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Task 1


NIM :049839949
Kode/Nama MK :PBIS4202.12
Tugas ke- :1

In this session I will tell you about my job as an English teacher, where I
work and what I like and don't like about my job.
Apart from being a teacher of tahfidz Al-Qur'an and Al Hadith in several
institutions, I also work as an English teacher at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamiyah
Kepohbaru, Bojonegoro and the Learning Assistance Institute "As Shobrun
Jamil" Kepohbaru, Bojonegoro, my own.
I like my job as an elementary school English teacher because:
 Elementary level learning material is still very basic and not difficult.
 Learning with children is also fun because we can have fun by learning while
playing so it doesn't feel boring when learning English. Learning English using
learning media such as colored pictures, cards, listening to songs and watching
videos on YouTube is very fun for us.
What I don't like about being an English teacher for elementary school age
children is
 There are still some children who cannot read and write
 There are also some children who find it difficult to pronounce
 Children feel unfamiliar with English, so there are children who feel
uninterested/don't like English.
However, I will continue to try and strive to make learning English more
fun and interesting for them.

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