第十二份微积分笔记chapter3.1 Tangent and Normal

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第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.

1 tangent and normal

3.1 tangent and normal
1 给切点找斜率
2 给斜率找切点
3 给外面的点

重点一:第一种题目:给切点找斜率 Example 3.1
Example 1 x
2 find the equation of tangent and normal to the graph y at the point where x=3 随
Given curve yx , find the gradient of tangent at point (2,4) 7x

Example 2
Given curve y  x 2 , the gradient of tangent at a point A is 6, find point of contact.

重点三:有点有斜率,就可以写方程式了: y-y1=m(x-x1)
Example 3
given a curve y  x 2  x  1 , find the equation of tangent and normal at point (1,3).
y  3  (2 x  1)( x  1) 一条直线怎么可能是 quadratic?!!

要做的功课 stage 1
1 find the equation of tangent of function f ( x)  x 4  2 x 3 at x=1.Ans:y=-2x+1

第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
要做的功课 stage 1
Example 4 2 The parabola y  x2  C is to be tangent to the line y  x , find C.
Find the equation of tangent to curve yx such that it is parallel to y  3x  5 2
题目的意思是 y  x  C 上有一点的切线是 y=x

重点四:normal 没有用的,需要换去 tangent

Example 5
Find the equation of normal to curve y  x2 such that it is parallel to y   x5

Example 4.1

given y  x 3  3a 2 x  b touches x-axis(与 x 轴相切),express b2 in a

第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 6.1 (字小)
重点五:第三种题目:给外面一点 find the gradient of tangent line to the curve f ( x)  ( x  1) 3 where the tangent line pass
Example 6 through (0,0)
find the gradient of the tangent line to the curve y  x 2 , if the tangent line passes through

要做的功课 stage 1
3 given y  x , find the equation of tangent that passes through (1,1).
ans:y=3x-2, y=0.75x+0.25
第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 7.1
重点六:两条切线的题目,也是每条线找出切点斜率! If the tangent to the curve y  x 2 at the point (1,1) is parallel to the normal of curve
Example 7 7
y  px 2  q at point (1, ) , find the value of p and q .
If the tangent to the curve y  x2 at the point (1,1) is parallel to the normal of curve y  x2 4
at point ( p, q ) , find the value of p and q.

要交的功课 stage 1
4 Let y  4 x  x .At what point is the tangent line to the graph perpendicular to the
line tangent to the graph at (0,0)

第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 7.2 Example 8.1
If the curve y  ax 2 and y  x 2  bx  c touch each other at point (1,2),find a , b, c find the equation of tangent to the curve y 2  4 xy  x 2  5 whose gradient is 0. 随便画个

Example 8
given x 2  xy  y 2  1 , find the equation of tangent at point (1,1)

要做的功课 stage 1
5 given x 2  y 2  1 , find the equation of tangent to the curve if its gradient is 2.
第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 9.1
Example 9  1
x  2 tan  2 x  t  t
Given a curve defined by the parametric equations and y  3sec  .Find Given a curve  , find the equation of the tangent to the curve whose gradient is 2.
 y  t 
the equation of the tangent to the curve when  .  t

要做的功课 stage 1
 1
6 Given a curve
 t , find the point on which its tangent has gradient 5
 1 3
y  t 
 t
第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 10 Example 12
Find the common tangent of curves y  1 x2 and y  1  x 2 What is the largest value the slope of the curve y  sin x can ever have?
没有的东西就自己 let 2
问你 slope 最大多少,当然先把 slope 式子写出来啦!

Example 11
(i) How many horizontal tangent lines are there for y  x  3x 2  3x
(ii) for what value or values of the constant k will the curve
y  x 3  kx 2  3 x  4 have exactly one horizontal tangent?

Example 12.1
What is the smallest slope on the curve y  x3  x

Example 13
Find the lines that perpendicular to x  4y  3 and touch the curve
1  
f ( x )  tan x  tan 3 x (   x  ) .
3 2 2

Example 14
Given the curve x 2  y 2  4 .Find the gradient of tangent that passes through point
( 0, ).
第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
Example 15 重点五:隐函数的切线斜率
Given that line y  4 x  a touches curve y  x 4  2 x 3  3x 2 at two different points, 6 Given x 2 y  xy 2  6 , find the x-coordinates of the point on which its tangent has
find a . ans:a=-4 gradient 5
Example 16 重点六:参数方程式的切线斜率
Tangent lines were drawn from point (a,2) to the curve y  x 3  3x 2  2 .
7 Given 

x  t 3  t , find the equation of tangent of which gradient is -1
(i) Show that if a  2 ,only one tangent line can be drawn. y  4  t

(ii) Find the range of a if only one tangent line can be drawn
Ans: 1/3<a<3
8 Find the range of values of k if y  2 x 3  3kx 2  6kx  6 has no horizontal

9 A curve has a gradient function
 kx  3 ,where k is constant. Given that the
Stage 2 Challenge dx
重点一:给切点找斜率 curve passes through (1,9) and at x=5,the gradient of the normal to the curve is  1 .
1 Find the equation of tangent to the curve y  2 x  1 at the point where x 1 13
3x  1 (i) find the value of k.
(ii) Find the equation of tangent at (1,9)
2 Let y 
 x 2 ,find all horizontal tangent. (也就是斜率为 0) 10 Find the x-coordinates of the point where the normal to f ( x )  x 2  3 x  1 at
x  1 intersects the curve again
重点三:normal 没用!转去 tangent 来做
3 Find the value of the constant k for which the line 2 y  3 x  k is a normal to
the curve y  2 x  x  3 11 Show that if the line y  mx  c is tangent to y  x 2  x  4 , then
m 2  2m  4c  15  0
重点四:两条切线的题目!也是要切点+斜率! Hence find the equations of the tangents to the curve which pass through (0,3)
x2 3
4 If the tangent to the curve y    x  2 at the point (2,3) is parallel to the
8 4
12 Given f ( x)  2 x 2  3x ,
normal of curve y  px 2  qx  3 at point (-1,-8), find the value of p and q .
Show that P ( h  1,2h  h  1) is a point on the curve y  f (x )
想想看是哪一种题目 If the normal at P passes through (-8,4), find the value of h corresponding to P.
5 A line passing through (0,3) and (5,-2) is the tangent to the curve y , find c.
x 1

第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
练习 1
13 Find the point where the curves y  x 3  3x  4 and y  3x 2  3x touch each 1. Find the equations for the lines that are tangent and normal to the curve
other.  
y  1  cos x at the given point  ,1 .
2 
14 A line normal to the curve y  2x 2 at a point in the first quadrant also passes
3x  9
 3 2 Find the gradient of tangent of the curve y at the point where the
through  0,  . find the equation for this line 2x2
 4 curve crosses the x-axis.

15 Show that the tangent to the curve y  x3 at any point ( a, a 3 ) meets the curve 3 Given that the gradient of the tangent to the curve y  ax 3  bx 2  3 at the

again at a point where the slope is four times the slope at ( a, a 3 ) point (1,4) is 7,calculate the value of a, b

16 A car is travelling at night along a highway shaped like a parabola with its vertex at
4 The equation of a curve is y  2x2  .The tangent to the curve at P
the origin
The car starts at a point 100m west and 100m north of the origin and travels in an where x  1 meets the x-axis at A and the y-axis at B,calculate the area of
easterly direction triangle AOB where O is origin
There is a statue located 100m east and 50m north of the origin
Find the x-coordinates of the point on the highway on which the car’s headlights 5 The equation of a curve is y  3 x  7 x  6 .the tangent to the curve at P(1,2)
illuminate the statue
meets the x-axis at A and the normal to the curve at the same point meets the y-
axis at B.Find A,B.

6 Find the value of the constant k for which the line 2 y  3x  k is a normal to
the curve y  2x2  x  3

7 Given a curve y  x 3 . The tangent to the curve at (1,1) cuts the curve again at
point Q, find coordinates of point Q. (随便画草图找思路)

8 The curve y  x 2  ax  b and y  cx  x 2 are tangent to each other at point

(1,0), find a,b,c. 题目的意思是,两条曲线在(1,0)相切,画图理解

1 3 x2 3
17 Find the range of gradient of tangents of curve y  x  x2  2x 1 9 If the tangent to the curve y  x  2 at the point (2,3) is parallel to the
3 8 4
normal of curve y  px 2  qx  3 at point (-1,-8), find the value of p
and q .

第十二份微积分笔记 chapter 3.1 tangent and normal
10. find the equation of tangent line to the curve f ( x)  4 x where the tangent line 
Given a parametric equation  x  cos t
, t  0,   , find equation of tangent at
pass through (-4,0)  y  sin t
point ( ,
1 3 3
11 if the line y  3x  k is tangent to the curve y  2 x 2  5 x  1 , find k. )
8 8
练习二 7 Find the equation of tangents to the curve y  x  x at the points where the
slope is 4. What is the smallest slope on the curve? At what value of x does the
1 Find the range of values of k such that y  x 3  kx 2  2 x  1 has exactly
curve have this slope?
two tangents with gradient 1.
8 于曲线 y  f ( x)  x 4  4 x 3  10 上,在 A(0,f(0)) 和 B(2,f(2)) 两点间 ,求一 点
2 Given function f ( x )  ax  , the tangent to the curve y  f (x) at P(c,f(c)) 使其在 P 点处之切线平行于割线 AB,并求此切线方程式
(2, f (2)) is 7 x  4 y  12  0 . find f (x)
9 Find the normal to the curve xy  2 x  y  0 that are parallel to the line 2 x  y  0 .

3 y  f (x) is a quadratic function whose curve is as shown. y  g (x) is

10 given x 2  y 2  1 , find the equation of gradient to the curve if its gradient is 2.
tangent to the curve with gradient=  1 , find f (x) . Ans:  x 2  x  2
 1
Hints:since it is quadratic, let f ( x)  ? 11 Given a curve 
t , find the equation of the tangent that passes
 1
y  t 
 t
through (1.6,0)

Stage 3 Challenge
1 3
1 If f ( x)  x  2 x 2  3x always has two points A and B on the curve such that
4 Given a curve y  x x  2 .The tangent of and the normal to the curve at their tangent are perpendicular to each other,find the range of x-coordinates of B.
P(2,4) meet the y-axis at T and N respectively.
Find the coordinates of T and N. n 1
2 Given curve y  x , n is positive integer.
Find the area of triangle PTN(用距离公式,本次考试应该不会出)
The tangent of curve at (1,1) cut x-axis at x  xn
Find x1 x2 ...xn
5 The tangent at point P (a, b) on the curve y  meets the x-axis and
Q and R
y-axis at respectively. Find coordinates of Q, R .hence, show 3
3 2 2
Given curve f ( x )  2 x  3 x  12 x  11 , g ( x )  3 x  6 x  12 , straight
that PQ  RP line l : y  kx  9 .
If l is common tangent to both f(x) and g(x). find k.


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