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Three Minutes


Three Minutes -26 and kR^iShNa are all simply His

enactments (lIlA-s) to help and
Who am I ! protect the good (siShTa
paripAlanam) and eliminate the bad
janma karma ca me divyam ones (duShTa nirgraham). One may
evam yo vetti tattvataH | doubt, if the Lord is all powerful, why
tyaktvA dehaM punar janma does He need to descend from
naiti mAm eti so’rjuna || shrIvaikuNTham to perform such
(lord KR^iShNa, bhagavad gItA 4-9) actions? There are two reasons for
this as AcArya-s point out. 1. The
arjuna - oh, arjuna Lord is brimming with love and
me janma - My birth compassion; He is like a father who
ca me karma - and My actions instinctively dives into the well to
divyam - (are) divine; rescue His child 2. He wants to give
evam - And so, Himself for His devotee's enjoyment.
ya vetti tattvatah - Who realizes (this) AzhvAr cries out, "Please come
reality down one day, so that I can see you
tyaktvA deham - (when) sheds (his)
" ( oru nAL kANa vArAyE). When he
sa na puna: janma - he (is) not born comes down as rAma and
again kR^iShNa, His devotees can touch,
eti mAm - (but) reaches out and comes play, send as a messenger
to me (pANDava dUtan), and ask Him to
drive the chariot (pArthasArathi) etc.
Lord KR^iShNa reveals the truth of He displays noble qualities (kalyANa
His descent to Earth (avatAra guNa-s) so that people can chant His
rahasyam). In this 4th chapter of name and have an opportunity to
bhagavad gItA, He says that though wipe out all sins. He wants to re-
He is birthless, He appears from age establish righteousness (dharma)
to age. Whenever there is a decline and eliminate the evils.
to righteousness and harm to good
people, He makes Himself to be Thus, the Lord assumes plant,
born. This particular verse translates animal and human forms. His body is
to - "arjuna, one who knows the divine (divyam) and not made of
mystical nature of my appearance material stuff like other cetana-s
and activities, is not reborn again on (individual soul). His birth is
leaving his body, but attains immortal/flawless and is beyond
mokSham, my eternal abode". prakR^iti (gross universal matter),
and the triguNa-s (three basic
shrIman nArAyaNa is all powerful characters) - sattva, rajas, tamas
(sarva shaktan), supreme (purity, passion and inertia).
(paramam), the final Lord Similarly, His actions are also divine.
(brahmam), and is beyond birth / svAmi ALavandAr questions "Who
death (samsAra) or accumulated has the character that is full of
deeds (karma). avatAra-s like rAma pristine purity" ( parama sattva

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Three Minutes

samAshraya ka:) and answers that it The Lord descends down -

is only shrIman nArAyaNa and none P - (to) Protect good people
other." Realizing this truth about R - (and to) Resurrect the shAstra
Lord's descent may not be easy, but, I - (but takes a form that is)
if one believes such knowledge Immortal
whole-heartedly and without any N - (it is real and) Not fake
doubt, one is able to escape the C - (and is) Complete with all noble
relentless birth-death cycle. qualities
E - (and established only because
In essence, understanding this truth of) Ego (sa~nkalpam).
will burn away all sins, which serve
as the basic hurdles for the bhakti or What we learn from here -
prapatti yoga. The cetana will
meditate on the Lord, will be 1. Lord makes numerous
interested only about Him, and will attempts to rescue us, but we
thus finally reach Him. We all talk are missing His cues.
about avatAra-s casually, but we
rarely realize that Lord makes all this 2. He has more vested interest.
only for us. svAmi deshikan notes, " We are His lost items and He
Greatness of Him is that to grant no- tries hard to get them back. A
birth status to us, He himself is born tamizh proverb says, "While the
here" ( piRavAmai tandiDa tAnE owned has one dip, the owner
piRakkum perumaigaLum). King takes nine dips ( uDamaikku oru
dasharatha did not get mokSham muzhukku. uDaiyavanukku
because he didn't realize that shI onbadu muzhukku).
rAma is Ishvaran. However, dadhi
pANDavan did and he got salvation. 3. Lord's divine stories are
He gave a place in his clay pot for mesmerizing. One should enjoy
KR^iShNa to hide from His mother, hearing them and spend time
but when KR^iShNa wanted to come contemplating about them.
out, dadhi pANDavan didn't open the
pot but demanded mokSham, 4. Respect everyone despite their
realizing that KR^iShNa is the Lord status. Lord uses various
Himself. He got mokSham in that examples and people to teach
birth itself. These examples serve to lessons for the world.
instill bhakti and realization in our
heart, not to put down others'
He who knows Him,
Lord's secrets of descent can be goes there
summarized through a mnemonic - He who has lost,
PRINCE as nammaazvaar describes lasts ever here
Him as "Prince in the sky" ( vAnil
iLavarasu ).

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