Positive Thought Healing Steps - General Well-Being

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Positive Thought Healing: General Well-being

1. Follow the sound of my voice

2. Close your eyes and relax
3. Slow down and deepen your breathing – breathe in, breathe out
4. Keep this steady rhythm of relaxed deep breaths
5. With each breath, you relax a little more
6. Focus on this relaxing breathing for a few minutes
7. Now, I’d like you to ask yourself, “How do I feel?” Do you feel happy? Sad? Frustrated?
Stressed? Or something else?
8. Let’s now locate “where” this thought is coming from:
a. Where within yourself does this feeling seem to most affect you? Your head? Heart?
Stomach? Back? Somewhere else?
b. Do you have a pre-existing physical injury or weakness in that area before you
started feeling this new dis-ease? If yes, where are they?
c. Can you recall if this physical discomfort occurs at specific times of the day, week,
month, or year? If yes, can you see the pattern and stop it now?
d. Then ask yourself, “Does the thought seem to correlate with the physical location of
my pain?” If yes, what is the connection?
9. Let’s now work out “why” you keep thinking about it:
a. Ask yourself, “Is this ailment connected to an emotional issue I know about but am
ignoring?” If yes, what is that issue?
b. Now ask yourself, “Is this thought a memory (past) I keep recalling, or a notion (now,
future) I keep thinking about over and over again?”
c. If you’re having multiple negative thoughts, which one seems to affect you the
most? Ones of loss? Ones of anger? Ones of jealousy?
d. Lastly, ask yourself, “Do I already know these thoughts aren’t healthy for me, but I
just can’t seem to stop thinking about them?”
10. Take a deep breath in and honour the feelings you’re experiencing right now, whether good
or bad.
a. Recognize and pay respect to your physical self for all its efforts to help you. Smile
and say something like: “I honour my physical body for letting me know we’re
experiencing pain. I am sorry for it, but I still love you and thank you” or you can do
something else which clearly expresses love for your physical being.
b. It’s now time to appreciate the negative feelings for what they are – sign posts for
you to pay attention to and to then choose a better way. Now I want you to clearly
express appreciation for your energetic body’s role in our healing process. Smile
and say “I honour my energetic body for feeling this emotional pain. I am sorry for it,
but I still love you and thank you.”
11. Now, quickly think of something which makes you physically smile or that emotionally
warms your heart. Is it something funny your pet did? A joke or comedian you laughed at
recently? A kind gesture a loved on expressed to you? Think of anything, right now, which
will release your goodness.

Copyright © 2021 Infinite Gratitude t/a Natural Healer. All rights reserved. https://naturalhealer.com.au
12. With those happier thoughts, let your imagination expand and lean into the positive.
Imagine yourself rescuing a helpless animal or person, see yourself accepting a coveted
award, winning the lottery – anything which will expand those good feelings further.
13. Use the next few minutes to relax so you can feel these amazingly positive feelings wrap
around you – be proud because these good feelings were created by your positive thoughts!
14. It’s now time to visualise your body healing:
a. Where ever the issue, ailment, or area of concern resides in your body – see it start
b. As it softens, see your energy being unravel the dis-ease and sweep the negativity
away from the area;
c. While this is happening, your physical cells start getting excited about the space they
now have to heal in! They start rebuilding themselves, getting healthier and
d. At the same time, your physical body helps by pushing out toxins and you feel all
inflammation calming down;
e. Your energy body searches all the corners of this spot, looking for left-over
negativity. If it finds any, it quickly and effectively sweeps it up and releases it from
your entire being – this further allows the physical area to heal.
15. Let’s soak up this healing energy now for a few minutes more because the longer you can
linger in this state, the more healing can be done.
16. It’s now time to complete your infinite circle of healing by expressing gratitude. Whether you
say this out loud or in your mind doesn’t matter – just take a moment to be grateful for the
good work that has been done: “I thank my mind, brain, physical body, and energy body for
always serving me, supporting me, and healing me. I love you and thank you.”
17. The key now is to repeat this process, as much as needed, as long as it’s helping you.
Whether that’s daily, weekly, or monthly – whatever interval which you will stick with is
going to be the right one for you.
18. Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes – and smile.

Copyright © 2021 Infinite Gratitude t/a Natural Healer. All rights reserved. https://naturalhealer.com.au

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