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Tullu Dimtu College

Accounting II
Unit of Competence: Apply 5S Procedures and OHS
Module Title : Applying 5S Procedures
TTLM Code : LSAACF2 091221
Learning outcome #
LO 1: Prepare for work
LO 2: Sort items
LO 3: Set all items in order
LO 4: perform Shine activities
LO 5: Standardize 5s
Lo 6: Sustain 5S
Lo – 1: Prepare for work
Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance (QA) is a process-centered approach to ensuring that a company or

organization is providing the best possible products or services. It is related to quality control,
which focuses on the end result, such as testing a sample of items from a batch after production.
Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, quality assurance focuses on
enhancing and improving the process that is used to create the end result, rather than focusing on
the result itself. Among the parts of the process that are considered in QA are planning, design,
development, production and service.

OHS requirements may include:

 Legislation/Regulations/Codes of practice and enterprise safety policies and procedures. This
may include protective clothing and equipment, use of tooling and equipment, workplace
environment and safety, handling of material, use of fire fighting equipment, enterprise first
aid, hazard control and hazardous materials and substances.
 Personal protective equipment is to include that prescribed under legislation/regulations/codes
of practice and workplace policies and practices.
 Safe operating procedures are to include, but are not limited to the conduct of operational risk
assessment and treatments associated with workplace organization.
Emergency procedures related to this unit are to include but may not be limited to emergency
shutdown and stopping of equipment, extinguishing fires, enterprise first aid requirements and
site evacuation.
Tools and equipment May include:
 Paint
 Hook
 Sticker
 Signboard
 Nails
 Shelves
 Chip wood
 Sponge
 Broom
 Pencil
 Shadow board/Tools board
Safety equipment and May include:
tools  Dust masks/goggles
 Glove
 Working cloth
 First aid and safety shoes

5S system
The heart and soul of visual management is 5S. It is systematic approach to workplace
organization and cleaning that will transform a disorganized workplace into an efficient running
The 5Ss are: listed by English & Japanese language
• Sort (Seiri) – The first step in 5S is to eliminate all the things in the workspace that are
not being used and store them away. If a tool are material is not used on a daily basis,
eliminate it from the workstation.
• Set in Order(Systematize / Stabilize / Straighten)(Seiton) – The second step is to
arrange the items used on a daily basis so that they can be easily accessed and quickly
stored. Your goal is to make eliminate any unnecessary movements and actions by the
worker to make his process as efficient as possible.
• Shine/Sweep/Clean (Seiso) – Next is to get everything cleaned and functioning
properly. The goal is to remove all the dirt and the grime and to keep it that way on daily
basis. You want to get it clean and keep it clean.
• Standardize/Sanitize (Seiketsu) – The fourth step is to develop a routine for sorting,
setting and shining. Standardize creates a system of tasks and procedures that will ensure
that the principles of 5S are performed on a daily basis.
• Sustain/Self-discipline (Shitsuke) – In the last step, you want to create a culture that
will follow the steps on a daily basis. The chief objective of sustain is to give your staff
the commitment and motivation to follow each step, day in and day out.
What is 5S?

5S is a systematized approach to:

* organize work areas
* keep rules and standards
* maintain discipline

5S utilizes:
* workplace organization
* work simplification techniques
5S practice:
* develops positive attitude among workers cultivates an environment of efficiency,
effectiveness and economy

What can you gain from 5S?
Practicing 5S brings benefit not only to thecompany’s business but also to the people who
practice it.
• 5S makes your workplace more pleasant
• 5S makes you work more efficiently
• 5S improves your safety
What can a company gain from 5S?

P 5S increases PRODUCTIVITY.
Q 5S improves QUALITY.
C 5S reduces COST.
D 5S makes DELIVERY on time.
S 5S improves SAFETY.
M 5S improves MORALE.

Why 5S brings such benefits?

• 5S improves CREATIVITY of people.

• 5S improves COMMUNICATION among people.
• 5S improves HUMAN RELATIONS among people.
• 5S improves TEAMWORK among people.
• 5S improves CAMARADERIE among people.
• 5S gives VITALITY to people.
• Decrease in the number of accidents and close calls
• Proper storage
• Improved productivity
• Greater people involvement in improvement activities
• Better use of floor space
• Early detection of problems
• High product quality
• Decreases delay
• Low employee turnover
• Low machine breakdown rates
• Detection system
• Zero breakdown
• Happier employees with high morale.
• Happier customers.

 Productivity comes from the elimination of waste

 It is necessary to attack the root cause of a problem, not just the symptoms
 Participation of everybody is required

Lo – 2 :Sort items
Items May include:  Tools
 Jigs/Fixtures
 Materials/components
 Machine and equipment
 Manuals
 Documents
 Personal items (e.g. Bags, lunch boxes and posters)
 Safety equipment and personal protective equipment
 Other items which happen to be in the work area

Sorting is a step that involves selecting what you need to complete the job and removing
everything else from your work area.
 Taking out and disposing unnecessary items.
 Sort/classify the items that you “need” from the items that you “want or not
 Dispose the items that you do not need and regroup the items that you need..
Clearly distinguish needed (frequently used) items from unneeded items and eliminate the later.


Step 1: - Look around your workplace with your colleagues.

- Decide and identify which items are unnecessary for you.
- Dispose of unnecessary items.
Step 2: - If you and your colleagues cannot decide if an item is unnecessary, place a Disposal
Notice on the item, indicate the date and set the item aside.

Step 3: - After a certain period, check if the item is still needed or not.
- If no one needs the item after 3 months, it only means that the item is no longer needed
hence, dispose the item right away.
• It is recommended that this approach be used company-wide, involving people
from different departments.
• Never keep anything which is unnecessary to your work.
• While looking around for unnecessary items in your workplace, look at every
nook and corner like when you are looking for cockroaches.

Lo – 3 Set all items in order


This step customizes your workstation and surrounding area to meet your work area needs.
Arrange remaining items so they are easy to select, use, and to return to their proper location.
 Arrangement / organization of necessary items in good order for use.
Keep needed items in correct place and sequence of use to allow easy and quick retrieval.
Step 1: - Make sure that all unnecessary items are eliminatedfrom your workplace.
- Decide where you can place necessary items.
- Take into consideration the flow of your work.
- Take into account the movement of carts or even people passing your desk from this
point of view to ensure safe and efficient operation.
Step 2: - Place frequently needed items close to the user to minimize effort and time wastage.
- Things that are not used often could be placesslightly farther away.
- Make a plan on these principles and locate/storethings accordingly.
Placement of Materials/Equipment Based on Frequency of Use

Priority Frequency of Use How to Store

Low Less than once a year Throw away
Once a year or so Store in distant place
Once every 2-6 months
Average Once a month Store together some-
Once a week where in the office
High Once a day Carry or keep at
Once an hour your workplace

STEP 3: - It is necessary to make sure that everyone in your workplace knows where things are
kept for efficient use.
- Make a list of things with their locations.

- Label each drawer and cabinet to show what is kept inside.
STEP 4: - Apply the same principles as in Step 3.
- Indicate the places where fire extinguishers arelocated as well as passages for carts.
- Place warning signs for safety precautions.

Three Rules for Storage Space
• Get rid of all unnecessary items
• Decide proper storage layout/classification
• Standardize names
Arrange necessary items in good order
 prevent loss and waste of time
 easy to find and pick up necessary items
 ensure first-come-first-served basis
 make production flow smooth and work easy
 Don’t place goods in frontage along passages
 Store goods for first-in-first-out retrieval
 Everything must have its location
 Label items and their location systematically, mark everything
 Separate special tools from common ones
 Frequently used items nearer to the user
 Make things visible to reduce searching time, organize by color
 Keep space for safety equipment and evacuation passages clear

Things used constantly Place as close
as possible

Things Things used occasionally Place a little

Needed Further away

Seldom used, Enclose in a separate,

but still needed Designated place
Immediate disposal
No potential use

Things Consider where

Potentially useful Useful and move
not or valuable

Arrange responsible,
Requiring special disposal
Inexpensive disposal

Lo – 4 perform Shine activities

Shine ActivityMay  Inspection
include:  Cleaning
 Minor maintenance May include, but not limited to:
 Tightening bolts
 Lubrication and Replacing missing parts
This step is powerful because its purpose is to find the reason why things become dirty.
Emphasis is on the removal of dust, dirt and grime to reveal the source and eliminate it.
 Cleaning of the workplace, including tools and equipment
Clean it so that defects are so easy to spot and eliminate.

Step 1: - Determine the subject of clean up (what to clean)

e.g, location (storage, shelves, etc.), equipment, space (passageway, room, etc.)
Step 2: - Assign persons responsible for cleanup (who, where).
Step 3: - Determine the method of clean up (how to do it).
- Target the ff areas for cleaning (storage, equipment and surroundings)
- Draw up a cleaning responsibility map
- Create a cleaning schedule.
Step 4: - Implement cleaning.
Step 5: - Make a daily 5-minute cleaning habit before going home (Keep it simple and easy to

• Do not wait until things get dirty.

• Clean your workplace; machines and equipment, tools and furniture regularly.
• Put aside 3-minute of seiso per day.
• Be responsible for your own work area.
• Never throw anything and make it your habit.
• Cleaning is also checking.
Clean your workplace completely
 keep environmental condition as clean as the level necessary for the products
 prevent deterioration of machinery and equipment and make checking of
abnormalities easy
 Keep workplace safe and work easy
 Big Seiso ( Clean-Up Day )
 3-5 minute cleaning daily
 Assign owner to each machine
 Combine cleaning with inspection
 Make daily maintenance points clear by providing visible instructions
 Prevent causes of dust and dirt
Lo – 5 Standardize 5s
Tools and techniques May include:
to standardize 5S  5S Job Cycle Charts
 Visual 5S
 The Five Minute 5S
 Standardization level checklist
 5S checklist
 The five Whys and one How approach(5W1H),Suspension
 Incorporation and Use Elimination,5S slogans,5S posters
 5S photo exhibits and storyboards,5S newsletter,5S maps,5S pocket
manuals,5S department/benchmarking tours,5S months,5S audit,
Awarding system
 Big cleaning day
 Patrolling system May include, but not limited to:
 Top management Patrol
 5S Committee members and Promotion office Patrol
 Mutual patrol
 Self-patrol
 Checklist and Camera patrols
Relevant procedures May include, but not limited to:
 Assign 5S responsibilities
 Integrate 5S duties into regular work duties
 Check on 5S maintenance level
 OHS measures such as signage, symbols / coding and labelling of
workplace and equipment
 Creating conditions to sustain your plans
 Roles in implementation
Reporting May include, but not limited to:
 Verbal responses
 Data entry into enterprise database
 Brief written reports using enterprise report formats

This step creates a work area free of checklists; if good standards are put in place it will be easier
to maintain and continue improving.
 Maintaining the workplace in high standard of housekeeping and organization.
Set easy-to-follow standards and develop a structure to support the three first (S’s) pillars.


Step 1: - Establish standards for maintaining compliancewith 3S.

- Remember the 3 “NO” principles:
 No unnecessary items
 No mess
 No dirt
Step 2: - Make a schedule for cleaning your workplace.
Step 3: - Interdepartmental competition and cooperation is avery effective means of sustaining
and enhancingpeople’s interest in 5S
Maintain a high standard of housekeeping and workplace organization at all times.

 Maintain cleanliness and orderliness

 Prevent miss-operation
 Make it easy to find out abnormality
 Standardize good practices

 Visual control signs
 Color coding
 Maintenance labels
 Fixed-point photography

Lo – 6 Sustain 5S
Sustaining is the end result of how well we have performed the previous four S’s. In the
sustainability stage, think of ways to eliminate effort in maintaining an area.
 Doing things spontaneously without being told.
Educate people so that 5S expands beyond initial limits and turns into natural standard behavior.

Step 1: - Create reasonable rules.
 Create reasonable rules of behavior in the workplace. Engage everyone concerned
in the creation of rules not just the department heads or supervisors.
 Discuss the rules with everyone concerned. This will result to a feeling of
 Show rules and standards clearly and attractively using illustrations, photographs
and color-coding.
Step 2: - Exhibit before and after 5S photos where everyone will see them.
Step 3: - Recognize good practices and good performance.
Train people to follow good housekeeping rules autonomously.
• Enhance autonomous management activities
• Maintain the discipline needed to do a good job
• Upgrade productivity and quality consciousness
 Wash hands after going to the toilet
 Wash hands before and after meals
 Eat and smoke at designated places
 Keep workplace always clean and tidy
 Wear clean uniform and shoes
 Follow safety rules
 Put things back in their proper places
 Work according to standards
 Observe proper office decorum

I. Write the correct answer on the blank space.
1. ____________ is a process-centered approach to ensuring that a company or organization is
providing the best possible products or services.
2. _____________typically require a strong knowledge of the business processes of an
3. Write the 5S in Japanese and English terms.
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________

4. What is 5S?
5. 5S is a systematized approach to:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
6. What can a company gain from 5S?
P. __________________
Q. __________________
C. ___________________
D. ___________________
S. ___________________
M. ___________________
7. What are the benefits of 5S?
A. _______________
B. _______________
C. ________________
D. ________________
E. ________________
F. ________________
8. __________is a step that involves selecting what you need to complete the job and removing
everything else from your work area.
9. ___________ is Arrangement / organization of necessary items in good order for use.
10. What is the use of arranging necessary items in good order in implementing the 5S?
i. _______________________
ii. _______________________
iii. _______________________
iv. _______________________
11. _______________is powerful because its purpose is to find the reason why things become
12. _______________a work area free of checklists; if good standards are put in place it will be
easier to maintain and continue improving.
13. _______________ is the end result of how well we have performed the previous four S’s.


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