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Year 7

Record of Exploration

Name Lotte Gilbert-Wooldridge

Form 7B
3 I can work with other people in my class. I can take part in a piece of drama and attempt
to stay in character the whole way through.
I can say what I liked about a performance.

I listen to others’ ideas when rehearsing. I can talk about important moments for the
I can try to make my voice heard in performance. audience in the drama.
I can rehearse a basic drama strategy with my
group. I can try to show what my character is feeling I can say what I liked about my own piece of
through my facial expressions. drama.
I can be part of a group that can plan to use
technical equipment in their piece of drama. I can face the audience for some of my I can say what I liked about others’ work.

4 I can work helpfully & without my teacher’s help,

with other people in my class.
I can take part in a piece of drama and stay in
character for some of the performance.
I can use basic drama words when

I can contribute an idea when we are rehearsing. I can make my voice heard by the audience in I can try to explain the effect the piece has on the
performance. audience.
I can make use of basic drama strategies when
creating my piece of drama. I can try to show what my character is feeling I can say what went well, when evaluating my
through my body language and facial own piece of drama.
I can plan for the use of technical equipment in expressions.
my piece of drama. I can say what went well when evaluating others’
I can try to set out my piece of drama so that the work.
audience can see the action.

5 I can work supportively and confidently with

other people in my class.
I can take part in my piece of drama, staying in
character the whole way through.
I can use drama words in a full sentence when

I can contribute ideas when we are rehearsing. I can try out different ways of using my voice in I can explain the effect a piece of drama has on
performance. the audience.
I can choose which drama strategies to use when
we are creating our piece of drama. I can try out different ways of using my body I can say what went well and what needs
language and facial expressions in performance. improving, when evaluating my own piece of
I can choose appropriate technical effects when drama.
creating my piece of drama. I can set out my piece of drama so that the
audience can see the action. I can say what went well and what needs
improving when evaluating other’s work.

6 I can always work helpfully and & sensitively,

without my teachers help.
I can stay in character when performing, even
when the piece does not go as planned.
I can use more complex drama terms when

I can contribute appropriate and imaginative I can choose, use and maintain appropriate vocal I can understand and explain how the group tried
ideas when rehearsing. skills and accents to show my character in to make the audience feel.
I can choose appropriate and imaginative drama I can suggest areas for improvement when
strategies when creating our piece of drama. I can choose, use and maintain appropriate evaluating my own piece of drama.
movement skills to show my character in
I can choose appropriate and imaginative performance. I can suggest areas for improvement, when
technical effects when creating our piece of evaluating others’ work.
drama. I can set out my piece of drama appropriately so
that the staging fits in with the intentions of the

7 I can work with different people in my class,

testing their ideas out sensitively.
I can stay in character when the performance
does not go as planned, adapting the piece
I can use complex drama terms with confidence
and understanding when evaluating.
where necessary.
I can make use of my own and other’s ideas in a I can evaluate how effectively a group engages
positive and imaginative way when rehearsing. I can use my voice competently and imaginatively with and affects the audience.
to show a variety of emotions in my
I can choose appropriate and imaginative drama performance. I can understand the effectiveness of my piece
strategies, which will effectively communicate and how to improve aspects of it when
our ideas. evaluating my own piece of drama.
I can use my movement skills competently and
I can choose appropriate and imaginative imaginatively to show a variety of emotions in I can understand the reasons for the
technical effects that communicate our meaning my performance. effectiveness of a piece of drama and help others
and ideas. to improve.
I can imaginatively set out various pieces of
drama, using different forms of staging that are
appropriate to the piece of drama.
I can work effectively with different people in my I can stay in character when the performance I can use a wide range of complex drama terms
8 class, testing their ideas out sensitively and
taking a lead in moving the work forward.
does not go as planned, adapting the piece
where necessary and working supportively with
with confidence and understanding when
other members of the group to allow the
I can make use of my own and other’s ideas in a performance to move forward. I can evaluate how effectively a group engages
positive and imaginative way when rehearsing, with and affects the audience, supporting my
asking questions that are significant in the I can use my voice expressively and imaginatively judgements with clear justification.
development of the work. to show a variety of emotions in my
performance. I can analyse the effectiveness of my piece and
I can choose varied, appropriate and imaginative how to improve aspects of it when evaluating my
drama strategies, which will effectively own piece of drama.
communicate our ideas. I can use my movement skills expressively and
imaginatively to show a variety of emotions in I can analyse the effectiveness of a piece of
I can choose varied, appropriate and imaginative my performance. drama and help others to improve specific
technical effects that communicate our meaning elements of their work.
and ideas. I can experiment imaginatively with different
forms of staging that help to convey my dramatic
intentions more effectively.

I can work highly effectively with different people I can stay in character when the performance I can use a wide range of complex drama terms
9 in my class, testing their ideas out sensitively and
taking a significant lead in moving the work
does not go as planned, adapting the piece
where necessary and working supportively with
with confidence, understanding and insight when
forward. other members of the group to allow the
performance to move forward seamlessly. I can evaluate how effectively a group engages
I can make use of my own and other’s ideas in a with and affects the audience, supporting my
positive, insightful and imaginative way when I can use my voice expressively, imaginatively judgements with clear and detailed justification.
rehearsing, asking questions that are significant and in a nuanced way to show a wide variety of
in the development of the work and refining it emotions in my performance. I can analyse the effectiveness of my piece and
with careful attention to detail. how to improve aspects of it in a precise and
detailed way when evaluating my own piece of
I can choose varied, appropriate and imaginative I can use my movement skills expressively, drama.
drama strategies, which will effectively imaginatively and with a high level of control to
communicate our ideas and create changes of show a wide variety of emotions in my I can analyse the effectiveness of a piece of
pace and atmosphere. performance. drama in a precise and detailed way and help
others to improve and refine specific elements of
I can choose varied, appropriate and imaginative I can experiment imaginatively with different their work.
technical effects that communicate our meaning staging configurations that are completely fitting
and ideas and create changes of pace and to my dramatic intentions and enhance the
atmosphere. communication of my ideas to the audience.
Drama (from the Greek drao = to do)
Theatre (from the Greek theatron = to behold)

This workbook will allow you to monitor your progress and set yourself targets, so that you will know how to
reach your potential.

Below is a table to record your grades throughout the year. Your teacher will assess your attainment every
half term, after you have considered the levels opposite and given yourself a mark.

Your Grade Teacher’s Grade

Baseline Assessment 3

Autumn #1 4

Autumn #2

Spring #1

Spring #2

Summer #1

Summer #2

Autumn Interim Report Grade:

Spring Interim Report Grade:

Summer Interim Report Grade:

Full Report Grade:

Autumn #1

Introduction to Year 7
Aims & Objectives: To learn about ways of Key Words:
working in Drama and to explore the use of  Role play
core drama techniques.  Dialogue
 Narration
 Spoken thoughts
 Still image
 Concentration
 Communication
 Creativity
 Confidence
 Cooperation
Drama conventions / strategies / elements used:
Still image, spoken thoughts, narration, role play

During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 Still image  Confidence

 Spoken thoughts
 Narrating

The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

 Communication
 Some acting skills

 Creativity
 Cooperation

Extracurricular / special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 5 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
Autumn #2

Developing Character

Aims & Objectives: To learn about the Key Words:

rehearsal and performance skills needed to  Characterisation
create a believable character.  Hero
 Villain
 Conscience
 Contrast
 Gait
 Sound effect
 Embody
 Monologue

During this work i have enjoyed:

 Characterisation
 Hero
 Villain
 Conscience
 Contrast
 Gait
 Sound effect
 Embody
During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 Acting  Characterisation

 Monologue 

The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

Extracurricular / special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 6 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
Spring #1

Aims & Objectives: Key Words:

Drama conventions / strategies / elements used:

During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 

 
The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

Extracurricular / special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 6 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
Spring #2

Aims & Objectives: Key Words:

Drama conventions / strategies / elements used:

During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 

 
The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

Extracurricular/ special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 6 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
Summer #1

Aims & Objectives: Key Words:

Drama conventions / strategies / elements used:

During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 

 
The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

Extracurricular / special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 6 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
Summer #2

Aims & Objectives: Key Words:

Drama conventions / strategies / elements used:

During this scheme of work, I have enjoyed: During this scheme of work, I have found

 

 
The skills I have developed are: My two targets to improve are:

Extracurricular / special events record:

Examples of when I have achieved in Drama through CREATING, PERFORMING AND



The highlighted words are areas of Drama where I feel I need to further develop my skills:
Creating Performing Evaluating
The 6 Cs
Concentration Communication Co-operation
Contribution Creativity Confidence
Team Worker Independent Enquirer Effective Participant
Reflective Learner Self-Manager Creative Thinker
PLTS Personal and Learning Thinking Skills

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