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English GK Fr.

Hamza, Omar, Eva, Mariam
The Media: Internet

Facts & Figures:

-Over 4.2 billion people use the internet globally (2021)
-Facebook has the highest number of active users with over 2.8 billion users (2021)
-Other popular social media platforms: Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat
-Social media usage varies by age group: younger generations preferring TikTok and Snapchat
while older generations favor Facebook
-Social media is used for various purposes: staying connected with friends and family, sharing
news and information, promoting businesses and products, and entertainment

Benefits & Dangers:

-Allows us to connect with People from all over the World
-Provide a Plattform for sharing information and news quickly and easily
-Used to promote businesses and Products
-Provide a plattform for marginalized groups to connect and share their experiences
-Privacy invasions are a concern, as personal information can be shared and accessed by others
without permission
-Pornographic content can be easily accessed on some platforms, posing a risk to minors
-Cyberbullying is a growing concern, with users being targeted and harassed online
—>Screenshots of threatening messages or stories from victims of bullying
-Voilent or hateful content can be shared on some platforms, contributing to the spread of extremist
-Addiction to social media can be a concern, with users spending excessive amounts of time online
and neglecting other areas of their life


-Some (marginalized) groups use social media to connect and help each other
-Social media has many benefits but also danger
-Important thing is: to be aware
-Social media must be used very responsibly

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