, and various arguments in the discussion itself.
With those being said it seems that when the cognitive skills are used appropriately it
will become a tool in education (Plessis, 2020). Additionally, it also concludes that the
enhancement of learner’s cognitive skills will lead them to a better academic
Questions: Does your student's Are your students more Are they able to answer
reaction time improve? focused now on your correctly when you have oral
subject in terms of recitation?
Sports? And Lessons?
Answers: Somehow, because you In terms of sports, I Yes, like last week our topic
know what? all of the think they are able to is about athletics or track and
lessons in the first cope and flexible. field, so they already have
quarter are about skills, As for the lessons, they background in that like
so if there is a need to are more attentive which sprinting, track and field such
test students' skills it is because they as long jump, high jump, they
will be their reaction concentrated well are familiar with that kind of
time. Reaction time was compared to before and track and field. Also, because
done in the first quarter, they are still coping I realized that they are more
and it will be repeated within their focus now in our lessons, I
in the fourth quarter, so environments, which find them more attentive in
I think they are quite might be because of class.
fast in terms of writing their enhanced reaction
and taking down notes time, cause we all know
when I am discussing. that reaction time really
affects “focus” cognitive

Table 5: Application of Reaction Time to the Student's Cognitive Skills and Academic
This is the interview done by the researchers with the experimental group
Physical Education and Health adviser. This was done to assess if the students are able to
apply their cognitive skills to their academics and to know if the app was effective in
increasing their reaction time, enhancing cognitive skills, and improving their academic
performance. Thus, in accordance with the answers of their teacher, the learners can
improve their reaction time and focus on their physical education activities. It is also
being said there that the students are more focus in discussion which is because of their
enhanced reaction time. Lastly, when it comes to oral recitation, they became more
attentive and able to rationalize their arguments lately. These are all because of the usage
of Reaction training app.
No. Of Experimental Level of Reaction Level of Reaction Median Equivalent
Students: Time; evaluated by Time; evaluated by
their Physical their Pre-Calculus Average-3
Education and Teacher
Very Poor-1
Health Teacher (1-5)

1 5 5 5 Excellent

2 5 5 5 Excellent

3 5 5 5 Excellent

4 4 5 4.5 Excellent

5 4 5 4.5 Excellent

6 4 5 4.5 Excellent

7 4 5 4.5 Excellent

8 4 4 4 Good

9 4 4 4 Good

10 3 4 3.5 Good

11 3 4 3.5 Good

12 3 4 3.5 Good

13 3 3 3 Average

14 3 3 3 Average

15 3 3 3 Average

16 3 2 2.5 Poor

Avearage MEAN( 3.56 4.13 3.85 Good

Table 6: Reaction Time Evaluation by Experimental Group Teachers

The table above shows the effects of Reaction Training App to the students
Reaction Time, which is evaluated by the experimental group teachers in Pre Calculus
and Physical Education and Health. As can be seen, f=3 students received a rating of 5,
indicating that they demonstrated excellent Reaction Time within two weeks, while 4
students received a rating of 4.5, placing them in the excellent category. Two pupils
received a rating of 4, and three received a rating of 3.5, placing them in the Good range.
Regarding the average rating of 3, the frequency is 3, and sadly, one student received a
rating of 2.5, placing him or her on the poor response time ladder. Combining the x of
the two teachers, which are 3.56 and 4.15, will result in a mean of 3.85, falling into the
Good evaluation. Thus, in conclusion, the reaction training app was able to improve the
students' Reaction Time.
No. Of Experimental Level of Cogntitve Level of Cognitive Equivalent
Students: Skills; evaluated by Skills; evaluated by
their Physical their Pre Calculus Average-3
Education and Teacher
Very Poor-1
Health Teacher (1-5)

1 5 5 5 Excellent

2 5 5 5 Excellent

3 5 5 5 Excellent

4 4 5 4.5 Excellent

5 4 5 4.5 Excellent

6 4 5 4.5 Excellent

7 4 5 4.5 Excellent

8 4 4 4 Good

9 4 4 4 Good

10 4 4 4 Good

11 4 4 4 Good

12 4 4 4 Good

13 3 3 3 Average

14 3 3 3 Average

15 3 3 3 Average

16 3 3 3 Average

Avearage MEAN( 3.69 4.19 3.94 Good

Table 7: Cognitive Skills Evaluation by Experimental Group Teachers

This table was created to display the evaluations made by the teachers on their students'
level of cognitive skills while using the usage of Reaction Training software. It can be
seen that 3 students were able to achieve an evaluation of 5 or "excellent" from the
teachers, while 4.5 has been obtained a frequency of 4. As for the "Good" leaderboard,
the frequency is equal to 5 and lastly, the 4 samples were rated 3, which means they are
able to achieve an average cognitive skills, within the experiment. For the mean the
students are able to have a rating of 3.94(Good) out of 5 in their cognitive skills which
comes from the accumulative average of the two teachers x which are 3.69 and 4.19.
Thus why this can show how cognitive skills improve due to the enhancement of
reaction time, as seen on the table no.7, and this just give answer to the statement of the
problem no.2, which is “How can students benefit from quick reaction time?"”

No. Of Experimental Level of Cogntitve Level of Cognitive M Equivalent

Students: Skills; evaluated by Skills; evaluated by e
their Physical their Pre Calculus d Average-3
Education and Teacher i
Very Poor-1
Health Teacher (1-5) a
(1-5) n

1 5 5 5 Excellent

2 5 5 5 Excellent

3 4 5 5 Excellent

4 4 5 4.5 Excellent

5 4 5 4.5 Excellent

6 4 5 4.5 Excellent

7 4 5 4.5 Excellent

8 4 5 4 Excellent

9 4 5 4 Good

10 4 5 4 Good

11 4 5 4 Good

12 4 5 4 Good

13 3 4 3 Average

14 3 4 3 Average

15 3 3 3 Average

16 3 3 3 Average

Avearage MEAN( 3.88 4.63 4.26 Excellent

Table 8: Academic Performance Evaluation by Experimental Group Teachers

Within this table is the evaluation done by the teachers when they are asked to rate their
students' Academic Performance and if they can apply their enhanced cognitive skills to
their academics within the past two weeks. As shown here, the students are able to
practically enhance their academics with the help of their cognitive skills and reaction
time by getting an average rating of 4.26 (excellent) from the two teachers. Here, a
frequency of 3 got an evaluation of 5, while 4 students got 4.5, having excellent
evaluations. Additionally, a rating of 4 has a f = 5, and a frequency of 4 gets an average
(3) rating. With that being said, it suggests that through the usage of the app, students can
enhance their cognitive skills which they can further apply to their academics, improving
their performance. It also give support to the foreign literature entitled 16 Cognitive
Skills and How it matters, since this just shows that once a student able to make a use or
appropriately use the cognitive skills, it will be undeniably a good tool in increasing their
academic performance, just what like is shown above.

Graph 7: Reaction Training Software Recommendation

According to this table, the majority of the respondents responded "yes" and only
6% answered somehow to the question about sharing the app with others. This means
that the app they are using has enhanced their reaction time. Also, by using this app, it
can help their cognitive skills in areas such as focus, memory, and logical reasoning.

This shows that the reaction training app is a helpful tool to improve their reaction time,
cognitive skills and enhance their performance when it comes to academics.


The main objective of this study is to prove that the Reaction Training app can
improve academic performance by simply enhancing the reaction time of the students,
which further improves their cognitive skills. This research also aims to provide a
solution to the lack of cognitive skills of the learners.

Here is a detailed discussion of the results and the information gathered

throughout the study:

Through various analyses, the researchers discovered that reaction time affects
cognitive skills, based on the data and statistics shown in the results. When the reaction
time of the students goes up, their cognitive skills are also boosted, while when their
reaction time is poor, their cognitive skills are also low. According to Graphs 2 and 3, the
experimental group was able to increase their reaction time due to the usage of the
Reaction Training app from 3.67 to 4.56, while the control group wasn’t able to attain
much higher than the experimental group. Thus, when they evaluated it, their cognitive
skills were also affected, since the experimental group was able to increase their

cognitive abilities from 3.9 to 4.56, while the control group wasn’t able to retain their
self-evaluation, as in the pretest it was 3.67 and in the post-test it fell to 3.4. Evidence for
this was also seen in Tables 1 and 3, wherein the students from the experimental group
also stated in their answers that 94% of them were able to improve their reaction time
while using the app, and when they were asked the question about their cognitive skills,
94% agreed that their working memory improved, 88% agreed for logical reasoning, and
100% agreed for focus. Lastly, in the evaluation of the teachers in tables 7 and 8,
coincidentally, their cognitive skills also improved when the reaction time increased.

Additionally, the researchers also found out that students can benefit from a quick
reaction time by being able to enhance their cognitive skills such as focus, logical
reasoning, and working memory due to the following evidence:

In Graphs 2 and 3, it is shown that the majority of students who use the app are
able to improve their cognitive skills due to the enhancement of their reaction time.

Regarding Graph 4, where students assessed their cognitive abilities, it appears

that most of them agreed that they are improving. All of the participants agreed that they
had gotten more focused, 88% agreed that their ability to reason logically had improved,
and 94% said that the app had improved their working memory in addition to improving
their reaction time. As for Table 5, 80% of the students said that their cognitive skills
improved due to the enhancement of their response time.

In tables 7 and 8, a benefit of good reaction time was also observed in the
evaluation of the teachers. Most students achieved a high rating for their reaction time,
and along the way, their cognitive skills were also rated highly.

Lastly, during the teacher interview, the physical education and health instructor
mentioned that the students' increased concentration was mostly due to their improved
response time. She also mentioned that the students' enhanced logical reasoning was a
result of their attentiveness or focus throughout the study sessions. According to their
Pre-Calculus advisor, the students' focus, logical thinking, and working memory all

The question in statement three of the problem, "How can reaction training
software improve cognitive abilities of students and lead to improved academic
performance in terms of focus, logical reasoning, and working memory," is finally
answered by the researchers once they have successfully uncovered the schematic
structure using the results.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

The purpose of the Reaction Training app is to improve users' cognitive abilities
and reaction times. As mentioned on, reaction time can be improved
through a variety of exercises and practices and since Table 4 illustrates how this app can
significantly increase students' response times. Additionally, cognitive abilities such as
focus, working memory, and logical reasoning can also be enhanced, since all categories
that were shown there are able to improve focus, as it is more about being flexible and
aware of the surroundings. As for working memory, the puzzles in the app, such as visual
memory, memory recall, number orders and find numbers, will help with memorization.
As per the logical reasoning, all games can be used as tools for enhancing it since in
order to rationalize, one need so much focus and draw knowledge from their memories.
Once cognitive skills are able to improve through the betterment of reaction time,
it can become a valuable tool in academics (Plessis, 2020). So there are 3 cognitive skills
in the figure, which are incredibly important in studying.
Focus can lead to great academic performance, since in a single noise can really
affect a student's concentration, it is crucial. In a discussion, a student needs great focus,
as when an individual misses some words, it can lead to confusion. An evidence of this
was seen in the Graph 4, which shows that 100% of the experimental group was able to
improve their focus and due to that In Tables 5 and 6 both teacher interviewees said that

their students are more attentive and active in their academics because they seem more
Logical Reasoning, all of the subject need comprehension for someone to
rationalize and articulate their points in their answers or what they are even arguing. In
Graph No. 1 It is shown that the majority of the students agreed that they are having
trouble rationalizing arguments, which affects their academics. This means that logical
reasoning really plays a big part in academics. In tables 5 and 6, teachers also state that
students are now more capable of rationalizing their arguments and explaining their
answers when they are ask after the lessons are discussed by the teachers.
Finally, on table number one in working memory. Most respondents claimed that
their memory had an impact on their academic performance, primarily because they were
unable to retain information for use in written assignments, recitations, or exams without
memorizing. Teachers' assessments of the students' academic performance seem
excellent in terms of working memory, given that the students can use it for exams and
recitations, as demonstrated by the improvements in their memory in Graph 4.
In conclusion, cognitive skills have a significant impact on academic
performance. Teachers who assess students' cognitive skills report that they are excellent
at applying what they have learned to their academic work, and they provide them with
positive feedback.
Since the study is able to discuss its Schematic Framework though the results, the
researchers are trying to recommend this research as a tool for the following individuals
and groups.
To begin with, this work will be beneficial to those in the field of research who
may tackle the same topic, which is about the way that reaction time and cognitive skills
are connected to the academic performance of students. Thus, the researchers are trying
to recommend this study to future researchers who may need to improve their reaction
time and cognitive skills.
Next, the authors of this research recommend to the guardians that their child use
the app since this research focuses on ways on how a student can increase their cognitive
skills through a reaction training app. Additionally, with this app, their children's reaction

time skills will be enhanced, and in the same way, parents can also provide their children
with a fun and interactive way to enhance their cognitive skills.

In addition, since learners are the main focus of this research; actually, this
research is trying to provide a solution to the students' lack of cognitive skills and
reaction time, which are the main causes of poor academic performance. That is why the
researchers recommend that students read this research since this study suggests using
the reaction training app that consists of multiple games and puzzles that can further
increase their reaction time, which enhances cognitive skills and leads to better academic
performance. Additionally, the authors also want them to make use of this research by
incorporating it a part of their studies or papers that are relevant to the research topic.
Furthermore, the researchers also suggest that teachers read this research since, as
the students' second parents, they have the power to instill knowledge and teach their
students. With that being said, once educators learn that the reaction training app is great
when it comes to increasing their students' academic performance, they can encourage
his/her learners to use the app as a guide to improving their reaction time, enhancing
cognitive skills, and leading to improved academic performance.
Lastly, the researchers advise the Reaction Training app's software administration
to spend some time reading this study and utilizing it to increase the user base. Since the
main goal of this research is to demonstrate how effective the software is in improving
each student's reaction time, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement, reading this
will enlighten them on how their product works and can benefit education. Additionally,
by using this data and targeting their app towards students through the creation of a logo
and trademark, the aforementioned app can gain popularity.
In summary, the purpose of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of the
Reaction Training app in improving reaction time, cognitive abilities, and academic
performance. Thus, using a variety of experiments, questionnaires, and interviews
conducted at Santiago Triana Academy with grade 11 STEM Krypton students and their
Pre-calculus, Physical education, and Health teachers who voluntarily participated with
consent, the researcher gathered and formulated the results of this research. According to

the experiment, the students in the experimental group were able to improve their
cognitive abilities as evaluated by both themselves and their teachers. In their own
assessment, 88% of them concur that their cognitive skills have improved, including
100% focus, 88% logical reasoning, and 94% working memory improvements while the
teachers rated their cognitive skills at a good 3.94 out of 5. As for the application of
cognitive skills in academics, the students' teachers have seen great improvement within
two weeks of using the app, since the teachers gave them an excellent review for their
application of enhanced cognitive skills in those particular subjects. Due to this, the
researchers are able to confirm that the reaction training app is able to produce a better
cognitive function and enhance students' academic performance.

What is Reaction Time or Response Time?

A good reaction time allows us to be agile and efficient when it

comes to responding to stimuli in situations like driving, playing sports, or
even having a conversation. A good response time benefits us in a variety
of ways, but it’s important that we properly process the information that
we receive.1

This statement by Michael Cummings is pertinent to the study since it outlines

the advantages of reaction time for each individual. Having a good reaction is highly

relevant because it can impact, just like every student's academic performance, problem solving,

and stress management. Fast reaction times can aid in tasks like test-taking, where quick thinking

can help students answer questions more efficiently and accurately. In problem solving, a good

reaction time helps students analyze and respond to challenges effectively.

Visual Attention and Eye Movements

Attention is the major mechanism of visual selection, and the eye

Movement is also important but supporting task of the visual selection.2

This study by Kang-chen Chen and Hye Jung Choi shows that focus is a factor

in having great visual perception since visual selection needs concentration in order to

function well. Additionally attention is the primary visual selection mechanism that

determines what information is relevant, also relationship between attention and eye

movement can assist in obtaining visual information.

Visual Perception
Cumming, Michael, “Response time or Reaction Time- Cognitive Ability”, (2017).

Chen, K., & Choi, H. J. (n.d.). Visual attention and eye movements - donald bren school of information ...
Visual Attention and Eye Movements .

The ability to focus on important visual information and filter out
unimportant background information.3
This literature describe how visual perception is a cognitive skill under focus as

concentration is a key factor in order to process the information of an individual's current

surroundings and act accordingly to the desired outcome of the brain.

Admin, K. S. W. (2023, January 5). Visual perception. Kid Sense

Table 9: Reaction Time
According to the respondents, who all agreed to answer "yes," reaction time is
commonly understood to be the amount of time that passes between perceiving a stimuli
and responding upon something. Reaction time is a comprehensive concept that
incorporates multiple cognitive processes that work together to determine how long this
temporal interval exists. The concept that reaction time encompasses the entire process
from stimulus detection to response initiation is reinforced by this agreement.

Table 10: Cognitive Skills

In this table, all the respondents agreed, and they can say that their cognitive
skills encompass a range of mental processes, including memory,, attention, problem-
solving, thinking, reading, and learning. These skills collectively reflect the brain's
ability to process information and engage in various cognitive activities. Thus, this table
concludes that students know what cognitive skills are and how they can help them in

Santiago Trillana Academy
Senior High School Department
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

November 9, 2023


VPAA/ High School Directress

Dear Mrs. Tamayo,

Greetings, esteemed school administration!

In this letter, we, students from Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
(STEM) 12, are requesting permission to conduct experiments with grade 11 STEM
students at Santiago Trillana Academy. They are the main sample in our study, "Reaction
Training App as a Tool for Enhancing Cognitive Skills, leading to improved academic
performance of Grade 11 STEM Pupils at Santiago Trillana Academy." The purpose of
this experiment is to support the research claim and show that using reaction training
software can raise students' academic achievement. During the five days of the
experiment, which runs from November 13 to November 18, students will use the
Reaction Training app. Regarding the improvement in response time, the sample history
in the aforementioned app will be tracked. In contrast, teachers and student officers will
be asked to assist in keeping an eye on the academic progress of the respondents, and
students will be also asked to respond to a series of questions regarding the app's
We, the researchers, anticipate your positive response and support regarding our request.
Your approval will be beneficial in the accomplishment of our research. Thank you, and
may God bless you.

With gratitude and respect, Noted By:

Bautista, Ryza L.
De Guzman, Dex RoduelDC. Mr. Mark Joseph Q.
Dionisio, Liam Kaye B. Approved
Jore, Daryl DC
Lopez, Andrea M. Mrs. Rosario L. Tamayo


Santiago Trillana Academy
Senior High School Department
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

Dear Respondents,

A pleasant day! In order to determine the conclusion of our study, we, the
researchers, would like to ask your assistance in answering a few questions for our
research paper, "Reaction Training App as a Tool for Enhancing Cognitive Skills,
leading to improved Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Pupils at Santiago
Trillana Academy." Rest assured that all the data you provided, including your identity,
will be kept confidential and used exclusively for academic purposes. Thank you so
much! Your effort and time in answering this questionnaire were deeply appreciated.

Keep safe and God bless you!

Sincerely Yours,
Sex: _____ Age: _____
I. Yes or No
Direction: Read the questions carefully and check the box that selects your best
1. Does your memory affect your academic performance?
Yes No
2. Do you occasionally find it difficult to focus when studying because of your
Yes No
3. Do you ever find it difficult to rationalize arguments?
Yes No

4. Do you believe that rection time is the amount of time that passes between when we
sense something and when we respond?
Yes No
5. Do you agree that cognitive skills are the ways that your brain remembers, reasons,
holds attention, solves problems, thinks, reads and learns?
Yes No
II. Likert Scale
Direction: Put a check (✓) below the number that corresponds with your answers.
5 - Excellent
4 - Good
3 - Average
2 - Poor
1 - Very Poor

Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
6. Kindly rate the level of your Reaction
7. Kindly rate the level of your Cognitive

III. Direction: Check (✓) the box that corresponds to your responses.
Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Neutral (3), Disagree (2), Strongly Disagree(1)

Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
8. I agree that reaction time can be
9. Cognitive skills such as focus, memory
and logical reasoning can be enhanced

through various exercises and practices.
10. Having a quick reaction time imply
having some degree of cognitive ability.
11. Slow reaction time is a sign of having
trouble focusing, which is another cognitive
12. A better reaction time may improve
cognitive skills.
13. Reaction time and cognitive skills are
relevant in academics.
14. Cognitive skills can improved a learners
academic performance.

Santiago Trillana Academy
Senior High School Department
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

Dear Respondents,

A pleasant day! In order to determine the conclusion of our study, we, the
researchers, would like to ask your assistance in answering a few questions for our
research paper, "Reaction Training App as a Tool for Enhancing Cognitive Skills,
leading to improved Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Pupils at Santiago
Trillana Academy." Rest assured that all the data you provided, including your identity,
will be kept confidential and used exclusively for academic purposes. Thank you so
much! Your effort and time in answering this questionnaire were deeply appreciated.

Keep safe and God bless you!

Sincerely Yours,
Sex: _____ Age: _____
IV. Yes or No
Direction: Read the questions carefully and check the box that selects your best
answer(Experimental Group: After using the app)
1. Does your memory affect your academic performance?
Yes No
2. Do you occasionally find it difficult to focus when studying because of your
Yes No
3. Do you ever find it difficult to rationalize arguments?
Yes No

4. Do you believe that reaction time is the amount of time that passes between when we
sense something and when we respond?
Yes No
5. Do you agree that cognitive skills are the ways that your brain remembers, reasons,
holds attention, solves problems, thinks, reads and learns?
Yes No
V. Likert Scale
Direction: Put a check (✓) below the number that corresponds with your
answers(Experimental Group: After using the app)
5 - Excellent
4 - Good
3 - Average
2 - Poor
1 - Very Poor

Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
6. Kindly rate the level of your Reaction
7.Kindly rate the level of your Cognitive

Direction: Check (✓) the box that corresponds to your response (Experimental
Group: After using the app)
Strongly Agree (5), Agree (4), Neutral (3), Disagree (2), Strongly Disagree(1)
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5
8. I agree that reaction time can be
9. Cognitive skills such as focus, memory
and logical reasoning can be enhanced
through various exercises and practices.

10. Having a quick reaction time imply
having some degree of cognitive ability.
11. Slow reaction time is a sign of having
trouble focusing, which is another cognitive
12. A better reaction time may improve
cognitive skills.
13. Reaction time and cognitive skills are
relevant in academics.
14. Cognitive skills can improved a learners
academic performance.

VI. Multiple Choices

Direction:Encircle the letter which best describe your experienced with Reaction
Training app (For Experimental Group only)
15. Does your reaction time improved while using the app?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
16. Do you agree that the enhancement of your reaction time improved your cognitive
skills in terms of:
16.1. Focus?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
16.2. Memory?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
16.3. Logical Reasoning?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
17. Does the app able to improved your academic performance?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
18. Do you believe that reaction training app is effective in terms of:
18.1. Academic performance?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
18.2. Reaction time?

a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
18.3. Cognitive skills?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No
19, Do you wish to share it to others?
a. Yes b. Somehow c. No

Santiago Trillana Academy
Senior High School Department
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

Dear Respondents,

A pleasant day! In order to determine the conclusion of our study, we, the
researchers, would like to ask your assistance in answering a few questions for our
research paper, "Reaction Training App as a Tool for Enhancing Cognitive Skills,
leading to improved Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM Pupils at Santiago
Trillana Academy." Rest assured that all the data you provided, including your identity,
will be kept confidential and used exclusively for academic purposes. Thank you so
much! Your effort and time in answering the questions from this interview were deeply
Keep safe and God bless you!
Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Edward John I. Ventura: Pre- Calculus
1. What can you say about the room presence of your students?
2. Has their focus on your lessons improved these past few days?
3. Are the students aware of their surroundings?
4. Are your students able to answer when you ask questions about the lessons?
5. So far, do you agree that the students from Grade 11 STEM Krypton have somehow
improved their cognitive abilities, such as memory focus and logical reasoning, these
past few days?

Ms. Jezreel Jane Reyes: Physical Education
1. Does your students's reaction time improved?
2. Are your students more focused now on your subject in terms of:
2.1. Sports?
2.2. Lesson?
3. Are they able to answer correctly when you have oral recitation?

Santiago Trillana Academy
Senior High School Department
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan

Dear, Interviewee's

A pleasant day! In order to determine the conclusion of our study, we,

the researchers, would like to ask your assistance in answering a few questions for our
research paper, "Reaction Training App as a Tool for Enhancing Cognitive Skills, leading
to improved Academic Performance of Grade 11 STEM( Krypton) Pupils at Santiago
Trillana Academy." Rest assured that all the data you provide, including your identity,
will be kept confidential and used exclusively for academic purposes. Thank you so
much! Your effort and time in answering this questionnaire were deeply appreciated.
The experiment was done 1 week ago(the usage of the reaction training
app, which enhanced their reaction time and further developed their cognitive skills
leading to the betterment of student's academic performance), so as their teachers on
particular subjects, kindly rate them. Thank you
Keep safe, and God bless you!
Sincerely Yours,

Direction: Kindly evaluate the students from the Experimental Group.

5 – Excellent 4 – Good 3 – Average 2 – Poor 1 - Very Poor

Mr. Edward John I. Ventura: Pre- Calculus
Ms. Jezreel Jane Reyes: Physical Education and Health
1. Kindly rate their reaction time within the past two weeks:
2. Kindly rate their Cognitive skills within the past two weeks:
3. Kindly rate their Academic Performance( are they able to apply their enhnaced
cognitive skills to their academics)within the past two weeks:

0976Z Zone 7, Sta.Monica, Hagonoy, Bulacan

to become a Information Technology

Educational Background
Elementary: Senior High School
Lauc Pao Elementary School Santiago Trillana Academy
Lourdes Lubao Pampanga San Sebastian Hagonoy Bulacan
2012-2018 2022-Present
Junior High School
Sta.Monica National High School
Sta.Monica Hagonoy Bulacan

Graduated Elementary With Honors
Graduated JHS With Honors
Grade 11: With Honors

. Dancing
. Playing mobile games

Personal Information
Birthday: October 19, 2006
Age: 17
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


De Guzman, Dex Roduel DC.
#497 Zone 3, Sta. Cruz, Hagonoy, Bulacan

To be able to live life to the fullest and graduate from a medical course

Educational Background
Senior High School Elementary
Santiago Trillana Academy Hagonoy East Central School
San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan Sto. Rosario, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2022-Present 2012-2018

Junior High School Pre-Elementary

Santiago Trillana Academy San Pascual Kindergarten
San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan San Pascual, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2018-2022 2009-2010

Achievements & Awards

· Pre-Elementary: Valedictorian
· Elementary: Valedictorian
· Junior High School : With High Honors

Skills and Interest

· Playing Mobile Games
· Drawing

Birthday: June 26, 2006

Age: 17 years old
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Bornagain Christian

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


Dionisio, Liam Kaye B
Rising Zone, San Jose, Calumpit, Bulacan

To use my skills not only for myself but also for other people, and be more diligent to
use my skills so that it will better and improve profesionally.

Educational Background
Senior High School Elementary
Santiago Trillana Academy San Juan Elementary School
Mabini St. San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan San Juan, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2022- Present 2012-2018

Junior High School Pre-Elementary

St. Annes Catholic School St. John Learning Center
San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan San Juan, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2018-2022 2011-2012

Junior High School: Grades 7-8: With honors &Grades 10-11: With honors

Personal Information
Birthday: July 15, 2006
Age: 17 years old
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


Jore, Daryl DC.
0327 Purok 3 Sagrada Familia, Hagonoy, Bulacan

To learn through life's experiences and then be able to impart that knowledge to others.

Educational Background
Senior High School (Grade 12) Elementary
Santiago Trillana Academy San Nicolas Elementary School
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan San Nicolas, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2022 - 2023 – Present (2012 – 2018)
Junior High School Pre – Elementary
Ramona S. Trillana High School (Main Campus) San Nicolas Elementary School
Sto. Rosario, Hagonoy, Bulacan San Nicolas, Hagonoy, Bulacan
(2018 - 2022) (2011-2012)

• Pre-Elementary (Top 5)
• Elementary (With Honors, Salutatorian)
• Junior High School (Grades 7-8: With Honors) & (Grades 9-10: With High Honors)
• Senior High School (Grade 11: With High Honors)
(Grade 12, 1st Quarter: With High Honors)

Skills and Interest

- Reading Nonfiction stories - Badminton - Cooking
- History enthusiasts - Drawing - Multitasker

Personal Information
Birthday: February 02, 2006
Age: 17 years old
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Catholic

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.


Lopez, Andrea M.
0282 Purok 2, San Nicolas, Hagonoy, Bulacan
0977 – 797 – 8238

To determine my skills, so that I willl improve more and find ways to learn more in
terms of what I can do

Educational Background
Elementary Senior High School
Hagonoy East Central School Santiago Trillana Academy
Sto, Niño, Hagonoy, Bulacan Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2011 – 2018 2022 – Present

Junior High School

Santiago Trillana Academy
Mabini St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan
2018 - 2022

Elementary: Graduated With Honors
Junior High School: Graduated With Honors & Bulprisa Participation

Personal Information
Birthday: October 8, 2005
Age: 18 years old
Status: Single
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Skills and Interests

- Volleyball
- Watching Movies
- Playing Mobile Games

I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.



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