Season 1 Episode 1 Friends Series

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Season 1 Episode 1
1. hump -горб
2. hairpiece - накладне волосся
3. chalk - крейда
4. instead of - замість
5. weird - дивний
6. strip joints - стриптиз
7. intestines - кишки
8. decaf - без кофеїну
9. bridesmaids - подружки нареченої
10. gravy boat - соусник
11. buzz in - впустити в..
12. establish - встановлювати
13. hanger - вішалка
14. geeky - дивакуватий
15. purse - гаманець
16. to go through - пройти через
17. grab a spoon -(в даному контексті) -
повернутися до життя, не упустити шанс
Phrasal verbs in this episode

turn out - виявлятися

hang out - тусуватися
cut off - відрізати,
stay out - триматися
подалі, залишатися
go on - продовжувати
ask out - запрошувати

The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

[Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are there.]

Monica: There's nothing to tell! He's just some guy I work with!

Joey: Come on, you're going out with the guy! There's gotta be
something wrong with him!

go out - to have a romantic relationship with someone

phrasal verb
present participle going | She's going out
past tense went | with one of her
past participle gone colleagues.

gotta - short form of have got to

Пояснення правила have got to

Конструкція have got в англійській та її
Конструкція have got, як і просто дієслово have потрібна, щоб
показати, що людина щось має або їй щось притаманне.

Просто have got звучить більш неформально і

використовується у розмовній мові.

They have got a very big house — Вони мають дуже великий

Коли потрібно зробити щось, що вимагають від нас

обставини чи обов’язки, можна вжити have got to.

I have got to be honest with my girlfriend — Я повинен

бути чесним зі своєю дівчиною.
TASK 1. Connect the
descriptions and their photos

She is a chef
who loves to
cook and keep

She works in cafe

and is a friendly,
outgoing person

She is a quirky,
masseuse who has a
unique perspective
on life.
He is a smart
scientist who
loves learning
and is a bit of a
neat freak

He is an aspiring actor
who loves food and is
always looking for new
ways to impress

He is a funny and
sarcastic office
worker who loves
making jokes.
TASK 2. Make a comparisons ,
use words in the brackets

1.Joey/Ross (smart)
2.Monica/Rachel (hardworking)
3.Chandler/Ross (funny)
4.Rachel/Phoebe (fashion)
5.Phoebe/ Monica (flaky)

You can remember this rule on the next page


1. Rachel runs from her wedding and bumps

into her old friend Monica in a Manhattan
coffee shop.
2. Mike Geller, Monica's older brother, arrives at
the coffee shop, upset that his lesbian ex-wife
has moved out of their apartment to begin a
new relationship with her partner.
3. Joey and Chandler console Ross while helping
him crush old furniture.
4. Rachel buying a new pair of boots with one of
her credit cards, which she admits her ex-
husband pays for.
5. Ross and Phoebe talk and he confesses that he
once had a crush on her during high school.
6. In the final scene, the entire group are in
Central Perk having coffee with Rachel, who
begins a new career as a coffee shop waitress.
TASK 4. Watch the episode 1 (5:10-6:18) and
complete the text using the words below

Rachel: (on phone) Daddy, I just... I can't marry him! I'm sorry. I
just _______ him. Well, it matters to me!
(The scene on TV has changed to show two women, one is holding
her hair.)
Chandler: (re TV) Ooh, she should not be wearing _________.
Joey: I say push her down the stairs.
Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey: Push her down the stairs! Push
her down the stairs! Push her down the stairs!
(She is pushed down the stairs and everyone cheers.)
Rachel: Come on, Daddy, _____________! It's like, it's like, all of
my life, everyone has always told me, 'You're a shoe! You're a shoe,
you're a shoe, you're a shoe!' . And today I just __________and I
said, 'What if I _________ be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse,
y'know? Or a hat! No, I'm not saying I want you to buy me a hat,
I'm saying I am a hat. It's a ________, Daddy!

those pants don't wanna stopped

don't love metaphor listen to me
TASK 5. What grammatical tenses
are used in these phrases?
5.1. Underline them and tell the rules.

Rachel: Look Daddy, it's my life. Well maybe I'll just stay here with
Monica: Well, I guess we've established who's staying here with
Rachel: Well, maybe that's my decision. Well, maybe I don't need
your money. Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!!

Ross: So Rachel, what're you, uh... what're you up to tonight?

Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my
honeymoon, so nothing!

kinda - used in writing to represent an

informal way of saying "kind of"
Kind of and sort of are very common expressions in speaking. They soften
other words and phrases so that they do not appear too direct or exact. Kind of
is more common in American English. Sort of is more common in British
English: …

Скорочені форми kinda/sorta часто використовуються у

значеннях: ніби, начебто як. Вони пом'якшують вираз,
роблять його менш категоричним, додають нотки
Question 1
Why did Carol and Ross get divorced?
Ross cheated on her
Carol is a lesbian
Carol cheated on him
Carol wants to focus on her job

Question 2
What does Chandler say when Rachel enters Central Perk?
"And I just want a million dollars!"
"I do!"
"How did you do that?"
"And here comes the bride!"

Question 3
Who does Monica have a date with?
Mark The Shark
Paul The Wine Guy

Question 4
Where did Monica, Rachel and Ross go to high school?
Washington High
Lincoln High
Jefferson High
Franklin High

What is Joey’s job?

Why did the wife of Ross divorce
What is Monica’s job? Who
moves in with Monica in this
What is Phoebe’s job?
What is Rachel wearing when
she shows up to the coffee

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