Operation: Saving Grace Setup: Pcs Are Approached by A High-Ranking Militech Exec. One of Their Best Researchers Grace

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Here is an adventure seed I have used at conventions:

Operation: Saving Grace

Setup: PCs are approached by a high-ranking Militech Exec. One of their best researchers Grace
Yuuhan has been kidnapped by Arasaka.

She is being kept in the basement of the local Arasaka Research Lab.

Militech will pay 10k eb for each Edgerunner who helps in her rescue.

The Secret: This is an Extraction. Grace has worked for Arasaka her whole life. And because she is
Japanese, the execs treat her fairly nicely. She will not want to leave.

The PCs can discover this if they search the Arasaka Payroll or as they are trying to kidnap her.
When they do, they have a hard decision to make. Be Kidnappers and piss off Arasaka and get
paid. Not be kidnappers and piss off Militech and not get paid...

I then find a semi-modern office layout like this one maybe:


Then add turrets and guards.

So, with these kinds of scenarios it is super important that you don't design the way in. Let the
PCs/Players figure it out.

Instead, think like the Corp. What would you/they do to keep out intruders? Do that. The more
logical/detailed your defenses are, the easier it is for the players to devise their own strategy.
Whereas if you come up with a way in YOU like, then the players have to play a blind man's bluff
trying different approaches and failing until they come across the one you like... Don't do that.
Like a GM I was talking to came up with the idea that the owner of a vault had a pitch perfect
voice, so he used a voice lock on his vault and the PCs would have to record him somehow to
break in. That sounds like an amazing story and a cool hook. Unless you are the poor hapless PCs
that have to figure all that out and somehow make a VERY specific plan work in a limited time/
space, right?

Also, make sure that the building is Evil Overlord compliant:


Here is a NPC Sheet I have used for my campaigns (feel free to use them):

Good luck!


Run Die Hard. Pick your favorite Die Hard movie and just adapt it to suit. That's usually what I do
for simple campaigns in modern/future setting RPGs.


I like to kick off my campaigns with this one shot (below). It works well as a launch point for a
campaign, because when it is done there will be a lot going on and people will want/need to get
things done to survive.


Militech hires the PCs to rescue a kidnapped weapons researcher from Arasaka. They know where
the researcher is held, but they need plausible deniability so they don't start another Corporate

Then let the PCs research the weapons lab. It should have tight security and make use of the Evil
Overlord list (so the sewer is not wider than 1 foot wide, etc.).

Once they get to where the Researcher is and try and rescue them they find out that the re-
searcher is an Arasaka employee and that the PCs are, in fact, the kidnappers.

At that point, they need to decide if they want to continue piss off Arasaka and kidnap the Re-
searcher. Or pull the plug on the deal and piss off Militech. They might come up with a third plan
(like kidnap them and auction them off to the highest bidder pissing off Militech AND Arasaka).

Once that mission is done, they will have good game world history and have people who want
them dead...

So, I like to use a map like this


From a site like this:


You can use this for NPC stats:


There is good info over at r/cyberpunk2020

Also, feel free to ask any questions here or there.


Just reload the page for the next randomized gig.


Any recommendations and comments is welcome. This is my first try in javascript and any gram-
mar or spelling errors is totally intentional. ;)

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