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Kabankalan Catholic College

College of Business and Accountancy

Guanzon St., Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

One KCC, One Portal: Unifying Kabankalan Catholic College Community

through a Comprehensive Online Platform
A Website Project Proposal

A partial fulfillment to the course requirements in

IT 302 Web Systems and Technologies
First Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024


Gicos, Kobe John V. – Team Leader

Estrope, Natalie Nicole P. – Project Manager

Apdo, Julienne -

Laurico, Jotham -

Palapas, Alvin Jay T. -

Guillen, Sharon -

Submitted to:



I. Introduction 2

II. Project Objectives and Scope 2

III. Methodology 2

Iv. Key Features and Deliverables 2

V. Timeline 2

Vi. Team and Resources 2

VIi. Budget and Cost Estimate 2

VIIi. Conclusion 2

ix. Appendices 2

Unveiling Kabankalan Catholic's Digital Portal

Nestled in the heart of Kabankalan, Negros Occidental, Kabankalan Catholic College

pulsates with the vibrant energy of learning and faith. For generations, its hallowed halls have
nurtured young minds and hearts, shaping them into pillars of the community. However, in an
age where the digital landscape reigns supreme, Kabankalan Catholic College recognizes the
need to extend its reach beyond the physical boundaries of its campus. This endeavor culminates
in the creation of a dedicated website, not merely a digital brochure, but a dynamic portal
pulsating with the essence of the Kabankalan Catholic College experience.

This website transcends the limitations of brick and mortar, weaving a tapestry of
connection that unites past, present, and future. Alumni scattered across the globe can relive their
formative years, reliving cherished memories and forging bonds with fellow graduates. Parents
entrusted with the care of their children can delve into the vibrant tapestry of school life,
witnessing the values instilled within their beloved offspring. Prospective students, brimming
with anticipation, can embark on a virtual tour, their curiosity piqued by glimpses of academic
excellence, spiritual growth, and a nurturing community.

This website is not merely a repository of information, but a platform for engagement. It
fosters a vibrant online community, where news and events pulsate in real-time, fostering a sense
of belonging and shared purpose. Parents can stay abreast of their children's academic progress,
while students can access valuable resources and connect with peers and teachers beyond the
confines of the classroom.

Moreover, the website serves as a window to the world, showcasing Kabankalan Catholic
College's unique spirit and unwavering commitment to its core values. It becomes a beacon of
hope and inspiration, radiating the transformative power of Catholic education to a wider
audience. Through compelling stories, captivating visuals, and interactive features, the website
paints a vivid picture of the transformative journey undertaken within the hallowed halls of
Kabankalan Catholic College.

So, embark on this virtual pilgrimage, and allow Kabankalan Catholic College to unveil
its digital portal, a testament to its enduring legacy and a springboard for its dynamic future.
Project Objectives and Scope

To define the scope of the proposed online platform for Kabankalan Catholic College
(KCC), encompassing kindergarten, elementary, junior high, senior high, and college programs.



Purpose: To create a unified online platform that serves as a central hub for
communication, information exchange, resource sharing, and community engagement for all
KCC stakeholders (students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni).

Understanding KCC's Legacy:

 Humble Beginnings (1926): KCC's story starts in 1926, established by the Missionary Sisters of
St. Paul de Chartres as a primary school for girls.

 Expansion and Transformation: Over the years, KCC flourished, expanding its offerings to
include secondary education and eventually transforming into a full-fledged college in 1964.

 Nurturing Faith and Knowledge: Throughout its journey, KCC has remained dedicated to its core
values, emphasizing Catholic education while providing quality academic programs across
various disciplines.

Navigating the KCC Campus:

To better understand the scope of the "One KCC, One Portal" project, here's a map of the
KCC campus:

The map can be further integrated into the online platform, allowing users to:

 Locate classrooms, administrative offices, and other facilities with ease.

 Explore campus amenities like libraries, sports complex, and green spaces.
 Discover hidden gems and historical landmarks within the KCC grounds.

Connecting the KCC Community:

By incorporating the rich history and intricate map of the KCC campus into the "One
KCC, One Portal" platform, the project strives to:
 Foster a sense of community and belonging among students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
 Enhance communication and collaboration within the KCC network.
 Provide a readily accessible resource for information and updates about college events and
 Preserve the legacy of KCC and its impact on the Kabankalan community.

Target Audience: The entire KCC community, across all program levels.

Platform Functionality: Core functionalities may include:

Communication tools: Internal messaging, forums, discussion boards, and chat features for
enhanced communication within and across program levels.

Academic resources: Online access to curriculum materials, assignments, class schedules,

grades, and learning management tools.

Administrative services: Online platform for student registration, fees payment, application
processes, and document management.

Community features: Alumni directories, event calendars, volunteer opportunities, and social
networking tools to foster community spirit.

Specific Scope by Program Level:

Kindergarten: Age-appropriate content, parent-teacher communication tools, educational games

and activities, and resources for early childhood development.

Elementary School: Curriculum resources, interactive learning tools, homework management

features, and parent-teacher communication channels.

Junior High School: Subject-specific resources, project collaboration tools, extracurricular

activity management, and career exploration resources.

Senior High School: College application guidance, scholarship information, subject-specific

resources aligned with track specializations, and career preparation tools.

College: Online course portal, access to learning materials and assessments, student registration
and transcript systems, alumni networks, and career placement services.

Unifying KCC through Digital Pathways

The development of "One KCC, One Portal," a comprehensive online platform
for Kabankalan Catholic College, demands a multifaceted approach that integrates
qualitative and quantitative research methods. This methodology aims to capture the
diverse needs and perspectives of the various stakeholders, ensuring the platform truly
resonates with the KCC community.

1. User Research:

Focus Groups: Facilitated discussions with smaller groups of stakeholders will foster
deeper understanding of their specific concerns, suggestions, and technological

2. Content Analysis:

Existing KCC websites and communication channels: Analyzing current websites,

newsletters, and social media platforms will reveal existing communication gaps and
content needs to be addressed by the new platform.
Benchmarking against other educational websites: Evaluating successful online platforms
of similar institutions will offer valuable insights into best practices and potential features
for "One KCC, One Portal."

3. Technical feasibility and development:

Technology stack selection: Researching and identifying the most suitable

technologies and tools to support the platform's functionalities, scalability, and security.
Prototyping and user testing: Developing low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes will
allow for iterative testing and refinement based on user feedback.
Implementation and integration: Utilizing agile development methodologies, the platform
will be built and integrated with existing KCC systems, ensuring seamless data flow and

4. Evaluation and Monitoring:

Website analytics: Tracking user engagement, traffic patterns, and content

utilization will provide valuable data for ongoing monitoring and improvement.
User feedback surveys: Regular surveys will allow the continuous assessment of user
satisfaction and identification of areas for improvement.
Key Features and Deliverables

Unified Homepage Design:

A visually appealing and intuitive homepage that serves as a central hub for all users.

Quick access to essential features, news, and announcements.

User-friendly navigation for seamless exploration.

Community Forums and Social Interaction:

Forums or discussion boards for students, faculty, and staff to engage in discussions.

Private messaging system for direct communication within the platform.

Integration with social media platforms for wider reach.

Community Forums and Social Interaction:

Forums or discussion boards for students, faculty, and staff to engage in discussions.

Private messaging system for direct communication within the platform.

Integration with social media platforms for wider reach.

Responsive Design:

Cross-device compatibility to ensure usability on desktops, laptops, tablets, and


Responsive design elements for optimal viewing and interaction on various screen sizes.

Alumni Engagement:

Dedicated section for alumni with features like alumni directories and job postings.

Alumni networking events and features to connect with current students.

Platforms for sharing success stories and achievements.

By incorporating these key features, functionalities, and deliverables, the "One KCC, One
Portal" website aims to create a cohesive and inclusive online platform that enhances
communication, collaboration, and engagement within the Kabankalan Catholic College

Project Phase 1: Planning and Requirement Gathering (Estimated duration: 2 months)

 Week 1-2: Initial stakeholder consultations (administration, faculty, students) to gather needs and
 Week 3-4: Define project scope, objectives, and desired platform functionalities.
 Week 5-6: Research existing online platforms and identify best practices.
 Week 7-8: Create a detailed website/portal structure and user flow diagram.
 Week 9-10: Finalize content requirements and determine data migration needs.

Project Phase 2: Development and Design (Estimated duration: 3 months)

 Month 1: Develop back-end functionalities and database integrations.

 Month 2: Design user interface mockups and prototypes for core modules (academic
resources, news & events, communication tools).
 Month 3: Implement front-end features based on approved mockups and conduct initial user

Project Phase 3: Testing and Deployment (Estimated duration: 1 month)

 Week 1-2: Conduct thorough internal testing with various user groups.
 Week 3-4: Address identified bugs and refine functionalities based on feedback.
 Week 5-6: Launch pilot program with limited user access for further testing and feedback.

Project Phase 4: Evaluation and Refinement (Estimated duration: 1 month)

 Week 1-2: Analyze pilot program data and user feedback to identify areas for improvement.
 Week 3-4: Implement final platform updates and modifications based on evaluation results.
 Week 5-6: Prepare for full platform launch and user training materials.

Project Launch:

 Month 7: Official launch of "One KCC, One Portal" platform for the entire Kabankalan Catholic
College community.
Team and Resources


 Team Leader: Responsible for overseeing the entire project, setting goals, assigning tasks, and
motivating the team.
 Project Manager: Handles day-to-day operations, coordinates resources, tracks progress, and
ensures project deliverables meet deadlines and budget.
 Business Analyst: Analyse requirements, gathers user feedback, defines platform
functionalities, and ensures the platform aligns with KCC's needs.
 Software Architect: Designs the platform's infrastructure, defines technology stack, and ensures
scalability and security.
 Developers: Implement the platform's functionalities, write code, and integrate various
components. Consider specifying front-end, back-end, and mobile developers based on
 UX/UI Designers: Create user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for the
platform, focusing on intuitiveness and responsiveness.


 Hardware and software: Servers, development tools, design software, communication tools, and
collaboration platforms.
 Data and content: Existing school data, user-generated content, and resources for platform
 Training and support: Training for team members on new technologies and ongoing support for
platform users.
 Budget: Financial resources allocated for development, deployment, and maintenance of the
Budget and Cost Estimates

Project Breakdown:

1. Development:

o Software Development:
 Backend/API development: $12 (Estimate per hour/developer x estimated hours)
 Frontend development: $30 (Estimate per hour/developer x estimated hours)
 Database setup and configuration: $10 (Fixed cost/specialist)
o Content Management System (CMS):
 License fee: $30 (One-time or annual subscription)
 Customization: $20 (Estimate per hour/developer x estimated hours)
2. Design:

o User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design:

 Wire framing and prototyping: $12 (Fixed cost/designer x number of screens)
 Visual design and branding: $25 (Fixed cost/designer)
o Graphic Design:
 Logos, icons, and other visual assets: $10 (Fixed cost/designer)
3. Content Creation:

o Website Content:
 Writing and editing: $5 (Per word/content writer x word count)
 Proofreading and editing: $20 (Fixed cost/editor)

4. SEO:
o Keyword research and optimization: $50 (Fixed cost/SEO specialist)
o Technical SEO audit and implementation: $100 (Fixed cost/SEO specialist)
o Ongoing content optimization and link building: $80(Monthly retainer/SEO agency)
5. Maintenance and Support:

o Hosting: $10 (Monthly/annual cost based on website traffic and resource needs)
o Security and backups: $19 (Monthly/annual cost based on chosen security measures)
o Bug fixes and ongoing maintenance: $20 (Per hour/developer x estimated hours)
6. Other Expenses:

o Domain name registration: $10 (Annual fee)

o Testing and quality assurance: $12 (Fixed cost/QA specialist)
o Training and user support: $10 (Fixed cost/trainer)
o Project management tools and software: $15 (One-time or monthly subscriptions)

Overall Total Estimated Budget: $500

Transparency and Justification:

 Development costs are based on estimated hours and average developer rates in our region.
 Design costs depend on the complexity of the platform and designer fees.
 Content creation costs vary based on word count, complexity, and desired video content.
 SEO costs are estimates based on typical services offered by SEO specialists and agencies.
 Maintenance and support costs depend on hosting requirements, security measures, and ongoing
development needs.
 Other expenses are listed with their approximate costs, and details can be adjusted based on
specific choices.

Reaffirming Our Vision:

Through "One KCC, One Portal," we propose a comprehensive online platform to unify
the Kabankalan Catholic College community under a single digital roof. This project,
meticulously crafted to align with your vision and objectives, aims to bridge geographical
distances, strengthen communication, and foster a vibrant online presence for KCC.

Recap of Key Goals and Benefits:

 Unifying Platform: Create a central hub for news, events, announcements, resources, and online
services – accessible to all stakeholders anytime, anywhere.
 Enhanced Communication: Streamline communication channels between
administration, faculty, students, alumni, and parents, fostering transparency and collaboration.
 Knowledge Base & Resource Center: Build a dynamic repository of academic
resources, administrative documents, and school memorabilia, ensuring easy access and
 Strengthened Alumni Engagement: Develop dedicated communities for alumni to connect, share
experiences, and contribute to KCC's growth.
 Positive Brand Image: Project a united and modern KCC image to the outside world, attracting
future students and strengthening partnerships.

Addressing Specific Needs:

Our team has carefully analysed KCC's current challenges and aspirations, tailoring the
platform to address them head-on. The website will:

 Bridge the physical gap between geographically dispersed KCC members.

 Streamline administrative processes and information delivery.
 Enhance student engagement and learning with online resources and platforms.
 Foster a stronger sense of community and belonging among alumni.
 Provide a dynamic platform for fundraising, volunteer initiatives, and outreach programs.

Feasibility and Sustainability:

"One KCC, One Portal" is designed within a realistic scope, achievable timeframe, and
responsible budget. We have provided a transparent cost breakdown, justifying each investment
with its projected long-term benefit and return on investment. Our experienced team, led by
dedicated project managers and technical experts, ensures efficient implementation and ongoing

Call to Action:

We believe "One KCC, One Portal" is the next crucial step in solidifying KCC's vibrant
community and future success. We urge you to seriously consider our proposal and explore the
possibilities this platform holds. Let us schedule further discussions to address any questions and
refine the project to perfectly suit your needs. Together, we can build a digital bridge that
empowers, connects, and strengthens the KCC community for generations to come.

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