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Peter Pan

Once upon a time in London, there lived three children. Wendy, John and Michael were their names. One
night, Wendy woke up and saw a strange boy sitting on the floor. He looked cross. “My name is Wendy,” she said,
and asked the boy, “Who are you, and why do you look so cross?” The boy replied, “I’m Peter Pan. I’m cross
because my shadow won’t stick to me.” “Oh, I can fix that,” Wendy said and sewed Peter’s shadow to the tips of
his shoes. Peter was now happy. “Will you please fly back to Neverland with me and my fairy, Tinker Bell?” Peter
asked Wendy, “You could be our mother and take care of us.” “Will you teach me how to fly?” Wendy asked and
Peter nodded. “I’ll wake John and Michael up. If you teach all of us to fly, we can go to Neverland,” Wendy said. It
wasn’t long before all three children were flying around in the bedroom. Suddenly, with a whoosh, they all flew out
of the window and followed the golden arrows that pointed the way to the beautiful land of Neverland. Soon, all of
them were flying over the island.

Peter memberi tahu mereka bahwa Lost Boys tinggal bersama Tinker Bell dan dia. “Putri duyung tinggal di
laguna sana dan ada bajak laut juga! Bos mereka adalah Kapten Hook,” kata Peter. “Bajak laut?” tanya Wendy,
sedikit ketakutan. Namun Michael dan John ingin segera melihat para perompak itu. Peter berkata kepada mereka,
“Hook adalah bajak laut paling kejam yang pernah ada, tapi dia takut pada buaya.” Peter memberi tahu mereka
bahwa seekor buaya telah menggigit tangan Hook bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Buaya sangat menyukai rasanya
sehingga ia mengikutinya, berharap lebih. Namun buaya telah menelan jamnya dan bunyi tik, tok, tik, tok
memperingatkan Hook ketika buaya berada di dekatnya. “Oh, lagipula aku tidak yakin ingin tinggal di Neverland.”
kata Wendy. Peter kemudian membawa Wendy, John, dan Michael ke rumahnya di hutan, melalui pintu rahasia.

“Will you be our mother?” the Lost Boys shouted when they saw Wendy. “But I’m only a little girl,” replied
Wendy. “Oh, all right, I’ll do my best.” Wendy said as the Lost Boys were sad. And so, Wendy tucked the boys into
bed that night and told them a story. One day, Peter and the children went exploring around the mermaids’
lagoon. All of a sudden, Peter yelled, “Pirates! Hide everyone!” The boys ran away, while Wendy and Peter hid.
Peter saw that the pirates had tied up Tiger Lily, the Indian princess, to a rock. Peter must save her! He shouted in
Captain Hook’s voice, “Set the princess free!” “Captain, you told us to bring her here!” one of the pirates yelled.
“Let her go!” Peter roared in captain’s voice again.

“Aye, aye, kapten” kata bajak laut itu dan membebaskan sang putri. Ketika Kapten Hook mengetahui hal
ini, dia tahu bahwa Peter telah menipu para bajak laut dan sangat marah! Malam itu, Wendy menceritakan kepada
Lost Boys sebuah cerita tentang tiga anak yang meninggalkan orang tuanya dan terbang ke Neverland. Dia
mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa ibu dan ayah mereka sangat merindukan mereka. “Apakah mereka pernah
kembali ke sana?” tanya salah satu Anak Hilang. “Ya,” jawab Wendy, “mereka terbang pulang menemui ibu dan
ayah mereka, dan semua orang bahagia seperti sebelumnya.” Hal ini membuat Wendy, John, dan Michael merasa
rindu kampung halaman dan mereka memutuskan untuk terbang pulang keesokan paginya. “Jika kamu kembali
bersama kami, aku yakin orang tua kami akan menjagamu.” Wendy memberi tahu Lost Boys. “Hore! Hore!” teriak
Lost Boys kegirangan. Namun Peter dan Tinker Bell tidak ingin hidup di mana orang dewasa memberi tahu anak-
anak apa yang harus dilakukan. Jadi, Peter sedih karena teman-temannya akan segera pergi. Dia meminta Tinker
Bell untuk membimbing mereka semua pulang.

Early the next morning, Tinker Bell and the children left Peter’s house. Captain Hook’s pirates were hiding
nearby to capture all the children. They caught them, tied them up, and took them to the pirate’s ship. Tinker Bell
escaped and flew back to tell Peter what had happened. “Who wants to be a pirate?” asked Captain Hook and the
boys shook their heads. “Make them walk on the planks!” shouted Captain Hook. The boys were afraid, but tried to
act brave. Suddenly, all of them heard the “tick, tock” of the crocodile and now Captain Hook was afraid. But it was
Peter pretending to be a crocodile by producing a similar sound to the crocodiles’s “tick, tock.” Peter flew onto the
ship and shouted, “I’ve got you now, Hook!”. Captain Hook jumped up and swung at Peter with his sword, but he
missed and it fell right into the sea. Unfortunately, the crocodile was waiting for him in the water and that was the
end of Captain Hook!.
Peter and Tinker Bell set off for London with Wendy, John, Michael all the boys. Wendy’s mother and
father were very happy to see their children again and hugged them. They also said that they would look after all
the Lost Boys. “I’m going to stay in Neverland where I never have to grow up,” Peter said. “Goodbye, Peter. We’ll
miss you,” everyone bid him goodbye. So, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell flew back home to Neverland.

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