Salivaryglands 2 Cpalate 2 Cpharynx 2 Cswallowing

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1. The following pertains to the parotid gland, EXCEPT:
a. It is the largest salivary gland
b. Predominantly secretes mucus
c. Commonly involved in viral infection
d. Has an accessory part
e. Duct opens opposite the upper 2nd molar
2. The following pertains to the parotid gland, EXCEPT:
a. The motor branches of the facial nerve are given off
within its substance
b. The glenoid process is the one that causes pain
during mastication in patients with mumps
c. Part of the parotid is found behind the ear
d. Innervated by the chorda tympani
3. Pertains to the submandibular gland, EXCEPT:
a. Has superficial and deep parts
b. Located in the submandibular fossa
c. Innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve
d. May be involved in cancer
e. The submandibular ducts open in the sublingual
4. Pertains to the sublingual gland, EXCEPT:
a. Predominantly secretes mucus
b. Located in the sublingual fossa
c. The sublingual ducts open in the sublingual folds
d. Innervated by a branch of the trigeminal nerve
e. More active during fight or flight mode
A 36-year-old woman, complains of pain and swelling beneath the left
mandible, particularly after eating a meal. She also complains of a
“sand-like” or “gritty” sensation in her mouth. On examination, she is
noted to have edema and tenderness of the left submandibular region.
Palpation of her mouth reveals a 4-mm, irregular, nonmobile, hard
mass in the mucosa of her mouth. She denies trauma to the region and
does not have an eating disorder.
5. What is the most likely diagnosis?
6. What is the anatomical course of the affected structure?
7. What treatment would you recommend?
8. The incisive foramen is found in the hard palate.
9. The soft palate is composed of smooth muscles that
help during deglutition.
10. The tensor veli palatini elevates the soft palate.
11. The palatopharyngeus narrows the oropharyngeal
isthmus during swallowing.
12. Majority of the muscles of the palate are supplied
by branches of the vagus nerve.
Jeremy, 2-year-old male, is scheduled for palatoplasty
to repair his 4th degree palatal cleft.

13-17. Enumerate the structures affected in this defect

from posterior going anterior.
18. The pharynx is composed of smooth muscles.
19. The pharynx is composed of inner circular and outer longitudinal muscle
layers just like the rest of the GIT.
20. The upper esophageal sphincter is composed of the cricopharyngeus.
21. The pharynx is divided into 4 parts.
22. The stylopharyngeus is the only muscle of the pharynx that is not supplied
by the vagus nerve.
23. The pharyngeal constrictors are responsible for propelling food from the
oropharynx to the esophagus.
24. Part of the roof of the oropharynx is provided by the uvula.
25. How is food prevented from entering the
26-30. Summarize the mechanism of swallowing.

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