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Escola Salesiana de Artes e Ofícios

Name: Joyce Ângelo

Subject: English

Teacher: Clara Chantre

Year: 11° ano

Being a teenager today

Ah, adolescence, this phase full of ups and downs, right? Well, about contributing to society, I
believe that we, teenagers, have a fundamental role in this. Even with all the confusion of hormones
and the search for identity, we can make a difference. Taking part in social projects, volunteering or
simply being kind to each other can create a positive impact on the world around us.
However, is the life of teenagers today "too easy"? I think it's a mistake to think that way. We are
facing unique challenges, from academic pressure to the constant influence of social media. All of
this can seem overwhelming, and the search for balance is constant. It's definitely not easy.
Teenagers often also have family problems, with their parents, which is not my case. My
relationship with my parents is good. although we often seem to be on the same wavelength, and
other times it's as if we speak different languages, they always tend to listen to me and try to
understand what I think about that thing or subject. They are the ones who listen to my ideas and
encourage me to achieve them. So, for me, all parents should be like this with their teenagers.
Listening without judgement, being present and understanding that we are in a period of many
changes are attitudes that make all the difference. Not underestimating our feelings and giving
ourselves space to grow and make mistakes is also essential.
Regarding respect for adults, I think it varies a lot from person to person. Some teens may show
respect while others may challenge you. It is a phase in which we are testing limits and searching
for our own voice. Teachers who engage and show passion for teaching often earn our respect. But
in relation to me, I respect despite all the despites. As for parents, it's a delicate dance between
authority and understanding. Respect is often a two-way street.
Regarding brothers and sisters, well, it's complicated terrain. There are fights, of course, but there
are also bonds that are unbreakable. It's a constant balance between love and irritation, but at the
end of the day, we are a family that loves each other very much.
One thing that all teenagers want and wanted is for their parents to be liberal. However, in my
opinion, giving teenagers too much freedom can be somewhat dangerous. On the one hand, freedom
is essential to our development of autonomy and responsibility. Allowing teens to make decisions
for themselves can help them learn from their experiences, but it's important to set reasonable limits
to ensure their safety and well-being. The teenager can be free but with limits.

As I already said, parents should listen to their teenagers and give importance to their feelings,
trying to understand this phase of many changes. often due to these changes, wanting to be accepted
by family, parents and especially friends, adding stress, and many more things can generate mental
health problems in teenagers and they often think about suicide. So yes, teen suicide is a problem;
in fact, any suicide is a problem.
Not all teenagers are lucky enough to have incredible parents...
Some parents only cause trauma and more trauma in their children. They only care about
themselves, they treat their own children horribly. Many teenagers have problems at home because
of this.
So this is where society comes in. She plays a crucial role in supporting teenagers who face
problems at home. Establishing support networks, such as school counselors, help hotlines, and
social services, is critical. Promoting a safe and inclusive environment in schools and the
community is essential for teens to feel comfortable seeking help. Educating society about family
issues and promoting empathy are important steps to creating a supportive environment.
Teenagers nowadays face many problems, from mental health, academic pressure, substance use,
bullying, cyberbullying, family problems, the constant thought of wanting to fit into society's
standards and many others.
The media is a constant concern for teenagers. it plays a crucial role in shaping the thinking patterns
of teenagers. Constant exposure to idealized images of bodies, lifestyles and beauty standards can
influence young people's self-esteem and body perception. Social media, in particular, can create
pressure to conform to unattainable standards, contributing to anxiety and constant comparison.
In addition to all these problems that teenagers are subject to, I think they can still change the world.
I think certain teenagers have repeatedly demonstrated the ability to be agents of change. Through
activism, creative expression, volunteering and advocacy for important causes, teens have positively
influenced social, environmental and political issues. Your passion, creativity and willingness to
question status are powerful elements in building a better world.
However, it is vital that society values and supports the contributions of teenagers. Providing
leadership opportunities, access to education, and respecting their voices are ways to empower
young people to effect meaningful change.

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