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CHAPTER 1-Introduction Rizal Siblings: Saturnina, Paciano, Narcissa, Olimpia,

Lucia, Maria, Rizal, Conception, Josefa, Trinidad,

Republic Act 1425/Rizal Law - teaching of life, works Soledad.
and writings of Rizal. - His great grandfather from father side is Domingo
Senator Claro Recto - author of rizal bill. Lamco.
Senate Bill No. 438- also known as rizal bill. - His grandfather was Juan Mercado.
- Began on April 23,1956. -His father Don Francisco Mercado took courses in
Rizal bill ended on May 12,1956. Latin and Philosophy at Colegio de San Jose Manila.
The rizal bill enacted on June 12, 1956 signed by -His mother completed her education at Colegio de
President Ramon Magsaysay. Santa Rosa, prestigious college for girls in Manila.
Father Leoncio Lopez who made the young rizal the
CHAPTER 2- Spain and 19th century world of Rizal need to develop a sound philosophy of life.
At age of 4 Rizal experienced his first sorrow, when his
Nationalism- sense of loyalty and psychological young sister concepcion he fondly called concha died.
attachment. -Rizal first poem when he was 8 years old entitled
The ideology of French Revolution - Liberty, Fraternity “Sa aking mga kabata of To my fellow children”.
and Equality. -Rizal’s first teacher was his mother.
February 17, 1872 - execution of GOMBURZA -His first private teacher was Maestro Celestino then
Commercial Revolution -caused by the immense Maestro Lucas Padua and third is Leon Monroy.
potential profits. - Rizal in village school under Maestro Justiniano Cruz.
Industrial Revolution- commerce was facilitated with -Rizal returned to Calamba on December 17, 1870.
use of inventions such as steam engine.
Laissez-faire policy - policy of governments CHAPTER 5- Rizal in Ateneo
interference to conduct of trade and business.
Carlist Wars- struggle of spain. - Rizal took entrance examination at Colegio de San
Opening of Suez Canal in 1896 and laying telegraph line Latran on June 10, 1872.
Brought Europe closer to Philippines. Father Magi Fernando deny rizal’s admission.
Illustrados - “enlighten ones” -Due to intervention of Manuel Burgos the registrar
Governor-general - had legislative powers, were call finally admitted rizal.
actos acordados. -He registered his name as Jose Rizal because his
Friars - supervising representative of spanish original surname ring a bell to theauthorities.
government. - RIzal take Bachiller en Artes at Ateneo which has 5
Frailocracia - termed by Lopez Jaena rise in power and learning areas ; Christian Doctrine, History and
influence of the friars. Geography, World History, Mathematics and sciences,
Audiencia Real - highest court in the Philippines. Classic discipline.
Las Leyes de Indias - law issued by the spanish crown.
Two competing empires:
CHAPTER 3- Nationalism Roma Empire - were the boarding students at Ateneo
Carthaginian Empire - non-boarding students.
Spanish ruled the Philippines for more that 300 years.
Reduction Plan of Fr. Juan de Plasencia was Empire ranks: Emperor (best scholar)----tribune---
implemented which required natives to live in the area decurion---centurion---standard bearer.
near the church.
Governor-General Carlos Ma Dela Torre -governor- Atenean education one aim is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
general in the philippines. His successor Rafael de or For the greater glory of God.
Izquierdo. -Rizal studied at Ateneo from 1872-1877.
Cavite Mutiny - increased taxes from tribute and forced -He passed the oral examination on March 14, 1877.
labor by gov general Izquerdo. - He graduated with the degree of Bachiller en Artes
with highest academic honors.
CHAPTER 4- Rizal childhood years -Rizal’s academic triumph at ateneo cam be attributed
to thress factors; racial pride, monastic discipline and
Rizal was born on June 19, 1861. seclusion of boarding school life.
- baptized by Father Ruffino Collantes with Father -Rizal took painting lesson under Agustin Saez anad
Pedro Casanas his grandfather. sculpture lesson under Teodoro Romualdo de Jesus.
Rizal was the seventh child of Don Francisco and Dona
Teodora. -Rizal first poem as a student entitled Mi Primera
Inspiracion dedicated to his mother latter’s natal day.
-Another poem he write in ateneo was Un Recuerdo de Hidalgo a silver medal for his entry “Christian virgins
Mi Pueblo (In memory of my town). exposed to the populace”.
-The poem Al Nino Jesus was an ode rizal wrote it -Rizal delivered a speech during the occasion called
when he was 14 years old, the poem express his “brindis”.
-Rizal conferred the degree of Bachiller en Artes on Rizal in Paris
March 23, 1876.
-He was 24 years old and he wants to specialize in
RIZAL IN UST opthalmology.
-He went to Barcelona to visit Maximo Viola a medical
- At 16 rizal enrolled Philosophy and letters during his student from San miguel Bulacan.
freshmen year in UST. -Rizal finish his medicine studies in France and
-Rizal shifted his course in Medicine. He was advised by Germany.
Father Ramon to pursue medicine. -He works as an assistant at eye clinic of Dr. Louis de
-Rizal was a member of a group called Comapaneros de Wecker for 4 months.
Jehu inspired by the freshmen who opposed French - Rizal became Luna’s model in “The blood compact”
Revolution. and Death of Cleopatra he posed as “Sikatuna” in The
- He became infatuated with Segunda Katigbak when blood compact and a priest in the Death of Cleopatra.
segunda was to be married, he turned his eyes to
another women at that time he was courting Leonor Rizal in Heidelberg Germany
“Orang” Valenzuela and Leonor Rivera.
Leonor Rivera - his greatest love and first cousin. -He arrived on February 3, 1886
- Rizal’s entry in literary writing contest wasn -He was privileged to work at eye hospital of Dr. Otto
A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth) and El Becker.
Consejo de los Dioses ( The council of the Gods) -Rizal write a poem entitled A Las Flores de Heidelberg
on April 12, 1886’
Three best literary works of rizal at university: -Rizal sent hos first correspondence to Blumentritt on
A La Juventud Filipina July 31,1886.
El Consejo de los Dioses - allegory in praise of cervantes -He arrived on Leipzig on August 14, 1886
A Filipinas - a sonnet to encourage filipino artists ro -He came to know Prof. Friedrich Ratzel a welll known
glorify the country. german historian and Dr. Hans Meyer a famous
Junto Al Pasig - one act play, request of the jesuits. anthropologist.
-While at Leipzig he worked as a proofreader in a
DECISION TO GO TO EUROPE publishing company to augment his allowance.
After 4th year rizal decided to leave the country to -He left Leipzig on October 29,1886.
complete his medical course in Barcelona Spain
Rizal in Berlin
CHAPTER 6- Rizal in Europe
- He arrived on November 1, 1886
-Rizal left in Calamba on May 1, 1882 and reach Manila -On the recommendation of Dr. Jagor and Dr. Meyer
via carromata. rizal accepted as member of following societies in
-From Manila Salvadora sailed to Singapore. Berlin:
-From Singapore he boarded the ship Djemna to Anthropological Society, Ethnological Society and
France. Geographical Society.
-He reached Barcelona on June 16, 1882. -He worked as an assistant in Dr. Schweigger’s clinic
- When he was in Barcelona, he write an essay entitled
El Amor Patrio or Love of Country, he was 21 years CHAPTER 7- Noli Me Tangere
under pseudonym Laong Laan.
-El Amor Patrio - rizal’s first nationalistic essay. -Rizal encourage hos fellow expatriates to call
- Rizal joins Masonry and he became Master Mason in themselves Indios Bravos.
Lodge Solidaridad on November 15,1890. -He presented a proposal novel about the Philippines to
- Rizal was attracted to Consuelo the Circulo Hispano Filipino on January 2, 1884.
-Pedro Paterno write his novel Costumbres Filipinas
Juan Luna and Felix R. Hidalgo wins Madrid Exposition particular aspecr of filipino culture.
Luna was awarded gold medal for his painting -Rizal motivation to write novel was Luna’s Spolarium
“Spolarium”. -Rizal started writing Noli Me Tangere in 1884 while he
was studying in Europe.
-He wrote one half in Madrid, one fourth in Paris and -Rizal transferred to steamer Haiphong and reached
remaining one fourth was completed in Berlin Manila on August 5, 1887.
Germany on February 21,1887. -Visited Isabelo Delos Reyes

-The novel came to the press on March 21,1887 Back to Calamba

funded by Maximo Viola.
-Arrived in Calamba on August 8, 1887.
First reaction to the Noli -Rumors spreading that Rizal was a german spy.
- Antonio Regidor said the book is superior -He open a medical clinic
-Ferdinand Blumentritt “Your works as we germans say, -Old folks of Calamba called him Doctor Uliman
has been written with blood and heart. Calamba Agrarian Problem started when gov. General
-Archbishop Pedro Payo he found the book heretical tererro ordered investigation of the friars to determine
impous and scandalous in its religion. whether the dominicans were paying taxes.
-Sent the same to rector of UST for examination on Lt. General Valeriano Weyler replaced Gov. General
August 18, 1887. Tererro.
-Gov, General Emilio Terrero alleged to be libelous and
subversive, interested to read it. -Una Profanacion attacked the denial of christian burial
to his brother in law. Published on July 31, 1889
ATTACKS Himno Al Trabajo to commemorate the conversion of
-Fr. Salvador Font banning the book, prevent the Lipa from town to city.
circulation of novel. Submitted a report on December
29, 1892. -Rizal leave for the 2nd February 1887 he was already 27
-Rizal wrote satistical essay entitled Por Telefono under years old, medical practitioner and recognized man of
pen name Dimas Alang in answer to attack of Fr. Font letters.
-Father Jose Rodriguez judged the novel on a doctrinal
level,(Caingat Kayo) issuing a series of pamphlets under CHAPTER 9-Calamba to Europe for 2nd time
Cuestiones De Sumo Interes. Rizal replied through
satirical pamphlet La Vision Del Fray Rodriguez. Rizal in Hongkong

DEFENDERS - On board the steamer Zafiro, Rizal left Manila for

-Fr. Francisco Paula De Sanchez praise and defended Hongkong
the Noli publicly. -He arrived February 8, 1888.
-Fr. Vicente Garcia writing under the pen name -Rizal met Jose Maria Basa and Balbino Mauricio.
Desiderio Magalang he reolied to Fr. Rodriguez -On February 22, 1888 Rizal left Hongkong on board
condemnation of the Noli for its alleged blasphemy and vessel SS Oceania.
-The book was a work of Literature. Rizal In Japan
- Marcelo H. Del Pilar answer Fr. Rodriguez pamphlet
entitled Caiigat Kayo (be slippery as an eel) -Arrived on February 28, 1888, he entered the country
-Ferdinand Blumentritt the novel was a patriotic one. through Yokohama. He visited Japanese provinces and
learned Nippongo.
CHAPTER 8- The First Homecoming -Kuruma or Rickshaw like horses, popular mode of
transportation in Japan that time.
-Rizal and Viola arrived at Leitmeritz afternoon of May -Rizal’s romance with Osei-San began
13, 1887.
May 17, 1887 Rizal and Viola left Letmeritz. Rizal in America
-Rizal and Viola arrived at Vienna on May 20, 1887.
-Rizal celebrated his 26th birthday at Geneva -Riza left in Japan middle of April 1888, Arrived in US on
-The twi parted ways on June 23, 1887 Rizal toured in April 28. 1888 on english steamer Belgic.
Italy, Viola returned to Barcelona. - On May 16, 1888 Rizal left New York for Liverpool
Rizal Arrives in Manila
Rizal in London
-Rizal left Rome by train headed for Marseilles France
on July 3, 1887. He boarded Djemna same vessel that -Arrived in Liverpool on May 24, 1888.
ferried him to the continent five years ago. -Rizal resided to London from May 1888-March 1889.
-Upon Arriving to London on May 25, 1888, he stayed -noble and honored name
as a guest to Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, a practicing -manly heart
lawyer. -high spirit incapable of being satisfied with
-Dr, Reinhild Rost recommend rizal be allowed to engendering slaves
undertake research at British Museum.
-Rizal attracted to Gertrude Beckett.
Asociacion La Solidaridad organization, patriotic CHAPTER 11- Visionary Journalist to Paris and Brussels
society, established on December 31, 1888
The officers of this patriotic society were: Kidlat Club to bring together the youthful Filipinos in
Paris. March 19, 1889.
President: Galiciano Apacible The Paris Exposition opened on May 6, 1889, cutting
Vice President: Graciano Lopez-Jaena ribbon by Sadi Carnor.
Secretary: Manuel Sta. Maria Indios Bravos replaced Kidlat Club
Tresurer: Mariano Ponce - Rizal founded Sociedad R.D.L.M (Redencion De Los
Accountant: Jose Ma. Panganiban Malayos) aim as a secret society, propagation of all
useful knowledge.
Jose Rizal was chosen as honorary president of
Asociacion La Solidaridad. Sobre La Indolencia de Los Filipinos (The Indolence of
the Filipinos)
-On February 5, 1889 Rizal was informed the founding -longest essay of Rizal
organ of Propaganda Movement by Graciano Lopez- -defense of filipinos from charge that they were
Jaena. This time it called La Solidaridad. inherently lazy or indolent.
-With La Solidaridad Rizal express his thoughts and
feelings fearlessly. His first article in La Solidaridad was Filipinas Dentro de Cien Anos (The Philippines A
Los Agricultores Filipinos. Century Hero) - how Philippines through century.
A Mi Musa (To my muse) - attitudes of filipino
-Rizal went to Paris early in September 1888. expatriates in Spain. Express Rizal’s bitterness over land
-Rizal went to Madrid and Barcelona on December 11, troubles in Calamba.
-Rizal returned to London on December 24, 1888, he -Rizal had an affair with Suzanne Jacoby (Europe)
spent Christmas and new year with Beckett family. -Rizal envisioned came true, On May 1, 1889 the
-He wrote the famous “Letter to the young women in American entered Philippines and wrestled from Spain
Malolos” in reply to attacks made by Fr. Rodriguez. the control of the Philippines.
The letter was written upon requested by Marcelo H. -Rizal left Paris for Brussles, Belgium on January
Del Pilar. 28,1890
-Rizal left London for Paris on March 19, 1889. -Accompanied by Jose Alberto, an engineering student,
stayed with Rizal when Rizal transferred to Brussels.
CHAPTER 10-Legacy to young filipino women
CHAPTER 12 - Resolute Propagandist Abdicates
-On December 12, 1888 a group of 20 women Leadership
petitioned Gov. General Weyler for permission to open
a night school to study spanish under Teodoro Sandiko -Rizal seek justice for his family and farmers,he sought
-Father Felipe Garcia objected it the assistance of the Associacion Hispano Filipino
Jose Ma. Panganiban (jomapa)
Qualities Mothers have to Possess - Antonio Luna blame Rizal for his failure to win
-noble wife “Nellie Bousted” (Biarritz, France)
-Rear her children in the service of the state. - Leonora Rivera married “Henry Kipping” an english
-Set standards of behavior foe men around her man.

Advice to Unmarried men and women Rizal’s break with Del Pilar
- Choosing life partner, they should not consider - A meeting was held on January 1, 1891
physical beauty nor sweetness, but rather give priority -The meeting decided to call the leader
to firmness of character andlofty ideas. “responsible/responsible”
- Rizal counseled young women not to surrender their -Divided in two campaigns: Rizalistas and Pilaristas
womanhood to a weak and timid heart
-In Biarritz May 29/30, 1891 he completed the
3 things young woman must look for a man manuscript of EL FILIBUSTERISMO.
-Rizal left Biarritz on March 30. 1891 -Ang mga karapatan ng tao
-A la Nacion Espanola ( To the Spanish Nation)
-Sa mga kababayan ( To my Countrymen)

Rizal laid down the basis of the La Liga Filipina with

assistance of Jose Maria Basa
CHAPTER 13- El Filibusterismo: A Revolution that La Liga Filipina sought to achieve unification of whole
Failed archipelago, defense against all forms of violence and
injustice, stimulation of instruction, agriculture and
-Rizal left Brussels for Ghent on July 5, 1891 commerce.
-Valentin Ventura funded the publication of El Fili and La Liga Filipina founded on July3, 1892, in Calle Ilaya
published it on September 18, 1891 Tondo, home of Doroteo Ongjungco
-Noli Me Tangere - Its motto was Unus Instar Omnium (One like All)
- is a romantic novel, a work of heart and book
of feeling Borneo Colonization Project
- dedicated to motherland Rizal conceived and planned the founding of a Filipino
-loneger, consist of 64 chapters colony in North Borneo or Sabah, thus in March 7,
-El Filibusterismo 1892, he negotiated with the British authorities in
- is a political novel, work of head and book of charge of the North Borneo Company and was offered
thought. 100,000 acres of land free of charge for 99 years.
- dedicated to memory of GOMBURZA
-shorter, consist of 38 chapters -Rizal and his sister returned Manila on June 26, 1892
Both novels were instrumen6al in awakening the spirit after going through with their luggage
of filipino nationalism, which paved the way for the -Rizal returned to Manila on June 28, 1892 after his
outbreak of Revolution 1896. travels to central luzon

Tabo- vessel/steamer on board in El Fili -July 7, 1892 Despujolorder the deportation of Rizal to
Senor Pasta - self-seeking opportunist, serving only -Rizal was detained in Fort Santiago for 9 days on July
interest of those who have hired them. 15, 1892
Isagani young student, basilio’s bestfriend La Liga died and it splits in two branches
Paulita Gomez- girlfriend of Isagani and niece of Doña -The rightist (cuerpo de compromisarios)
Victorina -The leftists (KKK)
Basilio- medical student, helped simoun
Juli- girlfriend of basilio, youngest daughter of kabesang -Rizal arrived on Dapitan on July 17, 1892
tales Literary works in Dapitan
Placido Penitente - young man who dillusioned by the -Hymn to Talisay intended for college song
state affairs -My Retreat -response to his mother’s request
Don Custudio - Spaniard who pretends to be influential
in colonial government CHAPTER 15- Revolution of 1896 trial and martyrdom
Cabesang Tales - victim of land grabbing by friars, he
died of fever and no justice Federico Ochangco replaced Despujol as Gov. General
on May 24, 1893
Rizal after El Fili no lomger shared the view of the Ramon Blanco soon takeover the reigns of gov general
reforms, he was bitterly attacked and mocked by his Jose Pablo was sent by thr friars to spy on Rizal, he
fellow reformers in madrid offered himself as the courier of rizals letters and
CHAPTER 14- Back to Hongkong and Philippines
towards life in Calamba Attempts to rescue Rizal
- Paez find a vessel for Rizal going to Hongkong
-Rizal left Europe via Marseilles France on October 18, -Regidor Plan: Election of Del Pilar to spanish
1891 and him work for Rizal’s liberation
-He arrived in Hongkong November 20, 1891 -Bonifacio sent Dr. Pio Valenzuela in Dapitan to
-Governor Eulogio Despujol replaced Governor inform Rizal about Revolution
Valeriano Weyler -Blumentritt suggest that Rizal should work as a
volunteer doctor for spanish army in cuba.
Writings in Hongkong
-Ramon Blanco approved and Rizal boarded
going to Barcelona

-Rizal left Dapitan on July 31, 1896 on board the

steamer espana. He arrived in Manila on
August 6, 1896

-August 23, 1896 the historic Cry of Pugadlawin took

place wherein Bonifacio asked Katipuneros if they were
ready to fight the spaniards.
-August 30, 1896 Ramon Blanco issued gobernatorial
decree declaring a state of war.
-September 3, 1896 he boarded steamer Isla de Panay
going to Barcelona.

-The verdict of death sentence was December 29. 1896

-He gave wicker chair to Narcisa
-He gave his niece Angelica a handkerchief
-To Trinidad, he gave an alcohol burner and said that
there is something important on it
- Rizal placed his last poem on Alcohol burner that he
gave to Trinidad “Mi Ultimo Adios” My Last Farewell

-Dr. Felipe Castillo checked Rizal’s pulse and find it


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