Historical Consti

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Japanese Sponsored Republic (1943)

The 1943 constitution of The Republic of The Philippines

The President
 Has an executive power, who is elected by the members of
National Assembly from among themselves.
 Head of government and commander in chief of Armed Forces
 Not likely to be elected by the people

Power of the president is to “veto” any bill of Assembly.

Veto-the right to reject a decision or proposal made by law-making
body. To simply say it is a NO VOTE decision.
Furthermore, veto usually
 promulgate regulations when the Assembly is not in session
 in times of war
 national emergency
 to declare martial law,
 to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
 appoint member of council state and local government
was a political organization in the Philippines during the Japanese
occupation in World War II. It was established in 1942 under Japanese
supervision as part of their efforts to control the Philippines.

Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas

was a fascist Filipino political party that served as the sole party of state
during the Japanese occupation.

KALIBAPI was used by the Japanese authorities to promote

collaboration and cooperation with the Japanese government.
Many Filipinos joined KALIBAPI out of fear or necessity during the
However, it's important to note that there were varying degrees of
collaboration, and some individuals joined under duress or to protect
themselves and their families.
1935: The Commonwealth Constitution
 Enacted during the commonwealth period of Philippines
 Written in 1934, approved and adopted during 1935-1946 later used by the
third republic of the Philippines
 Served as a fundamental law when our country was a commonwealth of the
United States
 The 1935 constitution established a democratic government with a President
as a head of head of state
 It has provisions that we got from the United State, as the Philippines was a
Commonwealth under American supervision.
Commonwealth meaning an independent country or democratic country
(No foreign power maintains any authority or control over the political or civil
processes of its government or people)

Philippine Organic Act of 19O2 COOPER ACT

Also, known as Philippine Bill of 19O2
Provided for the establishment of civil government in the Philippines, transitioning
from military rule

Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 JONES LAW

A modifieds structure of Philippine government by removing Philippine
Commission as legislative upper house and replacing it with a senate elected by
Filipino voters.

Tydings -Mcduffie Act 1934

Serves as an authority until the establishment of formal constitution
The preamble Commonwealth
Emphasizes the value, independence, democracy, truth, justice, freedom, love,
equality and peace under the rule of law

Martial Law Constitution 1973

 Martial Law was declared in the year 1972, this wherein the process of
drafting new Constitution the abrogation of 1935 Constitution took place
 During Marcos’s regime he was not allowed to be a member of a political
party or hold any other office
 He had 6 years of term, wherein amongst the members of National
Assembly could be re-elected

Concentration of power
granted extensive powers to the President, allowing for rule by decree and reducing the
checks and balances in the government.

Suspension of Civil Liberties:

 During this period, civil liberties were curtailed, and political opponents faced
suppression. Media censorship and restrictions on freedom of assembly and
speech were common.

Control over the Judiciary:

 The judiciary was also affected, with the President having significant influence
over the appointment of justices.
Preamble of 1973

The actual practice of governance during this period faced criticism for human rights abuses,
suppression of political opposition, and the concentration of power in the hands of the
executive. The 1973 Constitution was eventually set aside, and a new constitution, the 1987
Constitution, was adopted after the People Power Revolution in 1986. The 1987 Constitution
aimed to restore democratic principles and prevent the abuses seen during the martial law era.

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