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1 First Term Exercises & Exams

THEME ❶ Who am I?
Unit ❶ Hello! ...................................................................................................................... 4
Unit ❷ This is me ......................................................................................................... 14
Unit ❸ My school bag ........................................................................................... 24
Unit ❹ It’s my birthday! ..................................................................................... 34

THEME ❷ The world around me

Unit ❺ With my family ......................................................................................... 44
FIVE Exams on Units 1,2,3,4 & 5 .............................................................. 54
Unit ❻ Let’s play music ...................................................................................... 64
Unit ❼ At home .............................................................................................................. 74
Unit ❽ At the Pyramids ...................................................................................... 84
Unit ❾ At the beach ................................................................................................ 94
General Exercises ..................................................................................................................... 104

Hello!1 - Hello!
Unit 1 Lesson 1
❶ Unscramble and write:

anyH anaH Miss Maon Yosefus

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

❷ Match the words with the pictures:

(A) (B)

1. Hana

2. Miss Mona

3. Goodbye!

4. Busy Bee

5. Youssef

❸ Look and complete:

Hany - Youssef - Amira - Hana

1. I’m ........................... . 2. I’m ........................... .

3. I’m ........................... . 4. I’m ........................... .

1 4
Unit 1 - Hello!

❹ Find, circle then write the word:

1. s u h e l l o t k e ..........................................

2. u n a i b e e f t i ..........................................

3. b t H a n y g n e t ..........................................

4. e b m p e H a n a g ..........................................

❺ Look and put ( ✓ ):

hello Hany

Miss Mona Youssef

Hany Miss Mona

Busy Bee Busy Bee

Youssef Mr

Hany Miss

❻ Trace and write:

I’m Miss Mona.

1 5
Unit 1 - Hello!

Lesson 2
❶ Unscramble and write:

bkoo gba eeb usb

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

❷ Match the words with the pictures:

(A) (B)

1. bag

2. book

3. bus

4. Busy Bee

5. blue

❸ Look and complete:

Busy Bee - bag - book - bird

1. It’s a ............................ . 2. It’s a ............................ .

3. It’s a ............................ . 4. It’s a ............................ .

1 6
Unit 1 - Hello!

❹ Find, circle then write the word:

1. s u n o b o t b a g ..........................................

2. u n a i l e b u s i ..........................................

3. b b o o k a g n e t ..........................................

4. e b m p b e e i l g ..........................................

❺ Look and put ( ✓ ):

car blue

bus red

bee book

ant bag

book Aa

bag Bb
❻ Trace and write:

It’s blue and black.

1 7
Unit 1 - Hello!

Lesson 3
❶ Unscramble and write:

agb ookb osecl ings

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

❷ Look and circle:

book open play shake hands

bag close sing run
❸ Unscramble and write:

aypl cleos bkoo gba

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

❹ Circle the correct word:

open book

close bag

play sing

shake hands play

1 8
Unit 1 - Hello!

❹ Find, circle then write the word:

1. s i n g b o t t k e ..........................................

2. u n a i l e o p e n ..........................................

3. b c l o s e g n e t ..........................................

4. e b m p e p l a y g ..........................................

❺ Look and put ( ✓ ):

book bag

bag book

close sing

open run

open play

close close

❻ Trace and write:

Open your book.

1 9
Unit 1 - Hello!

General Exam 1
1. Match the words with the pictures:

(A) (B)

1. Hany

2. Busy Bee

3. book

4. shake hands

5. blue
2. Read and circle the correct word:

open play bag shake hands

close sing book goodbye
3. Unscramble and write:

acblk irAma ebe usb

.................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

1 10
Unit 1 - Hello!

4. Look and complete using the words in the box:

Miss Mona - Youssef - bag - blue

1. I’m ........................... . 2. It’s a ........................... .

3. It’s ........................... . 4. I’m ........................... .

5. Find, circle then write the word:

1. s u b e e i n g ..............................................

2. u d b c l o s e ..............................................

3. g h e l l o a m ..............................................

4. e b a n b o o k ..............................................

6. Trace and write:

It’s blue and black.

1 11
Unit 1 - Hello!

General Exam 2 for Toppers

❶ Choose the right answer:
1. I’m Miss ..................... .
Hany Mona
2. I’m Youssef. I’m a .................... .
boy girl
3. What’s .................... name?
your you
4. Hello. I .................... Hany.
'm 's
5. What's your ....................? "I'm Youssef."
name blue
6. .................... your bag.
Opens Open
❷ Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:
hands - name - your - book
1. Close your .................... .
2. Open .................... bag.
3. What's your ....................?
4. Shake .................... .
❸ Look and complete:
Mona - book - Bee - blue

1. I'm a Busy .................... . 2. Open your .................... .

3. I'm Miss .................... . 4. It's .................... .

1 12
Unit 1 - Hello!

❹ Rearrange to make correct sentences:

1. Mona - Miss - I'm.

2. your - bag - Open.


3. your - name - is - What?


4. is - name - My - Mona.

5. bus - a - It - is.

6. your - Open - book.


7. bag - Close - your.


8. Hany - Hello! - am - I.

9. blue - is - It.

❺ Unscramble and write:

bkoo uble sbu gba

.................................. .................................. .................................. ..................................

❻ Look and answer:

1 2

What is it? What is your name?

..................................................................... .....................................................................
❼ Read and write the missing vowel:
1. bo....k 2. H....ny 3. Youss....f
4. b....s 5. Miss Mon.... 6. ....pen

1 13
‫صفحة‬ ‫عدد صفحات المذكرة ‪115‬‬
‫‪ ‬باقي الوحدات مثل الوحدة األولى‬
‫للحصــول عــى باقــي الوحــدات وجميــع املراحــل‬
‫التعليميــة [ابتدائــي وإعــدادي ] بــدون أســماء أو‬
‫تلفونــات بســعر بســيط ورمــزي مقابــل حــق التصميم‬
‫والكتابــة عــى الكمبيوتــر والصــور املدفوعــة يمكنكــم‬
‫التواصــل عــى‪:‬‬

‫‪0100 393 28 18‬‬

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