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Question: 1. Imagine you have been appointed the Form One Master in your school.

Describe the strategies you may use to promote good study habits among your learners.

(15 Marks

Study is defined as a mental effort to obtain knowledge. Habit refers to a pattern of activity

which, through repetition, has been learned to a point that it has to become automatic and can

be carried out with a minimum conscious effect.

Therefore, study habits refer to the learning which leads to the achievement of learner’s goal

through a prescribed pattern of a steady behaviour.

Thus, good study habits among the learners refers to a situation in which a learner studies to

achieve a maximum success in his/her school work.

To promote good study habits among the learners, encourage the students to work to develop

the following study habits:

Plan specific time for Study

The learners should be trained to schedule specific times throughout the week for study time

and maintain the same.

Studying at the same time each day

Studying at the same each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of the

student’s life. When a scheduled time comes up during the day, he/she is prepared to begin

Setting specific Goals

Guide the learners in setting specific goals. These will help the learners stay focused and

monitor their progress.

Not doing too much studying at the same time

Too much studying at one time will make the learners tired and their study will not be very

effective. They should space the work with short breaks to restore mental energy.

Start studying when planned

The learners should be encouraged to start their studies at the specified time and avoid

procrastination as this will make it difficult for them to get everything done when it is


Review their notes before an assignment

By reviewing their notes helps learners to be able to do the assignments correctly.

Question: 2. Contrast the Existential and Behavioural approaches to counseling.

(15 Marks)

Existential approach is a philosophical approach that is not designed to cure people but

instead helps the client to reflect and search for value and meaning in life.

Behavioural approach is based on the premise that primary learning comes from experience

and applies learning principles to elimination of unwanted behaviours.

According to existentialists, human beings form their lives by the choices they make while

behaviourists view human nature, humans are neither good nor bad but that human beings are

capable of experiencing a variety of behaviours.

Existential approach focuses on freedom of choice and the action that goes with it whereas

the behaviourists believes that people can conceptualize and control their behaviour and have

the ability to learn new behaviours.

Existentialists believe that a person can discover life’s meaning in three ways; by doing deed,

by experiencing a value and by suffering. On the other hand, behaviourists believe that

learning and development occurs in one of the three ways: respondent learning, operant

conditioning and social modelling.

Existential counsellors are focused on helping their client achieve and expand their self-

awareness whereas the behaviourist counsellor functions as a consultant, teacher, advisor and


The existential counsellor’s role is to facilitate the client’s own encounter with

himself/herself, to work alongside him in exploring and understanding better his values,

assumptions and ideals. The behaviour counsellor tries to help the individual to learn new and

more adaptable behaviours and to unlearn old non-adaptable behaviours.

The main goal of existential approach is not to cure people of disorders, but to help them

become aware of what they are doing and encourage them to act, make life changing

decisions while behavioural counsellors want to help client make adjustments to life

circumstances and achieve personal and professional objectives.

Existential approach is not technique oriented, thus it draws techniques from other

orientations whereas general behavioural techniques are applicable to all behaviour theories,
although a given technique may be applicable to a particular approach at a given time in a


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