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SYN Ижил утгатай үг, Орчуулга Орчуулга

Only authorized employees are allowed in

Empower Зөвшөөрөх
1 the laboratory.
Буруу ташаа, The magician deceptively made the rabbit
худлаа disappear.
Шийдсэн , They were determined to go to graduate
3 шийдэмгий school.
Мэдэхийг оролдох, A lawyer will elicit all the facts necessary
4 шалгаах to prove her case.
5 Ban Хориглох His father will forbid him to use the car.
өргөдөл гаргах , Canada petitioned the United Nations to
6 хүсэлт гаргах consider its case.
болих , The troubled executive relinquished his
7 орхих ,татгалзах control of the company.
Сэтгэлийн хаттай, She has a resilient personality and will
8 тэвчээртэй soon feel better.
The idea of getting rich quickly tempted
Entice Уруу татах
9 him to invest his life savings.
I was amazed that I received an A on the
Astonish Гайхшруулах
10 calculus test.
The causes of many harmful diseases have
Puzzle Төөрөгдүүлэх
11 baffled doctors for centuries.
өгөх , харуулах,
This orchard bears many fine harvests of
Yield ашиг өгөх , ургац
12 өгөх
Хаах , зогсоох , The government blocked the sale of the
13 болиулах airline.
Бүдгэрүүлэх, The rain blurred everyone's view of the
14 бүрэлзүүлэх valley.
15 Radiant Гайхалтай, гаргууд Einstein was a brilliant thinker.
The office cautioned the motorist to slow
Warn Сэрэмжлүүлэх
16 down.
Finishing the 26-mile race was a challenge
Сорилт, чадал
Dare for most of the participants. It was a
сорьсон зүйл
17 challenging math problem.
Because of its controversial nature, it was a
Эмзэг, нарийн,
Fragile challenge to discuss such a delicate issuein
18 public.
Passing the exam should enhance your
Strengthen Сайжруулах
19 chances of being, admitted to college.
He was intrigued by the acclaim flat he
Fascinate Сонирхол татах
20 received.
They couldn't persuade their critics to see
Convince Ятгах
21 their point of view.
They have replaced all of the old office
Substitute Солих
22 equipment.
In order to grow, crabs must shed their
Discard Хаях , гуужуулах
23 shells.
He was presented with a unique
Rare Ховор
24 opportunity to attend the conference.
25 Mostly Голчлон Houses are made chiefly of wood products.
26 Rough Ширүүн , арзгар Sandpaper is an extremely coarse material.
Soon it will be commonplace to see the
Улиг болсон, хүн
Frequent person to whom you are talking on the
бүр мэддэг
27 phone.
It was comparatively easy for him to learn
Харьцуулахад ,
Relatively baseball because he had been a cricket
28 player.
The businessmen astutely approached the
Complicated Хэцүү, төвөгтэй
29 complex production problem.
Professor Canfield agreed with the
Traditional Хэвшсэн, заншсан conventional theory about the origin of the
30 Basque language.
Сониуч , хачин , A curious object was discovered in the
31 сонин remains.
In tropical zones, it is exceedingly hot and
Extremely Дэндүү, хэтэрхий,
32 humid.
This room is used exclusively by the
Restrictively Зөвхөн
33 faculty.
From the mountaintop you can see the
Massive Асар , үлэмж
34 immense valley.
35 Truly Үнэндээ Did he indeed go to the infirmary.
The teacher was very rigid in his ideas
Stiff Хатуу, хөдлөшгүй
36 about class attendance.
Байнга , үргэлж ,
Ordinarily She routinely gets a physical examination.
37 тогтмол
Хангалттай , Jenny is sufficiently mature to make her
38 хүрэлцээтэй own decisions.
Харагдахаар , Ken was visibly upset about his
39 илэрхий performance evaluation.
40 Proper Зөв зохистой It is not appropriate to cheat on tests
Тодруулах Chapter 2 in the textbook clarifies the
41 тайлбарлах process of osmosis
The students concealed their feelings about
Hide Нууцлах
42 the course.
The director confirmed that the meaning
Prove Нотлох
43 would be on the tenth
Philosophy constantly questions the nature
Continually Дандаа үргэлж
44 of human existence
The student is convenient to the physical
Practical Тохиромжтой
45 sciences building
The core of the curriculum consists of
46 Chief Гол
courses that are required of all students.
It is critical to follow the directions for the
47 dangerous Ноцтой, эгзэгтэй experiment exactly as the instructor
Гуйвуулах, Time and space are distorted when
48 Deform
мушгих traveling at the speed of light.
Төрөл бүрийн олон Freud had many diverse interests in
49 Different
янзын psychology.
In the early 1900s, San Francisco was a
50 Thriving Үйлс өөдрөг
prosperous city.
Empower Empower
Misleadingly Misleadingly
Resolute Resolute
Extract Extract
Ban Ban
Appeal Appeal
Abdicate Abdicate
Tenacious Tenacious
Entice Entice
Astonish Astonish
Puzzle Puzzle
Yield Yield
Obstruct Obstruct
Cloud Cloud
Radiant Radiant
Warn Warn
Dare Dare
Fragile Fragile
Strengthen Strengthen
Fascinate Fascinate
Convince Convince
Substitute Substitute
Discard Discard
Rare Rare
Mostly Mostly
Rough Rough
Frequent Frequent
Relatively Relatively
Complicated Complicated
Traditional Traditional
Peculiar Peculiar
Extremely Extremely
Restrictively Restrictively
Massive Massive
Truly Truly
Stiff Stiff
Ordinarily Ordinarily
Adequately Adequately
Noticeably Noticeably
Proper Proper
Explain Explain
Hide Hide
Prove Prove
Continually Continually
Practical Practical
Chief Chief
dangerous dangerous
deform deform
Different Different
Thriving thriving

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