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Ethnolinguistic Group of Bangsamoro

At the end of the lesson, the students will be
able to:

 identify the history and unique

cultural tradition of Yakan people; and
 distinguish religious beliefs, customs,
traditions, and their livelihood.
What is Yakan?
Yakan people are among
the major indigenous Filipino
ethnolinguistic groups in the Sulu
Archipelago. Having a significant
number of followers of Islam, it is
considered one of the
13 Moro groups in
the Philippines. The Spaniards
called the Yakan, "Sameacas" and
considered them an aloof and
sometimes hostile hill people.
Sainge ru kite?

“How are you?”

Yakan are the They were forced to They speak a language

indigenous inhabitants evacuated empty known as Bahasa Yakan,
of the island province of handed and now living Yakan features are which is closely
Basilan in Sulu in Zamboanga city. small of frame, brown identified with Sama
Archipelago, Southern skin, slantly eyes, black Dilaut and a variant of
Philippines hair, and high-bridged the Sama and the
noses. Tausug languages
Livelihood of the Yakan People
Yakan people are
Their main crops are
rice, cassava, coconut
and many more .
It is a wooden mortar used by the
Yakan people for cutting and

Pirah or pira
A type
of Philippine bolo sword
or knife characterized by
a heavy blade and a wide
tip. It is the traditional
weapon favored by
the Yakan
people of Basilan Island.
-The Yakan have an immense respect for Allah or Awlahu Taala (God
-Yakan society is patriarchal, with the amana (father) as the head of the
-The life cycle of the Yakan is full of taboos inspired by Islamic and pre-
Islamic beliefs.
-A pregnant woman is not allowed to eat certain types of food such as
twin bananas, which may lead to the birth of twins.
-The residence of newly married couples is patrilocal
-A dying Yakan, upon sensing the end, calls a family meeting to ask for
forgiveness for offenses committed against family members
-Folk Islam is a combination of Islamic principles and traditional beliefs—
best describes the Yakan belief system
-is a white pattern painted on the face and
hands of the principal participants at certain

Mang- Upa or a betel nut chewing ritual

-a symbolic value at ceremonies and cultural
events and practiced at the beginning of social
events, it is offered to guests as a sign of
hospitality and to strengthen social ties.
Arts and Crafts
Pussuk Labbung

Bunga Sama

Kabban Buddi
Arts and Crafts
Selingkat/Seyingkat – a basket used for
food offerings for a pagtimbang ritual.

Tempipih - is a big basket carried on

the back.
Yakan Tribe Clothing

The Yakan attire basically

consists of “badju (top)” and
“sawal (trousers).”

These are colorful,

handwoven clothes that are
tight at the sleeves and
Only Yakan people has
wearing pants for both sexes.
Yakan Traditional Dance

Tumahik war dance

A dance performed at weddings, performed by
the groom prior to the wedding to show his
courage in protecting the bride and their family.
Yakan Traditional Instruments

Kwintangan Kayu

The Yakan tribe is the last Ethnolinguistic Group of
Bangsamoro, many beliefs and practices deriving from an older
religion are still retained and are, to a great extent,
incorporated into their a Muslim rituals and life, the Yakan
consider them to be part of Islam.
The Yakan tribe is one of the best weaver in the
Philippines. Yakan women are especially recognized for their
skill in weaving. Their colorful fabrics, featuring vibrant
geometric patterns and designs inspired by the natural
environment, have long figured in local rituals.
Ma'a salama'

Discussant: Reyane Mae G. Cuello

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