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An original radio drama

By Rupert Francis

January 22nd, 2024
2024 Rupert Francis
All rights reserved

SCENE ONE: EXT. In a driveway – morning


Narrator: On a bright sunny morning in the

United Kingdom a group friends are getting
ready for a holiday and packing the car
ready to head for the airport.

MUSIC: Happy and exciting

Narrator: As the three friends pack the car and set

off Tristen who is 19 and is originally
from Cornwall, he is very strong and
protective of his friends, and he
organized the holiday. He has also gone
with his sibling Phoebes who is Tristen's
younger sister and 18 years old who is
great at geography and found the complex
to stay she is the more responsible smart
friend. Tristen also brought his best
friend Charlie, who is a bit of an idiot
but is very friendly and is 18 years old.
They get to the airport and rush to make
the plane where they finally land in Spain.

SOUND: airplanes taking off and landing and bags

moving on the ground

MUSIC: cool and upbeat

Charlie: Oh yeah come on we’re in Spain now let the

holiday begin.

Phoebes: We need to check in and get our rooms then we

can explore the city.

Tristen: this is going to be so much fun I beg nothing

goes wrong

Charlie: bro shut up if you say that then you’re going

to jinx it and then something bad will happen.

Tristen: don’t be an idiot there's no such thing as

jinxing something you still think if you see a
cricket that it means bad luck.

Phoebes: Alright let’s go put our stuff in our rooms

and meet downstairs.
SOUND: keys being passed around and people coming
down the stairs

Receptionist: before you all go outside, we must warn you

that there is an unknown man that has recently
a few of our guests and so we highly recommend
to you that you stay together and when you
can come straight back after whatever you are
doing during the day, please.

Narrator: While the three friends go and explore the

colorful city of Seville, the mysterious
killer who they were warned about was
secretly planning his next attack on the
complex, however what nobody could figure was
why he kept on attacking the complex as over
many years residents of the complex would
go missing or be killed. Now nobody knows
about the who the killer is, but he was never
this type of person. He was an unfortunate
teenager who was abandoned and left alone in
the horrible heat. This was all due to his
sickness his mental health clouded his
judgement and he believed until he owned this
elaborate complex and that it was all to
himself, he believed that the residents
Inside we’re trespassing and the only way to
get rid of them was to eliminate them.

Phoebes: Well then, we just got on holiday and already

we’re in danger, this is not a great start.

Charlie: Guys I just got this cool foam finger that

says I love Spanish... well I don’t actually
know what that says.

Phoebes: It says I love Spanish feet you twat! Now can

you pay attention to this killer who’s just
out on the streets.

Tristen: All right you lot lets go home we’ve spent a

good 5 hours chilling in town doing fuck all
and eating Gazpacho and ice cream.

Sound Car stopping on gravel and doors opening and


Receptionist: Attention guests I have some bad news, and this

can’t wait, while you were gone a staff member
was attacked and murdered by the killer. Due to
this accident, we are going to close the complex
and send you all home early!

Tristen: What the Fuck are you kidding me this is ball

shit we get here for less than one day and
we’re already going home cause of some sad
little kid who’s of killing people for no
reason this is outrageous what a garbage
Phoebes: Well, this is just what’s happened. I guess
there’s nothing more we can do so let’s get
ready to go.

Narrator: After 2 and a half hours dusk sets and all the
Guests are ready to leave and about to leave
And unlock the gates to get out. However, the
gates have been locked shut with several chains
and locks. This has trapped all the civilians and
Workers inside the complex.

Sound: Lights switching off one after another and the

electricity going down.

Music: Loud dangerous unsettling music.

Tristen: Umm... what just happened.

Man 1: The lights have all gone out!

Woman 1: The powers turned off!

Receptionist: Okay everyone just because the powers gone out

doesn’t mean that we can’t...

Sound gun shot and the thud of a body.

Woman 1: Aggggggghhhhhh!

Man 1: It’s the Maniac who’s been running around

Seville for weeks now!
Charlie: The lunatic has a gun RUN!

Sound: gun shot and the thud of a body.

Tristen: Oh, crap run guys stay together and find cover

Sound gun shot and the thud of a body.

Phoebes: Guys we must get back inside he’s coming for us.
Charlie: Uggghhhh not to scare anyone but he’s climbed
the fence and has another gun so hit the deck.

Sound: clanging of chains and metal and the drop of the

feet on gravel soon he pulls out a machine gun and lets loose.

Sound: people are running on grass and falling over and

some points while three people run inside and shut the door.

Tristen: (breaths heavily) I think we’re alright we’ll be

safe inside don’t worry guys we’ll be okay...
won’t we?

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